' (Ik W '^W ENTY-EIG«T iilattrliPHlgr lEppttitts ISprali FRIDAY, DECEMBER l6, 1961 ATerage Daily Net l^reaa Run For Um Week EbiM The Weather Deoember t, IM l LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF, MONDAY thru FRIDAY at 1:10 F.M.-SATURDAY 11:10 A.M. Foreout ot U. & VVoatlwr BurMS CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPING FREE and EASY 13,518 Fair and ooM toulaht. lo w la PARKING Mcnlwr of Om Audit teena. Sunday Increaalna cloodl- BareM ot Otieulutlim 2nd floor Rear of StorO neoa, not bo cold. Hlfh tai dOa. Come'For Christmas Mdnchester~^A City of Village Charm for tKo benefit of Ml 3-4123 Help for Retarded VOL. LXXXI, NO.-65 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1961 '' Children Use Our Convenient (ClaBBined Advertising on Pace 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS New Parking Lot Store Entrance Way Open Battle in Elisabethville State News J For Talks UN Forces Beating Roundup Kennedy Goes Safely On Berlin Katanga Resistance Officials Ready Paris, Dec. 16 (JP)— ^The Model Code on S&H GREEN STAMPS TONIGHT and SATURDAY way lay open today for the United States to lead the Elisabethville, K a t a n g a.ftroop* had held the tunnel and Its Space Healers Dec. 16 (JP)—United Nations approaches. W^est’s quest for a Berlin bar­ The engagement was marked by gain with the Soviet Union— troops drove into the heart of a barrage of mortar shells and the New Haven, Dec. 16 UP)— Caracas Streets ------------------------------------ WITH ALU CASH PURCHASES but onl.v on condition the Rus­ this capital today and were clatter of machine gun fire. Many A committee of .state and mu- DOUBLE mortar bombs fell in the streets and ' nicipal fire officials will draw sian’s make maJor modifica­ reported to have seized two near the post office. q niodel ordinnncp Tnr flip tions in their policy. Katangan strongpoints in Katangan troops manned mortar i lociei oininance 101 tile A high U.S. source said the re­ heavy fighting. The roar of positions around the Leopold uJC O ntlol of space healers. ] cent public statements of Soviet mortar shelling and machine Hotel, which was rapidly beconi- ILs purpose will be to prevent s Bids Latins leaders to not lend an acceptable gun fire echoed through the ing a front line in the heart of Bridgeport fire : YOUR CHRISTMAS HEADQUARTERS basis for neg-otiations. nearly de.serted city. , : the city. The hotel is only 30 yards ‘ t,,'’ '; 28 svhich kHled five children. | President Kennedy and British from the post office, which was de- onicials said an oil-burning To Prevent Prii.ie Minister Macmillan got the The government of this seces­ serted. .space heater was re.sponsible for I approval of the NATO foreign sionist province was said to have Dispatches from Leopoldville ministers to chart a cautious retreated to Kipushi, 30 miles to said the U.N. forces aLso launched appointed course for the West's next move. the south, or to KolwezI, 150 miles Rights Loss Kennedy and Macmillan will gan militarj' base. Camp Massart. cio.» _ .. T,” ;— meet In Bermuda Dec. 20 and 21. not answered at President Mois* Tshombe's residence. The Katangan troops appeared By .MORRI.S W. ROSENBERG They are expected to draft a di­ demoralized, though manv were i "Pac^ heater que. tion. ARROW rective that will send the V.S. (Brussels radio said Tshombe Its first meeting will be within Caracas, Venezuela. Dec. 16 was heading for Kipushi.) , still fighting desperately. It wa.< ambassador in Moscow, Llewellyn expected U.N. troops would occupy a week, according to its chairman. (VP) — President Kennedy Thompson, to see........... Soviet.............. Foreign _ _ On the second day of an all-out Thomas Lvden. acting fire marshal the heart of the town if the attack of .New Haven. drove safely tht-ongh the Minister AndrerA. cV om vkt^nd J a“ ack, the 6.000-man U.N. Army continues. perhaj^ Premier Khrushchev him- *’* '* oaplured the It IS hoped the ordinance will be streets of Caracas today, hap­ self—to explore prospects of a I *^”^*‘*' • strongpoint on the Torrential rain fell on the streets adopted by Connecticut coninuini- ' pily responding to shouts of as mortar bombs dropped reg­ 4 .5 0 to compromise on Berlin. i a * , lies and thus bring about iiniform- "Viva Kennedy,” and then ularly. British Foreign Secretarv residence. The hotel it.v in llie local regulation of the voiced a warning to Latin ■Hnmp ho,.!, ir. i .-...a-., i commands one of two mam roads The UniUsi Nations ri'ported its heaters. All collar styles . from new, narrow cuts to the clasic favor­ Home, arritlng back in London | J^^ing south from the capital. Americans to lieware of alien toda.v, said he hoped tension over i forces also had overrun the At llie meeting there were some ites. All are mitoga tailored to fit so well they look custom- Berlin would be relieved now that : The second strongpoint to fall the Lido Hotel, an- voices raised for an outright ban .philosophies which promise Bhe NATO Council has approved fatlroad tunnel command- ''tl'er Katangan stronghold. High of the licaters. I prosperity but take away the made. Sanforized for lasting fit. Here's an Arrow shirt for the resumption of diplomaUc con- I '""ad ‘" ‘ a 'hf city Points on the outskirts used for Bridgeirort s Mayor Samuel Te- I people’s liberties. every man on your list. tacts witli the Soviet Union over from the eastern suburbs, site of mortar positions, and sniper cen- de.-co reported that 200 faulty ' ' The Prcaident was here to pro­ the di.spiited city. Irish and Swedish V-ff. force head- ters on the road from L'.N head­ healers had ben uncoyered in his mote the alliance for progress that "I think the allies are agreed i quarters, quarteis to the airport also were city in an investigation steaming ' links U.S. aid billions with a pro- wash and wear, short point collar, about the ecssential. .substantial A heavy battle between Katan- seized, from the tragic fire. The investiga- gram of Latin American self-help. WHIP elements which might form a set­ gans and the Swedi.sli aJid Irish at- The battle for Camp .Massart tion is TO per cent complete. Hi.«i welcome was warm, but permanent stays 4.50 tlement.” Lord Home said, "but of lackers had raged around the rail- was designed to i.«olate it and As Mayor Richard C. l,ee saw crowds In general were thinner cour.se we cannot tell whether a road tunnel throughout the night. , il. the problem was basically one than might have been expected. wash and wear short point non-wilt •ettleiiient will be possible until I Up to last night the Katangan J (Continued on Page Six) I of .substandard housing. He favored 1 Many were kept away, probably, by HITT . collar 4.50 we get into direct contact again ^ : tighter rontrols but said poor threatening and rainy weather and ■> ■with the Rus.sians. ; hou. ing forced people to use the ’ by the multitude .of security meas­ I heaters. ures. regular point non-wilt collar, barrel As foreign, finance and defense ; DREW mmLsters of tlie 15-nation Atlantic 73 Negroes I oiled I Lt. Thoma.s Wilson, repi-escnling The most massive show of secur­ cuffs 4.50 Alliance traveled home, a high-up the Stale Fire Marshal’s office, rec­ ity forces ever assembled for such French official unfolded the in- J ommended an ordinance that would an occasion in Venezuela guarded he "fair, reasonable, and protec- , I the President In the wake of Leftist short point non-wilt collar barrel ft-' triguing drama of the inter-allie.1 ' outbreaks of violence during the ARDEN duel over Berlin policy' played out | live without causing undue hard- I cuffs. 4.50 Courts Ban Protests ships on anyone," ! week. behind the sedate scenes of the 3- In his bullet-proof limousine the dav parle.v. | button down oxford cloth barrel U.S President drove 10 miles from SUSSEX This is the story as the French- I If inter Previetr ' Maiquetia airport along a super- cuffs 5.00V man unfolded it: ' New Haven, Dec. 16 lA’i—Con- highway and then through streets THE NEW CHRISTMAS TIE! France oppo.sed talks with the Against Racial Bias nerliciil had a preview of winter lined with skyscrapers Riis.sian.s on grounds that Khrush­ for breakfast today with tempera­ SNAP-ON and FOUR-IN-HAND fine pima cotton, snap tab collar, Thousands of troopis guarded his TABBER 5.00 chev, who niajiufactured the Berlin tures plunging far below freezing, routes and helicopters patrolled I french cuffs crisis, would see it a.s weaknes. | Litchfield recorded 3 degrees ' Overhead, successfully blanketing in fine silk* and magnificent colors About all the other allies favored Baton Rouge, La . De.-. 16 <JP^ - ? New Orleans. They set a show "bove zero at 3:30 a.m. and Wind- I the bands of CommunLsts and Cas- spin-dry cotton, no-iron, negotiations, fearing that the The Congrec's of Racial Equality cause hearing for Dec. 26. sor Locks, home of the U.S. Weath- i tro sympathizers who for days en­ CHASE short point collar 5.00 crisi.s in the divided city (muld be­ (CORE I WM under federal and (3i The dean of Southern Uni- rr Bureau, was only one degree deavored with firebombs and un­ come a flashpoint of po.ssible nu­ -slate court orders today to atop, versity. Dr. E. P. Ham.xon.
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