E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2019 No. 164 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, has developed a curriculum that has called to order by the Honorable JOHN indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. reached over 1 million men worldwide BOOZMAN, a Senator from the State of f in churches, on college campuses, in Arkansas. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING corporate boardrooms, and in correc- f PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE tional facilities. Robert’s program, the Men’s Frater- PRAYER The PRESIDING OFFICER. The nity, provides men with an encour- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s clerk will please read a communication aging process of teaching them how to opening prayer will be offered by Dr. to the Senate from the President pro live lives of authentic manhood, as Robert Lewis, of Fellowship Bible tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). modeled by Jesus Christ and directed Church, Little Rock, AR. The senior assistant legislative clerk by the Word of God. The program was The guest Chaplain offered the fol- read the following letter: designed to help men come together lowing prayer: U.S. SENATE, and strengthen each other through Let us pray. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, weekly sessions that combine biblical Heavenly Father, we give thanks for Washington, DC, October 17, 2019. teaching and small group interaction. this new day and the hope that lies To the Senate: For 21 years, Robert served as the di- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, within it. We have been a blessed na- rectional leader of the Fellowship Bible of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby Church of Little Rock. During that tion, not by accident but by this: In appoint the Honorable JOHN BOOZMAN, a Sen- You, God, we trust. Thank You for the ator from the State of Arkansas, to perform time, the church grew from a few hun- men and women of this distinguished the duties of the Chair. dred members to over 5,000, and it was body, who will again rise to face the CHUCK GRASSLEY, widely recognized as being one of the immense challenge that will mark this President pro tempore. most innovative and influential day along with the special opportuni- Mr. BOOZMAN thereupon assumed churches in America. ties that it holds for good. I pray You the Chair as Acting President pro tem- Robert helped to bring Downline, will make this body ready for both. pore. which is a citywide discipleship min- In these turbulent times, empower The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. istry, to Little Rock, where he con- their work with Your Spirit. Give them HYDE-SMITH). The Senator from Arkan- tinues to serve as a part-time instruc- a difference making wisdom only You sas. tor. He continues to be involved in his local church and beyond, and he min- possess. Protect them from small ambi- f tions. Call each heart here up to the isters nationally and across the world. higher ways of humility, under- WELCOMING DR. ROBERT LEWIS Robert and Sherard, his wife, have standing, and much needed unity. Help Mr. BOOZMAN. Madam President, I been married for over 40 years. They these leaders seek what is right and would like to take a moment, first of have four children and three grand- best for all in this Nation: the weak all, to thank Chaplain Black for all children. Serving as the guest chaplain is an and the strong, the rich and the want- that he does here. The Senate is a incredible honor. I am thankful for ing, the great and the small; and let much better place as a result of having Robert’s ministry, and I am so pleased their work here today end tonight as a him around. that he could be here to offer an invo- credit, not a deficit, to our Nation’s I would also like to take a moment cation of asking God to guide and bless life-giving legacy of liberty and justice to thank Dr. Robert Lewis for deliv- the efforts of Congress and America’s for all. ering the opening prayer in the Senate leaders. Bless this Chamber, Father. Make us today. I yield the floor. better through them, and lead us all Robert and I had the opportunity to forward in the ways of righteousness play football together at the Univer- f for Your greater glory. sity of Arkansas. He was a very good RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY We pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen. football player and had the gift of LEADER f smack. He would hit you. He had a tre- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- mendous work ethic and character, and jority leader is recognized. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE we all knew that he would do well in f The Presiding Officer led the Pledge whatever he decided to do. of Allegiance, as follows: Robert is, today, a renowned pastor, REMEMBERING ELIJAH CUMMINGS I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the a best-selling author, a passionate Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, United States of America, and to the Repub- speaker, and a Christian visionary. He first, this morning, I join colleagues on ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5855 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:39 Oct 18, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17OC6.000 S17OCPT1 snicholson on DSK30NT082PROD with SENATE S5856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 17, 2019 both sides of the Capitol in expressing sides of the aisle as we chart the right Kentucky, would have seen double- our grief and sadness at the passing of course, and I expect many of us will digit percentage increases in their elec- our House colleague, Chairman ELIJAH have much more to say on the subject tricity costs, and by the Obama offi- CUMMINGS. very soon. cials’ own admissions, the proposal In his over more than two decades in f would have hit low-income and minor- the House of Representatives, CUM- ity communities the hardest. Let me S.J. RES. 53 MINGS became a living legend in his na- say that again: Low-income and minor- tive Baltimore. By all accounts, he was Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, ity populations would have been hit a powerful and passionate voice on the on one final matter, this week, I have the hardest by the double-digit elec- national stage and was a strong advo- been discussing how Washington Demo- tricity bill increases in four out of cate for his neighbors, his district, and crats have sought for 3 years to effec- every five States. That is quite a rap his values. He counted close friends and tively nullify the Trump Presidency. sheet for a Federal policy. admirers from all across the political They have tried to cancel out the vot- In a nation in which carbon emis- spectrum. ers’ decision in 2016 and dodge the con- sions have already been trending down- The Capitol will lower its flags today sequences of Secretary Clinton’s defeat ward, this proposal would have sold off to mark this significant loss and re- whether it be through the 3-year-old our economic edge to overseas com- member a life well lived. The Senate impeachment parade that the House petitors whose emissions are, actually, unites our prayers with those in the Democrats have been leading or steadily climbing. It would have taken House for Maya, ELIJAH’s wife; for his through the unprecedented delays and the legs out from under American job children; and for all of the colleagues, obstruction that has been visited on creators while some of the world’s lead- friends, and staff who will miss him the President’s nominations here in ing polluters would have continued to greatly. the Senate. roar right past us. It would have lit- Well, our Democratic colleagues will erally shipped our economic competi- f today mount yet another effort to fire tiveness to places like China and India. TURKEY AND SYRIA up the time machine. They want to Here is how experts estimated the ef- move forward with legislation that Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, fect of all of this self-inflicted eco- would undo a major regulatory reform on an entirely different matter, I was nomic damage on the climate: a one success story of the Trump administra- encouraged to see yesterday’s display one-hundredth-of-1-degree difference by tion’s and reopen the Obama adminis- of bipartisan concern in the House of 2050. Here is the impact estimated to tration’s disastrous War on Coal. Spe- Representatives for sustaining Amer- have happened if it had gone forward— cifically, they want to try and revive ica’s global leadership and, specifi- a one one-hundredth-of-1-degree dif- the so-called Clean Power Plan, which cally, over the damaging impact of ference by 2050. Think how deeply you is a dangerous, misguided policy that hastily withdrawing that leadership would have to be in the grip of leftwing the Trump administration has rightly from Syria. ideology for that trade-off to sound Back in January, I led a forward- done away with. We will be voting on this resolution later today. like a good deal for American families. looking debate here in the Senate on Today’s effort to revive this bad pol- these very issues. I sponsored an The basic facts haven’t changed since this job-killing scheme was first put icy is being pushed by the same Senate amendment to S.
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