THE STRIKE IS OVER IN THE FAR NORTH, PROBLEMS AREN'T - INSIDE Cohen claims US acting to ensure police abuses stop but he did not support calls for a Koevoet removal THE US government was taking the UN Secretary-General's leased and he expressed the US gov­ complaints about the excessive use offorce and abuses by the police ernment's concern about this. forces in Namibia very seriously. "Until such time that they (the detainees) are all accounted for we This was the view expressed by the "The only thing that can be done continue to hope that Swapo will newly appointed US Assistant Sec­ about the situation in the north is for continue to cooperate with the ICRC retary of State for African Affairs, the police forces to regain discipline and the UNHCR to ensure that they Mr Herman Cohen, at a press confer­ are all accounted for." ence at Windhoek airport yesterday. He urged Swapo to repatriate for­ Mr Cohen spoke prior to his depar­ mer PLAN combatants to Namibia ture from Namibia following a short IMBILI as soon as possible so that they could visit to Windhoek as part of a tour of come and vote rather than remain in African countries that included stops Angola as 'sequestered fighters'. in Abidjan, Brazzaville, Luanda and JOINS .. 1 think that would also eliminate South Africa. many ambiguities about future infil­ The man in charge of American tration," he added. policy on Africa said that the US SWAPO The Assistant Secretary of State government had conducted a very for African Affaiis expressed confi­ active diplomacy during the past three IT HAS been announced by the dence in the implementation of UN weeks during which they had pres­ Swapo branch in Oshakati that Security Cooncil Resolution 435 which sured the South African government Mr Tara Imbili, formerly a leader he said had reached an 'irreversible to ensure that abuses by the police in the Democratic Turnhalle threshold', were stopped. Alliance., who later went on to He said that he believed the inde­ ~On the ·basis..of-my-.discllssiQns . form his own poUtlcal party, has pendence plan would be irnyl<?TIented both in Luanda and here Ibelieve the joined Swapo. fully and correctly, and that there problems are in the process of being Mr Imbill himself was not would be free and fair elections. ameliorated. available for comment at the time Mr Cohen congratulated the UN The profile of the police is being of going to press, but it is Special Representative, Mr Martti lowered, and the number of intimi­ understood that he was on his Athisaari, for the excellent work his dating vehicles and weapons is being way to Windhoek last night. organisation was doing. He also praised reduced." the Administrator General, Mr Louis Mr Cohen said that the American and to make sure that there are no Pienaar, for his cooperation with the government would continue to en­ abuses, and to punish those that are UN Special Representative. courage the Administrator-general and guilty of abuses." "I think the whole idea behind the South African government to "I heard today that there are a Res. 435 is that they should cooper­ continue the process of defusing the number of people who have been ate and work together, and I think tense situation that existed in the arrested and are being brought to that is now happening." country. justice," he said. He also expressed his satisfaction He carefully avoided endorsing the From what Mr Cohen said it was with the way registration for the widespread calls for former mem­ clear that the US government does elections was proceeding, and the US Assistant Secretary of State fOi African Affairs, Mr He'rman J bers of Koevoet to be expelled from not believe that all detainees that had way the repatriation of refugees was Cohen (pictured above by Da'oud Vries) met with the Swapo the SW A PoliCe<. been held by Swapo had been re- moving along. leadership in Windhoek yesterday. STRIKE TO FOLLOW STR'IKE? RETURNEE BY MBATJIUA NGAVIRUE THE strike action taken by workers in the north to protest the continued deployment of Koevoet towards the end of last week may be followed by further strikes according to sources in the CRISIS? north. This is the could be the result of the stringent conditions laid down by and Pienaar claims not aliSwapo detainees are back some employers for allowing workers to return to work. Both the local administration and Enok have demanded that employees tive, Mr Nicolas Bwakira. apply for unpaid leave and submit written statements explaining why they THE Administrator-General, Mr Louis Pienaar, yesterday met were absent from work before being allowed back to work. with tbe Geneva based United Nations High Commissioner for Mr Pienaar and Mr Hocke had also discussed the identification of de­ Workers at both these employers refused to comply with these demands Refugees, Mr Jean Pierre Hocke. tainees supposedly being held by and by late yesterday afternoon they had still not returned to work. A spokesman for the AG said that ary reception centres. Employees of the administration were allegedly told that an urgent telex Swapo, with .!J1e High Commissioner. during the course of the meeting Mr The spokesman said that Mr Pi­ The AG·liad expressed his concern would be sent to the Administrator-General in Windhoek requesting him to Pienaar had expressed concern about enaar had told Mr Hacke that during over that fact that it appeared as drop the conditions that have been laid down. A reply from the Administra­ difficulties being experienced with a visit to the Caprivi he had found thQugh only a relatively small num­ tor-General was only expectedtoday . the repatriation of Namibian exiles. that the local population was being ber appeared to have been identified. To complicate the issue it was also learned that the Administration em­ Mr Pienaar had particularly re­ denied access to a CCN run hostel in Mr Pienaar had also told Mr Hocke ployees had also sent a letter to the administration demanding the resigna­ ferred to the situation at the Dobra the area. He had asked for this matter tion of the Senior Personnel Officer, a Mr Kruger. that they would very soon have to camp which he said was full to ca­ to be investigated further because the resolve the quesWpn of whether PLAN Spokesman for the Administrator-General, Mr Gerhard Roux, yesterday pacity and to the fact that the stage denial of access was not in accor­ announced that all the teachers who participated in the stayaway had combatants would be returning as had been reached where it had been dance with an agreement reached returned to work. refugees. or return to the country necessary to open secondary or terti - with Mr Hocke's local representa- under Untag supervision. 2 Tuesday July 11 1989 THE NAMIBIAN FIRSTLYl. TAKE AWAY ... THENR E.MOVE THE THE U~ltORM AND 6UNS AND CASSPIRS. WHAT Do 'lOlA &~r? ". WE TERROR MASK ... (nus ONES MAlL; EJOlN6 10 MYSTERY JOINT Chief Munjuku II at first Swapo meeting in Aminuis COMMISSION BURY THE MEETING THE first-ever Swapo rally to A communique issued by the Joint Commission of South Africa, be held in Aminuis was opened Angola and Cuba in Luanda at the weekend failed to provide any on Sunday by ChiefMunjuku II insight into what was discussed at the meeting. who called on people to bury It was the fourth meeting of the Commission, which was established to deal the past and' 'march in unity to with any problems arising from the UN settlement plan. people's power under the guid­ The meeting was attended by delegations from Pretoria, Havana and ance of Swapo". PAST Luanda, and representatives of the US and Soviet Union were present in an Hundreds of people attended the forces of evil who hid themselves and freedom and independence on observer capacity. rally where the keynote address was behind the mask of democracy." the other. UN Special Representative, Mr Martti Ahtisaari, and a representative from given by Dan Tjongarero, member of He added: "That time is over and "The latter is represented by Swapo the Administrator-General's office, also attended the meeting as invited the Swapo Central Committee. Speak­ Swapo is here. The decisive moment of Namibia, which all of us must guests. ers included Elia Kaakunga and Dr 'has dawned. " choose because a wrong choice will According to the communique: "The delegations reviewed the state of Mbuende, both of the Swapo elec­ Mr Tjongarero urged the people tumble Namibia into hell." implementation ofUNSC Resolution 435 as well as the situation in Namibia." tion directorate. not to be blindfolded by the "lies and Elia Kaakunga pointed out that It added: "The Commission took note .of the report on the state of Chief Munjuku said: "The fact propaganda of the enemy" which coming home after 15 years in exile compliance to the time schedule for the withdrawal of Cuban troops from that Swapo is holding its first-ever suggested that when Swapo came to "will certainly disappoint those who Angola, in terms of the Bilateral Agreement." meeting here in Aminuis, and that power it would close down all the were going around with lies that 1 All the communique says on the situation in Namibia is that the parties you have turned out en masse, marks chuiches, take away people's prop­ was killed by Swapo". ., conducted a comprehensive review and expressed their views". a significant change not only in the erty and establish a communist state. "This in itself manifests the des­ The delegations attending the meeting were received separately by Angolan hi story of Aminuis, but of Namibia He added: "The forthcoming elec­ perate and foolish lies of the en­ President Jose Eduardo dos Santos.
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