VOL. 24 DECEMBER, 1960 NUMBER 12 -H. Armstrong Roberts PAGE KITCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, DECEM:Bf!!R, 1960 would have been impossible to get from the car to the building without becoming completely saturated. We'll Kitchen·Klatte1; hope that we have cooperation from (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off,) the weatherman the next time we MAGAZINE drive through Minden! "More Than Just Paper And Ink" My sister Jessie (Shambaugh) hopes to leave for California before long LEANNA FIELD DRIFTMIER, Editor. to spend the winter months with her LUCILE DRIFTMIER VERNESS. Associate Editor. daughter Ruth and her family. Ruth Subscription Price $1.50 per year (12 issues) in the U.S. A. is very anxious for her mother to do Foreign Countries $2. 00 per year. some writing about her life's experi­ Advertising rates made known on application. ences which have been so varied and Entered as second class matter May 21, 1937, at the interesting. Many of you know that Post Office at Shenandoah. Ia., under the Act of March she was one of the founders of 4-H 3, 1879. clubs. She has always maintained an Published Monthly by THE DRIFTMIER COMPANY active interest in the organization LETTER FROM LEANNA Shenandoah, Iowa and for the past several months has Copyright 1960 by The Driftmier Company. been working with other interested persons on plans for permanent build­ Kings may fall, and wars may We drove only as far as Joes, ings on the club's camp grounds near thunder, Colorado that day, spending the night Boone, Iowa. Perhaps you are making Dynasties begin-and end­ at the Alma Motel which is owned similar efforts in your own state. We But forever lives the glory by· Mrs. La Verna Gerdes, formerly drove over to see Jessie as soon as Of the love of friend for friend. of Nebraska City, Nebraska. I'll not we got back from Denver and she And since Christmas is the season soon forget the window boxes of was very excited over the progress of Friendship's pledges to renew, petunias across the entire front of the fund-raising campaign. Once again we write to strengthen the motel nor her five wonderful chil­ We thought our brother Henry's Ties that bind us close to you! dren who help keep the grounds so wife, Bertha Field, would be home by beautiful. Dear Friends: now, but she is still in Oregon. Her When we reached Denver, we found brother remains quite ill and she felt This verse was written a number she had better stay a while longer. of years ago by my sister, Helen Field our way to Wayne and Abigail's home without difficulty and received an I'm sure that her presence is a great Fischer. I had forgotten about it un­ comfort to him. til I ran across it in a box contain­ enthusiastic welcome. It was just ing some of Helen's poems. My sis­ noon when we arrived and Abigail Henry's son Phillip and his wife ters, Helen, Martha and Sue, left many had a lovely lunch waiting for us. We Marie have been in Korea for over a lovely verses behind them and I'm spent the remainder of the day visit­ year. Phillip is in government work ing. happy to share this one with you. there and writes such long, interesting letters. Their daughter, Billie Marie, is When I wrote last month I told Whenever we see any of our grand­ children after a period of time has making her home in California near you that we were hoping to drive to Marie's sister during their absence. Denver to visit our son Wayne and lapsed, we're always amazed at how they've grown. Emily, Alison and Her interests are a great deal like her his family. Well, we finally made the father's and she is taking some post­ trip although the weather had been Clark were no exception-they had grown up and out! When we weren't graduate work in a college nearby. so unsettled Mart almost gave it up. Phillip agreed to stay in Korea for Fortunately we got up one morning out for drives, I helped Abigail let down hems and move seams. three years and in that time he will to a very favorable five-day forecast have had many, many experiences to and, after talking to Wayne on the There had been no killing frost in tell us upon his return to the States. phone and getting an equally favor­ Denver so the mums, petunias, dahlias able report from that end, we packed and other flowers gave a profusion Like everyone else, we watched the our suitcases and started out. Mart of color to the yards. We decided election returns with great interest. I decided to drive through Kansas as there must be something special about wonder how many of you remember this is the shortest route and one we the Colorado soil for the colors were this little English jingle: hadn't taken for quite some time. This the most vivid and the blooms the "Politics, oh such a lark, don't you took us through Sabetha, Seneca, largest we had ever seen. There was know! Marysville and Mankato to Smith snow on the mountains and the greens Just a nightmare in the dark, don't Center, where we stayed over night. of the pine with the yellows of the you know! One wonderful thing about my many aspen and cottonwoods presented a You work all day and night years of broadcasting is that we find scene of spectacular beauty! And then after all the fight, friends wherever we go. In the Dairy One of the side trips we enjoyed Why perhaps the wrong man's right, Center Cafe at Smith Center we were very much was to Georgetown. It was don't you know!" greeted by Mrs. Anna Peterson. Her interesting to see the old Victorian However you felt about the out­ 86 year old mother, Mrs. Emma Noble houses in such a beautiful setting. The come, I know that you will do all of Red Cloud, Nebraska has listened town has changed very little since the you can to support our new President to Kitchen-Klatter since the very old mining days. now and in the critical years ahead. early days of radio.. We arrived. back in Denver in time Your letters tell me that this has Perhaps some of you don't know for Wayne to start charcoal on the been a busy fall for most of you. I that Dr. Brewster Higley wrote "Home grill. One of his specialities is bar­ hope you were able to get your bulbs on the Range" in a cabin near Smith becued chicken. Abigail has an orig­ planted and pansy seed sown. One of Center. The cabin is still standing and inal recipe for the sauce. It was my big fall projects has been mak­ is kept as a memorial to him. delicious! With the chicken she served ing mincemeat. We bought fresh cider The following morning was clear a tossed salad, garlic bread and an and apples when Dorothy was here and cool. Mart and I are early risers elegant dessert. We'll try to share for her magazine work and she and so we ate breakfast, packed, and were these recipes with you sometime. Margery helped me make it. We'll on the road around 8:30. Although the Although the weather held up well foI get the calories and have all the morning started cool, it soon com­ while we were in Denver, it was rain­ mincemeat pie we want for Christmas menced to warm up and by the time ing the day we left for home. We dinner! we reached St. Francis, the day was stopped in McCook, Nebraska for the I have made good headway on my HOT. Highway 36 proved to be a very night and called on the George Christmas shopping. Most of it is done good road across Northern Kansas­ Heralds, old friends from Shenandoah. by mail order so I like to make out -level and safe. We noticed that the We planned to stop in Minden, Ne­ my gift lists early. This year we will wheat fields were very much in need braska the next day in order to visit have the traditional "tree" at our of rain and certainly hope that they've Pioneer Village, but it was raining so house. On Christmas Eve as many of nad adequate moisture by now. hard when we reached there that it (Continued on page 22) KITCREN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, DECEMBER, 1960 PAGE 3 On the society page, an item like that God had become incarnate in this might have appeared; "The their midst. Daughters of Solomon celebrated the The editor of the Bethlehem Bugle anniversary of their founding with a might have closed the office after the dinner meeting, Wednesday evening, last December issue was finished. He'd at the lodge hall. Seventeen members trudged home to discuss with his wife were initiated. Arrangements were in such matters as why she forgot to pay charge of the social committee. Eli­ the lamp-oil bill within the discount gible for the D. 0. S. are women who period and what they were going to are proven descendants of David, The do about the son's progress at the King, through his son, King Solomon Temple School. and his twenty-second wife." He'd be unaware that he had just Advertised for sale in the Bethlehem missed the second greatest news story Bugle might be: "Fresh Temple-killed of all time.
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