409 COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY, 1908. BAT-l3EA ' Battersea Borough Council (Wm. Ma.rcus Wilkins, town clerk; Baxter & Ray nor, shoe manfrs. 1~8A, Everfngrd. Stk. Newington N Edwin Austin (barrister-at-law), IIAA;stant town clerk; Wm. H. Baxter & Sons, newsagents1 47 Artillery place, Woolwich Ward, A.ii.A.A. borough accountant; Thos. Wm. Alfd. Hayward, Baxter & Co. furniture bro.k:ers, 234 Lillie road, Fulh)m SW A.M.I.C.E., borough surveyor; G• mid Quin Lennane, F.R.c.s., Baxtc-r Ant ie (.Mrs.), draper, 16 Ru~hmore road, Lower ClaptonNE L.R.C.P., &c. medical officer of health; l,;a.ac Young, M.R.San.I. Baxter Oharles, decorator, 445 Battersea Park road SW ~ , chief sa.nita.ry inspector· Charles Edwa.rd Cassal, F.I.C., public Baxter Charles Alfred, oil & color man, 103 Greyhound road, analyst); officei! & labour bureau : Municipal bldgs. Lavender Hammel'!lmith W hill SW; TN's 1830 & 1831 Victoria (:Fre erick Arthur Bond, Baxter Charles Edward, physician & surgeon, 103 Vas.'la!l road, A.M.I.E.K. chief engineer); electricity department, Lombard road, .1\orth Brirlon SW Battersea SW (T N 183:! \ ictoria.); depiit (Alien Vickers, works Barter Charles Watling, oilman, 36 Hindman's rd. E. Dulwicb P.E Bupt.), Culvert road, Battersea SW; infant~· milk department Buter Ohra (Mi;s), dre3smaker, 248 Albert rd. NOt"th Woolwich E (Miss Alice Lowe. 28 York road, Battersea SW; Baxter Edward, fruiterer, 41 Howard rd. Stoke Newin!rt.on N coroner's court, Sheepcote lane, Battersea SW; municipal dwel­ Baxter Edwin, hair dresser, 11 Northwold rd. Stoke Newin,a1:on N l.ngs, Latchmere & To"n Hall .esta1ffi offile (Percj J. Marks, Baxter Elizh. (Miss), laundry, 26 Parkbouse st. Camberwell SE supt.), 3:1 Matthews street, Battersea SW Baxter (; e 1rg-e, insurance agent, 37 Laleham road, Catford Sl<l · Battersea Eoru' N.-ws (Wiilldsworth Borough News Co. Limited, B.uter John Rich'l.rd, chimney sweep, 7 Albion terrace, Hermitage publishers), 88 East h 11, Wands" orth ;SW lane. Ohild's bill, Hampstead NW Battersea (St. Mary's) Cemetery (John L. Bishop, supt. &: clerk Raxter Joseph, greengrocer, 16 Peckham Park road, Peckham SE to the burial board), Battersea rise SW & 188 •, l:tye lane, Peck ham SE Battersea Conservative Association (Benjamin Bottomley, sec.), 83 Baxter Julia (Mrs) confec1ioner, 8G6 Garr.. tt lane, Too:ing SW Falcon road, Batter8ea SW Ba.x.ter Robert William, artist, 7 Tyrrell road, East Dulwich SE Battersea Constitutional Club (John WilJiam Gom, sec.). 81 Falcon BaxTer Will!am, greenl!"rocer, 72 CLarlmont road, Too~ing road, Battersea SW Baxter· William, bookseller. 64 Peckham rye SE Battersea Distrkt Post Office (Ilenry Woods, chief clerk in charge), Ba..xter William, coffre rooms, 7 Lavender hill, Battersea. SW 202 Lavender bill, Batterse~ SW Baxter William, insurance Ruperintendent, 131 High st. Plumstead Battersea Furnishing Co. house furnishers, 220 & 222 Battersea Baxter William Ham by, confctnr. 226 Putney Bridge rd. PutneySW Park road SW Baxter Wynne E. J.P., D.L. solicitor, & coroner for Eastern district Battersea. Grammar School (William Henry Bindley M.A. head ol Oounty of London & Liberty of Tower of London. 170 Churcb m1.11:1ter), 58 & 60 St. John's hill, B.1tter~ea SW street. Stoke Newington N TA ••Inqn st"; TN 834 North Battersetl Hed.. n Advtlnce Socy. Ltd. (Th,) loan offi~, 149 High st. Bay 'Louid. baker, 121 Queen's road, Bat~ersea SW Battersea. SW B.lHS -~ Co. stationers 718treatham hill SW Battersea Labour League (A. F. Wright, sec.), 455 Battersea Bayfleld John James, photographer, 37 Gipsy hill, Norwood SE Park road, Battersea. SW Bayles & ICon, tailors, r; Angell road, Brixton SW Batters-ea Liberal Association Club & lnstitute (E. Cable, sec.), 6, Bayles George, tobacconist, 28 High street, West Norwood SE 8 &: 10 Green lane, High street, Battersea SW Bayley John Edward, shopkeeper, 97 High street, Battersea SW Battersea. Liberal & Radical Association (Alfred H. ·Burn, sec. & Bay le\ Leonarct, cherni•t, 91 Dresden road, Hornsey rise :-1 1 registration agent), 467 Battersea Park road SW Bayley Maurice, cowkpr. Middle Park farm, Middle Pk.lane, Eltham Battersea Municipal Alliance (A, Ovl!ard, h•m. sec.), 344 Battersea Bayley's Limited, wheelwrights, H2 Oxbridge road W Park road SW Baylis George, builder, 41 Webbs road, Battersea. SW Battersea. Park (James Rogers, superintendent; }'rederick Hentsch, Baylls Jame• Peter. grocer, 9Q2 Garratt lane, Too~ing RW park foreman). Prince of Wales road, Battersea SW Bayliss George, builder, 52 Hindman's road, l<last Dulwich SE - Battersea Polytechnic (Edwin Tate J.P. chairman of governing Bayliss Geo. Wm. fruiterer, 98 Upper Richmond road, Putney SW body; Sidney G. Raw;10n, D.Sc.,F.I.C. principal; Joseph .Eiarwood, Bayliss William, hatter, 54 Hare street, Woolwich sec.); heads of departments : Mechanical Engineer"ng, W. E. Bayliss William., laundry, 7 Lemuel street, Wandsworth SW Curnock, M,sc.; Electrical Engine~ring, A. W. Ash on M.sc.; Bayly Alfred, insurance agt. 2 Comm cl. ('hmbrs. Powis st. Woolwicb l'h.) Bics, W. Thompson M.A., B.sc.; Chemistry, J. V. ilson M.sc.; Bayl_v Kingsle}, s•,Jicitor, 2 Commercial chamters, Powis street.. Art &: Crafts, F. R. Andrews; Mathematics, G. E. St. L. Ca.r~on Woolwich & 180 Adelaide road, Brockley SE B.A. :to.sc.; women's, Miss M. E. Marsden; organist & conductor, Bayne Edward, greengrocer, ill Llanover road, Plumstead J. P. Attwater Mus. Bac., i'.R.C.O., L.R.A.M.), Battersea Park road Bayne William, boot maker, 5 Porson street, Lewisham SE SW-T .N 123 Victoria Baynes Joeeph, removal contractor, llA, Alpha st. Peckham SE Battersea Polytechnic Secondary Schools & Technical Day Oollege & Bayntun A.rtbur Harold, as.ourance agent, 3 Blackwater street., Schools (Sidney G_ Ra.wson D.Sc., F.LC. principal; Joseph Ha.r­ East Dulwich SE J w·ood. sec.. Battersea Park road SW Bayton Wm. W. ironmonger, lA, 3A & 5A.> Rolbeach rd. OatfordSE Battersea. Polytechnic Secondary School for Girh (mistre~s, Miss Ba.zeley Vincent & Son, fruiterers, 9 Hign l!treet, Sydenham SE M. E. Stoker. D.A.), 22 North Bide, Clapham Oommon SW Bazley & Co. ironmongers, 12 1 High street, Lewisham SE Battersea Provident Dispensary, 18:> l:ligh st. Battersea. Park Bazley & Co. laundry, 11 Jeddo road, Shepherd's Bush W road & 4.2 Queen's road, Battersea SW Bazley George. shopkeeper, 23 Mill road, Lewisham SE Battersea. Public Baths & Wash-houses (F. M. F. Hampton, superln· Be Severino, beer retailer, 81 Cottenham road, Upper Rolloway N tendent), La.tchmere road, Battersea SW & Battersea Pa.rk road. Bea.ble }'rank W. commercial traveller, 7 Muschamp rd. Peckham SE South Lambeth SW Beach Edgar Thoma.~. sta.tiont>r, lOO Miteham lane, Streatham SW · Battersea Public Libraries (Lawrenceinkster,libra.ria.n),265 Lavender Beach Thomas, corn. trav. 13 Eastmea.rn road, Dulwicb SE hill SW ; branches : Lurline gardens, Battersea 8 W ; Lammas Be,.cham Henry, confectioner, 279 Cavendi'!h road, Balham SW . hall, Bridge road west-T N·s 1830 & 1831 Victoria Beaco•rt Edw or• I, oa r~m~n 13 Bedford road, ClApham S -1{ • Battersea. Town Hall (John Piggott, supt.), Lavender hill, Bea.dell Theophilus Heath&fJo.ladies' outfittrs.l90 Wandswth. rd SW Batter<~ea SW Beadeli Jo .n, carman, 1 •-<rove mew~, Hammersmith W Batten~ea & Wandsworth Co-operative Society Limited (John Thos. Beadle Bros. Lim. coal merchants, 23 Ohurch lane, Charlton S,O.; Quthrie, sec.), 13 St. Ann's hill, Wandsworth S\V & bakery, 45 railway sidings, High street, Plumst.ea.d Ha.rroway road, Battersea. SW Beadle & Ma. k, C) cl,, m .kers, i2 OodJ, B~reet, Cam~erwell SE ' Battershill & ,.on, carri,.ge L-Id. s. Fulham Oroas works, Lillie road, Beadle Charles Edwm, paJ.erhange. s, 'i6 Byne roa. i, Syder ham SE Fulham SW Beadle Geor6e, bPer retailer, 2 Naylor roa•1, PecUtam SE Batten;bill Albert, sign writer, 44. Parkville road, Fulham SW Beadle Richard Henry,confectioner, 84 Eardley road,Streatham SW" Battershill Edwin, builder, 4 Abersham road, Dalston NE B ·adl·· \\ altPT, p!l.wnbroker, :167 Sou'h:J.mpton Ft. OamlllllWrll SE ' BattPTI'hil! Thos. oil&: color man, l:l6 Cavendish road, Balha.m SW Beadles&: Beadles, surgeons, 35 Sunderland road & 61 LJndJI> road. Batteson John, phys. & surgn. 1!!8 Goldhawk rd.. Shepherd's Bsh W Forest Hill SE Batting James solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 132 Lavender Beadles Arthur Harry, physn. & surg, 38 Silverdale, Sydenham 8E hill, Batter:;ea SW Beadles Hu;o:h ::>tauley, phys. & sur.,;. 61 London rd. Forest Hill SE Batting Thomas, draper, 614 Harrow road W Beagle Am•lia ("rt!.), beer retailPr, 73 Aim a rofd, Wandsworth SW Batti>;tcs.'lll. & Polti, tefrshmt. rms. 210 N )rwood rd. W. Norwoodi;E Be>gley Robert, grocer, 120 Landor road, Stockwell SW Battistet;sa Sebastiano, confectioner, 2 Half Moon la. Herne Hl SE Beal Frederick, cycle maker, 68 Honor Oak park, Fore;~t Hill SE Battle&: Cleversley, wire workers, 2 Crown buildings, Crown street, Beal Fredk. draper, t & 6 The Parade, Norwood rd. W-e. Norwood SE • Camberwell SE-TN 2712 Hop Beal · te< rge, e<·n'r><cto-·, i Villas roan, Plnm-kad Battle Thomas, grocer, 63 King George street, Greenwich SE Beal Henry, commercial traveller, 33 Studley road, Clapham SW ' Battley Bros. fancy repository, ~6 Queen's road, Peckham SE &: Beal Jam• P1 apartments, 11 Jlosobery r ad, Brixton SW printers, 40 Queen's road, Battenea SW Beal 8arab (Mrs.), fruiterer, 91 Brook Hill road, Woolwich Battley George & Sons, grocers, 13 Hanbury road, Battersea SW B~al "fh•omaB, • o .. fecti. nf'r, 16 Aca.nthos road B:\"tterFe:L SW Ba.tts Alfred G eorge, tailor, 150 High street, Putney SW Beal William J.
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