ISpjje Palestine #a?ette No. 1320 THURSDAY, 2ND MARCH, 1944 •/ 225 CONTENTS ! Page ORDINANCE CONFIRMED. Confirmation of Ordinance No. 19 of 1942 - •-' - - 227 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. , District Motor Regulatory Board, Haifa District—Member appointed - - 227 Magistrates appointed to sit as Judges of a District Court - - - 227 ־ - - - Obituary - - • . 227 Appointments, etc. • - • . - - - . - - 227 Higher Standard Arabic Examination - - - - 228 ־ - -, - - Medical Licence granted 228 ־ - - - - Medical Licence cancelled 228 Land Valuer's Licence renewed - - - - - 228 x - - - - - 228 .־ -. ־ Mails lost Correspondence addressed to Merchant Seamen - - - - 228 ־ - Postal Services with Corsica restored - - 228 Customs Receipts Book lost - - - - - 228 Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - - -, -, - 228 Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts - - - - 229 ־ - - - - - .Citation Orders 230 Court Notices - - - - - - 236 ־ - - - - - Court Summons 236 Notices of the Execution Offices, Jaffa and Tel Aviv - - - 236 RETURN . Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - - 239 NOTICES REGARDING BANKRUPTCIES, A COMPANY, INCORPORATION OP COMPANIES, REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS, ETC. - - - - - - 239 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette: Notice under the Defence (Municipal Tribunals) Regulations, 1941, appointing certain Persons to be Members of the Municipal Tribunal established in the Municipal Area of Nazareth - ' • - - - - - 195 Order No. 14 of 1944, under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, fixing the Limits of ־ - the Benei Beraq Town Planning Area - 197 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of Panella­ tion Schemes within the Haifa Town Planning Area - - . !93 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of a Detailed ־ ־ - - Scheme within the Haifa Town Planning Area 199 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force ־ - Detailed Schemes within the Haifa Town Planning Area - 199 Notices of Posting of Valuation Lists in the Urban Areas of Tiberias and Herzliya, under, the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940 - - - - 200 Notice under the Post Office Ordinance, prescribing Rates of Telegraph Charges to Egypt 201 Notice under the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939, regarding the Seizure and Forfeiture to the Government of Palestine of Goods intended to be exported "contrary to the Licensing of Exports Order, 1940 - - 201 Notice under the Defence (Utility Goods) Order, 1942, changing the Provisions of the / Defence (Utility Goods) (Articles of Stationery) Scheme, 1944 - - 201 pood Control (Standard Jam) (Amendment) Order, 1944, under the Food Control ־ - - - - . i! Ordinance, 1942 202 , ־ . ;I v1| r\ /(Continued) / .° .MILS 5׳6־PiiiCEr CONTENTS. Page (Continued) Food Control (Maximum Prices for Certain Alcoholic Drinks) Order, 1944, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - - - - 203 Food Control (Controlled Articles) Order (No. 2), 1944, under the Food Control ־ - - - Ordinance, 1942 - - 205 Food Control (Maximum Prices for Edible Raisins) Order, 1944, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - - - — .206 Food Control (Cattle) (Restriction of Sale and Prohibition of Slaughter) (Revocation) Order, 1944, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - - 206 Food Control (Sardines) (Movement Restriction) (Amendment) Order, 1944, under the 207־ - - Food Control Ordinance, 1942 Proclamation No. 4 of 1944, under the Forests Ordinance, proclaiming a certain State Domain Land to be a Forest Reserve under the Control and Management of the Covernment - - - - - _ 207 Order No. 15 of 1944, under the Forests Ordinance, declaring a Forest Reserve to be a 208־ - - ־ ־ - Closed Forest Area Y Notice under the Defence (Finance) Regulations, 1941, authorising Barclay's Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas) to be Sole Authorised Dealers in Foreign Currency other than Syrian and Lebanese Pounds and Authorised Dealers in Syrian and Lebanese Pounds, and the Ottoman Bank to be Authorised Dealers in Syrian and ־ . - Lebanese Pounds - - 208 Notice under the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, regarding ;208׳ - the Construction of a Police Post and Guard Room in El Malikiya Village Order No. 16 of 1944, under the Animal Diseases Ordinance, revoking Order No. 2 of ' \ 1944, whereby Yatta Village was declared to be an Infected Area on Account of the Existence of Fowl Typhoid therein - - - - 209 Vesting Order No. 123, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, vesting certain Property in the Custodian of Enemy Property - 209 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in Tel Aviv, and Jajur and Tantura Villages, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - - 209 • SUPPLEMENT No. 3. REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS, PATENTS, A DESIGN, ETC. 15 2nd: March, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1320. 527 CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCE. The Secretary of State for thé Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will .not be advised to exercise his powers of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 19 of 1942, entitled "Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, 1942". 24th February, 1944. J. V. W. SHAW (WDP/l/41/Vol. Ill) Chief Secretary. NOTICE. The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that ME. WALTER HENRY ELKINS, O.B.E., Operating Superintendent, Palestine Railways, has been appointed to be, a member of the District Motor Regulatory Board, Haifa District, in place of MR. C. E. COULMAN. The Notice by the Acting Chief Secretary published in the Gazette No. 1306 of 16th December, 1943, at page 1171, is hereby revoked. 23rd February, 1944. J. V. W. SHAW (RT/48/43) . Chief Secretary. ——— " .NOTICE : - : ׳ ־־— ' IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for general information that His HONOUR THE ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 14(4)(6) of the Courts Ordinance, 1940, has appointed the following Magistrates to sit as Judges of the District Court: — HASSAN EFF. KATIB From the 28th to the 29th February KHALIL EFF. SHEHADEH From the 3rd to the 11th March both dates inclusive. 28th February, 1944. L. A. W. OEE (Gaz/5/40) Chief Registrar. Official Receiver, with effect from the 26th OBITUARY. February, 1944. The High Commissioner announces TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENTS. with regret the death of: — The acting appointment of MR. A. W. L. MR. J. R. SAMPLE, British Constable, SAVAGE, Deputy Financial Secretary, as Finan­ Police and Prisons, on the 23rd Febru­ cial Secretary, published in Palestine Gazette ary, 1944; No. 1317 of the 10th February, 1944, ceased MR. A. J. WILSON, British Constable, with effect from the 23rd February, 1944. Police and Prisons, on the 23rd Febru­ The acting appointment of MR. V. N. LEVI, ary, 1944. Assistant Secretary, Secretariat, as Deputy MR. T. M. N. WILSON, Office of the Financial Secretary, published in Palestine Custodian of Enemy Property, on the Gazette No. 1318 of the 17th February, 1944, 26th February, 1944. ceased with effect from the 23rd February, 1944. APPOINTMENTS, ETC. The acting appointment of MR. B. FISHMAN, APPOINTMENTS. Land Officer, Department of Land Registra­ The High Commissioner has appointed: — tion, as Chief Inspector, published in Pales­ MR. R. SCOTT, Administrative Secretary, tine Gazette No. 1286 of the 26th August, 1943, Secretariat, to be Financial Secretary, with ceased with effect from the 27th February, 1944. effect from the 23rd February, 1944. The acting appointment of MR. F. S. TALBOT, Clerk, Public Works Department, as Chief MR. A. L. KIRKBRIDE, O.B.E., Principal Storekeeper, published in Palestine Gazette Assistant Secretary, Secretariat, to be Ad­ No. 1314 of the 27th January, 1944, ceased with ministrative Secretary, with effect from the effect from the 19th February, 1944. 23rd February, 1944. MR. G. D. B INSTEAD, British Inspector, TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENTS. Police and Prisons, to be Fire Staff Officer, The appointment of MR. G. R. SANDFORD, Office of the Commissioner for Civil Defence, C.M.G., O.B.E., Financial Secretary, termin­ with effect from the 1st February, 1944. ated with effect from the 23rd February, 1944, on transfer to Tanganyika. MR. C. L. HORTON, Assistant Director of The appointment of MR. L. A. BYLES, As­ Land Registration, to act as Director of Land sistant A.R.P. Officer, Office of the Commis­ Registration, with effect from the 27th Febru­ sioner for Civil Defence, terminated with effect ary, 1944. from the 26th February, 1944. MR. B. FISHMAN, Land Officer, Department The appointment of MR. R. W. R. STOVEY, of Land Registration, to act as Assistant Di­ Commandant, Civil Defence Mobile Reserves, rector of Land Registration, with effect from Office of the Commissioner for Civil Defence, the 27th February, 1944. terminated with effect from the 26th February, MR. Y. I. ATALLAH, Senior Inspector, De­ 1944. partment of Land Registration, to act as Chief The appointment of MR. H. WOOTTON, In­ Inspector, with effect from the 27th February, spector of Vocational Training, Office of the 1944. I Controller of Man Power, terminated with ef­ DR. M. STEIN, Accounting Officer, Office of fect from the 28th February, 1944. the Administrator General, to act as Assistant^ ׳ THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1320. 2nd March, 1944 228 HIGHER STANDARD ARABIC EXAMINA­ NOTICE. TION FOR GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. JANUARY, 1944. Licence No. DR.1813 dated 30th August, 1934, The following has completed the require­
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