wsmrn o» 1 I •i ^BI • ' fcfcffla&UAS MARITIME MMiM •-•A---"'-« CONTENTS MAY, l*4» No. 5 I. OVAL AUSTRALIA* XAVY [DITORIAl Pago Letters to the Editor! S • Editorial 10 ARTICLES British Antarctic Activities 12 Tha Port Jackson Pilot Service Jamas A. Stewart 15 Anniversaries of tha Month John Clark 21 Cover: During March, H.M.A.S. carried out Gunnery School Firings in Port Prise Money John Clark 27 Phillip Bay- Mere "B" Gun has just Art and the Sea . John Moiley 31 fired at a towed surface target. The Navy and the Future Captain Taprall Oorling, O.S.O., R.N. 31 Editor: PERSONALITIES 6. H. SILL, Commander K. E. Oom, O.I.E.. R.A.N. IB Captain H. M. L. Waller, D.S.O. and Bar, RAN 44 A.sociote Editor; ENTRY OF 13-YEAR-OLD BOYS AS Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist D. M. Bowdan. R.A.N 45 Captain W. 6. LAWRENCE. M.I.E. OVERSEAS NEWS. Managing Editor: Meritime News of the World 24 BARRY E KEEN. CADET-MIDSHIPMEN News of the World's Neviai 36 Incorporating the "Navy League Jour­ nal," Official Organ of the Navy League of Australia, end "The Merchant Navy," SPECIAL FEATURES Journal of the Merchant Service Guild Sees, Ships and Sailors ApplicKions .ire invited from boys, A >|it.iliK mi; i ijiu .iiii-n.ii examination ;••••• of the crew .md working the ship. of Austrelesie. 20 will he held in September. i'J • " On passing out from the training whose 1 tth birthdnv is in 1949, Successful candidates will nn<i, i •••• i cruiser he is m-onioird to Midshipman Nautical Question Box Captain R. A. C. Dunn 26 th.it is, those born in 1956. for •md appointed to an Aircraft Carrier, strict medical examination b> Naval Circuiting through the Royal Austra­ General Cargo 2= t-ntrv into the Royal Australian Medical Officers about NmaWTi and Battleship or Cruiser for about IA then, if passed a* medically fit, inter­ months* Fleet Tr.iining. lian end New Zealand Navies, the Mer­ Naval College, where they will viewed by an Interviewing Committee. • A Cadet-Midshipman ,iJ!, tied to the chant Service end to the general public. commence their training as the fu­ Selected candidates will enter the Royal I MLm. Branch is oromoted to Australian Naval College at FBoMfi ture officers in the Navigation, Midshipman iB) on completion >f his NAVAL OCCASIONS Gunnery. Tornedo-Anti Submar­ Naval Depot, Victoria, in (he latter training in tht training cruiser -ind nan of January, l'''i' ihen goes to (ht Royal Naval Hrnuneer- Published by The Nevy Leegue, Royel ine, Aviation. Communications. i While at the I llHlJW. every essential ing College, LH .'nport, for two vears. Exchange Building, 54a Pitt Street, Syd­ What the Navy is Doing at See and Ashore 32 Engineering or Electrical Branches. need "I Cadet-Midshipmen is provided ney, N.S.W. Telephone: BU SS08. by the Navy. They receive, entirely • On completion of Reel Training, a Details of educational and medical free of cow to their parents, an edu­ Midshipman is promoted to Acting Sub- standards required, conditions of cation which reaches Matriculation Lieutenant and gcu-s to the Royal Naval Subscription Roto: standard, text books, uniform ind College, Greenwiih, for H months for service, rates of pay and pensions, general education n.J War Course, fol­ BOOK REVIEWS prospects of promotion, etc., may other clothing, food, quarters, pocket 12 issues post free in the British Empire, money, and medical and dental treat - lowed by 1 month.** service in snt.il I he obtain*-a on application to The ships and then technVal courses at 12/6: foreign, 16/-. "Three Decodes" PortsmcHith foi 10 months. At this Resident Naval Officer. Naval Staff •Mi', he is confirmed as a Suh-l-iruten- Office, Melcher Street, Birkenhead. i On passing out from the Naval Col­ lege, a Cadet-Midshipman goes to ling- SJBJt. Wholesale Distributors: The following are the principal land for training with the Royal • On his return to Australia at the sjjs. GENERAL points relating to the entry and Navy. He joins the training cruiser [irnMin.ifi age of 21 or 22 years, he is 60RD0N S GOTCH (A/sie) LTD.. training of Cadet• Midshipmen:— (H.M.S. DEVONSHIRE) for two appointed lo a ship of the Royal Aus­ cruises. Cadet-Midshipmen (orming tralian Navy. Australia and New Zealand. The Nevy for Nert Month ?..... J Neuticel Ouii It "THE NAVy" is published monthly. Literary communications, photographs and letters for Obituary B insertion (which should be short) should be APPLICATIONS. TO BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT oddressed to G H. 6111, 251 l.ocomfi.ld Neval Appointments 42 Parade, Middle Part, Melbourne, Vic The Editor does not hold himself responsible for manuscripts, though every effort wilt be made OF THE NAVY, NAVY OFFICE, ST. KILDA ROAD, MELBOURNE. S.C.I. to return those found unsuitable with which a ASSOCIATIONS. CLUBS. stamped end addressed envelope is enclosed. The opinion! expressed in signed ortlcles are The Nevy Leegue • those of the writer, end not necessarily these CLOSE 15th JUNE, 1949. of the Navy League. Ei-N.val Men's Association of Aestrelie 43 May, 194? r/rf F0R NEXT MONTH 25<> volts in NAVY IN the current issue of "The NaVy" we start a new monthly M.V. ••DUNTROON''—10.500 torn feature, "General Cargo," in which it is hoped that nauti­ MELBOURNE cal—or once-nautical—readers, whether of the Navy or the her Viand Merchant Service, will help us to write the magazine by STEAMSHIP sending along short paragraphs telling of some sca-happening CO. LTD. within their experience. This month's selection of paragraphs will give you an idea of what we are after, and we hope that HEAD OFFICE: as many of you as have an interesting yarn to spin and we 31 King St., Melbourne. all have at least one-will not fail to send it along. %»« BRANCHES OR AGENCIES AT ALL PORTS. ALBANY TO ALDGATE. AV# Vn*"* MANAGING AGENTS a* The initials "LB.™ as those of one of our contributor*, for HOBSONS BAY DOCK will be familiar to most of you, who will remember his "Bits >hr i. probabl? thinking of a ne» hat, About Old Shiny," and other articles. We heard from "IB." AND ENGINEERING and mil she may—for her eonfidenee in the recently, and he says that he has another article on the stocks, COY. PTY. LTD. SHIP REPAIRERS, ETC. in.ulalinf propertie* of the tte\ in hi-r hand this time "'Albany to Aldgate', which is of 1910 vintage, and Work*: i, backed b> 100 >nt> of re.eareh li> is about ships, sailors, Charlie Brown's, Jack's Palace, and WiUionutown, Victoria. the member firm* of (i.M.A. the Docks, with photographs." He has promised us this Rubber ianUalrd cable. were finl «landardi.ed article at an early date, and we arc in hopes that it will reach us in time for the June issue of "The Navy." b> the Cable Maker-' A..i>eialion in 1900. Sinn- the Inception of lho«e standards the DESTROYER LIFE PRE-1905. Time for m preitiae of C.M.A. h«. «lood «o hi«h thai lhe» have represented. a. lhe> represent lo-day, The present-day destroyer approximates more to the light cruiser of a tew years ago than to her "T.B.D." for­ the world'* eriterion of eable qualit?. bears. Size, speed, and armament have all been increased. CAPSTAN SPECIFY But, says "Scahawk," who has memories of life in the small boats of the early years of this century, "wc were a happy crowd in those destroyers and I'd like to have it all over again, but all good things come to an end." But they do not end altogether. They can remain in recollection. And in an article that "Se.ihawk" has written for our next issue, he tells us of life in the T B.D.'s in the days when they had a turtle- back fo'c'sle and had a main armament of one 4"-gun "and the usual torpedo tubes." C.M.A. GENERAL. All the usual features of "The Navy," "What the R.A.N, WIRES • CABLES • FLEXIBLES is Doing," Maritime News of the World, News of the World's r SH:B-I. —_— Navies, Fiction, and the latest news of the Ex-Naval Men's CAPSTAN: THE EMPIRE'S MADE IN AUSTRALIA It CAILf MAKIRS AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.. lIVIRfOOl M.S.' Association and the Navy League. Order your copy of "The FAVOURITE ClftARtTTI Navy" for June NOW! Til* N-vy M.f, IV49 "KE LETTERS TO THE EDITORS COPPER, BRASS AND TECHNICAL BOOKS issue of "The Navy," is interesting Sir, and informative. There is, how­ OTHER NON-FERROUS I read with interest your maga- ever, on page 18, third column, a :ine "The Navy," the latest issue passage which is not in accordance WIRE CABLES & TUBES to come my way being that of Feb­ with the facts. The Navy League ruary, 1949. I send here one or Sea Cadet Corps in New South two questions I hope you might Wales was not originally estab­ be able to answer for me. I would lished at Drummoyne, but in Bal- METAL MANUFACTURES LTD. like to know if there is a book, main. The Executive Committee PORT KEMBLA, Navy or Mercantile Marine, pub­ of the Navy League in March, lished on "Steamship Steering" 1920, adopted the Secretary's (Theory and Practice) and where (Captain W. W. Beale, O.B.E.) it is likely to be obtainable.
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