365 — Territoires infectés à la date du 11 août 1960 — Mected areas as on llth August 1960 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire Notifications received under the International Sanitary international concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou Regulations relating to infected local areas and to areas les territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires in which the presence o f quarantinable diseases was a été signalée ( voir page 311 ). reported (see page 311). ■ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 ■ = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. à la date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notifiée aux termes des articles 4, 3 et 9 a; notified under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a): A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each maladie. disease. x PESTE — PLA Mandelay^ Orissa, State RUANDA-URUNDI . , ■ ll.x n .5 6 Yamethin District Balasore, District .... 2UV.56 24.vim.vm Pyinmana, Town .... B 16. VU Cuttack, District .... ■ 8.11.58 SIERRA LEONE . 1.X.56 Dhenkanal, District . I6.VU SOUDAN — SUDAN Kalahandi, District . « 15.IV.58 Amérique — America INDE — INDIA Puri, District................... ■ 7.Vm.S6 Territoire situé au sud du Calcutta (PA)' ............... ■ 17.m .56 12® N. — Territory South Punjab, State of 12® N............................ 17.xn.56 ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Delhi ( A ) ....................... ■ I7.VI Rohtak, District .... 8.VUI Andhra Pradesh^ State Loja, Province Amérique — America Macara, Canton East Godavari, District . ■ 28.Xn.59 Tripura, State. 25.V.59 Guntur District .... ■ 31.X1I.59 Larama, F a r r . ............... B 2,vn Uttar Pradesh, State BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA Krishna, District .... « 27.V m .59 Bañaras. District .... « 14.VI Srikakulam, District . ■ ll.VI La PaZf Dpto. ÉTATS-UNIS — UNITED STATES Kheri, D istrict............... 23.VII Visakhapatviam, District. ■ 20. VU Mainpuri, District . ■ 25.VI Nor-Yungas, Province West Godavari, District . ■ 27.V m .59 New Mexico, Slate Rae Bareilli, District . ■ 15.VI.59 Carauavi Canton .... B 22.IV Chaves, Co........................ ■ 8.QI Assam, State (Excl. Roswell City) West Bengal, Stale Goalpara, District . « 4.VI Bankura, District . COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Kamrup, District . ■ 4.VI ■ 13. VI Nowgong, District . , B 25.VI Burdwan, District . ■ 6.aS8 Boyaca, Dpto, PÉROU — PERU Hooghly, District . B 18. VI United Mikir & North Howrah, District .... B 25.VI Muzo, Mun...................... ■ 25.H Plora, Dpto. Cachar Hills............... ■ H.VI Vasquez, Territorio . • 15.n Huancabamba, Province Midnapur, District . B 2.VH Bikar, State 24-Parganas, District . B 25.VI Santander, Opto. Huancabamba, Dto. B 18.VI West Dinajpur, District . 29.VII Bhagalpur, District . B 23.VU Santa Elena, Mun. , . ■ 22.m Champaran, Dustrict . , ■ 30.VU Asie — Asia Darbhanga, District. « 21.V PAKISTAN Gaya, D istric t............... ■ 14.V East Pakistan . B 23.vn Hazaribagh, District. B 23.VII VARIOLE — SMALLPOX INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA Monghyr, District . ■ ll.VI West Pakistan lo.vn-ii.vin Muzaffarpur, District . ■ 24.V Hyderabad, Division DJawa Tengali, Province Patna, District............... B 16. VII Kedu Residency Pumea, District .... B 2.VU Hyderabad, D istrict. A 7.vni Magelang, Regency . a 7.XII.S9 Afrique — Africa Saran, D istrict............... B 2.VU Lahore, Division Wonosobo Regency. ■ 7.XÜ.59 Shahabad, District . a 15.V1 Gujranwala, District. A 7.VIH BECHUANALAND Surakarta Residency Delhi, Slate .... B 23.VU Lahore, District............... A 7.vra Bojolall, Regency .... a l.ra.59 Siaikot, District .... A 7.VIH EasterOt Med. Dìv. B 9 .v n Gujaratt State Bobonong (near Palapye) B 2.VII Kaira, District............... 1 28.V Multan, Division PESTE DES RONGEURS Mehsana, District. U 4.VII Montgomery, District . A 7.VIII RODENT PLAGUE Panch Mahals, District . ■ 30. VU CONGO• Quetta, Division Surat, D istric t............... 1 6.VI Equateur, Province . B ll.VI Quetta, District .... A 7.VIII io.vu-ii.vm Madhya Pradesh, State Kasal, Province .... B28.V Rawalpindi, Division Katanga, Province . B 18. VI Afrique — Africa Bilaspur, District «... ■ 16.IV Kivu, Province................ B 4.VI Damoh, District .... ■ 29. VU Gujrat, District................ A 7.V1U LéopoldviUe, Province B ll.VI CONGO * Drug. D istrict............... ■ 12.VU Jheium, District................ A 7.VIII Orientale, Province . B 18. VI Satna, D istrict............... ■ s.v ra Shapur (Sargodha), Province do Kivu D istric t....................... A 7.vm Madras, State Nord-est et sud do Lubero B 18.VI COTE D ’IVOIRE — IVORY COAST North Arcot, District . ■ 30.XI.59 FIÈVRE JAUNE Abengourou, Cercle. A 2 i.v n Province Orientale Maharashtra, State YELLOW FEVER Abidjan, Cercle .... A 28.VU Nord-est de Blukwa . B 28.V Chanda, District .... ■ 23.VII Agboville, Cercle .... B 7.VD Nord-ouest de Blukwa. B 4.VI East Kbandesh, District . « 9.VU i5 .v -n .v m Bouafié, Cercle............... A21.VU Kolhapur, District. ■ 20. VU Bouaké, Cercle............... A 2 t.v n CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Nasik, D istrict............... ■ 25.VU Daloa, Corde................... A 28.V1I Satara South, District . ■ i.v n i Dimbokro, Cercle . A 28. VII 24.VII-11.VIII ■ l.VIII Gagnoa, Cercle .... A 14.VII West Khandesh, District. ■ 20.VII ANGOLA....................... ■ 27.V.59 Grand^Lahoa, Cerde . A 21.VII Asie — Asia CONGO• Man, C ercle................... A28.VU Mysore, Stale Séguéla, Cercle............... A 2t.VII Bangalore, District . ■ I8.XU.59 Territoire situé au nord du BIRMANIE — BURMA 10® S. — Territory North Belgaum, District .... ■ 20.VI DAHOMEY Akyab C PA )................... a 13.VI Bijapur, District .... ■ 14. VI of 10® S............................. ■ 11.XH.56 Dharwar, District. ■ 29.VU GAMBIE — GAMBIA . ■ 1.XS6 Kandi, C e rc le ................ A 26.VII Arakan, Division Natitîngou, Cercle . A26.VH Akyab, District............... B 16.VH ^A l’exclusion de la circonscription GHANA ....................... ■ 1.X.56 Ouidab, C ercle............... A 19. VU de l’aéroport de Dum-Dum — Excluding * Ex Congo belge — ex Belgian Congo. local area of Dum Dum airport. NIGÈRIA — NIGERIA. ■ 1.X.56 * Ex Congo belge — ex Belgian Congo. 366 — ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA ■ 21.V.57 iVestern, Province Magdalena, Dpto. Manabi, Province Ankole, District . B 2.VII Gamaira, Mun........... B 8.V JipHapOt Canton GHANA Jipijapa, F a r r . ................ B 9. VII Narine, Dpto. Ashantit Region r h o d Es ie e t n y a s s a l a n d Samaniego, Mun.............. B 15.V Portoiiejo, Canton Bekwai» District * » . ■ 27.1 RHODESIA AND NYASALAND Portoviejo, Parr. .... B 9.VII Meta, Intendencia . , B 24.IV Northern^ Region Northern Rhodesia Tungurahua^ Province Dagomba^ District Western, Province . A 6.V1II Anúlalo, Canton Wcst*Dagomba, Area . ■ 28.IU ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Nyasaland Ambato P a rr. ................ B 25.VI Trans^VoitalTogoIand Region San Francisco, Parr. B z v n HOf District Central, Province . A 6.VÜI Manta ( P ) ....................... A I6.VU Kruchi, A rea............. ■ 22.VU Southern, Province . A 6.VUI Azmy, Province JVestémf Region Southern Rhodesia Cuenca, Canton Asia — Asia Ahanta N*Zima» District. ■ 3.VII Western, Province . A 16.VH Cuenca, Parr.............. B 9.VII Sayausi, Parr.............. B 2. VII Cape Coast, District. • 23.V1 AFGHANISTAN Sefwi, D istric t......... ■ ll.V Sinincay, P a r r ................ B 25.VI SOUDAN — SUDAN Badakhshan, Prosee Gualaceo, Canton. (^d. Faizabad). B 9.VII GUINÉE — GUINEA Blue Nile, Province Chordcleg, Parr. .... B 18. VI Farah, Province Dubréka, Région . B 4.VI Dueim D istrict............... A 23.VII (Excl. Farah)............... A 23.VII Kankan, Ré^on . B 26.VI Bolivar, Province Herat, Province Kissidougou, Ré^on . ■ 25.IV.59 Chimbo, Canton (Exd. Herat (A)) . A 30.VII Macenta, Région . ■ 2.V.59 TANGANYIKA Magdalena. Pair. .... B 18.VI Mumana, Province: M aim an a................... A I6.vn Dar-es-Salaam (PA) A30.Vn San José. P a r r......A 16. VU Eastern, Province . A 23.VH HAUTE-VOLTA — UPPER VOLTA Guaranda, Canton Lake, Province . A 16.VU BIRMANIE — BURMA Dori, C ercle................... A 28.V1I Southern, Province A 23.VII Guaranda, Parr. .... B 25,VI Tanga, Province A 30. vn Mandalay^ Division Western, Province A 16.VII San Miguel Canton Yamethin, District. B28.V KENYA Santiago, P a r r......... B 9.VII Pyawbwe, Town .... B n .v i Centrai. Province TCHAD — CHAD Cañar, Province (ExcL locai area of Nairobi (Embakast) Azogues, Canton INDE — INDIA airport). B.E.T. Région Nairobi, C i t y ........A 30.VII Ennedi, District Azogues, P a r r ................. B 18.VI Ahmedabad (A)............... ■ 20.X.59 Nyeri, District ..... B 9.Vii FadOy Sous-Préfecture Allahabad ( A ) ................ ■ 14.X.S9 Berdoba........................... B 30.VI Carchi, Province AUeppey(P)................... ■ 20.1 Rift Valleyf Province Montufar, Canton Bombay (PA)................... A 6.VIII Trans Nzoia, District . A 30.VII San Gabriel, Parr., . B 18.VI Calcutta (PA) * ................ ■ 9.III TOGO — TOGOLAND Cuddalore ( P ) ................ ■ 2I.IV El Oro, Province Delhi ( A ) ....................... ■ S.I.S6 LIBÉRIA — LIBERIA . ■ 15.01.58 Anécho. Cercle............... B II.VI Pasaje, Canton Jodhpur(A) ................... • U.IV Lomé, C e r c le ................ B 11.VI Pasaje, Parr..............
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