NOVEMBER 2006 I VOLUMES I ISSUE 3 THE UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE University of Lethbridge Wash your hands Physics students Jazz legend will hit The Women's Rugby and read up on pacic up their lab all the right notes Team wins the how the Norovirus coats for internships with the UofL Canada West is spread in Germany Jazz Ensemble championship 2 3 B 7 www.uleth.ca/legend CENTRE NEW NAME BY SHELAGH MCMULLAN F hat does '^Regional Health and Wellness Centre" say to you? Feedback from the Lethbridge and campus communities has consistently noted that '^Regional Health and WeUness Centre" has a medical connotation that belies the actual usage ofthe facility. In lightof these concerns* the University has renamed the building as the Centre for Sport and WeUness. Executive Director* Sport and Recreation Services* Sandy Slavin says the new name is a better fit for a facility that wiU General management major Amanda Velcic has been awarded a 2006 Futures Fund Scholarship for Outstanding Leadership. • • The new name is a more accurate reflection ofthe multi-purpose nature of thefacility.JJ LEADING BY EXAMPLE -Sandy Slavin BY SHELAGH MCMULLAN *1 have a really unique West At the end of the day* you In April* she plans to leadership style* and to have evolve* grow and become a dif­ finish her bachelor ofmanage­ manda Velcic's efforts meet the community's sport and thatvahdatedby an external ferent person*" says Velcic. ment degree by participating to hone her leadership body means so much*" says Canada's Outstanding in the Faculty of Management recreation needs and facilitate skills have led to health-promoting research. A Velcic "The money and the CEO ofthe Year program Malaysia Work/Study Abroad national recognition for the trip to Toronto are just bo­ selects 10 schools to receive program. "The new name is a more U ofL management student nuses." the scholarships "I have a calendar that accurate reflection ofthe multi­ Velcic is one of 10 Canadian Velcic every summer. shows me all ofthe events and purpose nature ofthe facility*" university business students to is currently Scholarship conferences I want logo to* • I I believe it's says Slavin. receive a 2006 Futures Fund putting her recipients are and everything fits. I love the important to Scholarship for Outstanding leadership skiUs chosen by the continuous momentum*" says Vi ce - Pr esi dent* Ad va n cemen t* empower people Leadership valued at$5*000. to use as the dean's office at Velcic Chris Horbachewski says that I try to motivate Canada's Outstanding president of the their universities. Velcic hopes the force of 'TIealth and Wellness Centre" through my own CEO ofthe Year program Management Irene Wong thatmomentumwiU carry her was a working title that simply actions and by awards Futures Fund Scholar­ Students' Soci­ and Jennifer into law school stopped working. sticking to my ships annually to recognize ety and vice- Sleeves were "I'm currently applying to word. "The Centre is the only facility students for leadership in president of the the other UofL universities in Ontario. I have of its kind in southern Alberta. academic and extracurricular UofL Debate finahsts for the a basicunderstanding ofthe - Amanda Velcic Although the official name has pursuits. Society. scholarship. functional areas of business* yet to be approved by the Board In November* Velcic and "A lot of Winning the and now I'd hke to gain a dif­ of Governors* it's important the other nine recipients will my leadership scholarship is a ferent perspective*" says Velcic to start branding the facility attend an awards gala in To­ experience has been volunteer highlight of Velcic's final year For more information with a name that captures its ronto where they wiU have the work* and I have participated of studies* which she describes on the Futures Fund Scholar­ significance to the area*" says opportunity to meet some of in numerous business confer­ as a "happyblur." ships* go to www.ceoaward- Horbachewski. the country'sbusiness elite. ences and events like JDC canada.org/futures/. LEGEND - NOVEMBER 2006 MAKING A BILL Difference This column provides an opportunity for members of the University community to get to know each other better. If you have suggestions for this feature, please contact the Human Resources Department. The community-minded research conducted at the U of L and the research opportunities available to our undergraduate students are two of the key reasons why I believe the University of Lethbridge offers Canada's premier learning experience A recent Research Infosource Ine ranking of the top 50 research universities in Canada affirms the strength cf the U of L's research program The University ranked third in the undergraduate category along with Lakehead University and the Royal Military College of Canada, which placed first and second, respectively The U of L placed fifth in the research income growth category with a reported $12 million in research funding in 2005/ 2006 Thank you to the faculty and student researchers and Office of Research Services staff whose efforts have established the U of L as a nationally recognized research university The Pronghorn Women's Rugby Team deserves a great deal of recognition for winning their first Canada West championship on Oct James McDowell (BFA '89) is the head shop carpenter for the Department of Theatre and Dramatic Arts. He 22 Their win ended the University of Alberta Pandas' seven-year hold ensures that each set, including the Mad Boy Chronicle set in the background, can be built within the shop on the championship The U of Ls Ashley Patzer, Cayley Gunn and time alloted for each show. Amanda Richardson were named Canada West Rugby All-Stars, and Ashley was recognized as the Canada West Player of the Year Best of BY DAVID HIGNELL working in the shop at any given that occupy his time. He is luck tothe Horns as they move on tothe Canadian Interuniversity Sport time as part of various drama very involved with the techni­ Championships atthe University of Western Ontario from Nov 3 to 5 ames McDowell joined courses. cal facilities and operations of the technical team at the Working from scale draw­ the South Country Fair in Fort TheU of Ls most recent graduates and everyone who contributed tothe J University ofLethbridge ings and a scale model ofthe set* Macleod. Oct 14 Convocation in the Centre for Sport and Wellness are also to be University Theatre immediately James is responsible for decid­ He conducts workshops congratulated Approximately 1,330 people were on hand to celebrate after his graduation from ing how each set piece will be in technical theatre for local the achievements of 379 graduates at the inaugural Convocation university in 1989. constructed and what the cost community theatre groups ceremony in the new facility Originally hired as a of materials will be. in smaller communities in stage carpenter by the theatre James ensures that each southern Alberta and British Many individual members of the University community have also manager's office* James has seen set can be built within the shop Columbia. enjoyed recent successes U of L management student Amanda Velcic both this job and his "home" at time allotted for each show. James was also very in­ IS one of 10 Canadian university business students to receive a 2006 the University change over the It's also up to James to volved in the birth and growth Futures Fund Scholarship for Outstanding Leadership from Canada's years. The theatre staff are now order the supplies he needs for of the Lethbridge Children's Outstanding CEO ofthe Year program The other U of L finalists for the part ofthe Department of The­ each set piece and oversee every­ Festival The Children's Festival award were Jennifer Steeves and Irene Wong Jennifer Franks [BA '02) atre and Dramatic Arts instead one working in the shop as the was started in 1992* and James hasbeen awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of the theatre manager's office. setis being built continued to work on the festi­ of Canada (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship [Master's) for A versatile craftsman* over There is* however* an added val until this past year. $17,500 Alison Gray [BMgt'S3) hasbeen appointed as the new director the past 16 years he has filled the wrinkle. As often as not* the James and his partner* Shei­ of the Calgary campus Alison is an alumnus who has taught at the role of electrician* head stage students he works with are in a la Rogers* live in the city and Calgary campus and most recently served as the executive director of carpenter and stage manager as carpentry shop for the first time enjoy camping with their two the Alberta Women Entrepreneurs association Congratulations to all well as being both the set and in their lives. children* Jessamy and David. lighting designer for various James* along with Scene James is also an avid climber I wish you all the best in the month ahead university productions. Shop Assistant Arlene Cur- who loves to spend time in the James is currently serving ran* must ensure that everyone mountains. as the department's head shop knows how to use all ofthe tools All in all* James is an asset carpenter. In this capacity* he is - hand or electric* big and small to the University and to the THE UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDQE responsible for overseeing the - in a safe and efficient manner. community ofLethbridge. daily operations ofthe Scene When notat the University* Shop* the Scene Shop staff and James has a number of interests between two and 10 students The University ofLethbridge Legend is published monthly during the academic year by the communications unit within the Office of University Advancement Submissions* com­ NOROVIRUS IN THE NEWS ments and story ideas are welcome.
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