Where do you see your company's comparative advantage we are, you have to include the sales processes and especially direct sales or uniqueness in this crowded marketplace? in your strategy and modus operandi. With kdg mediadirect we have created Hallen In addition to being the lead- base in Germany, the UK, France, a division which takes care of precise- ing service provider for QA and test- Benelux and Scandinavia. Alongside ly these activities as their focal point, ing services for the film industry, we this we have strengthened manufact - namely multi-channel consultancy and are also known as the leading uring and logistics capability to sup- direct sales. Volkmar Breitfeld provider of testing services for the port our investment in the independ- Managing Director Digital TV, video game, software and ents sector. Investing in our team and Remblier I don't think any produc- Protect Software GmbH consumer electronics industries. This support structure has enabled us to tion company has a uniqueness, but scope of expertise and our global demonstrate scale, flexibility and a only advantages. Mine is to be spe- footprint of five facilities around the longer term commitment to the enter- cialised in 3D content and we have world, gives us a powerful and unique tainment packaged business. several films that got awards at festi- advantage as these industries continue vals around the world for the quality of to converge. Ingold I offer technical consultancy the stereoscopy. in premium Video-on-Demand delivery Bisdas We focus always on the through my company mireality. My Tussai Our strategic location. Optical clients and their needs to complete commercial advantage? I'm one of the Disc Solutions SRL is one of the most their projects. We stay on top of the few people in this industry who has important Eastern European player. technology available in order to offer built a full end-to-end (content acquisi- We are CDSA and MPAA-certified. Fabien Remblier the latest solutions and, of course, our tion through delivery) VOD infrastruc- Maintaining a high quality of services, Director low prices makes these propositions ture and services for the most premium proper customer management, solution BeeFree Production unbeatable. content – films from the movie studios focused are our key strength. Also, we in the first rights window. enjoy flexibility and diversification in Bono Probably the ability to adapt to As Head of Technology for connected areas like fulfillment and changes and rapidly offer new solu- FilmFlex Movies, I architected and packaging, content management, tions to the local marketplace. delivered FilmFlex, the Virgin Media distribution. etc; cable movies on-demand service, and EXECUTIVE INTERVIEWS Breitfeld With FluxDVD (DVD2App), the broadband product that powers Kohlen Being an independend com- FlickRocket (White Label VOD Stores) Virgin Media Online Movies, Film4oD pany with over 15 years’ experience and Protect Software’s content protec- and hmv-on-demand. I delivered these in DVD and having all expertise in tion solutions for DVD, USB and solutions for a fraction of the cost and house from encoding to subtitling, we online, we offer the perfect bridge resource of other major VOD solutions can offer good prices and fast turn- solutions that enhance physical media in the market. around times. Everybody is hands-on Mette Bono and help take content online. There to the production and eager to inno- Managing Director are very few companies that have Hosp It is simply no longer sufficient vate to get a better product. DDD Solutions expertise in both the DVD and online to produce and deliver a perfect prod- DRM worlds. uct. If you want to be a general con- Lauchenauer We produce 3D con- tractor serving the media industry, as tent not many of us out there do. Evans I don’t think ‘crowded’ is the word anymore, seeing as there are very few places still offering authoring Amongst the range of services you offer, which one grew as a primary service. The Pavement still has a unique angle in that it servi - over the past two years and which one diminished? ces music, TV and Ffilm pretty evenly, and we still pick up the occasional Hallen Testing, related to digital distri- growth. Specifically Digital Copy for larger budget title that requires a little bution formats, has grown significantly DVD releases like The Inbetweeners more than your regular disc. through the past few years, and espe- and The Untouchables in the entertain- Andy Evans cially this year. There has been an ment market, and secure online con- Managing Director Hall We have established relation- evolution in the kinds of testing, as tent distribution and stores with The Pavement ships with some of the leading comedy well. Today, it's not just about content FlickRocket for corporates. We are agents, which enables us to gain a and image quality, but there is keen very excited at the prospect of the valuable foothold on the stand-up interest from the market to ensure new DVD2App solution which con- comedy DVD genre. We also have device interoperability, website and verts DVDs into iOS and Android our own broadcast platform to see as portal testing, and content streaming apps, keeping the menus, subtitles and and when programmes and series suc- functionality. audio tracks and adding web links. ceed in terms of audience. And finally, We have strong expertise in-house because of our standing in the DVD around UltraViolet and we've seen a Evans Digital Copy and BD-Live marketplace and status as a brand significant increase in UltraViolet-relat- came and went in the blinking of an and label, we can carefully select ed work as our clients are depending eye. No service grew in importance, which brands and titles we release on us to support them in this initiative. but what did grow was the need to during Q4. We have also seen significant growth change how we make discs as vol- Zoltan Tussai It means we can offer more in- in our video game and digital TV busi- ume, low budget, simple titles are the Managing Director depth and detailed marketing and PR ness lines over the past year, as well. way things are going, so we're active- Optical Disc Solutions support during peak trading periods, ly trying to adjust our processes to therefore maximising sales opportuni- Bisdas We offer the last two years streamline and try make it worthwhile ties and concentrating on regional DCP mastering services among others doing the work. advertising and support for the and we saw a small grow in indie artist/programme in question. market as the big studios always sell Hall Digital sales has increased in their content directly to our local dis- importance over the past 2 years, on Fitzgerald EDC has been actively tributors. It is a small breath of fresh air iTunes and through monthly subscrip- developing the business targeting inde- if you think how bad thinks are here in tion sites Lovefilm and Netflix. Value- pendent music labels, video distribu- Greece. The service that was signifi- added material has decreased – tors and publishers. EDC is now an cantly down was Blu-ray authoring. retailers prefer an increased margin independent, privately-owned compa- in terms of cost rather than special ny that allow us to speed up decision- Breitfeld Generally speaking solu- packaging at present. Michael Hosp making since the owners are at the tions which combine physical DVD Director table. We have extended the sales and online delivery are seeing huge Fitzgerald DVD and music inde- kdg mediatech 48 One hears alarmist opinions about the rapid demise of pack- sumer often perceives more benefits from physical media, e.g. extras, porta- aged media in the face of online delivery. What is your view bility and ease-of-use, but there are also as to how long discs will be around? And what could become perceived downsides, e.g. media takes their main target market? up space and discs degrade. Discs will be around as long as the customer feels that they get more value from them and Hallen We believe that packaged lights the question of who owns the the studios feel they can monetise them Seth Hallen media will continue to be around for digital product. more than on-demand. CEO another decade. However, being able to earn revenues and profits from servic- Breitfeld Physical media will not go Lauchenauer Untill downloading Testronic Labs ing into these supply chains will certain- away and will stay the primary method become easier to access and operate ly be the primary challenge as services of premium video content delivery (next for both the consumer and the content become more commoditised. This in to TV) for at least the next 5 years in owner, there is no real rival to physical turn creates the challenge of making most regions. But online delivery will media. And we think discs will be sure we are innovative in making the start to have a real impact in terms of around for a long time. process more efficient. That approach price pressure and the need for enhanc- will continue to be an important focus ing physical content with online ele- Remblier I don't like online delivery. I for Testronic moving forward. ments like digital copy. love to have a disc and its leaflet in my hand! I am not a good customer for Bisdas In our market discs still play an Evans I think packaged media has a online delivery because I think it is too important role, but as things gets tighter few years to go because of the money much computer dependant.
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