RELOADING - GUNS & AMMO - ACCESSORIES - SERVICES Price List Issue 2018-10 13 October 2018 Prices are subject to fluctuation in the exchange rate, government duties and other factors beyond our control. Prices are subject to change without notice. Errors and omissions excluded. All prices are inclusive of Value Added Tax at the rate of 14% Terms are strictly COD, unless otherwise arranged. Items not in stock can be ordered. Delivery time will usually be within about 6 weeks. Shooting Stuff is a home-based business; please respect our business hours. Business hours are Monday to Friday, 09h00 to 16h30 We are closed on Weekends and Public Holidays. Feel free to e-mail us at any time! Contact Numbers Postal Address Physical Address Land line 012-654-3346 PO Box 9438 104 Roscommon Road Mobile 084-092-5034 Centurion Bronberrik Fax 086-776-3173 0046 Centurion e-mail [email protected] South Africa South Africa web site www.shootingstuff.co.za Main Updates: General update, price adjustment due to poorer exchange rate. New Starline cartridge cases, including rifle calibres. New range of Lapua rimfire ammo available New Guns Received: Benelli M2 SP shotguns - ideal for IPSC or DMG S&W M&P rifles available, .22LR and .223 Rem - even a .300 Whisper! E&OE&RD1475& Shooting Stuff CC Reg: CK 95/45142/23 Members: JM Fouché & LA Fouché RELOADING - GUNS & AMMO - ACCESSORIES - SERVICES Reloading Equipment 2018-10-13 Page 2 of 44 Square Deal B Progressive Handgun Reloader Part Number Retail Price Machine SDB Machine (order by caliber) DLN-20099 R 9 400.00 Caliber Conversion Caliber Conversion Kit (includes SDB dies) DLN-20229 R 1 950.00 Quick Change Assembly (toolhead, stand and powder measure) DLN-62256 R 2 800.00 Powder Measure System DLN-20001 R 1 870.00 Toolhead Assembly DLN-20113 R 815.00 Toolhead Stand DLN-62225 R 650.00 Optional Accessories SDB Wrench SSB-WRENCHSDB R 145.00 Bullet Tray Kit DLN-22214 R 1 020.00 Cartridge case bin & bracket SSB-CCBBSDB R 895.00 Cover SSB-COVER550 R 345.00 Dillon's Case Lubricant ( 1 x 8oz Spray Bottle) DLN-13733 R 270.00 DVD Instruction Manual DLN-19482 R 425.00 Low Powder Sensor DLN-16306 R 900.00 Primer Flip Tray DLN-13606 R 520.00 Primer Pick-up Tubes ( 1 large or 1 small) DLN-22028 R 160.00 Primer Pick-up Tubes ( 2 small & 2 large, or 4 large, or 4 small) DLN-20056 R 520.00 Shell plate DLN-13440 R 795.00 Spare Parts Kit DLN-20778 R 510.00 Machine Mount SSB-MOUNTSDB R 1 410.00 SDB Toolkit SSB-TKSDB R 680.00 BL550 - Basic Loader Part Number Retail Price Machine BL 550B Machine (order caliber conversion separately) DLN-15399 R 7 250.00 Caliber Conversion Caliber Conversion (standard calibers) DLN-20130 R 1 010.00 Caliber Conversion (Magnum Rifle & .50 AE) DLN-21428 R 1 210.00 Toolhead DLN-13909 R 590.00 Toolhead Stand DLN-22055 R 525.00 Powder Die (for weighed charges) DLN-16629 R 480.00 Plastic Powder Funnel (for weighed charges) DLN-16617 R 160.00 Powder Funnel, from DLN-13806 R 420.00 Optional Accessories See below in the RL 550B section Upgrades Auto Powder Measure System DLN-20251 R 2 110.00 Auto Ejection System DLN-22120 R 735.00 Upgrade an AT500, BL550 or RL 450 to RL 550C Part Number Retail Price Frame change kit DLN-20094 R 2 910.00 Auto Powder Measure System DLN-20251 R 2 110.00 Auto Prime System DLN-20055 R 2 210.00 Auto Ejection System DLN-20002 R 1 530.00 Primer Early Warning System DLN-20302 R 660.00 2018-10-13 Page 3 of 44 RL 550C Progressive Handgun Reloader Part Number Retail Price Machine RL 550C Machine (order caliber conversion separately) DLN-14261 R 9 900.00 Caliber Conversion Caliber Conversion, from DLN-20127 R 1 010.00 Quick Change Assembly (toolhead, stand and powder measure) DLN-22058 R 2 490.00 Toolhead DLN-13909 R 590.00 Toolhead Stand DLN-22055 R 525.00 Powder Measure System DLN-20782 R 2 000.00 Powder Die DLN-20064 R 320.00 Powder Funnel, from DLN-13806 R 420.00 Case feed assembly Case feed assembly (220V) - order large / small pistol DLN-14453 R 8 050.00 Casefeeder caliber conversion DLN-14284 R 710.00 Optional Accessories Roller Handle SSB-RHANDLE R 1 060.00 1" Wrench SSB-WRENCH R 145.00 Bullet Tray Kit DLN-22214 R 1 020.00 Cartridge case bin & bracket SSB-CCBB550 R 895.00 Cover SSB-COVER550 R 345.00 Cover, for quick change toolhead SSB-COVERQC R 215.00 DVD Instruction Manual DLN-19483 R 425.00 Low Powder Sensor DLN-16306 R 900.00 Primer Flip Tray DLN-13606 R 520.00 Primer Pick-up Tubes ( 1 large or 1 small) DLN-22029 R 160.00 Primer Pick-up Tubes ( 2 small & 2 large, or 4 large, or 4 small) DLN-20056 R 520.00 Shell Plate DLN-13743 R 800.00 Spare Parts Kit DLN-20048 R 445.00 Machine Mount SSB-MOUNT550 R 1 410.00 Billet-machined Tool head (blue, black, gold or silver) DLN-62132 R 725.00 Toolkit SSB-TK650 R 680.00 2018-10-13 Page 4 of 44 XL 650 Progressive Handgun Reloader Part Number Retail Price Machine XL 650 Machine (order by caliber) DLN-XL650 R 13 600.00 Casefeed Assembly (order Large/Small Pistol or Rifle) DLN-97021 R 5 650.00 Mini Casefeed Assembly (9mm / .38 Super, or .40 S&W) MBF-102385 R 1 350.00 Caliber Conversion Caliber Conversion, from DLN-21109 R 1 700.00 Quick Change Assembly (toolhead, stand and powder measure) DLN-22059 R 2 600.00 Toolhead DLN-13863 R 715.00 Toolhead Stand DLN-22055 R 525.00 Powder Measure System DLN-20782 R 2 000.00 Powder Die DLN-20064 R 320.00 Powder Funnel, from DLN-13806 R 420.00 Casefeed Plate (order Large/Small Pistol or Rifle) DLN-21072 R 885.00 Priming System (Large / Small) DLN-20982 R 1 810.00 Optional Accessories Roller Handle SSB-RHANDLE R 1 060.00 1" Wrench SSB-WRENCH R 145.00 Bullet Tray Kit DLN-22214 R 1 020.00 Cover SSB-COVER650 R 450.00 Cover, for quick change toolhead SSB-COVERQC R 215.00 DVD Instruction Manual DLN-19484 R 425.00 Low Powder Sensor DLN-16306 R 900.00 Powder Check System DLN-21044 R 1 450.00 Primer Flip Tray DLN-13606 R 520.00 Primer Pick-up Tubes ( 2 small & 2 large, or 4 large, or 4 small) DLN-20056 R 520.00 "No-Spill" primer kit SSB-650PK R 965.00 Shell Plate DLN-13509 R 950.00 Spare Parts Kit DLN-21146 R 635.00 Machine Mount SSB-MOUNT650 R 1 010.00 Billet-machined Tool head (blue, black, gold or silver) DLN-62136 R 780.00 Toolkit SSB-TK650 R 680.00 Super 1050 Progressive Handgun Reloader Part Number Retail Price Machine Super 1050 Machine with dies (standard caliber) DLN-23132 R 38 800.00 Super 1050 Machine - .223 Rem (carbide dies) DLN-23131 R 40 300.00 Caliber Conversion Caliber Conversion without dies (standard caliber) DLN-20484 R 2 750.00 Quick Change Assembly (toolhead, powder measure) DLN-21393 R 6 150.00 Toolhead DLN-20420 R 4 330.00 Powder Measure System DLN-20421 R 2 000.00 Toolhead Stand (blue or black ) DLN-62200 R 1 100.00 Primer System (Large/Small) DLN-20476 R 2 420.00 Casefeed Plate (Large/Small Pistol or Rifle) DLN-21072 R 885.00 Optional Accessories 1" Wrench SSB-WRENCH R 145.00 Bullet Bin DLN-13756 R 105.00 Bullet Tray Kit DLN-22215 R 1 020.00 Cartridge Bin DLN-13484 R 300.00 Cover SSB-COVER650 R 450.00 DVD Instruction Manual DLN-19485 R 425.00 Powder Check System DLN-21044 R 1 450.00 Primer Flip Tray DLN-13606 R 520.00 Primer Pick-up Tubes ( 1 large or 1 small) DLN-22029 R 160.00 Primer Pick-up Tubes ( 2 small & 2 large, or 4 large, or 4 small) DLN-20056 R 520.00 Shell Plate DLN-12938 R 1 700.00 Spare Parts Kit DLN-20779 R 755.00 Toolkit SSB-TK650 R 680.00 2018-10-13 Page 5 of 44 SL 900 Progressive Shotgun Reloader Part Number Retail Price Machine SL 900 Machine (order by caliber) DLN-97110 R 23 800.00 SL 900 Casefeed Assembly 220V DLN-97118 R 6 150.00 Caliber Conversion Caliber Conversion (20ga & 28ga) DLN-22138 R 8 350.00 Powder Measure System DLN-17817 R 1 850.00 Small Gauge Casefeed Plate DLN-97045 R 1 030.00 Optional Accessories 1" Wrench SSB-WRENCH R 145.00 Cartridge Bin DLN-17125 R 590.00 Cover SSB-COVER650 R 450.00 Low Powder Sensor DLN-16306 R 900.00 Spare parts kit DLN-11154 R 665.00 Toolkit SSB-TK650 R 680.00 Other Reloading Presses Part Number Retail Price K&M Arbor Presses Basic Arbor Press K&M-ABPRESSRH R 3 170.00 Arbor Press, with force measurement ram and dial indicator K&M-ABPRESSRHD R 5 750.00 Redding Reloading Presses Boss Reloading Press RED-72100 R 2 550.00 Big Boss Reloading Press RED-79000 R 3 050.00 Big Boss II Reloading Press RED-97000 R 3 670.00 T-7 Turret Reloading Press RED-67000 R 5 500.00 Ultramag Reloading Press RED-70000 R 5 700.00 Redding Pro-Pak Reloading Kits Boss Pro-Pak Reloading Kit RED-20000 R 5 650.00 Big Boss Pro-Pak Reloading Kit RED-40000 R 5 900.00 Big Boss II Pro-Pak Reloading Kit RED-57000 R 6 800.00 Redding Versa-Pak Kits Versa-Pak Reloading Kit RED-35000 R 7 050.00 Versa-Pak Pro Reloading Kit RED-35750 R 8 300.00 2018-10-13 Page 6 of 44 Reloading Dies Part Number Retail Price Dillon's Pistol Dies Three-die set DLN-14399 R 1 440.00 Three-die set (bottle-neck calibers) DLN-22083 R 3 020.00 Carbide sizing die (straight wall calibers) DLN-14408 R 690.00 Seating die (straight wall calibers) DLN-14417 R 610.00 Crimp die (straight wall calibers) DLN-14436 R 580.00 Spare decapping pins (10) DLN-21528 R 155.00 Dillon's Rifle Dies Three-die set DLN-15574 R 1 460.00 Carbide three-die set - .223 Rem DLN-10096 R 3 500.00 Carbide three-die set - .30 M1 Carbine DLN-20625 R 2 240.00 Carbide three-die set - .300 Blackout DLN-62114 R 3 680.00 Carbide three-die set - .308 Win DLN-10793 R 3 620.00 Carbide three-die set - .30-06 Springfield DLN-62151 R 5 700.00 Carbide sizing die - .223 Rem, .300 Blackout, .308 Win, .30-06 from DLN-10223 R 3 120.00 Seating dies DLN-21674 R 715.00 Taper crimp die, from DLN-21678 R 660.00 Spare rifle decapping pin (each) DLN-13132 R 89.00 Dillons universal decapping die DLN-22127 R 640.00 LE Wilson Dies (for arbor press) Die Kit #1, Neck Sizing Die + Seater LEW-SKBN-308W R 3 090.00 Die Kit #2, Bushing FLD + Seater + Case Gauge LEW-KBFC-308W R 3 850.00 Stainless Steel Bushing-type, Neck Sizing Die LEW-SND-308W R 1 230.00 Stainless Steel Neck Die Decapping base LEW-NDB-SS R 380.00 Stainless Steel Bushing-type, Full-length Sizing Die LEW-FLD-308W R 1 410.00 Sizing Die Bushing - specifiy size LEW-B-308 R 320.00 Stainless Steel Micrometer-top Inline Seater Die .308 Win LEW-S30-8WN R 2 030.00 With the exception of the Full-length Sizing Die (FLD), all LE Wilson dies are designed to work with an arbor press.
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