Volume 57 Number 37 | September 10, 2012 POSTED? Alex Burns & Associates Relocation specialistfor Esquimalt DND www.CanadianMilitaryRelocation.com MARPAC NEWS CFB Esquimalt, Victoria, B.C. Cell: (250)(250) 882-3335 882-3335 www.lookoutnewspaper.com Toll Free:Free: (800) (800) 663-2121 663-2121 Web: www.AlexBurns.cawww.AlexBurns.ca West Coast EExplosivelyxplosively Welcome The seventh annual West Coast Welcome takes place cchargedharged on Saturday, September 15 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Naden Drill Hall and features a free pancake breakfast from the West Shore and Esquimalt. Page 5 Conservation challenge The second round of Operation Conservation kicked off to a sunny start on Sept. 5 when person- nel from BCEO, TEME and Fleet School held Kill a Watt meters in front of the Base Commander’s Building. Page 9 Web work Inside the small trailer where Cpl Joel Merrifield works, the walls are plastered with plans, blue prints, and schematics. Page 10 Right: PO2 Lyle Hadwell and MS Shawn Beckett lay a C4 explosive charge on the beach of Bentick Island during a demolitions course held for base instructors last Thursday. This island off Race Rocks and Rocky Point was used as a Leper colony until a cure was found for the disease. Now the island is used by DND as a test site range for explo- sives and training Fleet School boatswains. Photo by Shelley Lipke, Lookout Veterans House Cleaning www.canex.ca 15% • VAC health identification Call today for a Military cards accepted Discount FREE ESTIMATE No Interest • Bonded & Insured Credit Plan 250•381•8725 www.merrymaids.com 250-598-6243 878 Viewfi eld Rd. Month terms www.upakstorage.com 2 • LOOKOUT September 10, 2012 Arrived and reporting for duty! Lt Chris Walkinshaw, RCN Combined Maritime Forces in the last around us,” explained Capt Ian Haliburton, Public Affairs Officer decade. Commander of Regina’s UAV Detachment. For many of the crew, this is not their first “However, Regina is the first ship from the On Aug. 22, Cdr Jason Boyd, time serving in this area of the globe. Royal Canadian Navy’s Pacific fleet and Commanding Officer of HMCS Regina PO2 Joe Dagenais, Regina’s Chief Quarter second only to Charlottetown in the entire reported to Commodore Mukhtar Khan, Master, says, “It is very important to have RCN to operate a UAV, so this brings new Pakistani Navy, then Commander of personnel onboard that have operational challenges. Serving onboard a warship is a Combined Task Force 150, that Regina experience as there are going to be inevita- new experience for myself, and the four had arrived into the area of operations and bly some unforeseen circumstances that are soldiers that form the UAV detachment. was ready to assume its duties. going to arise. It is during these times that We are learning about the challenges of This event marked the end of the our senior leaders will use their expertise life at sea and together with the sailors Royal Canadian Navy frigate’s transit to guide the more junior members of the onboard we are learning how to most from Esquimalt, British Columbia, to the ship’s company, so that they in turn can effectively operate the UAV in a maritime Arabian Sea, and the beginning of the gather the necessary skills and operational environment.” work for which the ship was deployed to experience to become the successful leaders Regina is currently operating the Arabian the Arabian Sea. themselves in future operations.” Sea, Gulf of Oman, Gulf of Aden, and “The crew of HMCS Regina has been One of the new technologies Regina the Indian Ocean as part of Operation busy preparing for the last several months brings on this mission is the Unmanned Artemis. for this moment,” explained Cdr Boyd. Aerial Vehicle Scan Eagle. This drone is Through its actions, Canada is contrib- “Through plenty of hard work and superb manufactured by Boeing, and operated by uting to maritime security and counter- support from training and maintenance members of the Canadian Army’s 4th Air terrorism operations. facilities ashore, both the ship and the Defence Regiment from CFB Gagetown, Regina’s deployment clearly demon- sailors, soldiers, air force personnel that sail New Brunswick, and technicians from strates Canada’s solidarity with partners Cpl Guillaume Trembly performs some onboard are ready for any challenges that ING Engineering. and allies as we continue to work together this operational deployment may bring.” “The UAV brings an additional capa- for peace and security in the maritime general maintenance on a CH-124 Sea Regina brings a distinguished mix of bility to Regina. It enables us to observe environment of the greater Middle East King helicopter while deployed on experience and innovation to the Arabian and identify vessels in our area of opera- region. HMCS Regina. Sea. This deployment marks the third tions in order to gain a fuller appre- The Esquimalt-based frigate is scheduled Photo by Cpl Rick Ayer, Formation Imaging Services time the ship has been a member of the ciation of the maritime activities occurring to return home in early 2013. A FULL SERVICE AUTO REPAIR FACILITY Winner of the “2010 BEST SERVICE AWARD” from Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce Induction & Fuel Injection Service Oil service Out of Province Inspection Electrical Diesel Fuel Service Exhaust Brake service Tires Ask about BG Protection Plan* Where Dependability and Trust are a Priority... * under 80,000 km 784 Fairview Rd. • 250-383-5509 • tracksideautoservice.ca Thanks to you, we’ve helped change lives. Thanks to the contributions of DND military and civilian members through the GCWCC campaign, Healthpartners helps save lives, fund groundbreaking research, and provide support to Canadians in every community who are dealing with life-changing illnesses. Thank you for choosing health. Proudly associated with LIVERight. Learn how. Visit LIVER.ca September 10, 2012 LOOKOUT • 3 Vancouver sailors take on monumental tasking SLt Gregory Kuhn, PO1 Don Anderson, Vancouver’s Senior HMCS Vancouver Hull Technician. This was not HMCS Vancouver’s first “Was it not for the pleasure which naturally visit to the heritage site. Our namesake has results to a man from being the first discov- an honored and lengthy history that goes erer…this service [the Navy] would be insup- back to 1792 when another Royal Navy portable.” – Captain Cook navigator, Captain George Vancouver, a That true mariner spirit was undeniably young midshipman on Cook’s fatal voy- felt by each sailor as we rounded Cook age, returned to Kealakekua to recover his Point and first laid eyes upon the pristine Captain’s remains. HMCS sanctuary of Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii, also Fast forward to 2008 when Vancouver visited the big Island of Hawaii Before known as “pathway of the Gods.” prior to participating in a training exercise. As the ship came to anchor, the crew of During that visit, several wardroom officers HMCS Vancouver knew we were not here set out on a day trip to conduct repairs to for “R and R”, but to pay tribute to one of the monument. Unfortunately, the small the Royal Navy’s greatest and renowned size of the work party meant that only circumnavigators, Captain James Cook. minor repairs could be conducted. Over a period of two days, the ship’s “Having seen the unfortunate state of company was actively involved in the resto- the monument when I hiked down here ration of a monument built to honor Cook’s as Vancouver’s XO, and knowing the tradi- arrival on the Hawaiian Islands in 1778, as tion of Commonwealth Navies accepting well as his death at the hands of a local tribe responsibility for its maintenance, I always only one year later. wanted to come back one day to do the Mother Nature and time had taken their job right,” said Commander Dave Mazur, toll as the memorial itself had fallen into Vancouver’s current Commanding Officer. disrepair, so Vancouver took up the monu- “We were lucky to be presented with this mental task of scraping and repainting the opportunity and I believe the crew really simple white marker, polishing the cannons enjoyed this chance to preserve history.” from the ship HMS Fantome that encircle The crew is proud of the hard work that it, and clearing the surrounding park lands. was put forth and the results they were able “A once in a lifetime opportunity to to achieve over such a short period of time. return a 140-year-old monument back to This effort and the Vancouver spirit have its former glory; a memory that will be one reached home and abroad – with accolades of the many highlights of my career,” said being returned to the ship daily. Before and after photos of the Captain Cook Monument in Kealakekua Bay. Photo by Lt(N) Clayton Erickson, HMCS Vancouver 20 finalists, 20 finalistes, 1 big winner! 1 grand gagnant ! 8 more finalists Encore 8 finalistes to be drawn! à sélectionner ! Tim Mackenzie, Adam Kobrosly, Joseph Hennifent, François Lizotte, Allan Jones, Steven Daniel, David Fidler, Jocelyn Michaud, Paul Walker, CFB Bagotville CFB Moncton CFB Moncton CFB Bagotville CFB Kingston CFB Petawawa CFB Halifax CFB Valcartier CFB Gagetown Call or click for your home and auto insurance quote: Téléphonezpqp ou cliquez pour obtenir votre soumission d’assurance auto ou habitation : 1-888-476-8737 Eric Lebreton, Brian Belisie, Alexandra Kim Martin-Roberge, Could this CFB Kingston CFB Petawawa CFB Valcartier canex.thepersonal.com canex.lapersonnelle.com be you? Complete contest rules and details at canex.thepersonal.com. Règlement complet et détails sur canex.lapersonnelle.com. Contest runs from February 15 to December 31, 2012 Concours en vigueur du 15 février au 31 décembre 2012 4 • LOOKOUT September 10, 2012 ofOPINION WHO WE ARE WHATmatters SAY YOU MANAGING EDITOR Melissa Atkinson 250-363-3372 Lookout asked this question: There are rumours that Facebook may be [email protected] People Talk STAFF WRITER shutting down.
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