May 16, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E641 Mr. and Mrs. Norton have called Dahlonega area. He was also heavily involved in the Yp- restored with the support of the Kresge Foun- home for years, and their love for the town is silanti community, serving as a member of the dation and Detroit Renaissance, and later at evident in the passion with which they run local Kiwanis Club and spearheading several the Detroit Opera House, which was formally their business. The Picnic Cafe´ has employed of the organization’s outreach efforts and re- opened on April 21, 1996 with a performance dozens of college students and Dahlonega maining involved with its committees. by the great tenor Luciano Pavarotti. residents, providing the Lumpkin County com- As the first African-American Postmaster in Dr. DiChiera’s impact extends beyond his munity with jobs and students with work expe- Ypsilanti, Mr. Eaglin dedicated his life and ca- building of this important institution. He has rience. reer effectively served the public while helping been a vital center of gravity for arts and cul- Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recognize the to break down barriers. In addition to his pio- ture in and around the City of Detroit. He has Nortons’ commitment to their small business, neering career as Ypsilanti’s postmaster, Mr. been committed to nurturing and showcasing and, in the spirit of Small Business Week, Eaglin was well-known as a kind, caring indi- the broad diversity of talent in opera, some- thank them for their dedication to serving the vidual whose service to the Ypsilanti commu- thing which he viewed from the inception of people of Dahlonega. I am looking forward to nity was instrumental to making the city a Michigan Opera Theatre as central to its mis- my next visit to the Picnic Cafe´ to see what’s great place to live and work. In addition to his sion. ‘‘Building bridges into the community was new on the menu, and wish the Norton family career as Ypsilanti’s Postmaster, Mr. Eaglin a primary mission,’’ he said in the Theatre’s continued success. volunteered for years with St. John’s Catholic blog, ‘‘making sure that the African American f Church, the Housing Bureau of Seniors and community, the majority of Detroit’s popu- several local hospitals. His legacy of public lation, was represented on the stage.’’ In addi- RECOGNIZING JAMES HICKS service, as well as his upbeat and friendly atti- tion to producing works which reflect the Afri- tude, made him a beloved figure in the com- can American experience such as Porgy and HON. RODNEY DAVIS munity, and he will be missed. Bess and Tremonisha, the Michigan Opera OF ILLINOIS Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Theatre commissioned and produced the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in honoring Simon Eaglin, Ypsilanti’s former world premiere of Margaret Garner, based on Postmaster and community leader. Mr. Eaglin Tuesday, May 16, 2017 the novel Beloved written by Nobel Laureate went above and beyond to serve the city and Toni Morrison. Ms. Morrison wrote the libretto Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- its residents during his life. for Margaret Garner, and the production er, I rise today to recognize a man who has f starred famed mezzo-soprano Denyce Graves. dedicated his life to protecting and educating Dr. DiChiera has ensured that Michigan Opera the public. James Hicks will be retiring this PAYING TRIBUTE TO DR. DAVID Theatre has performed works reflecting the May from the Pana Fire Department after 45 DICHIERA rich cultural fabric of Metro Detroit, including years of service. the Armenian opera Anoush, King Roger and During his career with the fire department, HON. SANDER M. LEVIN The Haunted Castle, which celebrate the re- James pioneered an Explorer Post, which he OF MICHIGAN gion’s Polish community, an opera based on led for 34 years. This program allows youth IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the life of the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, and and young adults become involved with and Tuesday, May 16, 2017 The Passenger, an opera about the Holo- learn more about firefighting and fire re- caust. sponder careers. Under James’ leadership, Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay In addition to founding, building, and leading many of the explorers were inspired to protect tribute to Dr. David DiChiera, who is retiring Michigan Opera Theatre, Dr. DiChiera is a their communities and become firefighters. from the Michigan Opera Theatre. While he noted composer as well. In further tribute to Hicks has also worked to keep the area began his distinguished and impassioned ca- him, the Michigan Opera Theatre is featuring schools informed on fire prevention techniques reer in California, he became known in Michi- this month Dr. DiChiera’s full-length opera, Cy- and spent many hours volunteering with the gan and beyond as Mr. Opera. He is retiring rano, based on Edmond Rostand’s timeless Pana Ambulance Service as an Emergency from the Michigan Opera Theatre, which he play, Cyrano de Bergerac. Medical Technician. founded in 1971 and which he served as Gen- Mr. Speaker, like innumerable opera I am honored to recognize Mr. Hicks and eral Director and Artistic Director. After com- aficionados, I know that David DiChiera has wish him all the best in his retirement. pleting his undergraduate studies in musical brought boundless joy to experienced opera f composition at UCLA, David DiChiera contin- lovers while helping to create countless new ued his scholarship in Italy on a Fulbright ones. Along the way, he has nurtured young IN RECOGNITION OF SIMON scholarship, and returned to UCLA to join the artists and has ensured that the Michigan EAGLIN FOR HIS LIFETIME OF faculty and to complete his PhD in musi- Opera Theatre reflects the diversity of the SERVICE TO THE YPSILANTI cology. In 1962, Dr. DiChiera was recruited to community it serves. Dr. DiChiera built an en- COMMUNITY join the faculty at Oakland University as a pro- during institution in Michigan Opera Theatre, fessor. He later became chairman of music at and in so doing, he has established himself as HON. DEBBIE DINGELL the university. one of Metro Detroit’s true treasures. I encour- OF MICHIGAN While at Oakland University, Dr. DiChiera age my colleagues to join me in congratulating IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES created ‘‘Overture to Opera,’’ a program fea- and thanking much beloved Dr. David turing local opera singers which brought opera Tuesday, May 16, 2017 DiChiera for the immeasurable contribution he to communities throughout Michigan, and has made to the arts in Metro Detroit and far Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to which planted the seeds for the creation of beyond. recognize Simon Eaglin, a prominent commu- Michigan Opera Theatre. As Dr. DiChiera ex- f nity leader who served Ypsilanti throughout his plained in an interview, ‘‘I would cast the won- life. Mr. Eaglin served as Postmaster General derful local singers who otherwise had limited HONORING THE 52ND for the Ypsilanti area for over two decades opportunities . we started taking this pro- ANNIVERSARY OF HEAD START and provided impactful leadership to many gram to community centers—every year, I local organizations and causes. took it to The War Memorial and area schools. HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK Born in 1917, Mr. Eaglin moved to Ypsilanti This was all throughout the 1960s. Then, in OF NEW YORK during the Second World War to work at the 1970, I thought it was time to do a full-length IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Willow Run Bomber Plant and aid the United opera, and to create the beginnings of an States’ war effort. After the end of the war, Mr. opera company.’’ Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Eaglin became a radiation control technician It is important to keep in mind the backdrop Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to at the University of Michigan medical center for Dr. DiChiera’s efforts to create an opera honor and recognize the Head Start organiza- while working to complete his college degree company in Detroit. By 1971, when Michigan tion on its 52nd Anniversary. at Eastern Michigan University. He was then Opera Theatre was established, the city itself Since its establishment, Head Start has named as the Ypsilanti Post Office’s Post- was experiencing a major loss of population been working to serve the country’s most vul- master in 1964, a position he served until his and many people were skeptical that this en- nerable families. In addition to working with or- retirement in 1988. Mr. Eaglin was known for deavor could succeed. But Michigan Opera ganizations that provide learning, nutrition and his efficient leadership in ensuring prompt de- Theatre not only succeeded, it thrived—first at general health assistance for children, Head livery of mail and packages in the Ypsilanti the Music Hall in downtown Detroit which was Start has also helped to provide training, job VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 May 17, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16MY8.015 E16MYPT1 lotter on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E642 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 16, 2017 development, and volunteer opportunities for HONORING GLENN R. LITTLE ON ways goes above and beyond to help others— low-income parents. These efforts are critical THE AWARD OF THE CONGRES- evident in the integral role she plays in the an- for establishing an environment in which every SIONAL GOLD MEDAL (POST- nual James R. Pohlman Memorial Golf Outing, American is equipped to reach their full poten- HUMOUS) which raises money for Parkinson’s disease tial.
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