THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Matt Widely Circulated Weekly Nempaper In Union County 28 interea SB Second class Muur WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1957 19very •SSKKaxKaaBBB Council Approves Outline Reasons Salary Increases 3 MillioD Schbol Budget or United Fund For Town Officials Approved In Heavy Vote Raises For Police, Red Cross Issues Fire Departments sklents Urged Gray Lady Appeal Bond Issue for New Junior High Also Authorized Wildauer And j Mayor To Westfield Chapter, Ameri- School Receives Little Opposition can Red Cross, has issued an Ordinances providing increases Johnson Win in the salaries of municipal offi- urgent appeal for Gray Lad- In a record school board election that saw 2,359 of 15,125 reg- jfer Opinions ies to work at the Veterans cials and members of the police and Hospital at East Orange. A fire departments were approved by Borough Posts istered voters go ip the polls last night five members were elected to the training course will be held thelTown Council Monday along Board of Education, and both the school budget of $3,045,291 and a ftstfield can better its cam- with the introduction of three or- $1,850,000 bond issue to finance a new junior high school were ap- Tuesday, March 19 from 7 :S0 MOUNTAINSIDE — Borough , fund raising by combining to 10:30 p.m. at the East Or- dinances authorizing appropria- proved. The vote this year was extremely heavy. In 1956 only 481 tfcjUy all door to door cam- tions totaling $69,000 for construc- raters yesterday elected two mem- ballots were cast. The drawing1 card this year was the board's pro- ange Chapter House. jers to the Board of Education n, Into one," Mayor K. Enier- tion work. ' posed junior high school building program. The balloting was Tlomw advised residents to- A Gray Lady helps to give ind approved a school budget of RT. REV. ALFRED L. BAN YARD Largest expenditure of the three REV. HUGH HALTON about 10-1 in favor of the items included in the budget. The school fo outlining reasons for a greater comfort to the patient proposed resolutions will be $44,- 1486,777.50 in an election that saw lj Fund as proposed last week by playing cards, checkers, 129 out of the 2,700 registered bond issue vote was 2,005 to 342. 000 to be used in storm sewer con- 65; repairs and replacements o: b8 committee to study chari- writing letters and by acting •oters cast ballots. In the budget, vote on current ex- in struction in Hodman road, Elm $10,045 passed 237 to 54; an penses of 12,027,809.67 was 1,974 i campaigns Westfteld. as escort for wheel chair pa- St. Paul's Men street and Wychwood road. Side- Chaplain To Give According to Henry P. Wester, t the same time the suggested tients. capital outlay of $26,300 was ap-yes and 224 no; jon repairs and walks and curbing will be con- Joard vice president, voting was proved 216 to 66. replacements amounting to |99,- em was praised by Labor Sec- Those interested are asked structed at a cost of $10,000. The light and followed the same pat- n James P. Mitchell of VWsst- Plan Communion Forum Lecture Mr. Wester noted the contrast 300, 2,011-for, and 198 against; to notify the chapter by call- final sum of $6,000 is to be used tern as last year when only 417 between the light balloting yester- and on capital outlay totalling | in »letter to Louis J. Dugrhi, ing We. 2-7090 or Mrs. Joseph for work at Tamaques Reservar raters went to the noils. oiittee chairman, in which he day and the vote Jan. 29 oq a spe- $25,000, there were 1,984 in favor Valentine, We. 2-1414. Bishop Banyard To tion and Mindowaskin Park. Third In Series In the three-way contest for cial referendum for a bond issue and 203 opposed. of his experience as chairman Increases in salaries averaged i similar plan in Washington, Conduct Service Set For Wednesday board seats, Orlin. E. Johnson of $640,000 for a new school which $400 for the officials. Policemen and Frederick G. Wildauer were was defeated 640 to 410. He said In a separate proposition seek- and firemen received' raises of $200. ing transfer of $35,000 from cur- Red Cross Drive The Catholic chaplain at Prince- lected with votes of 275 and 211,the new board will announce its s a statement, Mayor Thomas The Et. Rev. Alfred L. Banyard, The Planning Board recommend- respectively, defeating Mabel Q. rent expenses and $10,300 from bishop of the diocese of New Jer- ton University, the Kev. Hugh proposals Ifor subsequent school repairs and replacements to the residents that "Last year a ed to the Council that a garden Halton, O.P., will speak on theYoung who polled 140 votes. construction in the borough. New |y of the United Campaign, Plans Furthered sey, will conduct the annual cor- apartment zone be established in capital account, the vote was 2,004: porate communion of the Men's topic, "Education: Truth vs. Prop- The $297,866.74 current expense members will be seated at an or yes and 190 no. ch covers the six major local East Broad street near Springfield aganda" for the third lecture of ganization meeting Monday night. iee agencies, showed that it Club of St. Paul's Church the avenue. This recommendation item in the budget passed 230 to The five members elected to th« morning of Washington's birth- the current Trinity Forum, Wed- board and nominated by the Joint not made its conservatively Volunteers Hear came after a study was conducted nesday evening in Holy Trinity piated goals for the past six day. The Qommunion will be held by Theodore McCroskey, New Civic Committee are: Five yea* Indoctrination Talks in the church at 8 a.m. and a High School auditorium at 8:15 terms, Mrs, Bruce Kimball «nd a As » result, it seemed to York planning consultant, hired p.m. A question and'answer period Annual Interracial {hat the situation deserved a breakfast will follow in the parish by the town. Dr. Bradford N. Craver, both re* tfui study *y a cross-section of The 27 area managers and some house. Following the breakfast will follow. elected, and Thomas H. Bennett; of their captains for the forth- The Woodbrook Civic Associa- Btfteld citizens. Bishop Banyard will address the tion is on record as opposing any Father Halton, born in NewService Sunday and for unexpired one year terms, . This was especially so when it c o th i n g Westfleld-Mountalnside group on the subject "The Mean- England in 1913, is an alumnus of Warren T. Kingsbury arid Eliza- Red Cross fund drive met at Red ing, the Necessity and the Obliga- noted that most Westfield (Please turn to page 2) Providence college, Providence beth H. Birdsall. t«j of national health cam- Cross headquarters, 321 Elm tion of Friendship." He will de- R.I., graduating in 1933. In that Music to Feature street three evenings last week in scribe in his address how these •Mr. Bennett topped the ballot fns were being over-subscribed same year 'he entered the Domin Baptists' Program with a total of 2,179 votes, fol. many of these by substantial preparation for the parts they will three phases were an important ican Order and was ordained May play during the March campaign factor in the life of George Wash- lowed by Mr. Kingsbury with 2,. ounts, Urge Opposition 31, 1940. He has done graduate 166; Mrs. Kimball, 2,153; Mrs, r ington. The annual inter-racial service Ai a result, I, as 'your mayor, These volunteers heard indoc- work in law, philosophy and litera- Birdsall, 2,149 and Dr. Craver, trination talks by Robert Redfern, A native of Merchantville, Bish- ture at Harvard and Oxford, an sponsored by the Bethel and First t it advisable to appoint an un- Baptist churches will be held Sun- 2,144. cial committee to study this 8 North Wickom drive, and Na-ap Banyard atended Camden High To Zone Change has received both his master's de thaniel M. Cohen, 1478 Woodacres School and was graduated from gree anU doctors degree. He ha day at 7:30 p.m. in the First Bap- A total of 1,157 ballots were nil problem which affects our tist Church. The event la part of cast in the first and second wards ire citizenry. Such committee drive, Mountainside, who also the University of Pennsylvania lectured in American and Euro- briefed the group on the back with honors in 1929. While an Civic Group Fights pean universities, Catholic an the Brotherhood Month observance at Elm Street School and 1,202 in worked several months on this ! now in progress throughout West- the third and fourth wards at i and has come to the conclu- ground and aims of the Westfield- undergraduate, he was elected to non-catholic, for more than 1 Mountainslde Ambulatory Blood phi Beta Kappa and Eta Sigma Garden Apartments years. He has done radio and tele- field, and the public is invited to Lincoln School. for us in Westfield that we attend. Id consider a United' Fund Donors" Service, Inc. Mr. Redfern Phi, two distinguished honorary vision work in England and th< 'This year's vote was the heavi- addressed the north Bide area man- societies. ' The Woodbrook Civic Assocla United States and has spoken o The program will be conducte est since 1942 when 2,243 votes would cover not only the pres- tion annoupced today it will cir- 1 by the Rev.
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