Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1942-12-11 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1942). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1755. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1755 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS z 553 A. Student Newspaper With All-Department Coverage VOLUME XXIX CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1942 . NO. 7 One Senior, Four Juniors Named To AS N Honor Fraternity Announces Beechem, Heil, McCarthy, Mcc·arthy Is Enlistments Closed New Order $100 Offered As Prizes In Rinck, Beckman Elected ASN Essay Contest To Alpha Sigma Nu Sodality Head Enlistments into all Reserve Takes Over Corps are closed by Govern­ Cash prizes amounting to $100 ment o r de r. Applications In Sanctum Four juniors, Thomas Beech­ are being offered by· the national Heil, Rentrop, Sheehan Are must have been submitted on em, Robert Heil, Robert Mc­ office of Alpl:].a Sigma Nu and or before Dec. 5, and students Carthy and Lawrence Rinck, and Committee Chairmen one senior, John J, Beckma~ $10 by the Xavier chapter of the must have all necessary pa­ Promotions On News· Staff pers completed and be sworn were selected this week for fraternity for prize-winning es­ Robert E. McCarthy, arts Jun­ in by Dec. 15. Father Benson Announced By Moderator membership in Alpha Sigma Nu, says in the fraternity's first an­ ior, has been chosen to lead the announced that· about 255 national Jesuit honor fraternity. Xavier Sodalists for the 1942-'43 nual John Danihy Award. students have already enlist­ Eight appointments for the The four juniors were chosen / The prizes wil lbe given to season, it was announced by Rev. ed. This constitutes about coming year to the editorial staff by the Dean of the College of Richard T. Deters, S. J., moder­ students writing the best essays 50% of the student body. of the News were announced Liberal Arts from a list of eli­ ator of the Sodality. McCarthy, gibles submitted by the active on t~e subject The Catholic Pat­ the new prefect, has been active this week by Mr. Walter J. Far­ members of the Xavier chapter tern for Permanent Peace. All in many extra-curricular activ­ rell, S. J., moderator of the or­ of Alpha Sigma Nu. The choice full-time Xavier students are ities throughout his three years Sommer Chosen ganization. The departing se­ is based upon qualities of schol­ niors, all graduating in January, eligible to participate in the es­ at· Xavier. arship, loyalty and service to the Assisting McCarthy are Rourke Magazine Head are John Muething, John Beck­ Univer.sity. The senior select­ s a y contes tincluding those man, Jack Feichtner, Leland graduating in January providing Sheehan, Chairman of the Liter­ ed for membership in the fra­ ature Committee; James Ren­ Joseph Sommer, arts junior, Schneider, and Stanley Bach­ ternity is chosen by the Presi­ they submit their essay before trop, Chairman of the Eucharis­ has been appointed editor of the meyer. dent of the University. receiving their degree. tic and Our Lady Committee; Athenaeum for the coming year To the position of managing Of the five men chosen, three · Students are free to develop and Robert Heil, Chairman of by Reverend Paul J. Sweeney, editor, Thomas Beechem suc­ are local residents. Beechem the above topic as they see fit. the Social Action Committee. S. J., moderator of the literary ceeds. Beechem, an arts junior, is a native. of Indianapolis and Essays are not to exceed 4,000 Other committee Chairmen will quarterly. Sommer is active is a member of the Mermaid Heil's home is in Middletown, 'words in length and must be be appointed by Fr. Deters in extra-curricularly as manifested Tavern, Phi16sophy club, Catho­ Ohio. All five students are submitted to the faculty-repre­ the near future. The various by membership in the Mermaid lic Action Cell, Philopedian So­ well known on the campus for sentative of the Xavier chapter chairmen, together with Mc­ Tavern, Philopedian Society of ciety, the Alpha Sigma Nu, and their participation in extra-cur­ ,of Alpha Sigma Nu, the Rev. Carthy, will constitute the So­ which he is treasurer, Tradition­ the Advanced ROTC. He was ricular activities. selected for Who's Who. John J. Benson, S. J., before dality Council. ists, and the Philosophy Club. Extracurricularly Active February 15, 1943. Last year, he won the freshman- George Middendorf obtains the In the past few years it h~s Beechem is enrolled in the ad­ (Continued· on Page 5) (Continued on, Page 5) (Continued on Page 5) To Honor Founder 1 vanced corps of the ROTC. He The .John Danihy Award re­ .---------------------------------------------;; is· a ·member of Mermaid Tavern, ceives its name from the Rev. Philosophy Club and Philopedi- John Danihy, S. J., founder of an Society. He also holds the Alpha Sigma Tau, th.e organiza­ Xavier ·Men Selected For ''Who's Wlio" position of managing editor of tion from which Alpha Sigma the News. Nu was born. The contest is Heil, also an ROTC student, designed to stimulate interest in In American Universities and Colleges won the Verkamp Debate medal Catholic Social Thought among last year and was a member of Catholic youth. the varsity debating team in his Full particulars of the contest freshman and sophomore years. will be posted on the bulletin He was elected to serve as board in the near future or may secretary of the Philopedian So­ be obtained by consulting any ciety for the present school year. member of Alpha Sigma Nu. Heil is a member of the Student Council and has been active in promoting intramural athletics. Papers Of Three He is co-sports editor ·of the News. Juniors Chosen McCarthy, advance corps ROTC student, is a member of From 70 Entries the Student Council, the Tradi­ tionists and the Philosophy Club. Selection of three papers from He has been active in Sodality the nine submitted to represent work for the past two years. He Xavier in the English intercol­ now serves as business manager legiate essay contest, was an­ of the News. nounced this week. The essays Three Years On Staff selected were those of Robert Rinck has been active member McCarthy, arts junior, Thomas of the News staff for three years. Beechem, arts junior, and Joseph He is also a member of the Clef Sommer, arts junior. Beechem Club and he was a council rep­ and Sommer are members of resentative in his sophomore the Mermaid Tavern, campus year. literary club; McCarthy si a Beckman, ROTC senior, is member of the Alpha Sigma Nu, president of the Student Coun­ Jesuit honorary fraternity. cil and has been a member of The nine Jesuit schools com­ the Council for four years. He prising the Missouri Province was chairman of the 1941 Junior participate in this essay contest P r o m Committee. Beckman which has been held annually formerly held the position of for the past 52 years. The final business manager of the News. judging takes place at St. Louis He has been active in Sodality. University and ten places are work and in intramural sports. announced. Xavier's represen­ Scholastic And Activities The seniors are: John Beck- Heil, James La Follette, Rich­ Beckman recently served as tatives of last year, were Law­ man, Neal Faessler, John Mueth- rad Martin, Robert McCarthy, chairman of the Xavier scrap rence Splain and Robert Kaske, Leaders Nominated ing, Chester Mutryn, James Ren­ John O'Hara, Raymond Pater, collection campaign. who placed sixth and seventh Jr., Lawrence Rinck, Linden trop, Leland Schneider, and Beechem, Heil, McCarthy and respectively. Eight seniors and seventeen Sahlfeld, D o n a 1 d Schenking, Rinck will graduate from Xavier Lawrence Splain. juniors form the nominees for Rourke Sheehan, and Charles next August, while the senior, this year's edition of Who's Who Juniors included are: Thom- Toelke. Beckman, graduates in January. According to present pJp.ns. in Ame1'ican Universities and as Anthony, Thomas Beechem, All students selected from Xa­ Herbert Bohlen, Robert Burke! vier rank high scholastically formal initiation of the new Colleges. The book will be and are campus leaders through members into Alpha Sigma Nu published in January or Febru­ Raymond Burns, Harry Ger­ the medium of various· extra­ will take place on Sunday even­ ary. mann, John Gondkovic, Robert curricular activities. nig, January 3. PAGE TWO XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1942 XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS Published weekly during the school year by the students ~f Senior Neal's ~Nuggets .... By "Buzz" Faessler Xavier University from their offices in Room 56 of t~e ·~1- ology Building. Phone JEfierson 3220. Subscnption Sketches Well, most of the senior staff- ate with his fingers. Are per year $1.50. members are gone now, but they there any questions?" lllutered ao aecoud cla88 matter February 18, 1937, at the post olrlce ot Clncln· By Tom Beechem won't let me Voice from the rear: "What uatl, Ohio, under the Act ot Coogreaa of March 3, 1879 " ... in this debate on Inter- "· quit ... they did they do about soup?" Flrst-Clnss Rating by Associated Colloglnto Pr,ess, 1042 national Federal Union aft~r the figure this col- Beauty Care Dep't.- CQlJC' Member War, Xavier University will"l«"ep- umn is so lou- A word to the Seniors: A the- • · l=\sso~iated Collee,iate Press resent the affirmative viewpoint.
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