extremeexperiments Detecting MASSIVENeutrinos BY EDWARD KEARNS, TAKAAKI KAJITA AND YOJI TOTSUKA 68 Updated from the August 1999 issue COPYRIGHT 2003 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. SUPER-KAMIOKANDE DETECTOR resides in an active zinc mine inside Mount Ikenoyama. Its stainless-steel tank contains 50,000 tons of ultrapure water so transparent that light can pass through 70 meters of it before losing half its intensity (for a swimming pool that figure is a few meters). The water is monitored by 11,000 photomultiplier tubes that cover the walls, floor and ceiling. Each tube is a handblown, evacuated glass bulb half a meter in diameter. The tubes register conical flashes of Cherenkov light, each of which signals a rare collision of a high- energy neutrino and an atomic nucleus in the water. Technicians in inflatable rafts clean the bulbs while the tank is filled (right). INSTITUTE FOR COSMIC RAY RESEARCH (ICRR), UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO ne man’s trash is another man’s treasure. For a physicist, the trash is “background”—some A giant detector Ounwanted reaction, probably from a mundane and well-understood process. The treasure is “signal”— in the heart of a reaction that we hope will reveal new knowledge about the way the universe works. Case in point: over the past two decades, several groups have been hunt- Mount Ikenoyama ing for the radioactive decay of the proton, an exceed- ingly rare signal (if it occurs at all) buried in a back- in Japan has ground of reactions caused by elusive particles called neutrinos. The proton, one of the main constituents of demonstrated that the atom, seems to be immortal. Its decay would be a strong indication of processes described by the Grand neutrinos Unified Theories that many believe lie beyond the ex- tremely successful Standard Model of particle physics. metamorphose Huge proton-decay detectors were placed deep under- ground, in mines or tunnels around the world, to es- cape the constant rain of particles called cosmic rays. in flight, strongly But no matter how deep they went, these devices were still exposed to penetrating neutrinos produced by the suggesting that these cosmic rays. The first generation of proton-decay detectors, op- ghostly particles erating from 1980 to 1995, saw no signal, no signs of proton decay—but along the way have mass the researchers found that the supposedly mundane COPYRIGHT 2003 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. posited, physicists have assumed that they LIGHT are massless. But if they can change from KOV REN one flavor to another, quantum theory in- CHE dicates that they most likely have mass. Muon-neutrino And in that case, these ethereal particles could collectively outweigh all the stars in Muon the universe. A Bigger Neutrino Trap AS IS SO OFTEN the case in particle physics, the way to make progress is to build a bigger machine. Super-Kamio- kande, or Super-K for short, took the ba- sic design of Kamiokande and scaled it up by about a factor of 10 [see illustration on preceding pages]. An array of light-sensi- tive detectors looks in toward the center of 50,000 tons of water whose protons may decay or get struck by a neutrino. In either Electron-neutrino case, the reaction creates particles that are spotted by means of a flash of blue light Electron known as Cherenkov light, discovered by shower Pavel A. Cherenkov in 1934. Much as an aircraft flying faster than the speed of sound produces a shock wave of sound, an electrically charged particle (such as an electron or a muon) emits Cherenkov CONES OF CHERENKOV LIGHT are emitted when high-energy neutrinos hit a nucleus and produce light when it exceeds the speed of light in a charged particle. A muon-neutrino (top) creates a muon, which travels perhaps one meter and the medium in which it is moving. This projects a sharp ring of light onto the detectors. An electron, produced by an electron-neutrino motion does not violate Einstein’s theory (bottom), generates a small shower of electrons and positrons, each with its own Cherenkov cone, of relativity, for which the crucial veloci- resulting in a fuzzy ring of light. Green dots indicate light detected in the same narrow time interval. ty is c, the speed of light in a vacuum. In neutrino background was not so easy to Neutrinos are amazing, ghostly parti- water, light propagates 25 percent slow- understand. cles. Every second, 60 billion of them, er than c, but other highly energetic par- One such experiment, Kamiokande, mostly from the sun, pass through each ticles can still travel almost as fast as c it- was located in Kamioka, Japan, a mining square centimeter of your body (and of self. Cherenkov light is emitted in a cone town about 250 kilometers (155 miles) everything else). But because they seldom along the flight path of such particles. from Tokyo (as the neutrino flies). Scien- interact with other particles, generally all In Super-K, the charged particle gen- ) tists there and at the IMB experiment, lo- 60 billion go through you without so erally travels just a few meters and the cated in a salt mine near Cleveland, Ohio, much as nudging a single atom. In fact, Cherenkov cone projects a ring of light this page used sensitive detectors to peer into ultra- you could send a beam of such neutrinos onto the wall of photon detectors [see il- pure water, waiting for the telltale flash of through a light-year-thick block of lead, a proton decaying. and most of them would emerge unscathed EDWARD KEARNS, TAKAAKI KAJITA and Such an event would have been hid- at the end. A detector as large as Kami- YOJI TOTSUKA are members of the Super- den, like a needle in a small haystack, okande catches only a tiny fraction of the Kamiokande Collaboration. Kearns, pro- among about 1,000 similar flashes caused neutrinos that pass through it every year. fessor of physics at Boston University, by neutrinos interacting with the water’s Neutrinos come in three flavors, cor- and Kajita, professor of physics at the ); ICRR, UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO ( atomic nuclei. Although no proton decay responding to their three charged partners University of Tokyo, lead the analysis THE AUTHORS was seen, the analysis of those 1,000 re- in the Standard Model: the electron and team that studies proton decay and actions uncovered a real treasure—tanta- its heavier relatives, the muon and the tau atmospheric neutrinos in the Super- lizing evidence that the neutrinos were un- particle. An electron-neutrino interacting Kamiokande data. Totsuka recently be- preceding pages expectedly fickle, changing from one spe- with an atomic nucleus can produce an came the director of KEK, Japan’s na- cies to another in midflight. If true, that electron; a muon-neutrino makes a muon; tional particle physics laboratory, after phenomenon was just as exciting and the- a tau-neutrino, a tau. For most of the sev- serving as spokesperson for Super-K ory-bending as proton decay. en decades since neutrinos were first since its inception. DAVID FIERSTEIN ( 70 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN THE EDGE OF PHYSICS COPYRIGHT 2003 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. ZENITH (PERPENDICULAR TO THE EARTH’S SURFACE) lustration on opposite page]. The size, shape and intensity of this ring reveal the properties of the charged particle, which θ in turn tell us about the neutrino that pro- INCOMING duced it. We can distinguish the Cheren- COSMIC RAYS θ kov patterns of electrons from those of O muons: the electrons generate a shower of IN SUPER-K R particles, leading to a fuzzy ring quite un- EUT N like the crisper circle from a muon. From G the Cherenkov light we also measure the TIN ATMOSPHERE energy and direction of the electron or mu- OSCILLA on, which are decent approximations of the energy and direction of the neutrino. θ Super-K cannot easily identify the third type of neutrino, the tau-neutrino. θ Such a neutrino can interact with a nu- ZENITH cleus and make a tau particle only if it has enough energy. A muon is about 200 times as heavy as an electron; the tau, about 3,500 times. The muon mass is well within the range of atmospheric neutri- nos, but only a tiny fraction are at tau en- ergies, so most tau-neutrinos in the mix will pass through Super-K undetected. One of the most basic questions ex- HIGH-ENERGY COSMIC RAY striking a nucleus in the perimenters ask is “How many?” We COSMIC atmosphere (below) generates a shower of particles, have built a beautiful detector to study RAY mostly pions. The pion’s sequence of decays produces neutrinos, and the first task is simply to two muon-neutrinos for every electron-neutrino. Equal count how many we see. The related neutrino rates should be seen from opposite directions (above) because both result from cosmic rays hitting question is “How many did we expect?” the atmosphere at the same zenith angle, θ. Both these To answer that, we must analyze how the ratios are spoiled when muon-neutrinos traveling long neutrinos are produced. distances have time to change flavor. Super-K monitors atmospheric neu- AIR NUCLEUS trinos, which are born in the spray of par- ticles when a cosmic ray strikes the top of our atmosphere. The incoming projectiles (called primary cosmic rays) are mostly PIONS protons, with a sprinkling of heavier nu- clei such as helium or iron. Each collision MUON generates a shower of secondary particles, mostly pions and muons, which decay ELECTRON during their short flight through the air, 2 MUON- creating neutrinos [see illustration at NEUTRINOS 1 ELECTRON-NEUTRINO right].
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