UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BIOLOGY < 2001 Botany NEW SERIES, NO. 35 Ramon Ferreyra May 31, 1995 Publication 1466 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY rs to Fieldiana ATION IS PRINTED ON ACID-FREE PAPER. FIELDIANA Botany NEW SERIES, NO. 35 FLORA OF PERU J. Francis Macbride and Collaborators Family Asteraceae: Part VI Ramon Ferreyra Museo de Historia Natural "Javier Prado" Lima, Peru Accepted February 17, 1993 Published 31, 1995 May B|QLOGY L|BRARY Publication 1466 1Q1 BURR|L|_ HALl PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY 1995 Field Museum of Natural History ISSN 00 15-0746 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Table of Contents Key to Peruvian Species of Chuquiraga 27 1. Chuquiraga johnstonii 28 ABSTRACT 1 2. Chuquiraga jussieui 28 TRIBE MUTISIEAE 1 3. Chuquiraga rotundifolia 29 Key to Genera of Mutisieae in Peru 2 4. Chuquiraga spinosa 29 I. Arnaldoa 4 5. Chuquiraga weberbaueri 31 Key to Species of Arnaldoa 4 VII. Dasyphyllum 31 1. Arnaldoa coccinosantha 4 Key to Peruvian Species of 2. Arnaldoa macbrideana 5 Dasyphyllum 32 3. Arnaldoa weberbaueri 5 1. Dasyphyllum brasiliense 32 II. Barnadesia 7 la. Dasyphyllum brasiliense Key to Peruvian Species of var. barnadesioides 32 Barnadesia 7 2. Dasyphyllum brevispinum .... 34 1 . Barnadesia berberoides 8 3. Dasyphyllum cabrerae 34 2. Barnadesia blakeana 10 4. Dasyphyllum ferox 34 3. Barnadesia caryophylla 10 5. Dasyphyllum horridum 35 4. Barnadesia corymbosa 11 6. Dasyphyllum hystrix 35 5. Barnadesia dombeyana 11 Key to Peruvian Varieties of Dasy- 6. Barnadesia horrida 12 phyllum hystrix 35 7. Barnadesia hutchisoniana 13 6a. Dasyphyllum hystrix var. 8. Barnadesia jelskii 13 hystrix 35 9. Barnadesia lehmannii 14 6b. Dasyphyllum hystrix var. 1 0. Barnadesia macbridei 14 peruvianum 36 1 1 . Barnadesia polyacantha 14 7. Dasyphyllum leiocephalum ... 36 12. Barnadesia reticulata 15 8. Dasyphyllum weberbaueri .... 36 1 3. Barnadesia wurdackii 15 VIII. Fulcaldea 36 III. Chaetanthera 16 1. Fulcaldea laurifolia 37 Key to Peruvian Species of IX. Gerbera 37 Chaetanthera 16 1. Gerbera jamesonii 39 1 . Chaetanthera chiquian- X. Gochnatia 39 ensis 17 Key to Peruvian Species of 2. Chaetanthera cochleari- Gochnatia 40 folia 17 1 . Gochnatia arequipensis 40 3. Chaetanthera peruviana 19 2. Gochnatia patazina 40 4. Chaetanthera stuebelii 19 3. Gochnatia vargasii 41 IV. Chaptalia 19 4. Gochnatia vernonioides 41 Key to Peruvian Species of XI. Jungia 41 Chaptalia 20 Key to Peruvian Species of 1 . Chaptalia callacallensis 20 Jungia 43 2. Chaptalia cordata 21 1. Jungia amplistipula 43 3. Chaptalia exscapa 21 2. Jungia axillaris 44 3a. Chaptalia exscapa var. 3. Jungia discolor 44 microcephala 21 4. Jungia floribunda 45 4. Chaptalia integerrima 22 5. Jungia paniculata 45 5. Chaptalia isernina 22 6. Jungia rugosa 46 6. Chaptalia malcabalensis 22 7. Jungia spectabilis 47 7. Chaptalia nutans 23 8. Jungia stuebelii 47 8. Chaptalia oblonga 24 9. Jungia vitocensis 48 9. Chaptalia rotundifolia 24 10. Jungia weberbaueri 48 10. Chaptalia similis 25 XII. Leucheria 50 V. Chucoa 25 1 . Leucheria daucifolia 50 1. Chucoa ilicifolia 25 XIII. Lycoseris 51 VI. Chuquiraga 27 Key to Peruvian Species of in Lycoseris 51 2. Perezia coerulescens 76 3. 77 1 . Lycoseris peruviana 51 Perezia multijlora 2. Lycoseris trinervis 52 4. Perezia pinnatifida 78 XIV. Mutisia 54 5. Perezia pungens 79 Key to Peruvian Species of 6. Perezia pygmaea 81 Mutisia 54 7. Perezia sublyrata 81 1. Mutisia acuminata 55 XVII. Plazia 82 Key to Peruvian Varieties of Key to Peruvian Species of Mutisia acuminata 55 Plazia 82 la. Mutisia acuminata var. 1. Plazia conferta 83 acuminata 56 2. Plazia daphnoides 83 Ib. Mutisia acuminata var. XVIII. Polyachyrus 83 bicolor 56 Key to Peruvian Species of Ic. Mutisia acuminata var. Polyachyrus 85 hirsuta 56 1. Polyachyrus annuus 85 2. Mutisia alata 57 2. Polyachyrus fuscus 85 3. Mutisia andersonii 57 3. Polyachyrus sphaero- 4. Mutisia arequipensis 57 cephalus 87 5. Mutisia cochabambensis 58 XIX. Proustia 87 6. Mutisia hastata 58 Key to Peruvian Species of 7. Mutisia lanata 59 Proustia 88 8. Mutisia lanigera 59 1. Proustia berberidifolia 88 9. Mutisia ledifolia 59 2. Proustia cuneata 88 10. Mutisia mathewsii 60 3. Proustia cuneifolia 89 1 1 . Mutisia orbignyana 60 4. Proustia foliosa 90 12. Mutisia pulcherrima 61 5. Proustia peruviana 90 13. Mutisia rauhii 61 XX. Trichocline 91 14. Mutisia venusta 61 Key to Peruvian Species of 1 5. Mutisia wurdackii 63 Trichocline 91 XV. Onoseris 63 1 . Trichocline caulescens 91 Key to Peruvian Species of 2. Trichocline peruviana 92 Onoseris 64 XXI. Trixis 93 1. Onoseris acerifolia 65 Key to Peruvian Species of 2. Onoseris albicans 65 Trixis 94 3. Onoseris amplexicaulis 66 1 . Trixis cacalioides 94 4. Onoseris annua 67 2. Trixis churinensis 95 5. Onoseris cabrerae 67 3. Trixis divaricata 95 6. Onoseris castelnaeana 68 4. Trixis neaeana 96 7. Onoseris chrysactinioides 68 5. Trixis sagasteguii 96 8. Onoseris cumingii 68 6. Trixis subparadoxa 96 9. Onoseris gnaphalioides 69 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 98 10. Onoseris humboldtiana 69 MAP OF PERU 99 1 1 . Onoseris linearifolia 70 INDEX TO LATIN NAMES . .100 12. Onoseris lopezii 70 13. Onoseris macbridei 71 14. Onoseris minima 72 15. Onoseris odorata 72 List of Illustrations 16. Onoseris peruviana 73 1 7. Onoseris speciosa 74 18. Onoseris weberbaueri 74 1. Arnaldoa weberbaueri 6 XVI. Perezia 75 2. Barnadesia berberoides 9 Key to Peruvian Species of 3. Chaetanthera cochlearifolia 18 Perezia 76 4. Chaptalia malcabalensis 23 1. Perezia ciliosa . .76 5. Chucoa ilicifolia 26 IV 6. Chuquiraga rotundifolia 30 14. Onoseris lopezii 71 7. Dasyphyllum brasiliense 33 15. Perezia pungens 80 8. Fulcaldea laurifolia 38 16. Plazia daphnoides 84 9. Gochnatia vernonioides 42 17. Polyachyrus sphaerocephalus 86 10. Jungia weberbaueri 49 18. Proustia cuneifolia 89 1 1. Leucheria daucifolia 50 19. Trichocline caulescens 92 12. Lycoseris trinervis 53 20. Trixis sagasteguii 97 13. Mutisia venusta . 62 Back cover: Leucheria daucifolia FLORA OF PERU Family Asteraceae: Part VI Abstract with truncate to pointed terminal appendage, the bases usually caudate with long tails (ecaudate in The tribe Mutisieae (Asteraceae) is treated for Barnadesia), the tails sometimes fringed at the tips; Peru and includes 21 genera, 121 species, and 7 style branches short, truncate or obtuse to rounded varieties. Keys to genera, species, and varieties, or acute, penicillate, papillose, or glabrous. Achenes descriptions, and illustrations are provided for Ar- columnar, turbinate, or fusiform, ribbed to costate naldoa (3 spp.), Barnadesia (\3 spp.), Chaetanthe- or smooth, sericeous, glandular, or glabrous; pap- ra (4 spp.), Chaptalia (10 spp.), Chucoa (1 sp.), pus of bristles, usually 1-2-seriate, scabrid, bar- Chuquiraga (5 spp.), Dasyphyllum (8 spp.), Ful- bellate, or plumose, or occasionally scalelike, flat- caldea (1 sp.), Gerbera (1 sp.), Gochnatia (4 spp.), tened, or setaceous, glabrous to hirtellous. Jungia (10 spp.), Leucheria (1 sp.), Lycoseris (2 spp.), Mutisia ( 1 5 spp.), Onoseris (18 spp.), Perezia Mutisieae (sensu latd) contains 89 genera with (7 spp.), Plazia (2 spp.), Polyachyrus (3 spp.), over 975 recorded species in tropical and sub- Proustia (5 spp.), Trichocline (2 spp.), and Trixis tropical America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Ha- (6 spp.). The generic limits of Proustia are here waii (Cabrera, 1977). It is predominantly a Neo- expanded to include species previously accepted tropical tribe with greatest generic representation in Lophopappus and require the following new in South America, where no fewer than 65 of its combinations: P. berberidifolia (Cabr.) Ferreyra, genera occur. The tribe contains endemic genera P. foliosa (Rusby) Ferreyra, and P. peruviana in several other areas for example, North Amer- (Cabr.) Ferreyra. Lectotypification is provided for ica (5 genera), Asia (5 genera), Australia ( 1 genus), Dasyphyllum ferox (Wedd.) Cabr. and Plazia Africa (10 genera), and several Pacific Islands (1 daphnoides Wedd. genus). Western South America is a center of high generic diversity; the Andean Cordillera contains over 30 genera with distributions generally above 2000 m. Peru is particularly rich with 21 genera Tribe MUTISIEAE and over 120 species distributed in various eco- systems of the Coast, Sierra, and Selva. Species Mutisieae Cass., J. Phys. Chem. Hist. Nat. Arts diversity and distribution patterns are quite vari- 88: 199. 1819. TYPE: Mutisia L. fil. able; intermontane valleys and the ceja de la mon- tana are richest in taxa. Fewer than six species are Annual or perennial herbs, lianas, shrubs, or found in the more humid tropics of the Amazon small trees. Leaves alternate and cauline, or con- basin of eastern Peru (e.g., Barnadesia caryophyl- fined to a basal rosette, rarely opposite. Capitu- la, Chaptalia nutans, Lycoseris spp., Trixis divar- lescences of solitary heads, sessile, pedunculate, or icatd). Gerbera is predominantly an Asian and Af- scapose, or several-headed panicles or cymes, oc- rican genus, with only one species cultivated in casionally glomerulate in pseudocephalia or syn- Peru. Diversity within genera is also variable; the florescences. Capitula homogamous, discoid, or monotypic genus Chucoa is endemic to a single heterogamous, radiate to disciform; involucres valley in northern Peru, whereas Onoseris and globose to cylindric; receptacles flat or convex, Trixis each occur in both hemispheres from the naked (paleate in Jungia, Arnaldod), foveolate, or United States to the Patagonian region of Argen- hispid-fimbrillate
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