41_137284 bindex.qxp 8/17/07 9:55 AM Page 355 Index AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) • Symbols & Numerics • expansion slot, 79 \ (backslash) key, 138 port, 123 . (period) in filenames, 290 AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format), 224 3-D graphics, supporting, 123 air flow 16 bits, PC sound sampled at, 164 in the console, 23 404 error, 258 for the microprocessor, 76 802.11 wireless networking standard, in PCs, 185 232, 234 air vents, 21–22, 24 ALL CAPS, e-mail messages in, 260 All Programs menu on the Start button • A • menu, 62, 63 all-in-one printers, 150, 152 A-B switch for a printer, 91 Alt key, 136 Accelerated Graphics Port. See AGP Alt+Tab key combination, 318 account folder. See User Profile folder AMD microprocessors, 76 acoustic coupler modem, 176 animation, displaying pop-up windows, 274 ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power annual subscription for antivirus software, Interface), 186 350 ad hoc network, 238 antenna, wireless adapter with, 234 Add a Printer toolbar button, 158 antiglare screen, 344 Add or Remove Programs dialog box, 324 antiradiation shielding, 344 Add Printer Wizard, 158 antivirus software Address bar in Windows Explorer, 303 described, 279 address for memory, 97 disabling, 320 addresses, e-mail, 260 investing in, 350–351 Adjust Date/Time command, 81 Any key, 138 administrator privileges required to install APM (Advanced Power Management) new software, 320 specification, 186 administrator’s UAC,COPYRIGHTED 281–282 MATERIAL Appearance Settings dialog box, 127 Adobe Photoshop Elements, 198 applications (programs) Advanced Configuration and Power accessing recent, 321 Interface (ACPI), 186 adding and removing, 158, 324 Advanced Power Management (APM) antivirus software, 279, 320, 350–351 specification, 186 attached to e-mail messages, 341 Advanced Search link in the Search Results described, 14–15, 294 window, 316 41_137284 bindex.qxp 8/17/07 9:55 AM Page 356 356 PCs For Dummies, 11th Edition applications (programs) (continued) automatic updates, accepting from finding on the Start button menu, 320–321 Windows, 278 putting in the pin-on area, 321–322 AutoPlay dialog box quitting all other, 318 displaying for a disc, 111 running, 320–323 for a CD-R, 330 archiving, data discs for, 331 for a memory card, 114 arrow keys on the keyboard, 134 AVI (Audio Video Interleave) file, 216 ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment), 107 ATAPI. See ATA • B • ATI adapters, 126 back posture, 141 ATI Radeon, 123 background, changing, 128–129 Attach File to Message button, 269 backing up files, 339 attachments backslash (\) key, 138 grabbing with Windows Mail, 268–269 Balanced power-management plan, 187 opening, 269 bank of memory, 95 saving in Windows Mail, 268 base station sending and receiving with e-mail, 268 configuring, 242 sending in Windows Mail, 269–270 in a network, 233 attributes of files, 287 batteries in cordless mice, 144 Au file format, 224 battery, internal to a PC, 82–83 Audacity sound recording program, 173 battery-powered PCs, power-saving audio. See also music options, 188–189 abilities of PCs, 163–167 Bcc field in Windows Mail, 261 connections, 31–33 beginners control in Windows, 167–169 common mistakes, 337–341 file types, 224 helped by computer nerds, 350 Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF), 224 bidirectional cable for a printer, 36 audio microphone bidirectional connection with DSL, 179 configuring, 168 binary counting system, 97 described, 32 binary information in files, 286 jack, 24–25, 27 BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). See options for, 167 chipset setting up for speech recognition, 227 BIOS Setup utility, 45 audio speakers bits configuring in Windows, 168 described, 97 described, 19, 164–166 handled by a microprocessor, 77 in a monitor, 124 black and white, printing in, 259 positioning, 165–166 black ink, instead of color, 154 switching to headphones, 169 blackout, 39 Audio Video Interleave (AVI) file, 216 blind-carbon-copying of an e-mail message, author, e-mail address of, 5 261 41_137284 bindex.qxp 8/17/07 9:55 AM Page 357 Index 357 blue UACs, 282 capitalization in filenames, 289 Bluetooth standard, 236 capturing a video signal, 208 BMP (Windows Bitmap) file format, 199 case boot disk, finding, 109 closing, 74 boxes opening, 73–74 keeping, 30 case sensitivity of filenames, 289 unpacking, 29–30 Cat 5 networking cable, 234 Break key, 138 cathode ray tube. See CRT monitors brightness, adjusting for an image, 202–203 CD drives broadband modems booting from, 109 connecting, 35 described, 20–21 described, 177–178 speed rating of, 110–111 types of, 178 CD-R discs brownout, 39 about, 328 Browse dialog box, 305 compared to CD-RW, 224 browser home page, 257–258 for music, 329 browsing. See also Internet Explorer (IE) quality of, 329 a network, 245 CD-RW discs, 328 the Web, 257–258 CDs Burn a Disc dialog box, 330–331 about, 347 Burn button on the toolbar, 332 burning, 225 Burn to Disc toolbar button, 333 capacity of, 110 burning songs to a CD, 225 disc-writing software, 329 buttons on a monitor, 124 disposing of, 334 bytes ejecting, 111–112, 332–333 measuring memory in, 96–97 inserting into drives, 111 measuring the size of a file, 288 labeling, 334 making your own, 224–225, 327–334 moving information between computers, • C • 331 C drive, 108 naming, 331 cable modem, 178 obtaining proper, 328–329 cables. See also USB cables playing musical, 170 connected to expansion cards, 78 ripping music from, 221 described, 19, 32 center/subwoofer jack, 24–26 length of, 32 central processing unit (CPU), 20. See also networking, 234–235 microprocessor for printers, 36, 156 chair, adjusting, 141 camera, digital, 193–195, 346–347 Change Plan Settings options, 55 Camera Raw (CRW) format, 199 channels, changing in live TV, 210–211 Cancel button for printing, 162 child folder, 299 capacity of a hard drive, 108 chipset, 83 41_137284 bindex.qxp 8/17/07 9:55 AM Page 358 358 PCs For Dummies, 11th Edition classic Start menu, 62 configuring clicking with a mouse, 145, 147 file sharing, 247–248 client-server network, 232 for Internet use, 256 clock microphone, 168 displayed by Windows, 80 modems, 180–181 in a PC, 80–82 network, 233 setting, 81 routers, 240–242 updating date-and-time stamps, 288 speakers, 168 closing the console or case, 74 Windows Media Center, 209 codecs, 217 connecting to the Internet, 256–257 color laser printers, 150 connection for a modem, 181–182 color printers, inks or toners in, 153 connection information for a network, 238 color tone, fixing in older photographs, 203 connectors, 85 colors, adjusting, 131–132 console COM port, 36. See also serial port backside of, 22–24 commercials, skipping, 213 closing, 74 communications software, 181 described, 18–20, 30 compact discs. See CDs front of, 20–22 CompactFlash memory cards, 114 inside the, 71–74 components, 19 opening, 73–74 Compressed Folder, 304 plugging things into, 31–37 compressed folders, downloading, 267–269 setting up, 30 compressor-decompressor, 217 turning on, 44 computer cables. See cables console buttons, 21–22 Computer icon, 66 Contacts folder, 300 computer magazines, subscribing to, 352 containers, files as, 286 computer memory. See memory Context key, 139 Computer Name/Domain Changes dialog contrast, adjusting for an image, 202–203 box, opening, 239–240 Control Panel computer nerds, helping beginners, 350 changing the date/time format, 80 computer networking. See networking Classic view, 64–65 computer packaging, 29–30 displaying the Sound dialog box, 167 computer printers. See printer(s) Home window, 64–65 computer software. See software Programs and Features window, 324 Computer window control panels on printers, 152–153 displaying, 66, 292 conventions in this book, 3–4 viewing permanent storage devices, 117 Copy command, 311 computers. See PCs (personal computers) Copy suffix, 312 COM/serial connector, 24–26 copying files, 311–312 condenser mics, 167 copyrighted images on the Web, 264 configuration program for a router, 241 cordless mice, 143–144 41_137284 bindex.qxp 8/17/07 9:55 AM Page 359 Index 359 CPU (central processing unit), 20. See also data storage, external microprocessor adding, 115–116 Critical Stop event, sound associated described, 115–116 with, 171 removing, 116 cropping images, 201 date, setting in a PC, 81 CRT monitors Date and Time Properties dialog box, 82 about, 121–122 Date and Time Settings dialog box, 81 adjusting, 352 date-and-time format in Windows, 80 compared to LCD, 122 date-and-time stamp on a file, 287 Crucial Web site, 102–103 daughterboards. See expansion cards CRW (Camera Raw) format, 199 DCIM folder on a memory card, 195 Ctrl key default printer holding down to select files, 308–309 setting, 158–159 holding to copy files, 312 in Windows, 157 location option in the Mouse Properties deleting dialog box, 147 files, 314 uses of, 136 folders, 314 Ctrl+A, 308 RW disc contents, 333–334 Ctrl+C, 264, 312 demodulation, 175 Ctrl+D, 258 desktop Ctrl+Esc, 62 creating a shortcut on, 313, 322–323 Ctrl+J, 221 described, 60–61 Ctrl+P, 159–160, 259 Desktop Background window, 128 Ctrl+S, 294 Desktop folder, 300 Ctrl+V, 264, 312 desktop PC, 18 Ctrl+X, 312 desktop shortcut icon, creating, 322–323 Ctrl+Z (Undo command), 314, 316 destination folder for a file, 311 cursor, 135 Details pane in Windows Explorer, 303 cursor keypad on the keyboard, 134 DHCP, 242 Cut command, 311 dialup access, network connection for, 256 CYMK (cyan, yellow, magenta, black), 154 dialup connection, canceling, 257 dialup modem adding an external, 180 • D • configuring an internal, 180–181 data CD-Rs, 329 connecting, 34–35 data discs described, 175–177
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