FRIDAY, APRIL 3,1942 Average Daily CircuUtion The Weather For Mw Moatt of BUreb, 1*42 Fereenat of IT. S. Wentbe# B a Mahiman and Charlas Erler, trom­ -------- bone*. Herbert and William 7 ^ 1 1 Sllgbay warmer tonight. Holts are both members of the South Church Member of the Andit lOUt Town faculty of the Hartford School of Music and of tha New Hhven Last Minute Easter Shoppers— nmmn ef OIrenMiMS Manehestei •A City of Village Charm »v. W . Ralph w ard . Jr., paator Music Service Symphony orchestra. A ll the \---------------------------------- 1------------------------ »a South m thodiat church, muslclana are members of the FRICE THREE CENTS coeak at the meetin* of the Hartford Symphony orchestra.- (CInaeUled Advertiaing en Page 1*) MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, APRIL 6,1942 (TWELVE PAGES) lEpworth League Sunday Easter Day to Be Sol­ The postlude, "Chrlatua Reaur- yOL. LXL, NO. 159 Robert Gordon, Jr.i will fexit," by Inno dl Gloria, Oresto'] <rf devotion*. emnly Celebrated; Ravavello, has been arranged by ^ome to Hale ^s for What YqU Need! Mr, Noe for this service. ’The Xdward Oole of S Demihg Program on Chimes. trumpets announce the resurrec­ Colombo Prove* Tough for Raider* it baa entered the Hartford tion from the four comers of the ttal for observation. The victorious message of Eas­ universe awakening mankind and Johnson Advances Bataan Forces Beat ier will be proclaimed in a rich rising in swelling choral to rich NOHAI A t S t John’# church tomorrow service of music st South Method­ climax. A * the final chime num­ lomlng at nine o’clock there will ber the organist will play "Up Easter a mass and blessing of holy ist church, Easter day beginning Pjcific From the Grave He Aroee.” A New Views of America iter. From two to seven p.m. at 10:45 o’clock. Frederick I. The sermon will be preached by (« wUl be bleeaing of food dur- Rogers will play the Case Memo­ the pastor of the church, the Rev­ Octa* Heavy Attack; Ttsltations at the homes of the OIMOt* rial Chimes before the service of erend W . Ralph W ard. J r. taking Hankies inera.'' as the theme "The Empty Tomb; worship begins. J- Thurston Victory Here and Hereafter" On India Problem Noe, organist and choir director, W arren E. Hoffman of the Gld- In the evening worship the mu­ Lovely new prints MARIANAS ‘ •OB Bible society will apeak at the will be assisted In the music by sic will be by the Ceclllan Club of 10:45 aervlce Sunday, April the South Church choir and a South Church under the direction or lace edge handker­ I Head of Special Mission 1 Q q q ( 1 C U i z C n Australia Is Safer S t M a ry s Episcopal church. The bra.ss .sejetet from the Hartford of Miss Isabel-Worth, accompah- chiefs in the, new sport Named by Roosevelt! 'GUAM Sag dedication aervlce scheduled led by Mrs. Grace Melberger ’The PHILIPPINE School of Music. I* Fruslrale New Attempt lo r that date will be postponed. As prelude the organ and sex­ group will .sing “Awake Thou that size. Holds Exploratory 1 ohO liiu Mrlan T9 • Word on tet will play "Toccata from Sym­ Front Sleepest.” and "H e Lives” both by By Japanese to Land Mrs. Eva Wood of Woodbrldge phony V ’’JSy Charlw Marie Wider, Hall. An Easter dramatic read­ Conversation* with AVAO Position Given by r w t n/r street Is chainhan of the rum­ ing will be given by Miss Sarah fib rin s ’ Army Minister After Troops on East Coast m age sale to be conducted ’Thurs­ Champlin.King of Newport. R. I., Native CAROLINE IS. High MoralC day, A pril 9. in the Masonic Tem- entitled " A Cup of Courage. In rii Not Given Letter. Series of Smashing ^ txt J I Under Cover of Dark* - pie. by Orapman Court, Order of thU reading Miss King will Inter­ h Certainly C(XlATOR ■ Anfiaranth. Mrs. Mabelle Frank- pret nine characters. Parenthood Biologiced’f Week-End Successes bCen iSeeaeCl iiess; Defenders Halt i«nd and Mr*. Ruth Furay will New Delhi, India, April 6. ' serve as co-chairmen of the sale Social ResponsibUUyt In Which at Least ------- Assault Made with Sup­ Advertisement I (;p)— Louis Johnson, head which will open at nine o’clock. Essential! Veterans of Maternal port of Tanks, Artil- The regular meeting of Chapman of a special mission nam le^^ Indian 20 Japanese Planes Effect of Crumbling Is court wUl U ke place this evening See the beautiful display of C ea. President Roosevelt, h eld^- lerv and Dive-Bombers Easter fiowers now ready at Park Welfare Work Assert. Destroyed by Fliers. Pointed Out in Case as uauaL ploratory conversations with Octan Hill Flower Shop, "Leading Flor­ That's why we’re 1 India’s native leaders in what POS.1 Of Germany in 1918; Sergeant and Mrs. Anthony J. ists since 1912.” featuring these lovely St. Louis. April 6.—()IV -B u y de- ORESBY U. S. Army Headquarters Washington. April 6.-^/P) George of Main street will leave ones that will please. [was widely believed today to fenae bonds or join the Arm y— but in Australia, April 6.— (JP)— Can Reform . Armies. — The War Department an- - be a projection of United tomorrow to spend the holidays also, have a baby. The encouraging word that nounced today that Ameri- ■ , with their children In New York. w States influence in an effort That likewise is a manifestation 50 0 1000 Australia’s position is much Cincinnati, April 6 —(4^— "If the can-Filipino forces in Bataan S g t George is a member of Com­ BRANCH STORE Printed jerseys, Hosiery 1 to smooth the country’s difficult home front crumbles, everything had repulsed another heavy pany G, local SU te Guard unit printed crepes and pas­ political problem. Mindful of the of good citizenship, concludes Dr. MILES safer after two months of AT EQUATOR M cCO NVILLE tels. Blue, beige, rose, importance of India’s politic^ Fred Lyman Adair, generkl chair­ acute danger was given by goes with it.” Maj. Gen. Lorenzo attack |on the right center of and navy- Both one Easter problems If this country Is to w man of the second American Oon- Army Minister Francis M. D. Gasser, W ar Department reprer their liW , and frustrated a THE FLORIST for Easter gress of Obstetrics and Gynecol-, and two-piece models. I converted Into a military bulwark Japanese plane* bombed (Colombo for the first time In the war. The city (1), capital of Ceylon Forde today after a series of sentative in the Office of Civilian new attempt by the Japanese B39 MAIN STREET against the Axis, Johnson confer­ ogy. Grill Owner I destroyed 27 of the attacking planes. For the 13th time, Jap planes raided Darwin. Australia, (2) and Defense, declared In an Arm y Day to land troops on the east Ringless sheer chiffons, 3- red for two hours and a half yes- "This is no time t o . have a smashing week-end successes Next To Montgomery Ward for the 22nd time they raided Port Moresby, N ew Guinea (3). __________________________ __ address here. coast of Bataan under cover of thread silk chiffon .with rayon I tc];Uay with Pandit Jawaharlal baby,” cry some persona in which Australian and American Handbags Addressing the (hncinnati chap­ darkness. An assault against the Nehru, past president of the pa­ Piopheta of Defeat airmen destroyed at least 20 Jap­ Here Stabbed A Large Assortment Of welt and reinforced heels and ter of the Military Order of the line yesterday was made wlU)i tent Congress party. anese planes and damaged 19 oth­ toes. 4 new’ Spring shades. "People who say this or any oth­ World W ar, he asserted; great force, a communique report­ 4 Easter Plants ers. But he warned that Australia Another Conferenoe Today er time Is a bad time to have a Survivors Tell "If the military front is broken, ed. with the support of tanks, ar­ Wm. Armstrong Arrest­ I Johnson conferred for an hour baby are prophets of defeat,” as­ British Fliers Smash must be everlastingly prepared readjustments can be made, a line Herbert E. Holts Easter Lilies $1.00 I- against attack. tillery and dive bombers, but the $ 0 . 9 5 this afternoon with Nehru and the serted Dr. Adair, professor of ob­ reformed, an Army evacuated, and defenders stopped It after hard ed lor Attack on Spots arranged by Mr. Noe for this TULIPS - DAFFODILS pr. Congress president, Maulana Abul stetrics and gynecology at the Uni­ Inspects American Camp the w ar can still be won, provided Bloody Story "I am encouraging nobody to fighting. The Japanese were un­ service. 'Three anthom.s will be AND PAPER WHITE I Kalan Azad. versity of (Chicago. the home front morale Is high and Zanlungo Last Night. At Nazi Arm's Plants believe the tide has turned,” he able to extend the slight gains sung, first "Hallelujah, Christ la 1 Johnson, a former assistant sec­ the determination to win Is upper­ NARCISSUS Miss Hazel Corbin, director of said after Inspecting an American they had made the day before, the Risen!” written by Mr. Noe In retary of war who heads a mission New York’s famed Maternity Cen­ most In everyone’s mind, and department said, and suffered William Armstrong of 41 Pur- Of Conquest troop camp. everyone Is doing his or her bit to 1936 and sung by the choir of the to build up India’s w ar Industry ter Association, chimed in: heavy losses.
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