~I SPORTS Celebrate MENU TIPS I MLKDay! EAST SIDEY NEWS I ISSUED FRIDAY Author Writes Monday, Kids Creativity SERVING LARCHMERE- WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, Book On Larry Zelina January 18, In The Kitchen MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD- LEE, MILES- UNION, UNIVERSITY 1999 CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGE OF See page 7 SeePage 8 FREE ~GHLAND IITLLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND READ ON - WRITE ON 1\Jesday, December 29, 1998- Friday, January 1, 1999 Museum to celebrate Martin Luther King day ·voL 20No.l "COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FORA BETTER TOMORROW" The Western Reserve has conveyed her ability to con­ Historical Society's African nect the Movement with modem American Archives Auxiliary problems with Eyes On The Prize. Politicians react to Clinton's pending trial presents its 19th Annual Rev. Dr. ~~ Her opposition to the image of Martin Luther King, Jr. Com­ the African American commu­ ByCLAUDEBRUCESTARKS when he said that he did not have memorative Celepration on Sun­ ~'Jd. nity portrayed in Hollywood has sexual relations with Monica day, January 10, 1999. ,. won her serval appearances on Several local, county, Lewinsky. The keynote speaker "Nightline: and "Nightwatch." The representatives state and also nationally elected for the celebration is Judy The Rev. Dr. Martin voted 229-205 that the president Richardson, Civil Rights Move­ politicians as well as citizens Luther King, Jr. Commemorative did not perjure himself during the ment activist and current educa­ acquiesed to state their opinions Celebration starts with a recep­ and also the parameters for Presi­ Paula Jones sexual harrassment tion director for Eyes On The tion at 1:30 p.m. dent Bill Clinton's impending civil lawsuit. Prize. Richardson The ceremony starts at senatorial impeachment trial. The representatives Richardson was in­ 3:00p.m. In addition to the key­ The president was im­ voted 221-212 that the president volved with the Student Nonvio­ Studies of racism in note speech, the Dr. Martin peached for two of the four ar­ impeded Kenneth Starr's inves­ lent Coordinating Committee Black children's books became Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian ticles that he was accused of tigation of Clinton's involvment (SNCC) in the early 1960's. independent projects for committing on Dec. 19 by the U.S. in an Arkansas land development In 1965, she left SNCC Robinson. Award, Minority Business House of Representatives. contract. to be the office manager for the Similarly, she has Award, Corporate Award and · Clinton is the first presi­ Finally, the representa­ successful first campaign of served as director of the Black Youth Leadership Awards are dent since Andrew Jackson in tives voted 285-148 that Clinton Julian Bond for the Georgia Student Fund, a scholarship being presented. 1868 to be impeached by the did not abuse his presidential House of Representatives. agency for African American The Western Reserve House of Representatives. powers during the three afore­ Her experiences helped Students in Washington, D.C. Historical Society is located at During Jackson's trial, mentioned articles. her initiate the organization of Robinson has co-pro­ 10825 East Boulevard in 26 articles of impeachment were Rep. Louis Stokes voted Drum & Spear Bookstore in duced an Emmy and Peabody Cleveland's University Circle. written into law by the House of Jones Johnson no for all four articles. Washington, D.C., the largest Award winning documentary, Admission to the reception and Representatives. These 26 ar­ perform the function as jurors for all probability not be impeached Ward One Councilman African American bookstore in Malcolm X: MakeitPiain. ceremony is free. For more infor­ ticles were updated and also re­ the trial. because the Republican Party Joe Jones said that it was "un­ the country. For nearly 20 years, she mation, call (216) 721-5722. vis'ed during Richard Nixon's When the 106th Con- maintains only a 10 person ma- fortunate" that the president presidential tenure. gress convenes on Jan. 6, accord- jority (55-45) in the Senate. committed the aforementioned Sen. Mitch McConnell ing to Article One and also The following four ar- actions but his actions do not State curtails minority contracts is chairman for the Rules Com­ Clause Six of the Constitution, a ticles of impeachment and also warrant his removal from oftice. ByCLAUDEBRUCESTARKS program. the pending legislation for the mittee which will conduct the two-thirds majority ( 67) of sena- the outcome of the House of Ward Four Councilman Jones also said that the Assembly includes funding trial. torial votes is needed to ascer- Representatives vote are as fol- Kenneth Johnson said that Gov. George Voinovich program for state contract vouchers for educating the Chief Justice William tain if President Clinton will be lows: Clinton is "not guilty" and also recently said in Columbus that awardees should also extend to state's children. Remquist will. preside over the impeached for the aforemen­ The representatives does not think that he will be im­ he would end state contracts and woman and low income citizens Richard Finan, presi­ senatorial trial. tioned two articles. voted 228-20,6 that President peached, because he did not also subcontracts for minority Jones said that he will dent for the state Senate, said The I 00 senators will President Clinton will in Clinton lied to the grand jury commi tt a felony. companies. play an "active role" in the that the Legislature must study County Republican Voinovich said that his dccison making process to de­ empirical data pertaining to the Party Chairman Jim Trakas said decision to curtail minority con­ termine the future of the state income and also debt ratio for mi­ that the'preponderance of evi­ tracts was based on an Oct. 29 contract awardee program. nority owned and also compa­ dence is " strong" and it was c~mrtorder by U.S. District Judge Jones also said that his nies which have a certain num­ proven by a "bi-partisan" vote James Graham. reason for playing an active role ber of minorites. of the House of Representatives Graham's court order in creating new legislation is be­ Finan also said that that that Clinton was guilty. said that the 18 year old state cause his constituents' nation­ once the data has been examined, County Democratic law that requires a portion of ality are diverse in nature and the Legislature could create laws Party Chairman Jimmy Dimora contracts be directed toward mi­ also for income. to assist the companies. said that "in the long run" Clinton norities violated the 14th Amend­ State Rep. Barbara will "probably be censured." Several minority owned ment to the U.S. Constitution. Boyd said that she would "en­ construction companies said that Dim ora, who is also the The state law directs 15 courage the legislature to revive county commissioner-elect, said they anticipated and prepared for percent for goods and services the state contracts within the the previously mentioned ac­ that Congress wilhlraft legista­ such as dairy products, seven general assembly. tions to place "restrictions" on tions by the aforementioned in­ percent of Ohio's subcontracts Ward 10 Councilman dividuals. Clinton's ability to govern, such and also five percent of construc­ Rosevelt Coats , who represents Wanda Keil, an em­ as declaring war or signing leg­ tion contracts. citizens on the East Side, said ployee for Commodies Interna­ islation. Maria Armstrong, that he was "disappointed and . tional Ltd., which is a pharmaceu­ State Senator-elect Voinovich's director oflegal af­ also "appalled" when he learned tical company, said that because C.J.Prentiss said that if the sena­ fairs, said that according to the of Graham's and also Voinovich's o'f the aforementioned decisions, tors vote "along party lines" judge's court order, Ohio's afore­ decision for minority contracts. her company would have to then Clinton will" be merely cen­ mentioned·· laws cannot be en­ Gov.-elect Robert Taft fi­ These students from Hawken School will compete against two other northeast Ohio Schools nancially restructure their orga­ sured." forced. said that he was non-commital if on The Ohio Lottery's "It's Academic" Show. The Hawken team will play students from Firestone High nization to maintain a profit. State Rep. Peter Betty Montgomery, he would ask the Ohio General School ofAkron and St. Ignatius High School of Cleveland. The show airs Sunday, January 3, at 6:30 Lawson Jones said that he "does who is the state's attorney Assembly during his Richard Rogers, presi­ p.m. on WEWS-News ChannelS, with a second broadcast scheduled for Saturday, January 9, at 6:30 not think" that Clinton will resign general,said that her office plans gubenatorial tenure to create leg­ dent for Cook Paving Company, p.m. on WV/Z1V-25. Pictured in front from left to right are team member Kevin Wang, team eaptain but that he will be "censured". to appeal Graham's court order islation which would adhere for said that he also financially re­ Dan Gelfand, and team member Brian Beck. Behind (left to right) are team alternate Niv Shah, Attorney Stanley and also a lawsuit pertaining to minority contracts. structured his company in antici­ advisor Bob Shurtz, and alternate Ari Reichstein. Tolliver said that Clinton is "sub­ the same issues which is filed Ohio House Speaker Jo pation of the aforementioned de­ ject" to reprimand but will "prob­ with the Ohio Supreme Court. Ann Davidson said that she cisions. ably be censured." Montgomery also said agreed with Taft's aforemen­ Finally, Rogers said that OfficeMax, Inc. announces expansion Tolliver also said that that her office does not plan to tioned decision because of the some minority owned companies the Republican Party is a ByCLAUDEBRUCESTARKS execeed $2billion and its stock is Highland Hills Mayor c:m win either appeal.
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