The Confessor’s Tongue for January 24, A. D. 2016 345h Sunday after Pentecost; St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, St. Xenia of Rome In honor of St. Maximus the Confessor, whose tongue and right hand were cut off in an attempt by compromising authorities to silence his uncompromising confession of Christ’s full humanity & divinity. Le 24 January: St. Xenia of St. Petersburg When a new church was being built in the Smolensk cemetery, St Xenia brought bricks to the St. Xenia lived during the eighteenth century, but site. She did this in secret, during the night, so that no little is known of her life or of her family. She passed one would know. most of her life in Petersburg during the reigns of the Soon her great virtue and spiritual gifts began to empresses Elizabeth and Catherine II. be noticed. She prophesied future events affecting the Xenia Grigorievna Petrova was the wife of an citizens of Petersburg, and even the royal family. army officer, Major Andrew Petrov. After the Against her will, she became known as someone wedding, the couple lived in St Petersburg. St Xenia pleasing to God, and nearly everyone loved her. They became a widow at the age of twenty-six when her said, “Xenia does not belong to this world, she husband suddenly died at a party. She grieved for the belongs to God.” People regarded her visits to their loss of her husband, and especially because he died homes or shops as a great blessing. St Xenia loved without Confession or Holy Communion. children, and mothers rejoiced when the childless Once her earthly happiness ended, she did not widow would stand and pray over a baby’s crib, or kiss look for it again. From that time forward, Xenia lost a child. They believed that the blessed one’s kiss interest in the things of this world, and followed the would bring that child good fortune. difficult path of foolishness for the sake of Christ. St Xenia lived about forty-five years after the The basis for this strange way of life is to be found in death of her husband, and departed to the Lord at the the first Epistle to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 1:18-24, 1 age of seventy-one. The exact date and circumstances Cor. 2:14, 1 Cor. 3:18-19). The Lord strengthened her of her death are not known, but it probably took and helped her to bear sorrow and misfortune place at the end of the eighteenth century. She was patiently for the next forty-five years. buried in the Smolensk cemetery. She started wearing her husband’s clothing, and By the 1820s, people flocked to her grave to pray insisted that she be addressed as “Andrew for her soul, and to ask her to intercede with God for Feodorovich.” She told people that it was she, and not them. So many visitors took earth from her grave that her husband, who had died. In a certain sense, this it had to be replaced every year. Later, a chapel was was perfectly true. She abandoned her former way of built over her grave. life and experienced a spiritual rebirth. When she Those who turn to St Xenia in prayer receive gave away her house and possessions to the poor, her healing from illness, and deliverance from their relatives complained to the authorities. After afflictions. She is also known for helping people who speaking to Xenia, the officials were convinced that seek jobs. she was in her right mind and was entitled to dispose of her property as she saw fit. Soon she had nothing On Holy Fools left for herself, so she wandered through the poor Svitlana Kobets section of Petersburg with no place to lay her head. She refused all assistance from her relatives, happy to Iurodstvo (or holy foolishness for Christ's sake) is a be free of worldly attachments. peculiar form of Eastern Orthodox asceticism. This When her late husband’s red and green uniform ascetic exploit is marked by the subversive behavior wore out, she clothed herself in rags of those colors. of its practitioners who feign madness in order to After a while, Xenia left Petersburg for eight years. It provide public with spiritual guidance and yet not be is believed that she visited holy Elders and ascetics praised for their saintliness. Phenomenology of throughout Russia seeking instruction in the spiritual iurodstvo and its endorsement in hagiography reached life. She may have visited St Theodore of Sanaxar their full development in the fifth-century Byzantium (February 19), who had been a military man himself. and then in the fourteenth-century Russia. A His life changed dramatically when a young officer Medieval Russian iurodivy to a great degree resembles died at a drinking party. Perhaps this officer was St his Byzantine ancestor and displays all the attributes Xenia’s husband. In any case, she knew St Theodore of the holy foolish paradigm: he feigns madness, goes and profited from his instructions. around naked or half-naked, is homeless, talks in St Xenia eventually returned to the poor section riddles, is eccentric, gives away whatever is given to of Petersburg, where she was mocked and insulted him, is socially disruptive. On the other hand, he is a because of her strange behavior. When she did accept clairvoyant and a prophet, he performs miracles and, money from people it was only small amounts, which in most cases, only upon his death he is recognized as she used to help the poor. She spent her nights a saint. praying without sleep in a field outside the city. The holy fool's exploit is that of secret sanctity, Prayer strengthened her, and in her heart’s which above all promotes the non-ontological conversation with the Lord she found the support she understanding that all of God's created world is a needed on her difficult path. sacred place. By his feigned madness the holy fool opts to say that the lowliest of the lowliest can be not A publication of St. Maximus Orthodox Church, 2026 West Oak, Denton, TX, 76201 (940) 293-3032 The Confessor’s Tongue January 24, 2016; page 2 the poor wretch that he appears to be, but a holy man someone finds out about holy fool's saintliness and and God's prophet. He shares his power and authority hidden ascetic feat, the holy fool makes this person with all the weak, mocked, and despised thus keep his secret. Only after the holy fool's demise his symbolically destroying clear-cut distinctions between saintliness can be revealed to the public. The holy the irreconcilable for the profane mind opposites. fool's uninterrupted performance is designed to The Greek term descriptive of the ascetic exploit provoke people's meditation on issues that ultimately of foolishness in Christ is salos (pl. saloi), which means lead to an understanding of the divine. Yet only the "mentally deranged." While many languages simply righteous ones see the iurodivy as God's messenger. added the Greek salos to their vocabularies (e.g. For the sinners he is just a madman and therefore a Georgian, Latin), Russian term is its own. The term source of amusement and an underdog. They violently iurodivy or urodivy, derives from Russian urod, which react to the iurodivy's harsh criticism, invariably means ugly, crippled, an individual with congenital beating and chasing him away. The permanency of defects. Other words that initially designated the fool this public reaction testifies to the fact that profane in Christ are bui, blazhennyi, and pokhab. These minds are not capable of grasping the divine truth. three words used to reflect such different facets of The origins of the phenomenon of saintly the holy fool's phenomenology as aggression (bui), madness can be traced back to Jewish prophets and state of beatitude (blazhennyi), and explicit indecency later to the desert-dwellers of Syria and Egypt. While (pokhab). Unlike bui and pokhab, blazennyi continues to delivering the divine message Jewish prophets be synonymous to iurodivyi. In modern Russian displayed outrageous and bizarre actions. The language iurodivyi has a meaning of an eccentric, a prophet's audience was aware of his status as the simpleton, someone who pretends to be a fool with a God's herald and attempted to discern the meaning of purpose to make his point, someone who displays his message. Yet because of the abundance of false unorthodox behavior and trespasses against social prophets and madmen, the prophet's message would conventions. be repeatedly neglected and the messenger himself In Russian Orthodoxy foolishness in Christ has would be chased away. long been a mode of popular religiosity. At the same In the Christian context the phenomenology of time it is a theological category denoting one of the saintly madness received a new span of life as well as non-orthodox forms of Christian asceticism. The new semantics. In the first century AD Apostle Paul exploit of foolishness for Christ's sake belongs to proclaimed that "the wisdom of this world is opera superagotoria or is an optional ascetic exploit. It foolishness before God" (1 Cor. 1:19), and defined is regarded as the most difficult and controversial of Christ's apostles as fools for Christ's sake. The all ascetic practices. Russian Church canonized about Apostle Paul not only coined the term 'fool for thirty-six of its holy fools and many more have been Christ's sake', but also identified Jesus Christ as the venerated locally. Unlike other ascetics the fool in initiator of the holy foolish paradigm.
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