Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 1-15-1965 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1965). Winona Daily News. 573. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/573 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Churchill Suffers Blood Clot in Brain Sir Winston Arms Commission Mail Truck Driver Gets Has Setback Extension Asked During Cold By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER President's request for $55 mil- power of this country, the Presi- 60-Day Term LONDON (AP) - Sir Winston AP Special Correspondent lion for the agency's expenses dent said in letters to the House STILLWATER, Minn. (AP)- Churchill today suffered a cere- over the next four years, ap- and Senate, the effort to stop bral thrombosis—a blood clot in - 'WASHINGTON (AP) - Pres!- A mail truck driver accused of peared certain. the spreading of nuclear weap- assaulting a highway patrolman the brain—and there was wide- dent Johnson asked Congress ons "is essential to our security, today to extend the life was sentenced Thursday to 60 spread concern that the 90-year- of the Johnson lotd Congresi a de- for a continued increase and old statesman might be at tha U.S. Arms Control and Disar- termined \ effort to halt_ the days in jail and given an option spread of modern weapons can of a $15 fine or five days in jail end of the road. mament Agency for four years spread of nuclear weapons over actually decrease our security." A medical bulletin from his to "assure the continuing lead- tne world is essential to the se- for speeding. Jerry J. Intihar, rural Still- doctors said Sir Winston also has ership of the United States in curity of the United States. He M accompanying letter by made clear that nonprolifera- water said he will appeal the developed a circulatory weak- the purposeful pursuit of agency Director William C. Fos- ness, which would appear to in- peace." tion is a foremost objective of ter said the legislation will be decision to the Minnesota Su- preme Court. dicate that his heart is flagging Congressional approval of the his disarmament policy. required to keep the agency op- or that there was a fairly gen- recommendation, along with the Despite the vast defensive erating because the present au- Intihar was arrested July 8 eral blockage of the arteries. thorization does not provide after a chase by Highway Pa- The medical bulletin, issued adequate funds beyond the end trolman Desmond Pepin, Bay- by his personal physician, Lord of the present fiscal year, June port. The pursuit ended in Inti- Moran, said: 30. h-ir's yard, the two men scuf- "After a cold, Sir Winston haa "Attempts directed toward fled and Intihar suffered a bullet developed a circulatory weak- arms control and other meas- ground in the groin, ness and there has been a cere- ures to lessen the threat of war "intihar was convicted in Still- bral thrombosis." are no longer Utopian dreams," water Municipal Court in Sep- Sir Winston was 90 last Nov. Foster said. tember. He was sentenced to 90 30. days in jail for assault and a "He's had a cold for several He added: "The work of the $25 fine or five days for speed- days," said Sir Winston's son, Anns Control and Disarmament ing. He appealed to the Wash- Randolph Churchill, from his Agency has become an integral ington County District Court and country house at East Bergholt, part of our over-all national se- "William T. Johnson hand- curity, policy. Armaments alone Judge Suffolk County. ed down the decision Thursday, Lord Moran, Sir Winston's pri- can no longer increase security ; following a twoday trial, the unchecked increase of these vate physician, said he would weapons of mass destruction call at the home of Britain's can only diminish our safety in great wartime leader late today. the hope for peace." After that visit—and a check- Johnson . noted that four years Dead up—Lord Moran is expected to ago the United States became 2 Women issue a medical bulletin on the the first nation - in tbe world to health of his famous patient. establish such an agency. Invariably, he has bounced In St. Louis ILL IN LONDON ... Sir Winston Church- he, left his London home last July for his back, and birthday after birth- ill, 90, is ill at his London home, his son Ran- country home at Chartwell, England. (AP day for the last five years or dolph said. The British statesman is shown as Photofax) more, he has been able to totter to the ground-floor windows of First Jobs Hospital Fire his London home at Hyde Park his famous ST. LOUIS CAP) - A brief, Gate, smile and give but blistering, general-alarm V-for-victory sign to well-wish- fire killed two women patients ers congregated outside. Corps Men Thursday night at the State On his last birthday, Lady Left Open for Churchill, Sir Winston's Darling , Door Mental Hospital. More than 1 - (k)0 other patients were threat- Clementine, held her husband's in Training ened but quick work by firemen arm as he moved slowly to tha PRETTY PAT ... Miss Pat Koren, 20, Rapid City, S. D., and others prevented greater window. He looked extremely Miss Rodeo America 196$ is in Denver for the opening of THUEMONT, Md. (AP) - tragedy. pale., National Western Stock Show. MUs Koren won the title in The nation's first Job Corps- After he slowly made bis V men, the outriders in President About 1,200 patients, some in More Viet Nam Aid first two fingers Las Vegas, Nev., and also walked off with the "Mis* Per- wheelchairs, were removed into (AP) sign with the Johnson's war on poverty, be- WASHINGTON r- Presi- Sen. Allen J. Ellender, D-La., of of meat-axing White House for- hand, Sir Winston sonality" award. An outstanding rider, she trains and . shows sub-freezing temperatures from of his right gan training today at a moun- dent Johnson has submitted a the $3.38 billion Johnson called eign aid requests, was subdued. gently led away by his ber own horses, which she raises on her parents' ranch Ln the a women's dormitory and then for in a special message Thurs- And Sen. J. W. Fulbright, D- was tain retreat that housed depres- record low foreign aid request wife. Black Hills of South Dakota. (AP Photofax) sheltered temporarily in a near- day to Congress. Ark., chairman of the Foreign sion youth of the 1930s. But he has continued to lump The pioneer group, which in- by auditorium. "At least $1 billion, possibly Relations Committee who has Lady Churchill win be 80 ta Mrs. Sally military and economic assist- $1.5 billion, too high," said Sen. said he would not manage the cludes 11 Baltimoreans and 19 Another woman, ance together and asked that April. youngsters from "Virginia and Turpen, 67, of St. Louis, died Wayne Morse, D-Ore., a mem- bill unless military and econom- Sir Winston, over the years, Kentucky, after collapsing in the state hos- the door be left open for more ber of the Foreign Relations ic assistance requests were sep- will occupy sturdy funds for South Viet Nam. So has recovered from many ilk Miss MacDonald chestnut log cabins built SO pital cafeteria. Police said Mrs. Committee. arated, adopted a wait-and-see nesses and a fall in which he the usual storm signals are stance. years ago by the Civilian Con- Turpen, a widow, was awaiting But Rep. Otto E. Passman. D- .broke his hip. Londoners hav« servation Corps. information about friends who flying. "Too much, too much," said La., who has made a specialty Getting a foreign aid request come to know him as Indestruct- were being evacuated from the through Congress in recog- ible Churchill. The training site ts In the Iso- hospital. Cause of her death was nizable form has been a test of Dead in Texas lated Catoctin Mountain Nation- Since his retirement from tha By BOB THOMAS and to her 27-year marriage — not immediately learned every president's mettle since House of Commons last July, al Park, about a mile from the program was instituted in AP Movie-TV Writer a childless one. Her last words Camp David where two presi- Sir Winston has been out of the (o Raymond came in a Houston Most of them wore only night 1948. HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Actor dents frequently rested. clothes and were barefoot al- Johnson Awaits public eye. His appearance at Gene Raymond makes a mourn- hospital, where she had been The youths will be sworn in at his window on his birthday is flown Tuesday to undergo heart though some managed to drape The $3.38 billion Johnson ful journey to Hollywood today Baltimore City Hall and then blankets around them. A major- wants is the lowest presidential the only time Londoners have with the body of his wife, Jean- surgery. will board a bus for the 60-mile ity of the patients were evacu- seen him for months. "I love yon , " she whispered. aid request ever, but it is more ette MacDonald, lovely songbird trip. ated within 30-minutes after the Pearson Visit than $600 million above the $2.7 Friends said that of late ha of a lilting era in American "I love you, too." he replied.
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