THE DECEMBER 2020 Holidays! Happy Holidays! IRONWORKERS CHANGE TORONTO’S SKY LINE IN THIS · 4 · · 7 · · 10 · ISSUE CIBC SQUARE Project Bay of Quinte Bridge Jobs Across Canada 63264_IW_Dec_2020.indd 1 12/3/20 6:56 PM 1750 New York Avenue, NW, Lower Lobby Washington, DC 20006 THE p (202) 383-4800 · [email protected] ironworkers.org VOLUME 120 | DECEMBER 2020 | NUMBER 11 INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS ERIC DEAN JAMES MAHONEY General President Fourth General Vice President 1750 New York Avenue, NW 227 East 56th Street FROM THE INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS Lower Lobby Suite 300A Washington, DC 20006 New York, NY 10022. p (202) 383-4810 · f (202) 638-4856 p (212) 302-1868 · f (212) 302-1914 FEATURES JOSEPH HUNT STEVE PENDERGRASS General President Emeritus Fifth General Vice President 1750 New York Avenue, NW 110 Main Street 4 CIBC SQUARE Lower Lobby Suite 100 Washington, DC 20006 Edmonds, WA 98020 7 Bay of Quinte Bridge p (202) 383-4845 · f (202) 638-4856 p (425) 771-4766 · f (425) 771-4769 WALTER WISE WILLIAM WOODWARD 10 Jobs Across Canada General President Emeritus Sixth General Vice President 1750 New York Avenue, NW Franklin Square Office Center, Breathe Easier Lower Lobby 8401 Claude Thomas Rd., Ste. #55, 22 Washington, DC 20006 Franklin, OH 45005 57 Temporary Foreign Worker and Prevailing Wage p (703) 627-0401 p (937) 746-0854 · f (937) 746-0873 RON PIKSA DAVID BEARD General Secretary Seventh General Vice President 1750 New York Avenue, NW 212 N. Kingshighway Blvd. Lower Lobby Suite 1025 Washington, DC 20006 St. Louis, MO 63108 p (202) 383-4820 · f (202) 347-2319 p (314) 454-6872 · f (314) 361-8328 DEPARTMENTS KENNETH “BILL” DEAN MICHAEL BAKER General Treasurer Eighth General Vice President 1750 New York Avenue, NW 20515 Nicholas Circle, Suite 5 26 Canadian Affairs Departmental Reports Lower Lobby P.O. Box 850 Washington, DC 20006 Elkhorn, NE 68022 54 Organizing News p (202) 383-4830 · f (202) 383-6483 p (402) 933-3033 STEPHEN SWEENEY KENDALL MARTIN 62 Departmental Articles First General Vice President Ninth General Vice President P.O. Box 49 415 William Street 68 IMPACT Westville, NJ 08093 Fredericksburg, VA 22401 p (856) 456-1156 · f (856) 456-1159 p 540 373-8618 · c 202 702-4848 69 Lifetime Members KEVIN BRYENTON FRANK MARCO Second General Vice President General Counsel 70 Official Monthly Record 1434 Chemong Road North Gregorio Marco Unit 12-13 2 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1650 Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6X2 Chicago, IL 60602 Canada p (312) 263-2343 · f (312) 263-2512 p (705) 740-0890 · f (705) 748-3028 International Office p (202) 383-4815 · f (202) 638-4856 DON ZAMPA Third General Vice President 1660 San Pablo Avenue ORGANIZED. SKILLED. PROFESSIONAL. Suite C Pinole, CA 94564 p (510) 724-9277 · f (510) 724-1345 On the Cover INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENTS Ironworkers Local 721 (Toronto, Ontario) and Walters Inc., Apprenticeship and Training LU/DC Staff Retirement p (202) 383-4870 and Shopmen’s Pension Fund assisted by Locals 700 (Windsor, Ontario), 736 (Hamilton, p (844) 276-1288 Ontario) and 765 (Ottawa, Ontario), erected approximately Computer Department f (630) 230-3966 p (202) 383-4887 17,000MT of steel at the CIBC SQUARE project located f (202) 383-4895 Magazine at 81 Bay Street in downtown Toronto. Walters supplied p (202) 383-4842 Davis Bacon Office the engineering, detailing, fabrication and erection on the p (202) 834-9855 Mailroom project, including the main office tower, podium, pedestrian f (202) 393-0273 p (202) 383-4855 f (202) 638-1038 bridge and overbuild. Department of Canadian Affairs p (705) 740-0890 Maintenance and Jurisdiction f (705) 748-3028 p (202) 383-4842 f (202) 347-1496 Department of Ornamental, Architectural & Miscellaneous Organizing EDITOR: Scott Malley, 1750 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20006 | ASSISTANT to the EDITOR: Nancy Folks Metals (DOAMM) p (202) 383-4851 p (847) 795-1710 f (202) 347-1496 THE IRONWORKER ISSN:0021163X Published monthly, except for a combined summer issue, for $15.00 per year by the f (847) 795-1713 Safety International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers, 1750 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC Department of Reinforcing p (833) 355-SAFE (7233) 20006. Preferred periodicals postage paid at Washington, DC and additional mailing offices. Printed on union-made paper. Postmasters: Ironworkers f (847) 795-1713 Send change of address to Ironworker, 1750 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20006. Canada Agreement Number 40009549. p (866) 336-9163 f (386) 736-9618 Shop Department p (202) 383-4846 Ironworkers Political f (202) 783-3230 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BRIDGE, Action League p (202) 383-4803 STRUCTURAL, ORNAMENTAL AND REINFORCING IRON WORKERS 63264_IW_Dec_2020.indd 2 12/3/20 6:57 PM FROM THE INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BRIDGE, STRUCTURAL, ORNAMENTAL AND REINFORCING IRON WORKERS A time like no other; unrelenting; unprecedented— all aptly describe the year 2020. As we head into the holiday season, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our lives at home, on the job site and in our communities, producing uncertainty, stress and trauma. Nine months ago when the pandemic erupted, the Iron Workers took immediate action to support our members and locals during these trying times. We armed our members with needed information and guid- ance on how to stay healthy and safe. e Iron Workers, locally and nationally, advocated for legislation and modications to protect our members and contractors. And with typical Iron Workers’ leadership and unionism, our members showed up and showed out, adapting to the challenges, caring for their brothers and sisters and communities, and providing critical support. Sadly, this year brought a larger loss of our members—to coronavirus, dependency, addiction and construction accidents. ey, and their families, are in our thoughts and prayers, especially during the holiday season. In 2021, we have a renewed sense of hope with the advent of the Biden administration; thank you to the locals and members who mobilized this past election cycle. Now the hard work begins; making sure our voices are heard with the goal of putting people to work, protecting our members’ organizing and bargain- ing rights, health and safety, pensions and health and welfare plans. May you and those you love nd true happiness and peace this holiday season and into the new year! DECEMBER 2020 ERIC DEAN RON PIKSA KENNETH “BILL” DEAN General President General Secretary General Treasurer 3 63264_IW_Dec_2020.indd 3 12/3/20 6:57 PM IRONWORKERS CHANGE TORONTO’S SKYLINE Submitted by Walters Inc. ronworkers Local 721 (Toronto, Ontario) and Walters Inc., assisted by Locals 700 (Wind- I sor, Ontario), 736 (Hamilton, Ontario) and 765 (Ottawa, Ontario), erected approximately 17,000MT of steel at the CIBC SQUARE project located at 81 Bay Street in down- town Toronto. Walters supplied the engineering, detailing, fabrication and erection on the project, includ- ing the main oce tower, podium, pedestrian bridge and overbuild. e main oce tower, which is engineered to LEED Platinum spec- of Lake Ontario and Toronto’s to the Scotiabank Arena, which is ications, has 50 stories, is 237m skyline. e project also includes 210MT and 36m (120 feet) long. e (780 feet) tall and consists of approx- an eight-story podium, of which overbuild will support a 1-acre ele- imately 15,000T of structural steel. two stories are dedicated to a new vated public park that will include e 1.5 million square feet of state- bus terminal. e PATH bridge, a future restaurant, skating rink, of-the-art oces and collaborative Toronto’s downtown pedestrian trees, hills and other landscaping THE IRONWORKER spaces will feature expansive views walkway, connects the main tower features. e overbuild structure 4 63264_IW_Dec_2020.indd 4 12/3/20 6:57 PM consists of approximately 2,200MT ironworkers worked 24 hours per of structural steel trusses, inll and day; day, aernoon and night shis. metal decking over Toronto’s Union Most of the tower erection was Station rail corridor. completed on day shi, while the Erection of the tower base col- remainder of the project was com- umns began in September 2018, pleted on night and aernoon shis with the crown topping out in May to facilitate street and track closures. 2020. Walters’ ironworkers were on- e logistics of working in a site from February 2018 to October highly congested area of downtown 2020, with over 110 ironworkers on- Toronto required extensive pre- site at the peak of construction. planning and careful coordination Between the tower and overbuild, between Walters’ ironworkers and there were many months when the other subcontractors on-site. Just DECEMBER 2020 DECEMBER 5 63264_IW_Dec_2020.indd 5 12/3/20 6:57 PM in time deliveries were especially important due to very limited space for staging on-site. All the while, existing trac owing around the building site continued through- out the erection. “e ironworkers maintained an aggressive steel erec- tion schedule to keep pace and sustain a steady cycle throughout the job,” said Jessica Ranalli, project manager, Walters Inc. “is was an enormous job on a tight-site footprint, where everyday And then there was COVID-19, and the ironworkers rose to the challenges were amplied by the which was a rst for everyone. At challenge by doing everything they tight workspace in which the iron- its onset, no one knew the logis- could to be productive and stay as workers and all the other trades tics on how to proceed safely, and safe as possible. were given to work,” echoed Bryce through all the unknowns, all the “e ironworkers and Walters Mesley, construction manager, Wal- ironworkers wanted to do was to worked day and night tirelessly to ters Field Services.
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