Administration of William J. Clinton, 1995 / Dec. 10 making progress toward reaching these goals. But we have a comprehensive education strat- We will give you extra help, and we will give egy based on national standards and grassroots special help to districts that are poor or that reforms and more opportunity. That is what I have a lot of poor children, but we all have think we ought to be pushing for. No company to have the same high standards and we all in the world and no country in the world would have to be willing to be held accountable. go into the 21st century by cutting its invest- For young people who aren't going to college, ment in education and technology and research. we have launched a national school-to-work pro- But this budget cuts our investment in edu- gram to help every State give young people good cation, technology, and research. It is a prescrip- training so they can get good jobs even if they tion for bad economics. That's the other thing don't have 4-year college degrees. Then, for I want to say to people: This Republican budget is not just bad in human terms, it's going to young people who are going to college, we've be bad for the economy. It will undermine the launched a new direct student loan program that economic strategy that we have pursued that has lower cost college loans available to more has given us the world's strongest economy kids with better terms of repayment. again. And I want you to stick with us on the One of the most successful things we've education issue. doneÐI've talked about it a lot in FloridaÐ we have dramatically increased the number of NOTE: The President spoke by satellite at 10:17 student loans and the possibility of earning a.m. from the Dempsey Thomas Film Studio in money through college through our national Little Rock, AR, to the convention meeting in service program, AmeriCorps. Every single one Miami Beach, FL. In his remarks, he referred to of those things is at risk in the Republican budg- Gov. Lawton Chiles and Lt. Gov. Buddy MacKay et, and I am fighting for every single one of of Florida, and President Jean-Bertrand Aristide them. of Haiti. Statement on the Nomination of Kweisi Mfume as NAACP President December 10, 1995 I was delighted to hear about the nomination mon ground on a wide spectrum of issues. I of Representative Kweisi Mfume to the leader- am disappointed that I will lose his support in ship of the NAACP. In his distinguished career the Congress, but I know that he will continue as the Representative of Baltimore's 7th District, to provide me with wise counsel in his new Congressman Mfume has been an outspoken ad- role. He is a superb choice to lead the NAACP vocate for working Americans, an articulate at this juncture, which for so many years has voice on race relations and a tireless fighter been an extraordinary champion of civil rights. against crime. His was a voice in the Congress I wish him all the best. that sought not to be divisive but to find com- Remarks at ``Christmas in Washington'' December 10, 1995 Thank you. Thank you, Kelsey. I'd like to ClubÐmakes you proud to be Commander in thank all the cast of ``Frazier,'' Peri and Jane ChiefÐ[laughter]Ðthe U.S. Army Band's Her- and John and David, for the wonderful job they ald Trumpets also do; the magnificent Eastern did tonight; Gloria Estefan; Clint Black; Al High School Chorus; and of course, Ian Frazier Green; Dawn Upshaw; the Naval Academy Glee and the ``Christmas in Washington'' Orchestra, 1875 Dec. 10 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1995 for the magnificent music all of you have given the Prince of Peace, let us remember that He us. Let's give them a great hand. [Applause] said, ``Blessed are the peacemakers.'' And let Every year, Hillary and Chelsea and I really us ask the blessings of peace this Christmas look forward to this wonderful ``Christmas in for everyone, from the Middle East to Northern Washington'' evening. Besides getting us into Ireland, to Bosnia, and not only for the children the holiday spirit, it also gives us the opportunity there but, of course, for our troops as well. to recognize one of our country's preeminent And let us also as Americans resolve, each of health care facilities, the Children's National us, to do what we can to be peacemakers, not Medical Center right here in Washington. only to bring peace and reconciliation around As always, Christmas is a time for us to reflect the world but also to the most difficult neigh- on our good fortune in the past year. This borhoods of our own Nation, to every child who Christmas, I have much to be grateful for. But deserves to be free from violence and full of among the things I am most grateful for is the hope. That is our prayer for this Christmas. way the people all around the world still look Hillary and Chelsea and I offer this wish of at our beloved land. Recently I returned from our season to all of you and to all Americans Europe, where this was brought home to me everywhere: Peace on Earth, good will toward ever more than before. People see America as men. Merry Christmas, and God bless you all. a nation graced by God with peace and pros- Thank you. perity, a land of fundamental fairness and great freedom. And even though it sometimes imposes NOTE: The President's remarks were recorded at extra burdens on us, it is wonderful to know 6:20 p.m. at the National Building Museum for that people the world over trust us to work broadcast at 10 p.m. on December 13. In his re- with them to achieve and share the blessings marks, he referred to Kelsey Grammer, Peri Gil- of peace. pin, Jane Leeves, John Mahoney, and David Hyde So at Christmas, as we celebrate the birth Pierce, cast members of the television show of a homeless child whose only shelter was the ``Frazier;'' and entertainers Gloria Estefan, Clint straw of a manger but who grew up to become Black, Al Green, Dawn Upshaw, and Ian Frazier. Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Shimon Peres of Israel December 11, 1995 The President. Good morning, everyone. It's The President. Good morning everyone. I a pleasure and an honor to have the Prime want to welcome the Prime Minister here. It's Minister here. We're about to start our talks. pleasure to have him here and a privilege to And as you know, after we have those talks, continue our partnership, our search for peace. we will have a press conference, and we'll be I'm looking forward to our visit. And of course, available for your questions. But I'm very much after the visit we'll have a press conference and looking forward to continuing our work on the the opportunity to answer your questions. peace process and continuing our strong part- Prime Minister Peres. May I say the President nership. has changed our hearts and changed our lan- Q. Will you, Mr. President, become actively guage. He changed our hearts by a very moving involved in an Israeli-Syrian track? appearance at the funeral of the late Yitzhak The President. Well, we're going toÐlet us Rabin. And he changed our language by adding have our talk, and I'll be glad to answer the two words that were never in our vocabulary: questions after we finish our visit. Shalom, chaver. It became a household expres- Thank you. sion. [At this point, one group of reporters left the NOTE: The President spoke at 10:46 a.m. in the room, and another group entered.] Oval Office at the White House. A tape was not 1876.
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