E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2001 No. 114 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. Mr. CUMMINGS led the Pledge of Al- water optimization in the Burnt River basin, The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. legiance as follows: Malheur River basin, Owyhee River basin, Coughlin, offered the following prayer: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the and Powder River basin, Oregon. S. 329. An act to require the Secretary of God of our forebears in faith, and United States of America, and to the Repub- the Interior to conduct a theme study on the lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ever-present Lord of life, peopling of America, and for other purposes. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Be with us as we begin this fall ses- S. 356. An act to establish a National Com- sion of the 107th Congress. f mission on the Bicentennial of the Louisiana Bless the families of all of the Mem- Purchase. bers of the House of Representatives. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE S. 491. An act to authorize the Secretary of Bless also the workers in district of- A message from the Senate by Mr. the Interior, pursuant to the provisions of fices and all the people met during Monohan, one of its clerks, announced the Reclamation Wastewater and Ground- summer recess. that the Senate has passed with water Study and Facilities Act to partici- amendments in which the concurrence pate in the design, planning, and construc- Now, help all Members to focus their tion of the Denver Water Reuse project. attention on the priorities set before of the House is requested, bills of the S. 498. An act to amend the National Trails them by the deepest desires of the House of the following titles: System Act to include national discovery American people and the honest dia- H.R. 2133. An act to establish a commission trails, and to designate the American Dis- logue of colleagues in this House. for the purpose of encouraging and providing covery Trail, and for other purposes. Encourage them in sincere debate for the commemoration of the 50th anniver- S. 506. An act to amend the Alaska Native until the best ideas surface. sary of the Supreme Court decision in Brown Claims Settlement Act, to provide for a land v. Board of Education. exchange between the Secretary of Agri- Guide them to sound resolution on H.R. 2620. An act making appropriations culture and the Huna Totem Corporation, complex issues so that Your Holy Will for the Departments of Veterans Affairs and and for other purposes. will be accomplished in our time and Housing and Urban Development, and for S. 509. An act to establish the Kenai Moun- bright hope be instilled in Your people. sundry independent agencies, boards, com- tains-Turnagain Arm National Heritage Cor- Grant eternal peace to former Mem- missions, corporations, and offices for the ridor in the State of Alaska, and for other ber, The Honorable FLOYD DAVIDSON fiscal year ending September 30, 2002, and for purposes. S. 584. An act to designate the United SPENCE, and former Chaplain, Dr. other purposes. The message also announced that the States courthouse located at 40 Centre James David Ford, who died since our Street in New York, New York, as the last gathering. May their families and Senate insists upon its amendment to ‘‘Thurgood Marshall United States Court- friends be surrounded with the consola- the bill (H.R. 2620) ‘‘An Act making ap- house’’. tion and peace which You alone can propriations for the Departments of S. 737. An act to designate the facility of offer. Veterans Affairs and Housing and the United States Postal Service located at May all Americans catch a glimpse of Urban Development, and for sundry 811 South Main Street in Yerington, Nevada, Your glory that they may risk every- independent agencies, boards, commis- as the ‘‘Joseph E. Dini, Jr. Post Office’’. sions, corporations, and offices for the S. 970. An act to designate the facility of thing to bring about Your Kingdom of the United States Postal Service located at truth, justice and love now and forever. fiscal year ending September 30, 2002, 39 Tremont Street, Paris Hill, Maine, as the Amen. and for other purposes,’’ requests a ‘‘Horatio King Post Office Building’’. f conference with the House on the dis- S. 1026. An act to designate the United agreeing votes of the two Houses there- States Post Office located at 60 Third Ave- THE JOURNAL on; and appoints Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. nue in Long Branch, New Jersey, as the ‘‘Pat The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- LEAHY, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. BYRD, Mr. King Post Office Building’’. S. 1046. An act to establish a commission ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- KOHL, Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. HOLLINGS, Mr. for the purpose of encouraging and providing ceedings and announces to the House INOUYE, Mr. BOND, Mr. BURNS, Mr. for the commemoration of the 50th anniver- his approval thereof. SHELBY, Mr. CRAIG, Mr. DOMENICI, Mr. sary of the Supreme Court decision in Brown Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- DEWINE, and Mr. STEVENS, to be the v. Board of Education. nal stands approved. conferees on the part of the Senate. S. 1144. An act to amend title III of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance f The message also announced that the Senate has passed bills and concurrent Act (42 U.S.C. 11331 et seq.) to reauthorize PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE resolutions of the following titles in the Federal Emergency Management Food The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman and Shelter Program, and for other purposes. which the concurrence of the House is S. 1198. An act to reauthorize Franchise from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) come requested: Fund Pilot Programs. forward and lead the House in the S. 238. An act to authorize the Secretary of S. Con. Res. 59. Concurrent resolution ex- Pledge of Allegiance. the Interior to conduct feasibility studies on pressing the sense of Congress that there b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5343 . VerDate 31-AUG-2001 05:13 Sep 06, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05SE7.000 pfrm02 PsN: H05PT1 H5344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 5, 2001 should be established a National Community HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, cated at 2719 South Webster Street in Health Center Week to raise awareness of Washington, DC, August 3, 2001. Kokomo, Indiana, as the ‘‘Elwood health services provided by community, mi- Speaker J. DENNIS HASTERT, Haynes ‘Bud’ Hillis Post Office Build- grant, public housing, and homeless health The U.S. House of Representatives, ing;’’ centers. The Capitol, Washington, DC. H.R. 2213, to respond to the con- S. Con. Res. 62. Concurrent resolution con- DEAR MR. SPEAKER: As a result of my nom- gratulating Ukraine on the 10th anniversary ination by President George W. Bush and my tinuing economic crisis adversely af- of the restoration on its independence and subsequent confirmation by the U.S. Senate fecting American Agricultural Pro- supporting its full integration into the Euro- to serve as Administrator of the Drug En- ducers. Atlantic community of democracies. forcement Administration, I hereby resign f f from the U.S. House of Representatives. This resignation is to be effective at 2400 hours on IN HONOR OF OUR GREAT COMMUNICATION FROM THE Monday, August 6, 2001. COLLEAGUES CLERK OF THE HOUSE Enclosed you will find a copy of my letter (Mr. HASTERT asked and was given The SPEAKER laid before the House to Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas permission to address the House for 1 the following communication from the stating the same. Sincerely, minute and to revise and extend his re- Clerk of the House of Representatives: ASA HUTCHINSON. marks.) OFFICE OF THE CLERK, Mr. HASTERT. Madam Speaker, it is HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, my sad duty to announce to the House Washington, DC, August 3, 2001. Washington, DC, August 3, 2001. of Representatives the death of the late Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, Governor MIKE HUCKABEE, Honorable FLOYD SPENCE of South The Speaker, House of Representatives, State Capitol Building, Carolina on August 16, 2001. His funeral Washington, DC. Little Rock, AR. was held in Columbia, South Carolina, DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- DEAR GOVERNOR HUCKABEE: Please accept mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of on August 21, 2001. this letter as notice that my resignation Later today, the gentleman from the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- from the U.S. House of Representatives shall tives, the Clerk received the following mes- be effective at the 2400 hours on Monday, Au- South Carolina (Mr. SPRATT), the dean sage from the Secretary of the Senate on Au- gust 6, 2001. of the South Carolina delegation, will gust 3, 2001 at 3:40 p.m. Sincerely, offer a resolution in memory of our be- That the Senate passed without amend- ASA HUTCHINSON. loved colleague. Members are invited ment H.R. 2213. That the Senate passed without amend- f to contact the gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. SPRATT) or the gen- ment H. Con. Res. 208. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER With best wishes, I am tleman from South Carolina (Mr.
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