The Goodland Star-News / Tuesday, May 29, 2007 5 Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have FUN BY THE NUMBERS you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, col- umn and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! ANSWER TO FRIDAY’S TUESDAY EVENING MAY 29, 2007 WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 30, 2007 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 E S E = Eagle Cable S = S&T Telephone E S E = Eagle Cable S = S&T Telephone CSI: Miami: Money Plane Dog Bnty Dog Bounty Criss Angel Criss Angel Criss Angel Criss Angel CSI: Miami: Money Plane CSI: Miami: Game Over The Sopranos: The Telltale The Sopranos: To Save Us All From To Be An- CSI: Miami: Game Over 36 47 A&E (TV14) (HD) (TVPG) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (TV14) (HD) 36 47 A&E (TV14) (HD) Moozadell (HD) Satan’s Power (TVMA) (HD) nounced (TV14) (HD) George George According According Boston Legal: Trial of the KAKE News (:35) Nightline (:05) Jimmy Kimmel Live Next Best Thing (N) Traveler: Pilot Episode Traveler: The Retreat (N) KAKE News (:35) Nightline (:05) Jimmy Kimmel Live 4 6 ABC Lopez (R) Lopez (R) (R) (HD) (R) (HD) Century (N) (HD) at 10 (N) (TV14) (R) 4 6 ABC (TV14) (R) (HD) (HD) at 10 (N) (TV14) (R) Dog Shows & Competitions: Crufts Dog Show 2007 Dog Shows & Competitions: Crufts Dog Show 2007 Air Jaws: Sharks of South Planet Earth: Mountains Animal Cops - Detroit: Left Air Jaws: Sharks of South Planet Earth: Mountains 26 54 ANPL 26 54 ANPL Africa (TVPG) (N) (TV G) in the Cold (R) Africa (TVPG) (R) (TV G) (R) Housewife The Real Housewives of Housewife: Kathy Griffin: Allegedly Kathy Griffin slams celebri- Shear Genius (TV14) (R) Shear Genius Selling the Shear Genius (TV14) (R) Shear Genius (TV14) (N) Shear Genius (TV14) (R) Shear Genius (TV14) (R) 63 67 BRAVO (R) Orange County (R) Special ties. 63 67 BRAVO concept. (TV14) (R) NCIS: Twisted Sister The Unit: Bait (TV14) (R) Flashpoint (N) News (N) (:35) Late Show With David Ferguson King of King of Criminal Minds: Ashes and CSI: NY: The Lying Game News (N) (:35) Late Show With David Ferguson 7 11 CBS (TV14) (R) (HD) (HD) Letterman (HD) (TV14) 7 11 CBS Queens (R) Queens (R) Dust (R) (HD) (TV14) (R) (HD) Letterman (HD) (TV14) Scrubs Friend Gilmore Girls: The Long Veronica Mars: Welcome News2 at Nine (N) Scrubs Will-Grace Scrubs: Her Friend Hidden Palms: Pilot One Tree Hill (TV14) (N) News2 at Nine (N) Scrubs: My Will-Grace 12 3 CW (TV14) (TVPG) Morrow (R) (HD) Wagon (R) (HD) (TV14) (TVPG) 12 3 CW Story II (TVPG) (TVPG) (N) (HD) (HD) Student (TVPG) Deadliest Catch: Caught in Deadliest Catch: Crossing After the Catch Dramatic Myth Busters: Exploding Deadliest Catch: Caught in Hazard Pay: Avalanche Myth Busters: Western Cash Cab Cash Cab Dirty Jobs: Bell Maker Hazard Pay: Avalanche 55 42 DISC the Storm (R) the Line (TVPG) rescues at sea. (N) Lighter (TVPG) (R) the Storm (R) 55 42 DISC Control (TV14) (N) Myths (TVPG) (N) (TV G) (TV G) (TV14) (R) Control (TV14) (R) Phil of Future Phil of Future So Raven So Raven Hannah Mon Zack & Cody “Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior” (‘06, Action) Zack & Cody Zack & Cody Cory in Cory in Hannah Mon Zack & Cody “The Country Bears” (‘02, Family) a A young 33 56 DISN (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) An Asian-American teenage warrior. (R) 33 56 DISN (R) (R) House (R) House (R) (R) (R) bear helps reunite an old band. (G) (R) 49 66 E!TV Sunset Tn The Soup E! True Story (R) Girls (R) Camp E! News Daily 10 Girls Next Door 49 66 E!TV “A Guy Thing” (‘03) aa Bachelor party mess. Girls (R) Sunset Tn E! News Daily 10 Girls (R) Camp 22 28 ESPN @ (5:00) MLB Baseball (Live) (HD) Baseball Tonight (HD) SportsCenter (HD) Baseball NFL Live 22 28 ESPN NBA Shoot (HD) A NBA Basketball: Western Conference Finals (Live) (HD) SportsCenter (HD) 23 29 ESPN2 A WNBA Game (Live) A WNBA Game (Live) PBA Bowl (Taped) Nascar Poker 23 29 ESPN2 @ (5:00) MLB Baseball (Live) (HD) V Wed Fights (Live) Nascar Poker 32 58 FAM “Here on Earth” Preppie falls for a rival’s girl. Line Line The 700 Club (TV G) Falcon Beach (R) 32 58 FAM “Look Who’s Talking Now” (‘93, Comedy) a Line Line The 700 Club (TV G) Home Vid Home Vid 35 - FMC “3 Women” (‘77) aaa Shelley Duvall. (PG) “The Maid” (‘91, Comedy) Martin Sheen. (PG) “3 Women” (‘77) aaa 35 - FMC “The French Connection” (‘71) aaaa (R) “Miller’s Crossing” (‘90, Crime Drama) aaa “Marked for Death” Emeril Live: BBQ Baby Food Network Challenge Tasty Travels $40 Day Good Eats $40 Day Food Network Challenge All-Star Grill-Fest Star Home Cook- Tyler’s Ulti- Good Eats Dinner Good Eats Tasty Travels Home Cook- Tyler’s Ulti- 53 45 FOOD back ribs (TV G) (R) (R) (R) (TV G) (R) (TV G) (R) 53 45 FOOD chefs grill. ing (R) mate (R) (R) Impossib (R) (R) (R) ing (R) mate (R) Daily Show Colbert Re- Reno 911! South Park Live at Gotham New Daily Show Colbert John Pinette: I’m Starving Daily Show Colbert Re- Reno 911! South Park South Park Mind of Daily Show Colbert South Park Mind of 37 73 CMDY (R) port (R) (R) (R) comedy. (TV14) (R) (TV14) (TV14) (N) (TV14) (R) 37 73 CMDY (R) port (R) (R) (R) (R) Mencia (R) (TV14) (TV14) (N) (R) Mencia (R) 27 25 FX ‘70s ‘70s “Deep Blue Sea” (‘99, Thriller) aac Shark DNA “Open Water” (‘03) aac Stranded w/sharks. 27 25 FX “Deep Blue” (‘99) aac “Open Water” (‘03) aac Stranded w/sharks. “Hellboy” (‘04) aac Demon fights Hell. (PG-13) 30 27 FXSP Dbl. Play FSN Live @ MLB Game (Live) FSN Live FSN 30 27 FXSP Dbl. Play FSN Live @ MLB Game (Live) FSN Live FSN - 60 HALL Walker (TVPG) “Mystery Woman: Mystery Weekend” (‘05) “Mystery Woman: Game Time” (‘05) (NR) - 60 HALL Walker: The Avenger “Jane Doe: ‘Til Death Do Us Part” (‘05) (NR) “Jane Doe: The Wrong Face” (‘05, Mystery) “Everything is Illumi- HBO First “The Avengers” a Secret agents try The Sopranos (TVMA) The Sopranos: Stage 5 “The Break-Up” (‘06) “A Sound of Thunder” (‘05, Science Making of ... The Sopranos: Chasing It The Sopranos: Walk Like A 5 - HBO nated” (‘05) aaa (HD) Look (R) to stop London madman. (HD) (R) (HD) (TVMA) (R) (HD) 5 - HBO Exes’ condo fight. (HD) Fiction) ac History altered. (HD) (R) (TVMA) (R) (HD) Man (R) (HD) 62 44 HGTV Designed Buy Me Dec.Cent 24 Design Hse Hunt Spice Up Worth (R) Potential Designed Buy Me 62 44 HGTV Designed Buy Me Design Get Out Hse Hunt Worth (R) Junk Bros. House? Designed Buy Me (5:00) Star Wars: The Leg- The Universe: Secrets of UFO Files: UFOs of the Dogfights: Air Ambush Modern Marvels: Pirate Modern Marvels Sunken Modern Marvels: 70s History Rocks: The 70s Po- Modern Marvels: 80’s Modern Marvels Sunken 58 48 HIST acy Revealed (R) the Sun (N) 70s (TVPG) (TVPG) (R) Tech (TVPG) (R) 58 48 HIST ship. (TVPG) (R) Tech (TVPG) (N) lice; Elton John. Tech (TVPG) (R) ship. (TVPG) (R) Raymond Raymond: Sex & City Sex & City Friends Friends Sex & City Sex & City “Panic Room” (‘02) Raymond: Raymond: Raymond Raymond Queens Queens “Galaxy Quest” Washed-up actors assist a dying 25 38 IND (TVPG) Brother (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) aaa Men intrude house. 25 38 IND Golf Mozart (TVPG) (TVPG) (HD) (HD) race of aliens in their war for survival. 18 63 LIFE Reba Reba “Nora Roberts’ Carolina Moon” (‘07) (NR) Will Will Frasier Frasier 18 63 LIFE Reba Reba “What Comes Around” (‘06) A dangerous ex. Will Will Frasier Frasier 54 74 MTV Punk’D Ride (R) Ride (R) Rob & Big Hollyhood Hollyhood Inferno Inferno Punk’D Scarred 54 74 MTV Reunited Rob & Big Next (R) Next (R) Run Hse Run Hse Real World (R) Real Wrld (N) News at 6 ET (TV G) Law & Order: Avatar Law & Order: Criminal In- Law & Order: Special Vic- 9 News (N) (:35) Jay News at 6 ET (TV G) Outrageous Outrageous Outrageous Outrageous Medium: Better Off Dead 9 News (N) (:35) Jay 3 9 NBC (N) (HD) (TV14) (R) (HD) tent (TV14) (R) (HD) tims Unit (R) (HD) (HD) Leno (HD) 3 9 NBC (N) (HD) (R) (R) (R) (R) (TV14) (R) (HD) (HD) Leno (HD) Law & Order: Avatar Law & Order: Criminal In- Law & Order: Special Vic- KSN News at Tonight Show With Jay Late Night Outrageous Outrageous Outrageous Outrageous Medium: Better Off Dead KSN News at Tonight Show With Jay Late Night 8 8 NBC (TV14) (R) (HD) tent (TV14) (R) (HD) tims Unit (R) (HD) 10 Leno (TV14) (HD) (HD) 8 8 NBC (R) (R) (R) (R) (TV14) (R) (HD) 10 Leno (TV14) (HD) (HD) 34 55 NICK Sponge Drake Home Vid Full Hse Roseanne Roseanne Bel-Air Bel-Air Cosby Cosby 34 55 NICK Sponge Drake Home Vid Full Hse Roseanne Roseanne Bel-Air Bel-Air Cosby Cosby Dr on Call Opinion Nova: Volcano Above the Independent Lens: The Wild Parrots of Last Wine Charlie Rose Craft in America: Memory Craft in America: Land- Craft in America: Commu- BBC World Time Goes Charlie Rose 2 2 PBS (TVPG) Clouds (R) (HD) Telegraph Hill (TVPG) (N) (TVPG) 2 2 PBS (TVPG) (N) (HD) scape (TVPG) (HD) nity (TVPG) (HD) News 38 71 SCIFI SU2: The Eve (TVPG) SU2: The Rocks ! ECW Wrestling (Live) Painkiller Jane (R) Dark Angel (TVPG) 38 71 SCIFI Ghost Hunters (R) Ghost Hunters (R) Ghost Hunters (R) “The Triangle” (‘05) Ships disappear.
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