University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Cuervo Clipper, 1910-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-7-1919 The ueC rvo Clipper, 03-07-1919 Clinton Keeter Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cuervo_clipper_news Recommended Citation Keeter, Clinton. "The ueC rvo Clipper, 03-07-1919." (1919). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cuervo_clipper_news/182 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Cuervo Clipper, 1910-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. COE TO "THE SINSIIlMi STATE." r t.lirr nrt ulatiun extfniia kll It you yaiit the lieqltliiest climate. Til the I . S. from orean to ocean; Where jl;e plcasapl Ure-ze- s blow, atid i only tine dollar per yar in advance. Just pack your grip lor a faiewrll trip, Clipper Ki ltring You Huinia TR Y And come MEW ONE and SEEJ LET I S YOUR to MEXICO. i IK) . e ... ,IO PHINTTNO. Vt hun-U- pnvplope!!, pt-- Volume H. Cuervo, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, Friday, March 7, 191. No. 48. miss ttip la Cuervo irf the former's brotherhood to those who still ara Ford, Saturday. While here, Mr. suffering. At.le.ist 10,000 tons ol Edgerton paid us a pleasant visit. tilothiug is needed. AH Red Cross He states that he and his family chapters and brunches will part ici expect to leave iu the near future paio in the drive. Without delay for Florida, via Hot Springe, Ark- - the garments will bo forwarded tJ ansas, where he will be treated for Europe, where they will be distri- - Reduced rheumatism. buted by the Red Cross. All gar- ments and shoes which need re THE half rate on feed stuff to farmers given by tfie railroads enables Uncle Lon Osborne was doing pair will he soitttl and fixed bf business in Cuervo, Saturday; and the people for whose benefit thef Bond & Wiest to make a reduction of 25 cents sack on corn and oats. as usual paid the office a per Clipper are to be devoted. pleasant call. He stated that he had been suffering with rheumatism a nice of a and he ate We have just received line Ginghams quite while, recently Like Oil. dinner with Mr. and Mrs. D. K, Smells on hand a assortment Calicoes, Holland, and his rheumatism left and have complete him, and after ho had returned The oil wind has begun to blow - home and ale a meal of his cook- in and around Cuervo again and & Outings WHICH we ARE OFFER- ing, his rheumatism began to hurt is shaking things to the" founda I Ginghams, him Uncle Lon that tion. Leases are and be. again. says sought II 1NG AT THE GREATLY reduced he knowB now what causes him to ing obtained on most every availa following prices: have the rheumatism. ble tract of land. The price paid ten aents per acre annum. All 35-cer- it GINGHAMS will go this sale at 25c per being per during yard. It wi e remembered that am 77 ' It 3f 'V uc Pays to Advertise oil-we- was un n rig shipped in, " OUTINGS " " " 30c loaded, hauled out, ktt up and 35 Mrs. Aden drilled a hole in the abouB 77 v Ketter, ground, " " ii it a . 25c Dear Lady; three year ago, and all of sudden quit. On being interrogated, tha I am just back from All this sale at six for $1.00. We are also driller remarked that he was beinfij Callicoes will go during yards Frauce. and while I were at the paid to keep what ho knew, and - Bordeaux Embarkation Camp, it with each cash pur- & said no more. giving coupons TJT OND became cool, and we or rather our WIESnp11 It is stated on authority will to a nice 1U the big store,. battery were issued Red Cross good chase which entitle you plity of mufflers and wristlets, and in one that during the process drilling " a oertain well here several premium. I found your name and address, so deep cuervo;;newmexico. oil was ' srsvr j?i?a-- . iwp I thank you very much for knitting years ago, encountered, s- - which necessitated in 803 ) vasts for the Red Cross, as they and the filling feet to the water Bt tot salvation Army are tne only ones preserve who have domestic purposes. ;wv:xijQ C. D. Howard was a pleasant given freely to the sol ' m 13 in need. caller at the Clipper office, Mon- diers when they were day, while the Y.M.C.A, charged the Dr. Emme'r P. Davis, double for No More 90 Albert Ferguson and mother of boys prices everytbing, Days The from here do not care tor Physician and Surgeon i Tucnmcari, visited relatives hare, boys And Profit them at all, and we want the peo Pleasure SANTA ROSA, NEW MEXl). J last Saturday. Santa Fe, N. M. Mar. 5 ple to know it. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lewis and for- - ia Calls answered day or night.' Waiting ninety duys pay insured when do T. D. Shelton were business vis- I will close for th present, hop these day of H, C. L. liaa boert Are you your banking luck itors in Santa Rosa, Monday. ing yon all the in the world the cloud that, has hovered oveij source of con- and the best bt health. , . alt-juiit- business with us. It will be a 111 Mrs. Bill Davis of of 8ata .Rosa, hMiBt'ttjoiJ"- r. -! " , - - to Monday nigbVith II & T. jciais 01 new iviexico u.f stant '.rttpcni " pleasuantVrofit botUJQnd L. Lewis of this A Soldier o! France, moons.; the clouu now ' place. i through YOUR BANK. C. ym MAlvE OUll BANK N T ERSONAL W. F. IIester and Milton E. Wafroneer W, Kahn, hursts the light, however, Senatol s LOCAL Bat. 62 Art. Democrat from Currf Smith wore pleasant callers at this F., C.A.C., Mersteldor, TO Va, in Bill No. 1G, NOTHING ADDS MORE YOUR office, Tuesday. Camp Eutis, County, provide) that all county ofliciils shiill be APPEARANCE THAN A BANK BOOK SUP- S3 T, L. Griffith and Ben Ferguson monthly together with all s and family visited the editor and paid PLIED BY Checker-boar- d Bill their The same bill alsoj Paragraph taniily, Sunday. deputies. provides that salaries of County L Henry and Vic Epps were busi Superintendents of Schools shall ness visitors at the Clipper office Santa Fe, N. M. Feb. 26 The Santa Rosa State Bank, The Continued ol Loeal Ads, likewise be paid out of the general Serj Tuesday. The former owns the What was known as the Check- and Current Events ia and rend fund of thn renpeolive counties. Cuervo. - Hodges place and is preparing to er- board bill met with a swift fin- - Santa. Rosa New Mexico. put 100 acres in crop this year. ish in the legislature on Tuesday, D. B, McCluer who is here with when it was tabled without having Law the road crew was an been read, and when a motion to Nepotism m m m m BILL OF 8ALE blanks at the building sp & preciatiye caller He reconsider the bill was lost 0 Clipper oftke. yesterday. by subscribed for the uauo?ome i he bill was Santa Fe, N. M. Mar. 6 Prof. Blow Hard sure did "rame Clipper. majority, A. C. Cain and family motored a flagrant attempt to oppress the after discordant sand" In Cuervo and the aurround-in- Right the) to this city, Wednesday, and filed small stockman and sheep man by in the House had country, last Thur Ol I mean apparent their Income Tax returns. f hulling them out from passage a ly smoothed out and the IN PAST last Winds'day. Didn't he? Repub- THE C. C. delivered a load ol the Baley cross alternate sections that lican machine h.id been put 111 flua US READY AND PREPARED TO Vic Segura, business man of thin cedar fence YOU FOUND posts to the editor might be owned or leased by the running order, the entire organiza- place, . called in the Clipper ollice, ACCOMMODATE YOU IN OUR LINE. yesterday.' bigger companies, and it was tion blew up again wheu the Nep- last Friday to renew his subscrip- Joe Fossfct marketed a load ol slain with a wholehearted enthusi otism Bill, was introduced by Car tion. Mr. Segura utates that he : wood here asm that wrought the ter and Chaves. Democrats led IN THE FUTURE will move out on bis claim in the yesterday. lobbyists, Ed Davis, of the Bar Y Kanoh who worked for its pacaaee, up to the the bill, and US MORE READY AND near future and farm this year, fight against YOU WILL FIND paid the Clipper office a pleasant a state of speechless wrath. Speaker Sedillo helped the fua UNITED Stat? Cream Separa i .... PREPARED TO SERVE YOU THAN EVER. can, Wednesday. along by some of the most arbitra- tora For Sale; will contract tor WE ARE RESOLVED TO PLEASE. Joe Fossett markted a load ol ry gavel work that has ever been butter and eggs. Santa Rosa Mer- wood in Cuervo, yesterday. Old Clothes Wanted teen in the house. Bo unjust were cantile Co., Santa Rosa, N. M. 3t BROS. COMPANV Uncle John Hicks "Forded" to some ot nis decision that Carter MOISE ROSA, N. MTCX. I Duran, Jose prosperous sheep Cuervo in appealed from one ruling and ask- his "Henry", yesterday With the clothing problems one man ot north of town, was a pleas-a.i- t ed if it would be to dis J.
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