Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 http://archive.org/details/caraidnangaidhea1899macl CARAID NAN GAIDHEAL (THE FRIEND OF THE GAEL) A CHOICE SELECTION OF THE GAELIC WRITINGS OF THE LATE NORMAN MACLEOD, D.D. 7 OF ST. COLUMBA PARISH, GLASGOW. SELECTED AND EDITED BY THE LATE REV. A. CLERK, LL.D., MINISTER OF KILMALLIE. WITH A MEMOIR OF THE AUTHOR BY HIS SON, THE LATE NORMAN MACLEOD, D.D., OF THE BARONY PARISH, GLASGOW. NEW EDITION. lEfctnlmrgij NORMAN MACLEOD, 25 George IV. Bridge. - MDCCCXCIX. EDINBURGH PRINTED I)Y LORIMER AND GILLIES, 31 ST. ANDREW SQUARE. NOTE. While this work was passing through the Press the Editor had the valuable assistance of the late Dr. C. R. M'Gillivray in correcting the sheets. It is therefore hoped that the book will be found among the most accurately printed specimens of the language which have hitherto been issued, and to contain a rich store of idiomatic Gaelic. A. CLERK. Kh.mai.uk Manse. September, 18G7 CLAR-INNSIDH. T40U1I ptNIiLRIG Cunntas air Beatha an Ollaimh Leòdaich, - - - ix A'^CHEDD EARRANN. Fàilte do'r Luchd-duthcha, 1 COMH RAIDHNEAN. Lachann nan Ceist, agus Eòghan Brocair, - 6 Lachann nan Ceist, agus Donnaclia mòr, - - - 13 Fioniiladh Piobaire, Iain òg, agus Lachann nan Ceist, - - 21 Fionnladh Piobaire, agus Màiri a Bhean, - - - - 27 Am Maor, a Mhàthair-chèile, a Bhean, Ailean Bàn, 's an Gobliaiun, 33 Fionnladh Piobaire, agus a Bhean, am Brocair, agus am Maighstir- sgoilc, - - - 40 Pàra mòr a' dlùthachadh ri dorus na cèardach, le màileid air a Piobaire, dhruim ; Am Maighstir-sgoile, Fionnladh agus an Gobhainn a' gàirichdich 's an dorus, - - - - - (51 Fionnladh Piobaire 'n a shuidhe aig ceann an tighe, a' càradh seana bhrògan a mhnatha : na pàisdean a' cleasachd air an àilein : Eòghan Brocair a' dlùthachadh air an tigh, le 'choin air ìotbainn 'n a dhèigh, agus luinneag 'n a bheul mar bu ghnàth leis, - - • - - - 70 An Gobhainn, am Marsanta mòr, 'us luchd-dùthcha 'tha 'gabhail fasgaidh 's a' chèardaich, agus am Maighstir-sgoile 'dlùthachadh air an dorus, --------- 81 vi CLAR-INNSIDH. TAOBH DUILLEIO Lachant) Bàn a' tireadh 's an àth, an sgalag agus na buachaillean a' rùsgadh caoil— Seòras nan Long ag innseadh naidheachd air a thurus cuain do Cheann Tuath an t-saoghail, - - - 92 (0 'Chuairtear nan Gleann, a thòisich 's a' mhìos Mliàirt, 1840, agus a sguir aig meadhon an t-Samhraidh, 1843.) An Roimh-radh, - - - 105 Do Mhinisteiribh, an t-soisgeil air t'eadli na Gàidhealtachd, - 111 COMHKAIDHNEAN. Eadar Fionnladh Pìobaire, Màiri, agus Pàra mòr, - - - 115 Am Maighstir-sgoile, agus Calum Posta, - - - 125 Cuairtear nan Gleann, agus Eachann Tirisdeacli, - - - 136 Cuairtear nan Gleann, agus Eachann Tirisdeacli, - - - 147 Cuairtear nan Gleann, agus Eachann Tirisdeacli, - - - 152 Cuairtear nan Gleann, agus Eachann Tirisdeacli, - - - 164 Cuairtear nan Gleann, agus Eachann Tirisdeacli, - - - 175 Cuairtear nan Gleann, agus Eachann Tirisdeacli, - - - 182 An t-Olla' Leodaeh agus a Cho-thional, - - 195 (U Fbear Tathaich nam Beann, a chuireadh a maeh le Mr. G. Clèireach, Ministeir Chille-mhàillibh, 's a' bliliadhna 1848.) COMHKAIDHNEAN. Comhradh feasgair 'an tigh a' Mhaoir, am Maor agus Ailean Croitear, - - 199 Eadar Fear a' Ghlinne, Ailean Ban, agus am Maighstir-sgoile, - 213 Eadar seana charaid Gallda, agus Fionnladh Piobaire, - - 226 - Eadar Lachann òg, agus an Caiptein, - - 238 Eadar seana charaid Gallda, agus Fionnladh Piobaire, -• - 253 AN DARA H-EARRANN. Long Mhòr nan Eilthireach, 263 Spiorad na h-Aoise— Seann Sgeulachd Ghàidhealacli, - - 273 Sgeul air Màiri a' Ghlinne, ... - - 288 Sgeul mu Choire-na-Sithe, - - - 307 Sealladh o mhullach beinne 'an Earra-Ghàidheal, mu dhol fodha na Grèine, 314 Sgeul air Màiri an Aoinidh-Mhòir, air 'aithris leatha fèin, - 319 —— — — CLAR-INNSIDH. vii TAOBH DWLLEIG An Lèine-bhàn, - - 328 Saobh-chràbhadh nan Gàidheal anns na linutibh a chaidh seaahad, 338 Seun a fhuaradh o chionn da-fhichead bliadhna, o sheann duine 'an Gleann Forsa, ann an Eilean Mhuile, - 343 1 Thogainn fonn air lorg an Fhèidh,' - - - - 344 I Chaluim-Chille, - .... 359 An Ceannaich' òg Gaidhealach (Eadartheangaichte), - - 366 Claim 'io-Cruimein, Piobaiiean Dhun-bheagain, - - 378 Deòrsa H. Baird, D.D., - - - 382 Litir Fhionnladh Piobaire g'a mhnaoi, ... - 384 Dara Litir Fhionnladh Phiobaire g'a mhnaoi, - - - 390 Litir Fhionnladh Piobaire, mu oidhche na Calluinne, - - 394 Litir o Fhionnladh Piobaire, mu 'n Bhliadhn' Uir, - 399 Eachdraidh mu Bhliadhna Thèarlaich, ----- 406 Dàn mu Thòrradh Shir Iain Moore (Eadarth.), - - - 452 Labhinia (Eadarth.), ------- 453 - Iain Gilpin {Eadarth ), - - - - - - 454 S AN T R E A ' EARRANN. MU NITHEAN CRABHAIDII. Sgàile na Creige Mòire ann an Tir Airsnealaich, - - - 461 Bròn air son bàs Chàirdean, - - 476 Gliocas air a tharruing bhàs Chàirdean, - 481 Là a' Chomanachaidh, - - 487 Mu Urnuigh, - - - - - - - - - 497 Earail Dhùrachdaeh do na Gàidheil mu latha na Bliadhn' Uire, - 501 An Gàidheal am an Tir chèin air Oidhche Choinnle, - - 509 Cuairt a' Mhinisteir Ghallda, 511 Mu theachd a stigh an t-Samhraidh, 516 Cuairt a' Mhinisteir Ghallda, 519 Tha'n Geamhradh air tòiseachadh, 525 Cuairt a' Mhinisteir Ghallda, 599 - Dàn Spioradail, . - 534 Thàinig an t-Earrach, ------- 535 Cuairt a' Mhinisteir Ghallda, 540 Cuairt a' Mhinisteir Ghallda, ------ 548 Cuairt a' Mhinisteir Ghallda, ------ 554 An Diol-deh'ce Spioradail— (Eadarth.), - 565 Latha Deireannach na bliadhna, - ... 571 — — —— Vlll CLAR-INNSIDH TACBH DDILLEIO Bas Eòìq Baistidh— (Eadarth.), ... -577 Sgeul air son na h-Oigridh : Am Fàidh air a bheathachadh leis na Fithich— (Eadarth.). 588 Freiceadan an Fhàidh— {Eadarth.), - - .- 596 An Saigbdear Dileas— [Eadarth.), 603 Aithreachan neo-chealgach air Leaba bàis (Eadarth.), - - 611 Failte na Bliadhn' Uire, - - 618 Tri Searmoinean air son na h-Oigridh : Lucas xv. 10 (Eadarth.), ... - 628 Mat. vi. 28— (Eadarth.), - .... 640 Eablr. ii. 9— (Eadarth.), - - - - ' ... 648 Suaicbeantas Eaglais na b-Alba, 662 A' tilgeadh an arain air aghaidb nan uisgeachan, - - - 670 Abhuinn Dhe, - - 682 Dia mar an Drilchd do dh' Israel, ... 694 Gleann nan cnàmhan tiorma, - ... 701 GHeac Iacoib—Mineacbadh air Genesis xxxii. 24-29, - - 718 Ceann-fàtb, agus leigheas na Plàighe, - - - 729 An Catb spioradai], - - - 764 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF THE AUTHOR: BY HIS SON, THE REV. DR. NORMAN MACLEOD. I have been requested by those in whose judgment I have confidence to write some account, however brief, of my father's life for the readers of this volume. I thankfully accept the task, believing- that every one able to appreciate his writings must have an interest in the writer, apart from any other claims which he may have to be known and affectionately remembered by his Highland countrymen. In the following sketch I shall notice, almost exclusively, those incidents in his life which are most likely to interest the readers of this volume. My father was born in the manse of Morven, Argyle- shire, on the 2nd of December, 1783. In 1806, when in his twenty-third year, he was licensed by the Presbytery of Mull to preach the gospel, and delivered his first sermon in the church of Kilmore, in Mull. In the same year he was appointed assistant in the parish of Kilbrandon. In 1808 he was ordained minister of Campbelton, Kintyre, as successor to Dr. Smith, one of the most eminent of our High- land clergy. In 1811 he was married to Agnes Maxwell, eldest daughter of James Maxwell, Esq., chamberlain of the duke of Argyle. In 1824 he b X BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH received the degree of D.D. from the University of Edinburgh. In 1825 he was appointed minister of Campsie, Stirlingshire. In 1836 he was elected to the Gaelic congregation in Glasgow, formerly called the Ingram Street Church, from its place of meeting, and latterly St. Columba's Church. He was elected Moderator of the General Assembly in 1836. He had also the honour of being a dean of the Chapel Royal, and one of her Majesty's chap- lains for Scotland, in which capacity he preached before her Majesty and her royal consort at Blair Athole, on their first visit to Scotland ; and from both of them he received the most condescending and considerate kindness then as on subsequent occasions. He died on the 25th of November, 1862, his funeral day being the day before the anniversary of his birth ; and had he survived it he would have entered on his eightieth year. He was thus fifty- seven years an ordained minister. His father was, comparatively speaking, a poor man. I believe his income when he became a parish minister was not above £40, with a very humble house to live in, and two more wretched churches to preach in. He ministered to 2000 souls, scattered over a parish extending to 130 square miles, with a seaboard of 100. His income, after a time, was raised to £80, and for some years before his death it reached £150, which princely sum has been enjoyed since his death by his able son and successor, Dr. John Macleod, also, like his elder brother, an ex-moderator of the Church of Scotland. The Morven glebe was a good one, and so was the farm, which was given at a low rate by the kind John, duke of Argyle. The glebe and farm, — OF THE AUTHOR. united, would not, however, increase the value of his income two-fold. But the minister had, as his wife, one who was in all respects an helpmeet for him, and between them they were able to rear and educate a large family of sons and daughters, and to keep a most hospitable house. At this time of day, one can hardly understand how all this was possible ; but so it was. The good old man himself realized the difficulty, and knew also the secret, as the following extract from one of his letters addressed to a daughter, will show : " I bless God for my children ; but the thought, I cannot provide for them! Take care, minister, that the anxietv of vour affection does not unhinge that confidence with which the Christian ought to repose upon the wise and good providence of God.
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