'~ries, Vol. XIV, No. IS Tuesday, July 28, 1992 Sravana 6, 1914./f-· , L-o -1' e-r£} LllK SABriel ~ Tl"l?BATES (English V (.rsiJn) Fourth Session (Tenth Lok Sabha) (Vol. XIV contains Nos. 11 to 20) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price: Rs. 6.00 [OIuolNAJ. ENousH PR()CI!EDINOS INCLUDED IN ENousH VERSION AND ORJ PROCEI!DJNGS INCi:.tmeD IN HINDI VElISlON WIlL BE TREATI!D AS AtTL .... 1lJE.REOF.) CONTENTS [Tenth Series, Vol. XIV, Fourth Session, 199211914 (Saka)] No. 15, Tuesday, July 28, 19921Sravana 6,1914 (Saka) Cot.INNS swers to Ouestions: 1-31 . ·Starred Questions Nos. 285, 286, 289, 290 Answers to Ouestions: 32·345 Starred Questions Nos. 287, 288, 291-304 32-71 Unsbrred Questions Nos. 2977·3016. 71-345 3018·3061, 3063·3064, 3066·3119 Petition Re. Problems and Demands of Workers 347 of P-ilway Shramik Sangharsh Samiti. Moradabad "1c lion Re. Joint Committee on Offices of Profit 348 i:1usir.ass Advisory Committee Seventeenth Report - adopted 349-350 Matters under Rule 377 350-354 (i) Need to set up a Central University .in Mizoram 350 Dr. C. Silvera 350 (ii) Need 0 take steps to stop further deterioration of NTC mills 350-351 Shri Sharad Dighe 350-351 (iii) Need to clear all pending power projects of Karnataka 351 Shri V. Dhananjaya Kumar 351 . '!!gn +marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually r\§,,,ijO on the floor of the House by that Member. COllA1NS (iv) Need for early approval to the construction 351-352 of bridge on the rivur Ujhar on Highway No. 19 in Jhalawar district, Rajasthan Shrimati Vasundhara naje 351-352 (v) Need to increase the quota of Kerosene oil to Bihar 352-353 Shri Manjay Lal 352-353 (vi) Need to introduce value added tax pattern 353 for cigarette industry Shri P.G. Narayanan 353-354 (vii) Need for construction of a flyover at 353-35.4 Changsari railway gate on National Highway No.31, Assam Shri Probin Deka 353-354 Discussions Under Rule 193 354-371 375 (i) Drought Situation in Various parts of the Country Shri Rajveer Singh 354-361 Dr. R. Mallu 361-363 Shri Chitta Basu 363-368 Shri Hari Kewal Prasad 368-371 Shri Sivaji Patnaik 375-377 Shri Sarat Chandra Pattanayak 377-378 Shri Vijoy KutnJr Yadav 378-380 Dr. (Shrima!i) K. S. Soundaram 380-386 Shri Anna Joshi 386-389 Shrimati Saroj Dubey 389-394 Shri Sriballav Panigrahi 394-398 Shri YaimaSingh Yumnam 399-400 (iii) Shri Ramachandra Veerappa 400-402 (ii) Ram Janam Bhoomi-Babri Masjid Dispute 411-462 Shri Saifuddin Choudhury 411-417 Shri A. Charles 417-422 Shri Sharad Yadav 422-430 446-447 Shri Chinmayanand Swami 430-436 Shri P.M. Sayeed 436-441 Shri Rbrahi Sulaiman Sail 441-445 Shri Sultan Salahuddin Owaisi 445-447 Shri SHreesh Chandra Dikshit 447-460 Papers Laid on the Table 371-375 Statement by Minister 402 Communal Incidents in Kerala 402-404 Shri M.M. Jacob 402-404 (ii) Communal Violence in Maleghon, Maharashtra 404-411 Shri M.M. Jacob 404-405 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA STATEMENT The Government have not come across Tuesday, July 28, 19921Sravana 6, 1914 any investigation report from North Eastern (Saka) Institute of Anthropological Research, Shillong regarding the extent of AIDS cases in North-eastern States. The I.C.M.A. is The Lok Sabha met at also not aware of any such investigation Eleven of the Clock done by the Institute. However, according to the reports received from State UT [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] Governments. about one fifth of total HIV positive cases (and not AIDS cases) in the ORAL ANSWER TO QUESTIONS country are being reported from North Eastern States i.e. out of a total of 8309 HIV [English] positive cases reported. 1611 (198) are from North Eastern States. AIDS Cases in North Eastern Region Fol!owing are the measures/steps taken *285. SHRI PROBIN DEKA: Will the by Government to check the spread of AIDS Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY in the region: WELFARE be pleased to state: Safety of blood and blood products (a) whether according to the findings of has been ensuredby establishing the North Eastern Institute of Anthropological zonal blood testing centres in all Research, Shillong, the North Eastem Ragion the seven states. At present there accounts for one-fourth of the total AIDS are five zonal blood testing centres patients in the country; ( one each in Arunachal Pradesh, Megnalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland (b) whether this fact has been and Tripura) and eight surveillance corroborated by the Indian Council of Medical centres where HIV testing facilities Research; are available (three in Assam, three in Nagaland and two in Manipur). (c) if so, the details thereof; and Surveillance of people practising (d) the steps taken or proposed to be high risk behaviour Le.lntravenous taken by the Government to contain the Drug Users, Commercial Sex spread of this dreaded disease in the region? Workers and Blood Doners has been mounted. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY In view of the strong linkage between WELFARE (SHRIMATI DK THARADEVI drug abuse and the incidence of SIDDHARTHA): (a) to (d). A statement is AIDS in the North Eastern Region, laid on the Table of the House. 5 drug de-addiction centres have 3 Oral Answers JULY 28, 1992 Oral Answers 1 been started with a view to detoxify measures. The assistance & the drug addicts and reduce their cooperation of NGOs will be sough'l dependance on drugs. in the endeavour. Acordinating mechanism has also SHRI PROBIN DEKA: Mr. Speaker, Si .•,. been established underthe Ministry the reply has been evasive because the grim of Home Affairs to integrate, review message that has surlaced at the conclus: r and monitor the plans and action of the Eighth World AIDS Conference in, programmes of the various Amsterdam is that HIV/AIDS is a globdt departments u nde r the epidemic and is going out of control. The Government to tackle the problems magnitude of the pandemic has increas~d of drug abuse which has close hundred-fold since AIDS was discovered i'l'\.. linkages with the spread of H:'; 1981. In view of the reply given by the home infection in this region. Minister, I would like to know whether the. States of Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram an:! All the states in the North-eastern Meghalaya have assumed epidemic. Region have been advised to, set proportions in HIV positive cases. Under up a dedicated organisation to deal such circumstances controlling the qUc:~;iyof exclusively with the problems blood in blood banks is not sufficient, ~.nce associated with AIDS. Three states the fastest mode of spread of AIDS is namely Manipur. Naqaland and through sexual contact. So, what are the Mizoram which are most affected SlOpS that are contemplated by tt.e have already set up the required Government to do away with this soc.el, orqr ...,~: lion. Slates have also been menace? a j"Ji~i)d to constitute Empowered Committee to coordinate and THE MINISTER OF HEALTH A monitor the programme. Such a FAMIL YWELFARE (SHRI M. L.FOTEDA" '. committee has already been Sir, I do not minimise the problem of HI\, er constituted in Naqaland. AIDS in the North-Eastern region. And I have not in any way evaded the reply to ~l,,: The following are the actions proposed question. He has particularly asked a~: to to be taken to strengthen the programme: whether any panlcular crqanlsaticn hao ~):;:.: some finding on this. I said, .. No ... [3L! .': o Programmes to control Sexually maqnitudo of the AIDS problem er Hi',,' Transmitted Diseases, would be Positive cases in the North- Eastern St,;.:(i~; intensified through the is very serious; and we have taken ~;::-r'·': establishment of more S.T. D. measures to control its spread. But I CJ~;'·:/ clinics, training the requisite say that it can be controlled immed,.:l:£:·v manpower, and providing the The problem in Manipur as also in Nag.Jiilf' necessary drugs. or Mizoram- mainly in Manipur- is due 10 t,..•e prevalence of dlug users, the prevalencec} Additional Surveillance/Zonal Blood drUG trZlffickina on the border. So, it IS-:he.. Testing Centres would be drug abuse thJt has become the caLJs€or established in the North-eastern HIV Positive or HIV sero-positive cases region as per the work-plans of the the North-Eastern Stlltes. I must say v.;th states which are under preparation. humility 1I1Jt the Government has :.:k.. eh-!l serious note of it and last yearwe nav.: tried. Intensive and innovative to evolve an inteqratcc as also acoordina~ Information, Education and efforts between the various Ministries ot the. Communication activities would be Government of India. We have torned tc::t".::n L:;J wi:f1 a view to improve Committee in the Home Ministry \N~H?Ye. genu ai ,:t'vv aroness and le met iv elte different Ministries of the Governrnenl 6~ people to take nect3ssc-.ryp~c.:·/(jlltl·je ">:::iJ "C.~" i: .clvco - the Minist: y of SOr.IaD. 5 Oral Answers SRAVANA 6. 1914 (SAKA) oral Answers 6 weifare. the Ministry of Health. the Ministry disease. We have issued the necessary of Defence. the Ministry of Home Affairs as guidelines that all the syringes which are also the Ministry of Defence - so that the available there should not be used by the drug trafficking is controlled. Once drug other persons. The State Governments have trafficking is controlled. we will be able to been advised appropriately. The Chief attend to this problem very positively.
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