Weather DISTRIBUTION & Party / TODAY deody Joday, fair tonight sad REDBANK tmorrmr. High today sod to- 23,650 morrow In the !0j, low tonight NONejy nuKwor jfttur-mr. m te the He. Saturday, partly I /• DIAL 741-0010 dandy. SM weather, page 2. dtllT. Mondw throu»h TrtdM. Bwond CIMi PosUfi VOL. 86, NO. 167 Pill at Mi Buk and at AJdiUontl Milling Olficti. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE Seek Raritan Man in Bank Holdup 1 MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Local police and After the bag was filled, he told the teller lumber yard a few minutes later just by coin- FBI agents are looking for a Raritan Township and Mr. Stenger not to move for 10 minutes and cidence — and verified that it was the car police man in connection with the $4,100 robbery yester- fled. were looking for. day of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank Mr. Stenger moved immediately. He managed In the front seat of the auto, the chief found branch, Rt. 35, in the Strathmore area. to write down the license plate number of the the brown paper bag — with $500 of the stolen Police detective John B. McGinty identified getaway car as the robber pulled out of the park- money still in it. him as Patrick Russo, 36, of 17 Marsand Dr., ing lot in a 1964 model white station wagon. Police theorized that the gunman was so Hidden Hills. An alarm was sounded and local and state nervous when he abandoned the car that he failed At 9:36 a.m., a man fitting Russos descrip- police throughout the county set up roadblocks. to clean out the bag. tion entered the bank, started talking to manager Detective McGinty said that, as far as can Joseph P. Stenger, and pulled a small-caliber Police 'checked the license plate number in be determined, Russo has no police record. ; pistol. Motor Vehicle Bureau files in Trenton and identi- The man has a wife and three children and Me handed Mr. Stenger a brown paper bag fied the station wagon owner as Mr. Russo. owns an upholstery shop on Rt. 36, police re- and ordered him to fill it with money. Mr. Stenger At 1:15 p.m., Lloyd Armstrong, owner of ported. Detective McGinty said Mrs. Russo told did. Conover Lumber Yard, Keyport, telephoned state police her husband has been having business (Later it was determined that the bills totaled police,that a white station wagon was in the park- financial difficulties lately. $4,100.) Ing lot there. Mr. Armstrong had heard radio re- The man was described as five feet, five °X There was no one in the building at the time ports of the robbery. inches tall, 170 pounds, brown eyes and hair, and except the two men and teller Mrs. Blanche Jones, wearing a light colored jacket and a ski cap. 68 Ayrmont La., Strathmore. $500 RECOVERED Bank manager Stenger is a former chairman "Don't touch the phone or hit the alarm but- Keyport Police Chief LeRoy Sproul, who, hap- of the township Planning Board and former mem- tons," the gunman warned Mrs. Jones. pened to be cruising in the area, stopped at the ber of the Board of Education. SOME HAVE IT WORSE — Monmouth County residents feeling sorry for themselves mushing through the slush today can take heart. In some places the going isn't that •asy. In photo above, boy with snow shovel walks snow-covered road and two men in background dig out their cars in Harrijburg, Pa., where the storm dumped 20 inches of the stuff. Monmouth County had four to six inches. (See 4-6 Inches Snow, Page I, and Weather, Page 2.) (AP Wirephoto) Approve Tax Cut Details By JOE HALL same day or next Wednesday. Conference agreement cli-_ measure at the top of his legis- The biggest administration WASHINGTON (AP) — An Little opposition is anticipated. maxed a solid year of concen- lative agenda along with civ: victory came in the last-minute Restoration of Bus Service $11.5-billion tax cut, largest in President Johnson is then ex- trated work in rewriting dozens rights. decision Wednesday to knock the nation's history, is ready pected to sign the bill early the of provisions in the U.S. tax The reductions are expecte out a House provision reducing for the final formalities expect- following week. The first effects code. by the administration to pro (See TAX CUT, Pg. 3) ed to put more money Into the of the bill will come in reduced House hearings began on the vide a stimulus aimed at boost- poclcets of 80 million American withholding of taxes in pay- bill in February last year, just ing the 1964 economy and pro Within Week Seen Possibletaxpayers by mid-March. checks dated eight days after after the late President John F. viding healthy long-run effects Senate and House conferees the measure is signed—either Kennedy asked Congress for a on unemployment and othe NEWARK — Both sides came 24 to 40 hours after a contract —took place before Mr. completed work on the 400-page March 11 or 12. massive tax cut to try to solve problems. Here's What "within a cat's whisker" of set- is signed." feld yesterday. measure Wednesday. The House The reductions average about many of the nation's economic The new withholding rate tling the 14-week-old bus strike Meeting Monday But, having little to do with is expected to pass the com- 19 per cent of present individual problems. expected to pump an extra $80 You'll Save yesterday. "Nearly everything does seem terms already agreed upon, "this promise bill next Tuesday, with million into the economy eacl to be just about settled," said Al- heated argument developed and taxes. Rates for some 550,000 Johnson followed his prede- Then there developed "a loud, Senate action coming either the corporations are also being cut. cessor in putting the tax cut month. pretty emotional, noisy and some- lan Weisenfeld, secretary of the the talk had to be brought to an Per Week what bitter harangue," said an New Jersey Mediation Board, in end," Mr. Weisenfeld told a impartial mediator who, time aft' another interview. "However, newsman. Identifying himself as WASHINGTON (AP) — This •r time, has sought to bring the there is another union-company "a man in the middle" who does table shows how much more dispute to an end. meeting in our offices Monday." not want to interfere with the take home pay some average Another in a series of negotia- points of view of either faction, Teachers Name Grievance Unit; U.S. wage and salary earners Still, it appeared that the tions talks—one in which some he said he could not bring to will receive, beginning probably drivers' strike against the As sources had expressed confidence light details of the argument. in the first week of March, bury Park-New York Transi that settlement would be reached (See SERVICE, Page 3 when the new tax bill is In Corp. is headed toward a close effect: "I now feel fairly sure buses May Pare Pay Fund to $75,000 Weekly (x)Number Take home will be rolling again sometime Pay Exemptions Pay hike within the coming week." Louis Sales Start Tomorrow MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — Th ers Association is already mak- Former Board President Roy Mr. Bradley said Monday b $50 1 $1.50 RoUo, Jr., vice president of the local Teachers Association, near- ing its own study of the grievance S. Matthews two weeks ago has rejected the Matthews plai 50 1 1.00 corporation told The Register last Most local shopping centers are preparing to slash prices ly 200 members strong, has de- situation, it is his plan to have recommended that such a com' (to include teachers) "for thi in Washington's Birthday sales tomorrow and Saturday. 50 4 (xx) 0.00 night. "They can roll within trom cided to put pressure on the Ri the board committee make a mittee be formed but that it in- time being." 60 1 2.00 In Red Bank, the Retail Trade Board's approximately 85 gional Board of Education I board study, independent of the clude three teacher representa Not Countermanded member stores will display the sale banners. By permission of 60 2 1.40 force the, board to indudi association. tives. But a week ago. School Super- 60 I 1.40 Borough Council, thopperi may forget about parking meter teachers in its new board-teachei intendent Luther A. Foster offered Parking Lot fees both days. 60 4 .30 relations committee. the Matthews plan to the associa 70 1 2.40 Eatontown's Monmouth Shopping Center has declared a Board President John T Bra tion, and association President period of bargain buying from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturday. 70 I! 1.80 For Church ley formed the committee Mon Walter Rosenauer told the Regis- 70 4 .70 On Friday and Saturday the center will show a Dr. Seuss day night as a result of recenl Holmdel Faculty ter yesterday that it has not been 70 i1 .70 movie, "The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T," in the Little Lollipop teacher grievance squabbles, bul officially countermanded. 80 Given OK Theatre on Holly Mall. Admission will be free, and the film ! » ' 2.80 purposely excluded instructors He said therefore the associa- 80 » ' :I 2.20 RUMSON — The Board of Ad- will be shown continuously from 3:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday and from it. tion has named its three repre- from 9 a.m.
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