INSIDE WEEK OF AUGUST 7-13, 2014 www.FloridaWeekly.com Vol. IV, No. 43 • FREE “I think that what they’re getting out of it is that they want to improve their lives. One of them said to me, ‘When I sublime grow up, someday, I want to Art of Association Lighthouse ArtCenter highlights have a house like this.’” work by area groups. A25 w — Connie Frankino, founder and president of KidSanctuary Campus SOIL COURTESY PHOTO Joe Fava, of Fava Design Group in Miami, designed the living room at Dodero Cot- tage. “Pinks and purples — that was kind Society/Networking of the overall theme,” he said. Who was out, about in the county. A18, 20-21, 37 w Designers make KidSanctuary cottage special for foster girls BY AMY WOODS Special to Florida Weekly Another custom-made cottage Park Avenue founder Dean Lavallee at KidSanctuary Campus in West Kovel’s Antiques Palm Beach has opened, making way creates the ultimate eating scene in Palm Vintage couture is hot with for six female foster children who w have come from burdensome back- City, thanks to some small, slimy friends. collectors. A23 grounds. The girls, ages 8 to 18, have bounced from home to home throughout their adolescence, unable to fit in with state-sanctioned parents and unlucky at finding adoptive ones. The Dodero Cottage will supply BY SCOTT SIMMONS them with a stable and supportive safe haven. ssimmons@fl oridaweekly.com “I think we’re giving these kids hope,” said Connie Frankino, found- DEAN LAVALLEE HAS WORMS. er and president of KidSanctuary There. We said it. Campus. “They have to adjust for But Mr. Lavallee, founder of the Park being taken away from their family. Avenue BBQ & Grille chain, insists that it’s No matter who you are, you want a good thing. your mom and dad.” In an industry where there is much Brewing business A fraction of the more than 300 waste from food, paper, plastic and other Audrey Farrelly offers tea and abandoned, abused and neglected commodities, red worms are final con- company at Serenity Garden. sumers in the chain that begins at farms foster children in Palm Beach and A39 w Martin counties, the girls will receive and, Mr. Lavallee hopes, will end at farms, around-the-clock care, life-skills where the worms’ castings are turned into training and professional counseling rich soil for growing new crops of vegeta- Download in a freshly built, 5,400-square-foot bles, herbs and other ingredients he can our FREE use at his eight restaurants in Palm Beach, facility. Y App today “These kids really love this home,” SCOTT SIMMONS / FLORIDA WEEKLark Martin and St. Lucie counties. Dean Lavallee, founder of the P Available on Ms. Frankino said of the nonprofit’s believes SEE WORMS, A10 w Avenue BBQ & Grille chain, the iTunes and in the power of worms. Android App Store. SEE SPECIAL, A16 w PRSRT STD OPINION A4 REAL ESTATE A22 EVENTS A28-30 U.S. POSTAGE PETS A6 ANTIQUES A23 PUZZLES A34 PAID FORT MYERS, FL HEALTHY LIVING A13 ARTS A25 SOCIETY A18, 20-21, 37 PERMIT NO. 715 BUSINESS A17 SANDY DAYS A26 DINING A39 A2 NEWS WEEK OF AUGUST 7-13, 2014 www.FloridaWeekly.com GARDENS/JUPITER FLORIDA WEEKLY COMMENTARY Red and yellow, black and white entrenched,e cynical, and political abso- political predecessors, the segregation- the lingering damage done to the region lutistsl of our time may slow but they ist Democrats of the once “Solid South.” by its racist-inspired, self-immolations. cannotc stop the change that is coming. These white beauregards turned pop- Five southern states are among the top leslieLILLY A juggernaut of demographic trends ulist demagoguery into a high art, they 10 states with the nation’s highest rates [email protected] willw soon alter the complexion of the and their allies subjecting blacks to a of inequality. countryc forever. You might say brown is hundred years of “separate by equal” Mr. Florida also points out that their thet new black. and Jim Crow, shamelessly pandering growth in population will likely raise The country is approaching the 150th The University of North Carolina to white supremacy, fomenting states’ their political star with a gain in the anniversary of the date slavery officially describes this demographic makeover rights rebellions, sentencing blacks and number of seats in the U.S. House of ended in the United States. The Sen- within the nation’s population as the poor whites to a lifetime of peonage and Representatives. ate passed the 13th Amendment to the “browning of America.” illiteracy. These states — Mississippi, Louisi- U.S. Constitution in April 1864 and the The 2011 study extrapolates the They left a stain, an abysmal record ana, Georgia, Texas and Florida — are House in January 1865. trends highlighted in “Six Disruptive of failures to uphold the region’s moral vying to model with their draconian Once approved by Congress, the Demographic Trends: What the 2010 commitment to human rights. We can policies the future of the country. That required number of states ratified the Census Will Reveal,” from population ill afford to suffer more of the same, is not good news. The conservative-con- amendment, setting the stage for the projections based on the 2010 Census. provoked by the right wing’s call to rally trolled statehouses demonstrate little Secretary of State to bless the amend- Says the study, “Over the past 40 or people to the dark side. compassion for the plight of struggling ment on behalf of the nation. Mississip- so years, nonwhite groups —Asians, The over-heated rhetoric associ- families — whether it’s the long-term pi didn’t ratify the amendment until last blacks, Hispanics, and people of two or ated with comprehensive immigration unemployed, the medically indigent, the year, its tardiness defended as a case of more races — have accounted for the reform calls forth many of the same homeless, the elderly, the hungry, the legislative “oversight” — confirming yet majority of U.S. population growth.” historical matters of injustice. It smacks poor, or the illegal immigrant. again how entirely characteristic it is of According to the study, for more than of old business coming back to haunt The capture of the anti-government Mississippi to be dilatory in matters of a decade the South has captured the as new business. We are exploiting the flag by these states has earned them racial justice. majority share of the nation’s net popu- workforce of entire sectors of the econ- an overwhelming and disproportionate So here we are, a century-and-a-half lation growth, the beneficiary of strong omy where laborers have no say. We are share of the working poor, the unedu- later. Equal rights and equity of oppor- preferences given it by migrants from governing millions of people without cated, the uninsured, the indigent, the tunity are far from a done deal for nearly all of the major demographic representation and the right to vote. We disenfranchised, and the dispossessed. millions of African-Americans, despite groups, including blacks, Hispanics, the are denying hundreds of thousands of How many times must we re-learn, enormous change. The political obstruc- foreign born and the elderly. families’ access to a quality education in matters of equality and opportunity, tionism that impedes racial progress is The report underscores the South as and economic opportunity; and we are justice delayed is justice denied? ■ still with us, now thwarting a meaning- the bellwether for the emerging demo- refusing to provide to vulnerable people ful reply to the nativists stalking immi- graphic trends reshaping the country. It in need access to social, health and — Lilly is a native Floridian and past grants, their extremism compounded concludes no other region comes close human services fundamental to sustain- president and CEO of the Community by a billionaire planter class that would as a net, migration magnet for attracting ing life and dignity. Denying a path to Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin willingly take the nation to ruin to pro- this new and amazingly diverse popula- the full rights and responsibilities of cit- Counties. She resides with her family and tect its special interests. tion. izenship to the disenfranchised among pugs in Jupiter. Email her at llilly15@gmail. We have been here before, with The conservative zealots in control of us, red and yellow, black and white — com and follow Lilly on Twitter @llilly15. disastrous results. Still, there is hope: statehouses have taken notice. It is often and brown — is just plain wrong. Change is marching resolutely on. The hard to distinguish them from their A report by Richard Florida notes Medicine as serious as this guy. Helmet. Mouth Guard. Shoulder pads. Knee pads. Shin guards. Despite all his gear, injuries can still happen to your star athlete. That’s why Palm Beach Children’s Hospital is the MVP on your hometown team! A concussion can be a serious injury. Our team of pediatric experts works together to help your player heal, and get back in the game. Concussion Treatment Center 561-841-KIDS In the event of a serious injury, 901 45th Street Learn more at seek emergency medical attention by calling 911, West Palm Beach, FL 33407 or visit the nearest Emergency Department PalmBeachChildrens.com A4 NEWS WEEK OF AUGUST 7-13, 2014 www.FloridaWeekly.com GARDENS/JUPITER FLORIDA WEEKLY GUEST COMMENTARY Publisher Michelle Noga [email protected] Every Floridian should commit to Scripps Editor near the faculty, facilities and special- Gardens Mall for families” to a new phy- Betty Wells BY LEANNA LANDSMANN ized equipment at Scripps Florida.
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