Newsletter THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR CONSERVATION OF HISTORIC AND ARTISTIC WORKS Volume 14, Number 1 January 1989 ALL THAT GLITTERS CAN INDEED BE GOLD: Gilding Conservation Symposium 1988 By mid-September, the members of the Europe, the U.S.A., and Canada; all Tokyo lectured on the technique of laying Planning Committee for the Gilding Sym­ found the interchange of ideas stimulating gold on lacquer ground and brought two posium 1988 were sizzling the phone and challenging. Masako Koyano from inspiring videotapes. Alexander Kos- lines with last-minute questions for the Art Conservation Laboratory in solapov from the Hermitage Museum in Project Director, Deborah Bigelow, who had carried the bulk of the preparation work. The Symposium had been con­ GET INVOLVED... RESPOND!!! ceived in 1986 by members of the AIC Strategic Planning Questionnaire Wood Artifacts Group who felt that there was ample interest to warrant a con­ ference on this subject. Now the program In a few days one ot the most impor­ ccntratc on others. What we arc doing had been set and printed, the airline tick­ tant documents you will ever receive is planning the future for AIC. To do ets and visas secured for foreign speakers, from AIC will arrive in the mail: the that we need to know what you want the auditorium booked, and the local ar­ long-awaited Strategic Planning Ques­ that future to be: what you want AIC to rangements committee had organized a tionnaire. Your responses to the ques­ do and how much of your time and spectacular set of events surrounding the tions in it will determine die course the money >ou are willing to give to AIC to presentations. But would our fellow Board of Directors will plot for AIC. professionals really come? Could a sym­ No doubt you have heard about the Wc arc encouraged enough by the posium on the deterioration of gilded Strategic Plan that the Board and stall high rale of return of the certification wooden surfaces be a success? have been working on, hut you may not questionnaire of two years ago to ask understand the effect the results may The final days of October arrived. The for your cooperation with a much Planning Committee—all of whom were have on our organization. Possible longer document. We assume that you members of AIC Wood Artifacts changes that ma> be made based on are as eager now as you were then to Group—assembled one last time on the your responses range from minor shilts seize the opportunity to tell us what you eve of the conference. The doors at the I in emphasis to major changes in policy, think. Some of the length of this ques­ Philadelphia Museum of Art, the host in­ I like deleting the Code of Ethin as a tionnaire is due to our desire not to stitution, opened on the morning of Oc­ Criterion lor professional membership, eliminate any question that an>onc of tober 26th, and indeed, the participants dropping lellowship as a requirement the membership or the Board wanted flooded in, close to 400 of them. The for Board ol fleers, hiring a paid lob­ asked - and answered. Please bear with Symposium sparkled with more than 35 byist, or eliminating non-conservators us, and give us your most thoughtful contributors who discussed the early cus­ from membership. Wc need the input responses on subjects of major concern toms of gilding, scientific techniques for of the lull membership to make these to you and your profession, including determination of leaf and grounds, and difficult decisions. Our main problem policies on membership, governance, the many avenues of conserving gilt sur­ in governing AIC is the allocation of publications, relations with other faces. The speakers came from all scarce resources. Wc must establish professional organizations, etc. The fu­ corners of the world: Russia, Japan, priorities and, even if reluctantly, give ture of AIC is in your hands.—Paul up some activities in order to con- I limmclstein, AIC Vice President. Leningrad gave two presentations: one on knowledge. Excellent presentations from filled with chats and more chats. On the the history and materials aspects of the U.S.A. and Canadian contributors dis­ fourth day of the conference, the out-of- gilding of icons, and the other on current cussed the different properties of gesso town visitors took advantage of the walk­ gilding conservation methods in the and glue, glue failure and treatment pos­ ing tour of Philadelphia and the tour of USSR. Malcolm Green from the Victoria sibilities. Scientists from the U.S.A. and Winterthur Museum and Gardens to ce­ & Albert Museum was persuaded to step European laboratories presented analyti­ ment new friendships. We should have outside of his beloved England for the cal methods for the detection of gold and had more than four days, but we came first time to present a paper on the over­ determination of alloys. Richard Wolbers away from the conference exhilarated and view of thirty years of gilding conserva­ gave formidable advice on how to deter­ committed to do better conservation work tion. He charmed everyone with his op­ mine binding media and formulate a in our own workshops. A great success! timism and common sense. Myriam cleaning system for the gilt surface. The papers from this Symposium are Serck-Dewaide from the "Brussels Lab" Numerous case studies were presented on now being collected for publication in in Belgium-Institute Royal du Patrimoine practical work in the field of gilding con­ book form. The bulk of them will be gave an excellent paper on surface coat­ servation: on treatment of furniture, pic­ edited and published in hardback by the ings used on gilded and polychromed ture frames, architectural elements, altars end of 1989 or early 1990. The delay is sculptures throughout many centuries. and polychromed sculptures. The papers unavoidable: it requires a good deal of From Michel Hebrard and Sophie Small and presenters are too numerous to be time to produce a high quality publica­ in Avignon, France, and from Jonathan cited in detail, but a copy of the program tion. Thornton we heard about experiments is available from the AIC office. which utilized modern materials in con­ Thanks go to Deborah Bigelow and her servation treatments of gilt wood. We received general overviews of gild­ ing techniques in France from Brian Considine; of Malcolm ancient Egyptian gilding Green Antonietta methods from Pamela distributing Gallone Hatchfield; from James copies and Yorke, Victoria & Albert 0y tne Masako Koyano Museum in London, we Declaration heard about three centuries of Independ­ of gilding in England; ence to the from Luke Beckerdite and international Donald Fennimore about speakers American carving and gilding trades. Angela Huckel from the City Museum in Munich estab- excellent planning committee, as well as to the Philadelphia Museum of Art for hosting the conference. Thanks also to the FAIC, the Samuel Kress Foundation, The Paul Mellon, and the Andrew Mellon Symposium Foundation; and to numerous other Planning patrons and donors, several of whom Committee were present for the Symposium and ex­ pressed their satisfaction. Special kudos go to the local arrangements committee for putting on wonderful dinners, recep­ tions and tours. But above all, our thanks go to the speakers and participants. You made this symposium the event of the decade in the conservation community! We had a meeting of the minds that was lished with her paper on 19th century Receptions and dinners got people talk­ both inspiring and fun indeed.—Elizabeth German frames the fact that surface coat­ ing with each other: conservator with Cornu, Planning Committee Member, and ings over gold leaf had indeed been an scientist, conservator with frame restorer, Objects Conservator, Fine Arts Museums original technique, thereby changing sculpture conservator with student, and of San Francisco, CA. forever the field of picture frame the time between the presentations was 2 AIC NEWS formulation of such Rules of Order, the Board also has From The President written a "generic" set, which satisfies the Board policy and could be adopted after merely filling in some specific First of all I would like to wish all of you, on behalf of details, or desirable modifications. The rest of the policy myself and the Board, a very happy and prosperous 1989. defines minimal requirements for the content of specific Let us all work together to make this year a great one for elements of the Rules of Order and formulates certain our organization. With your help and input, we can do it! restrictions. The Board sincerely regrets that it has to put The Strategic Planning process is rolling along. Elsewhere the Groups through the effort of adopting Rules of Order in this Newsletter, Vice-President Paul Himmelstein's ar­ where these do not exist now, or to review existing ones ticle provides more details about the questionnaire which and bring them in concordance with this policy. However, you are about to receive; let me just reinforce how impor­ we do not feel that we have any other choice without failing tant your reactions to this questionnaire are. This is your our obligations to AIC and its membership. Moreover, we unique opportunity to help define the future of AIC; do not are convinced that adherence to this policy will prevent a stand on the sidelines but participate in this process! lot of potential problems in the future. A copy of this policy The Board met on the last two days of November, and I and the set of "generic" Rules of Order has been mailed to would like to single out a few items from the full agenda to the Specialty and Sub Groups; we expect that all groups discuss with you.
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