INVITATION FOR BIDS W9127N21B0006 CALIFORNIA, OREGON, WASHINGTON WEST COAST HOPPER MAINTENANCE DREDGING 2021 PROJECT MANUAL West Coast Hopper Maintenance Dredging 2021 California, Oregon, Washington TABLE OF CONTENTS 00 10 00 SOLICITATION, OFFER, AND AWARD (SF 1442) SF 30 INFORMATION ON AMENDMENT: NOT USED 00 10 00 SOLICITATION 00 21 00 INSTRUCTIONS 00 45 00 REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS 00 72 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS 00 73 00 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS GENERAL AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: SEE PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS ATTACHMENTS A1: Project Sign A2: Floating Plant Inspection Checklist-Hoppers A3: Descriptive Sketch A4: Spill Emergency Initial Report Form A5: Daily Dredge Report A6: Hydro_Survey_Request_Form A7: WA State WQC MCR A8: OR State WQC MCR A9: WA State WQC LCR A10: OR State WQC CR A11: WQ Monitoring Plan MCR & CR TOC-1 West Coast Hopper Maintenance Dredging 2021 California, Oregon, Washington TABLE OF CONTENTS A12: WQC Jurisdiction SPN Projects A13: Sample Disposal Plan A14: Sample Disposal Load Report A15: Sample Daily Disposal Report A16: Oregon Wage Determination 2021 A17: Washington Wage Determination 2021 A18: California Wage Determination 2021 A19: Overflow Report Form A20: Notice to Mariners A21: Subcontracting Plan Notice to Large Business A22: CY Mile-Example A23: Ullage Sensor Numbering Scheme A24: SAMPLE-HOODS Conditions for USACE A25: Contract File Name Conventions A26: Reporting Plan for Sick, Injured, Dead, or Entangled Species A27: Inadvertent Discovery Plan A28: MSC Material Sieve Data TOC-2 SOLICITATION, OFFER, 1. SOLICITATION NO. 2. TYPE OF SOLICITATION 3. DATE ISSUED PA GE OF PA GES AND AWARD X SEALED BID (IFB) 19-Feb-2021 W9127N21B0006 1 OF 59 (Construction, Alteration, or Repair) NEGOTIA TED (RFP) IMPORTANT - The "offer" section on the reverse must be fully completed by offeror. 4. CONTRA CT NO. 5. REQUISITION/PURCHA SE REQUEST NO. 6. PROJECT NO. 7. ISSUED BY CODE W9127N 8. A DDRESS OFFER TO (If Other Than Item 7) CODE USACE, PORTLAND DISTRICT 333 SW 1ST AVE See Item 7 PORTLAND OR 97204 TEL: FAX: TEL: FAX: 9. FOR INFORMA TION A . NA ME B. TELEPHONE NO. (Include area code) (NO COLLECT CALLS) CA LL: SOLICITATION NOTE: In sealed bid solicitations "offer" and "offeror" mean "bid" and "bidder". 10. THE GOV ERNMENT REQUIRES PERFORMA NCE OF THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THESE DOCUMENTS (Title, identifying no., date): Project: West Coast Hopper Maintenance Dredging 2021 Location: California, Oregon, Washington Magnitude: Betw een $25,000,000 and $100,000,000 Socio-Economic: Unrestricted 11. The Contractor shall begin performance w ithin _______7 calendar days and complete it w ithin ________ calendar days after receiving aw ard, X notice to proceed. This performance period is X mandatory, negotiable. (See _________________________Section 007300 .) 12 A . THE CONTRA CTOR MUST FURNISH A NY REQUIRED PERFORMA NCE A ND PA Y MENT BONDS? 12B. CA LENDA R DA Y S (If "YES," indicate within how many calendar days after award in Item 12B.) 7 X YES NO 13. ADDITIONAL SOLICITATION REQUIREMENTS: A. Sealed offers in original and __________1 copies to perform the w ork required are due at the place specified in Item 8 by ___________02:00 PM (hour) local time ______________22 Mar 2021 (date). If this is a sealed bid solicitation, offers must be publicly opened at that time. Sealed envelopes containing offers shall be marked to show the offeror's name and address, the solicitation number, and the date and time offers are due. B. An offer guarantee X is, is not required. C. All offers are subject to the (1) w ork requirements, and (2) other provisions and clauses incorporated in the solicitation in full text or by reference. D. Offers providing less than _______90 calendar days for Government acceptance after the date offers are due w ill not be considered and w ill be rejected. NSN 7540-01-155-3212 1442-101 STANDARD FORM 1442 (REV. 4-85) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.236-1(e) SOLICITATION, OFFER, AND AWARD (Continued) (Construction, Alteration, or Repair) OFFER (M ust be fully completed by offeror) 14. NA ME A ND A DDRESS OF OFFEROR (Include ZIP Code) 15. TELEPHONE NO. (Include area code) 16. REMITTA NCE A DDRESS (Include only if different than Item 14) See Item 14 CODE FACILITY CODE 17. The offeror agrees to perform the w ork required at the prices specified below in strict accordance w ith the terms of this solicitation, if this offer is accepted by the Government in w riting w ithin ________ calendar days after the date offers are due. (Insert any number equal to or greater than the minimum requirements stated in Item 13D. Failure to insert any number means the offeror accepts the minimum in Item 13D.) AMOUNTS SEE SCHEDULE OF PRICES 18. The offeror agrees to furnish any required performance and payment bonds. 19. A CKNOWLEDGMENT OF A MENDMENTS (The offeror acknowledges receipt of amendments to the solicitation -- give number and date of each) A MENDMENT NO. DA TE 20A. NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SIGN 20B. SIGNATURE 20C. OFFER DA TE OFFER (Type or print) AWARD (To be completed by Government) 21. ITEMS A CCEPTED: 22. A MOUNT 23. A CCOUNTING A ND A PPROPRIA TION DA TA 24. SUBMIT INV OICES TO A DDRESS SHOWN IN ITEM 25. OTHER THA N FULL A ND OPEN COMPETITION PURSUA NT TO (4 copies unless otherwise specified) 10 U.S.C. 2304(c) 41 U.S.C. 253(c) 26. A DMINISTERED BY CODE 27. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY: CODE CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE ITEM 28 OR 29 AS APPLICABLE 28. NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT (Contractor is required to sign this 29. AWARD (Contractor is not required to sign this document.) document and return _______ copies to issuing office.) Contractor agrees Your of f er on this solicitation, is hereby accepted as to the items listed. This award con- to f urnish and deliv er all items or perf orm all work, requisitions identif ied summates the contract, which consists of (a) the Gov ernment solicitation and on this f orm and any continuation sheets f or the consideration stated in this y our of f er, and (b) this contract award. No f urther contractual document is contract. The rights and obligations of the parties to this contract shall be necessary . gov erned by (a) this contract award, (b) the solicitation, and (c) the clauses, representations, certif ications, and specif ications or incorporated by ref er- ence in or attached to this contract. 30A . NA ME A ND TITLE OF CONTRA CTOR OR PERSON A UTHORIZED 31A. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) TO SIGN (Type or print) TEL: EMAIL: 30B. SIGNATURE 30C. DATE 31B. UNITED STA TES OF A MERICA 31C. A WA RD DA TE BY NSN 7540-01-155-3212 STANDARD FORM 1442 BACK (REV. 4-85) Section 00 10 00 - Solicitation CLIN TOTALS SUBTOTAL FOR MANDATORY LINE ITEMS $ SUBTOTAL FOR OPTIONAL LINE ITEMS $ TOTAL FOR ALL LINE ITEMS $ ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0001 1 Job Mobilization and Demobilization FFP FOB: Destination NET AMT ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0002 1 Job OPTION HUM, Incremental Start Up FFP FOB: Destination NET AMT 00 10 00-1 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0003 300,000 Cubic Yard OPTION HUM, Bin Measure to Required Depth FFP HUM, Bin Measure to Required Depth, In Water Placement FOB: Destination NET AMT ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0004 200,000 Cubic Yard LCR Maintenance, Flow Lane Placement FFP LCR Maintenance, RM 3+00+00 to RM 25+00+00, Bin Measure, Flow Lane (FL) Placement FOB: Destination NET AMT 00 10 00-2 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0005 650,000 Cubic Yard LCR, Pre/Post Dredge Survey FFP LCR Maintenance, RM 3+00+00 to RM 105+00+00, Pre/Post Dredge Survey FL Placement FOB: Destination NET AMT ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0006 350,000 Cubic Yard OPTION LCR, Pre/Post Dredge Survey FFP LCR Maintenance, RM 3+00+00 to RM 105+00+00, Pre/Post Dredge Survey FL Placement FOB: Destination NET AMT 00 10 00-3 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0007 350,000 Cubic Yard OPTION LCR, Pre/Post Dredge Survey FFP LCR Maintenance, RM 3+00+00 to RM 105+00+00, Pre/Post Dredge Survey FL Placement FOB: Destination NET AMT ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0008 250,000 Cubic Yard LCR, Bin Measure to Required Depth FFP LCR Maintenance, RM 3+00+00 to RM 105+00+00, Bin Measure to Required Depth, FL Placement FOB: Destination NET AMT 00 10 00-4 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0009 1,100,000 Cubic Yard LCR Increment Transit Miles for Material FFP LCR Increment Transit Miles for Material Placement Site (other than five miles one-way), FOB: Destination NET AMT ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0010 250 Miles LCR Intra-Project Transit Miles FFP FOB: Destination NET AMT ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0011 350,000 Cubic Yard MSC, SF-17 and SF-8 Placement FFP MSC, Bin Measure to Required Depth, In Water SF-17 and SF-8 Placement FOB: Destination NET AMT 00 10 00-5 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0012 150,000 Cubic Yard OPTION MSC, SF-17 and SF-8 Placement FFP MSC, Bin Measure to Required Depth, In Water SF-17 and SF-8 Placement FOB: Destination NET AMT ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0013 1 Job OPTION MSC, Ocean Beach Pump Ashore (Mob/Demob) FFP MSC, Incremental Mobilization and Demobilization For Ocean Beach Pump Ashore Operations FOB: Destination NET AMT 00 10 00-6 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0014 225,000 Cubic Yard OPTION
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