/ , PAGE EIGHTEEN f - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1957 I r iJIaitrlT^Hfrr iEui^ittug H^ralib Avemge Daily Prera*Run For the Lyeitk Ended- eather D ecem ber 7, 1957 ^ M erabcri of the rummage tale Ferecnat 8. W anthar B a r i y committee of the \Yoman’i Society Correct ion extension of Love Lane and for About Town of the Community Baptist Churcii TPC Studies Street Plans^- several streets in the northeastern will have a work niffht' tomorrow section of town. 12,683 wave warning for tonight, ‘Manchester Golden A g t C l u b In some copies of ye.sterday's The Planning Commission also member! will meet Thursday at at|,the church al 7:30. The sale will ; Herald, it was incorrectly Member *( the Audit w l|k6r. Lm* 19 te IS. dondy, cold­ be held Thursdav at the church JSo Decisions Made on, Bids postponed decisions on applica­ Bureau ot Circulation 2 p.m. in 9range Hall for their stated that Robeit Bradley, 26. tions heard at the Nov. 20 public er Thursday. High near SB. annuU Chiiatmaa party and Worlfera are needed at both times Rockville; Leonaid ,Goetz. 3<. i f m t r hearing until complete minutes of Manchester^A City of Village Charm chajift of 90-cent glfU. A fancv I . .7, , ^ Tolland: and Mrs. Joan Rem- The Town Planning Commission »>;ngs. on street plans ^metlme a/- the meeting are available. The Ub,. m,. b, ..b tb .v -.7 kiewicz, 27. Ellington, pleaded (TPCi last night began considera­ ter the beginning of the year. The guilty in Rockville (ity Court > board felt that the.se applications. will do wonders! VOL. LXXVII, NO. 61 ____ [ lected in the basement of Orange tion of a street plan to incorporate p-esent plana, with TPC modirica- I all of them controversial, would re- i (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TW'O SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN,, W'EDNESDAY, "I^ECEMBERU, 1957* (Claaalfted Adrertlalng on Pngh S0> to robbery with violence, kid­ tions and recommendations, will be PRICE Five CENTS TV- Trb»in OSS « . I _ I Hall Thursday night fiom 6:30 to naping and taking an automo­ ir the town s capital improvements quire careful consideration before! one of the-^ools used in preparing decisions w*ere taken. bile without the owner'.s per­ budget. the capital improvements budget. PLUS mwtinK today and to-i | mission. Tlie erior was noted Prepared by former Town Plan­ Herald Gets New during our press run. The trio TPC Chairman Martin Alvord I crtve the gifts. ning Administrator Wilfred Max­ said that the boardwould probably pleaded innocent to the charge.' well, the plan shows all of Man­ hold area meetings on the street Phone Numbers Ike Seen We regret the error. Unne Lodge, No. 72, Knights of| Marine Pvt. Richard S. Brercton. chester's streets and is keyed to plan, ns the plan is too detailed for Pythias, will meet tomorrow at i son of Mr, and Mrs. Roland K. indicate whether streets are to be a single public hearing. LECLERC The Herald has in­ 8 p.m. in Orange Hall. Officers for I Brereton. B1 Weaver Rd.. is en­ widened, extended, relocated or Tlie TPC took no formal action |WATJPAT>F,R FUNERAL HOME the ensuing term will be elected, j joying a 15-day leave at his home The joint Christmas party of abandoned. vt last night's meeting but the stalled a new and larger Refusing Labor I after successful completion of boot Anderson .Shea Post, No. 2016. Maxwell, acting in a part-time board discussed tentative plans for telephone switchboard Boost, Center. Church Mothers L 1 u b| training at Parris Island. S. C A V'KW, and its Auxiliary, will be advisory capacity, said that the FUNERAL with additional trunk will hold a potliick meeting to graduate of .ManchMter High held on Dec. 17 at 8 p m. at the plan comprises all street improve­ Effect For An Expert Job Call lines to provide increased morrow at 6:30 p.m. in the Rob­ School in 10.56. he will report "to ' P"’ * home. Refre.shments w ill be ments discussed during the past SERVICE bins room of Center Church. Mem- radio school at Norfolk. Va , upon i "'rved with games and dancing to three years, and is baaed on land > STATIONERY ^ FL’LLV IN S l'R E D — E.ST. 1915 and faster service. Red Talk are asked to bring 'vrapped complriion'orhisTeav'e follow. Dollar gifts w ill be ex­ use. use of abutting properties, W alter N. New York, Dec. 11 UP )— aemploye ranks to replace those on ^ AIK.MAIL — .\OTE.S A Leclerc Effective at once, our gifts for Knight Hospital at Mans changed, each man to bring a gift possibility of subdivisions and pos­ Improved subway service was atrike. new telephone number Washington, Dec. 11 (/P)— field, and .50-cent grab bag gifts John Whitham, 2 Fcrnwood Dr . marked for a man and the ladies sibility of road construction bv the ^ LEADING BRANDS ^ D irector WM. DICKSON and SON The plan was quickly put In op­ for themselves. •State. 260 TOLLAND TPKE. PHONE MI 6-0920 reported today by the city’s will be: President Eisenhower was ex­ Bolton, ahri Robert Shipman, Gla.s- to bring one marked for a lady 2.3 Main Street, Manchester eration, with the announcement tonbury,are new members of The Planning Commission plans PAI.NTINti and DECORATING CONTR.ACTOR transit authority as it grimly ahortly afterward that 21 such ap­ pected today to brush aside a Week in ’58 (H h u r Druj^ Stores^ Sunday School teachers of Zion Gamma Sigma Delta, honorary so­ The Infant Jesus of Prague to hold a hearing, or several heai- Gall Ml 9-5869 pledged a sliowdown fight pointment.' had been made. M Itchdl :{.27Jl .3,000-word letter from Soviet taitheran Church will meet to- ■ ciety of agriculture at the Itnivci- .Mothers t'irtle will he served a with motormen whose 3-day- O'Grady indicated that aubways Premier Bulganin. The Rus­ morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the church. sity of Connecticut. Tliey were potliick supper tomorrow at 7 might be running near normal in ! initiated la.st Tin rsdav. p.m. at ttie home of Mrs. .lames E. old strike ha.s created the three or four days. fHaurhpstrr sians called the' letter “very The weekly meeting of the Civil Barry. 18 Linnmorc Dr. Grab hag greatest travel difficulties in There were these other develop­ important” and American of­ Convention Air Patrol will be held at the Miss Holiday .Smith, daughter of I Jtifts will be exchanged. Gifts hi.story for millions of Man­ m ents:------- I lEupuiiui l^prali ficials dismissed it as propa­ American Legion Home at 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs Robert H. Smith. 131 , should also he brought for .Mans- hattan worker.s. Stale Supreme Court Jiislice j ganda. tomorrow. Plans for a future Hartford Rd., has been elected to : patients Henry Clay Greenberg, who jailed The message was reported to re­ "Record Hop" will be made. The authority said It had 408 of Hits Freeze membership in Zeta Alpha .Society, | 722 train arhedulet In operation fo|ir top officials of the striking new old Soviet proposals to end i a modern drama .society, at Whiles- SD ickland group of Llie during the 7 a.m . to 9 a.m. violating a no-strike nuclear bomb tests snd to hold a Temple C hapter, No. 53, OES. ley College. Wellesley. Mass, .“the i.s .Second C ongregational W om ens hours. Yealerday 313 trains ran. ! court order, called at City Hall and Will hold a regular m eetin g jp m o r- Fellowj.vliip will m eet s t the home Cyprus Debate high level East-West conference to a junior majoring in Bihlic,i; his- outlaw war. row a t 8 p.m. at the Maaonic | torv of .Mrs, John Wood. 199 W oodland . Wonderful gift ideas that will J' "Our position Is very firm, " said | For Wages Temple. Following the meeting, a ! •St.. Tliursday at p m. M embers \ Joseph O'Grady, one of the Transit. ^ a , The 15-page document, handed 8 Authority's three commlseioners. fhrislnias Sales Off In U.N. Sparks Chriatm'aa party will be held, under are reminded to bring the ehil- the .State Department yesterdav, The Hartford Sargent Club will M anhattan bu.^iness leader.4 were apparently contained no new pro­ ! Atlantic City. N. J.^-Dec. 11 the co-chairmanahip of Mrs. J. hold Its December meeting tomor­ dren'a Christmas stnekinga. “We refuae to negotiate with the : Herman DIttmeyer and Mrs. leadere of an Illegal strike. summoned to city hall to di.scu posals. Its timing wss significant, |<^)—The ' AFI^CIO conven- row night at 7 o'clock vat the Belve­ "Actually w* don't expect s long strike im|)acl on thri.stmasr: Nicosia Unrest I tion came out unanimously C^rge Beauregard. Members are dere Inn. College Highway. Plain- ry Santa a hug and kiss., t though, aince It came just as r ^ ‘ - - - hnlnded to bring 50-cent gifts. ville. A social hour will follow thP atrike. but we are prepared If ner-- estimated at millions of dol- --------- Eisenhower prepared to go tn the I today against any 1958 wago dinner and gifts will be exchanged. Bom ors Pupils Set e*aar\» to atlck It out fop a long loases daily. Nicosia. Cypnia', Doc. 11 XoTlli Atlantic Pact iN.ATOl sum­ ^ j freeze or extension of the 40- tim e /' disL'u.saion also wa-s^"? Turkish riot police drove off stone- mit conference opening Monday at The striking motormen.
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