i «y«™oi, Puuic tiIinii.v THE LOWELL LEDGER VOL. XIX LOWELL, MICHIGAN, AUG 3, IC>II No. 7 JPAY YOUR BILLS GONETOHiSnRDAOII PIONEER PICNIC AIIENIN PLEASE Are you Particular Charles Taylor, Old Resident, Famous Annual Event Booked Twenty-fivfi Rural Letters in ^ With Checks and you will never have to pay the seen dtime 4 . * Rests After Long Illness. for Thursday, Aug. 17. This Issue Alter an illm'ss of several The pioneers and their descen- The at tentiou of rural readers Every check you give has to be endorsed by he Enough About Drugs J. months, our olillik'iulainl IUMUII- dants of Ada, and snrronndiny; is called lo the splendid array of 4- person receiving it before he can get the mo. ey bor, riiarlcs Taylor, passcil from towns in the (Jrand lliver Valley rural letters being published in 1 and when the checks are returned to you you have his lioim la this villa,uv to his will hold t heir annual basket T L IIK KHCIOU: Look over Hiis Do you make sure of right quality, or do you do as I lite hest kind of a receipt and one that cannot be etonuil reward. Suaday at about picnic at SelKMick's <j,rove, Ada issue—I wenly-tive ol I hem. ho disputed. Your money is always safe when de- niHl- lay, at thu niic old aiiv of village, Thursday. Anii-. 17. Kx- you realize that means a whole thousands of others do just call for an article and take posited in the bank and is as convenient to use as •SO yea i s. Faiu'ral sci-vices were tensive and elaborate prepara- lot of work and expense'.' what Is handed out, without question? thou gh you carried it with you. held at the home Taesdav morn- tions are bciti"' made to maki Compare lhis service wit! inji'. Kev. .1. K. Wooton. oilieia-1 Ada's faimuis picnic i he most in- being rendered by any other We like particular customers. It's a pleasure to sell tin^; burial in tiie Krmn come-1 Ifivsiin^ one they have held for paper iu I his part of I he cnimt rv; CITY STATE BANK lo people who want quality. We buy for particular people lery, Verfi'ennes, beside the wife ' years. and ask yourself if you are doing LOWELL MICHIGAN and children jrone liefore. j Good speakers of statewide llie fair thing in way of supporl. and therefore have a stock of the best goods that the mar- ('harles Taylor was born in 1 reputation will be there, amonir Many are; many are not. Lei ns ket affords. Whether you know drugs or not, A. W. WEEKES. President. ? York County, Ontario, May 21,! them lion. (J. .1. Diekema, Con- reniendii'r that "Tin- ia!»orer is t R. VANDYKE, Vice-Pres., T. A. MURPHY. Cashier, • 1831, and lived there until mar-1 pressman Sweet, Myron II. Wal- worihy liiii."' and re nder a ricd to Crania Snow, Sept. lM, I ker, .ludn'e !•]. .1. hoyle and Al- generous return for a generoiH You'!i Im> I'rolcr-tc(i from Unworthy t W. T. CONDON, 2d V.-P. R. W. SLAY FON, Asst. { IThe next s|)rinLi' they i drich I'lake who will speak of the service. came to Michigan and iiou^ht a, I pioneers of the I'.Mh ceiitury and ' 'III- iMirai friends and ,-uii-ci ili- (toods iiu (I Unfair Pricrs farm in Keene township a,n<l j ilie deveiojunent of the (Jraml ers can do ns much ^oml by ca!l- from then until his death had i lliver Valley from a vast wilder- iiii:'I he a i lent ion of their neiuii. always lived in Kent and Ionia ] ness ti> its present jiiosperous bors lo i hese points. We life i Whoii You Trade With Us counties, a period of ~u years. ] condit ion. your l.ejp and I heir's >>hall we They cann* to Lowell in the fall I Anions the sports in the after- have if.' We consider ourselves responsible for the quality of of IS'.)! and bought the place I noon will be a latly. Madame 1 Don't afterwards owned by William j Marie Sunderlin, eipiestrian. every'hir.-g we s .-! , v/hether drugs or sundries. Anything Miller. On March 2, 1S92, after i with her womlerful horse of purchased here not proving satisfactory we desire to make a four months' illness, Mrs. j world-wide reputation, who will EI rirzhl, either by exchanging or refunding the money. Forget Taylor died and in the year fol- waltz. dance and perform many lowing; Mr. Taylor and daughter evolutions that will be surpns- Good Wages for Women md Myrtle came to the place in this iiifr to all. Also ball jiames, That village which has since been their merry-Li'o-n nnids, etc. Knter- Girls in Lowell home. tainment for old and young. The Lowell I •alining :.c-l ory is Tile Rcxall Drug Store Of live children, two, the oldest Come and enioi'a dav with the niie of our best insl ii in i- ms. i•.ly- D. G. LOOK, "Vacation Time and younjiest. Warren of ''hica- pioneers of ilK* valley, Ui-mem- ing out many tiiousands «•!'dol- ii'o and Myrtie of Lowell,.survive, her the date, Aim". 17. lars every year for slock and I - bh— mi By the latter the father was ten-! I'y order of Com William labor. The busy season is now derly and patiently ministered Carrell. secret a rv. coining on and lu-lp is iiecded. Is Kodak Time" to during the long, trying weeks Tiie proprietor asks Tin: Li:iMii;i; of his illness. Mr. Taylnr is also : Entertained Their Friends. to net lii< slatfinenl pi1'•niiii'Mi! ly Nothing will give quite so much survived by a brother William' before the ]in!>lic and we have A dancinir party was given by Don't Neglect and two sisters, Mrs. .Ir—ie Se-i done all tliis for fnn and love of pleasure, when in the years to I he young ladies to their u'entle- cord and Mrs. Lorena Singer, country "anda liiai and a thai."" 6^ men friends at the City hall last come you are recounting the incidents of your vari- who live in Canada. I'm l lie ft ilh(\ving is wha 1 he p;iys Your Watch Thursday night, twenty-eight % At the age of twenty years,: for. vli i- i ii.-lifiiii- |,ii'r" nf miicliin- ous summer outings, as to be able to show pictures couples being present. Music ll '"illl - fur ! • ;il Iclil i'lti lliHIl Mr. Taylor was convertHd and 1 want woinen ;>nd girls a I my was furnished bv Slockinir's or- III JI-I: : It'TV. I,:ir I of the different localities where those incidents oc- united with the Creewili Uaptist canningfaciory. Tablo i— i-x.'d •i (icca-iniiiilly '.o Ivf'p ii.'rfccl chestra,. Amoiii:- those present inn' curred. If you take a Kodak with you on your church. On removing to Mich- for liigh si-liool Liirls. (loo.i wa nes win ;i W:,ii|i:iii, Wnich from out of town were: Misses llene "i-! I nil. fur ;i lifiM iiin-. igan he united with tii** Meilio- Women who work and are • outing you may make of your vacation an "illus- Cary, Dolly Cjieyne. llenevieve mi wcl: !(• let »-• riciill dist church, was active in the s are surely -nper ,, n I'.' hi C iiMintli!- Kellev and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur trated story" and a joy forever work of lhe Vcrgennesand KetMie to tinise who• do noi.. 1 f i w Klow all of (Irand Kapiils, Miss, churches .and was an enrhusias- not for the fact ones the Come in and see us before you start. Mary Uogers, l»elding, lOarl Her- tic promoter of the building of w(mid lie. Special prices on Croquet on, Saranac, l-'remoiit Casson. the Keene ciiurch. Since coming! if yo i c.in not come yourself Wiliiamsport. IVnn.. Francis Sets to close out. to Lowell Mr. Taylor has been a send some one ill yoiir place. (ieutlernan, Omaha, Xeb., Miss faithful member of the local • KDWIN I'M I. Mae McCormick, Ada and Miss Methodist church and was class Optometrist (liadys Harvey, I'ann'or. leader until failing health de- Lowell Losses to Pewamo Stocking prived him of the pleasure of that service. The I'ewamo-Lowel uame Cri- j K rami'r. j ^feSSSt's'i Living within stone's-thruw of day wa.s preiiy muc mKsssBEEUsapammi lie had 1 he 1 .owell !t;i 11 en. > :(i |IT—w ncawtfcnTt WiiTrjQBaMW lirother Taylor for till en years, ^«*•> -v. i -J jr: 6wnDat.«afi having many times shared his Wiitch This Space his mercy lhronghont lh<' Liann MetJneeii. lirst nji for Lowi ](j, ^Lna board and he ours, we know and safely lo j inlil. W"nl lo (iiird on testify i hat the ciiurch has lost a A Seasonable Hint Collar's sacrilier nnd scoivd on a How do people acquire property and faithful member, the son and A New Corset poor i lirow to i Iiird i)y I'ran•annop.;m | L vni in .lie accoiupanytnir daughteran affeclionate father, I'euamo had I lu ir b; •j.' snils ^ •ii: I'iM.'c jiit-ituntil (Mthl ourselves a good neighbor and nam independence • on and iiil inem.«)vei ihi irh- :tds. HUT jipim ns and we ne the community a good citi/en.
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