,tt1 ;'.,lrl european space agency agence spatiale europeenne The European Space Agency was formed out of, and L'Agence Spatiale Europeenre est /.ssue des deux took over the rights and obligations of, the two earlier Organisations spafiales eurcpeennes qui I'ont precedee European Space Organisations: the European Space - I'Oryanisation ewopeenne de recherches spat/a/es Research Organisation (ESRO) and the European (CERS) et I'Oryanbatbn europ6enne pour la mise au Organisation for the Development and Construction of point et la cdnstruction de lanceurs d'engins spatiaux Space Vehicle Launchers (ELDO) The Member States (CECLES,) dont elle a repris les drctts et obltgations are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Les Etats membres en sonL' I'Allemagne, I'Autriche, la lreland, ltaly, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Belgique, le Danemark, I'Espagne, la France, I'lrlande, Swizerland and the United Kingdom Frnland is an l'ltalie, la Notvdge, /es Pays-8as, le Royaume-Uni, la Associate lvlember of the Agency Canada is a Suede e, /a Suisse La Finlande est membre assocld de Cooperating State I'Agence, Le Canada benef icie d'un statut d'Etat cooperant. In the words of the Convention: The purpose of the Se/on /es temes de la Convention: l'Agence a pour Agency shall be to provide lor and to promote, for mlssion d'assurer et de ddvelopper, d des fins exclusively peaceful purposes, co-operation among exclusivement pacifiques, la coopera|on entre Etats European States in space research and technology and europdens dans /es domaines de la recherche et de la their space applications, with a view to their being used technologie spatiales et de leurs applications spat/a/eq for scientific purposes and for operational space en vue de leut utilisation d des lrns scientifiques et poul applications systems des systemes spatiaux operation nels d'applications: (a) by elaborating and implementing a long{erm (a) en et en mettant en oeuvre une politique European space policy, by recommending space spattale'laborant europdenne d long terme, en objectives to the lvember States, and by concerting recommandant aux Etats membres des oblecllls en the policies ol the lvlember States with respect to matidre spatiale et en concettant /es polltlques des other national and international organrsations and Etats membrcs d lEgard d'autres organisations et institutions; lnstltutlons nationales et internationales: (b) by elaborating and implementing activities and b) en 5laborant et ei mettant en oeuvre des activibs et programmes in the space freld; des programmes dans le domaine spatial; (c) by co-ordinating the European space programme (c) en coordonnant le progrcmme spatial europeen et and national programmes, and by integrating the les programmes nationaux, et en integrant ces latter progressively and as completely as possible derniers progressivement et aussl compEtement into the European space programme, in particular as que possible dans Ie programme spatial europden, regards the development of applications satellites; notamment en ce qui concerne le d6veloppement (d) by elaborating and implementing the industrial de sate//ltes d'applications policy appropriate to its programme and by (d) en 6laborant et en mettant en oeuvre la politique recommending a coherent industnal policy to the industrielle appropriee d son programme et en lvlember States recommandant aux Etats membres une Dolitiaue i ndustrielle coherente. The Agency is directed by a Council composed of L'Agence est dirig6e par un Conserl, compos6 de representatives of Member States The Director General representants des Efats membres Le Directeur gdndral is the chiel executive of the Agency and its legal est le fonctionnaire executif superieur de l'Agence et la representative reprcsente dans tous ses actes The Directorate of the Agency consists of the Director Le Directoire de l'Agence est compos6 du Dtrecteul General; the Inspector General; the Director of Scientific gendral; de l'lnspecteur g4neral; du Directeur des Programmes; the Drrector of Observation of the Earth Programmes scientif iques; du Directeur des and its Environment; the Director of the Telecommunica- Programmes d'Observation de la Terre el de son tions Programme: the Director of Space Transportation Environnement; du Directeur du Programme de Systems; the Director of the Space Statron and T5l5communications; du Directeur des Systdmes de Microgravity Programme, the Director of ESTEC; the Transport spatial; du Directeur du Programme Station Drrector of Operations and the Drrector of AdrRinistration spatiale et Microgrcvit'; du Directeur de I'ESTEC, du Directeur des Operations et du Directeur de l'Administration The ESA HEADQUARTERS are in Paris Le S/EGE de I'Agence est a Parls The major establrshments of ESA are: Les principaux Elabllssements de I'Agence sont THE EUROPEAN SPACE RESEARCH AND LE CENTRE EUROPEEN DE RECHERCHE ET DE TECHNOLOGY CENTRE (ESTEC), Noordwilk, TECHNOLOGTE SPATALES (ESTEC), Nootdwijk, Netherlands Pays-8as THE EUROPEAN SPACE OPERATIONS CENTRE LE CENTRE EUROPEEN D'OPERATIONS SPAI/ALES (ESOC), Darmstadt, Germany (ESOC), Darmstadt, Allemagne ESRIN, Frascati, ltaly ESRIN. Frascati. ltalie Chairman of the Council: Prof F. Carassa President du Consetl: Prof. E Carassa Director General: J-M Luton Directeur oeneral: J.-M Luton esa bul[ctnn no. 71 august 1992 contents/sommaire .\ Giotto's Encounter with Comet Grigg-Skjellerup: The First Results G H Schwehm 10 Eureca Data Distribution: A Practical Step towards Telescience C. Haddow et al tc SOHO - A Cooperative Scientific Mission to the Sun P Lo Galbo & M Bouffard 21 The ESA Polar Platform J L Cendral & GG Reibaldi o7 Cover: Eureca in orbrt over the Atlantic coast A New Generation of Astronauts in Space of Florida (see page 84) - The Astronaut Selection Process A Ripoll &EBossitlo 40 Editorial/Circulation Off ice ESA Publications Divrsron Suction-Cup Shoes for Astronauts - A New Method of Foot Restraint PO Box 299, Noordw jk M Didier et al 4B 22OO AG The Netherlands Pub icat on Manager The ESA Packet Utilisation A Validation Prototype Bruce Battrick Standard - J.-F. Kaufler cl Ed ito rs Bruce Battrick Duc Guyenne The World Administrative Radio Conference 1992 and lts lmpact on ESA's C are ltlattok Programmes Layout G F. Block et al 56 Carel Haakman Graphics Willem Versteeg Zero-Gravity Underwater Simulations for the Columbus Programme: The First Campaigns lvlontage C.Viberti &PColson oz+ Keith Briddon Paul Berkhout Advertising Programmes under Development and Operations Brigitte Kaldeich Programmes en cours de r6alisation et d'exploitation The ESA Bullet n s publ shed by the European Soace Agercy lrdivioual artrcles may be f n Brief Eureca Safely in Orbit Recent Olympus Activities 17th ESA/Japan repr nted provided that the credit line reads Coordination Meeting Success/u/ First Year for ERS-1 Technology Transfer 84 Reprirted 'rom the ESA Bulletrn'. plus date ot rssue Signed articles reprinted must bear the author's name Advertisements are accepted in good faith: the Agency accepts no responsibility Publications B9 for their conlent or claims Copyrrght O 1992 European Space Agency Pr nted in The Netherlands lssN 0376-4265 european space agency agence spatiale europ6enne GORE are specialists in cable constructions for critical transmission sys- tems. 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Main specializations o Space wires and cables (qualification accord ing to SPACELAB SLP 2110 and ESA/SCC detail specification 3901 /007, 008, 00e) O Highly flexible, low- attenuation microwave cable assemblies, appli- cable up to 40 GHz o Dielectric waveguides '10 from 26.5 to 1 GHz o Highly flexible, low- attenuation coaxial cables O Round and flat conduc- tor ribbon cables O Data lines o Round cables o High voltage wires and cables Product lnformation: Power Supply Gable Assemblies for Space Technology W L GORE & ASSOCIATES GMBh Nordring 1 D-8835 Pleinleld Germany Phone: (0 91 44) 6 01 - 0 Hermann-Oberth-Str 22 D-8011 Putzbrunn Germany Phone: (089)4612 - 507 - ts I{uygeos ISO o F) o Metcosal Ariane 5 Arabsat space statron Hypersonics 'l'iirksar Nl SBS strategic missile We're capsble of anything. 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