DISSERTATION / DOCTORAL THESIS Titel der Dissertation /Title of the Doctoral Thesis „Uniqueness and Universality of Jesus Christ Re-visited: An Encounter of Walter Cardinal Kasper’s Spirit Christology with the Indian Theology in the Light of Ecclesia in Asia. An Attempt to Focus on and Deepen the Specificity of Jesus Christ in the Context of Religious Pluralism in India“ verfasst von / submitted by Rathan ALMEIDA angestrebter akademischer Grad / in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doktor der Theologie (Dr. theol.) Vienna, June 2016 Studienkennzahl lt. Studienblatt / A 780 011 degree programme code as it appears on the student record sheet: Dissertationsgebiet lt. Studienblatt / Katholische Fachtheologie field of study as it appears on the student record sheet: Betreut von / Supervisor: Univ. - Prof. Dr. Jan-Heiner Tück Univ. – Prof. i.R., Dr. Martin Jäggle ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Research in dogmatic theology is challenging and demands a high level of commitment and effort. As I hold this finished work in my hand, I feel extremely happy to see the fruit of my toil and efforts. I have written this thesis in Austria, at the University of Vienna. At this moment, I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who have accompanied me on my academic journey. My sincere thanks, first and foremost, is due to University Professor Dr. Jan-Heiner Tück, Dean of the Faculty for Dogmatics, and Vice-Dean of the Catholic Theological Faculty, University of Vienna, for guiding my thesis. Working with him throughout my studies was a great joy for me. His timely guidance, his extensive and in- depth knowledge in this field, and his valuable suggestions are characteristic of this learned person. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to University Professor i.R., Dr. Martin Jäggle, Professor Emeritus, Institute for Pastoral Theology, University of Vienna, who accompanied and guided me during the course of my entire research. I greatly appreciate the generous gestures of Professor Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, Faculty of Theology at Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome, and Professor Dr. George Augustine, SAC, Chair of Fundamental Theology and Dogmatics, Walter Kasper Institute, Vallendar, Germany, for reviewing the thesis, and for their significant and valuable contributions. In the course of my research work I had the privilege of meeting Cardinal Walter Kasper and conducting two interviews with him. I owe him my sincere gratitude for his generosity in spending time with me, and for his patience in replying to my questions. His welcoming disposition and his humility were amazing, and they have made a great impact on me. I am greatly indebted to Professor Donald Wallenfang, Assistant Professor of Theology, Walsh University, who reviewed the theological contents of this thesis, and to Professor Wilbratte Barry, Professor in Economics, University of St. Thomas, Texas, who read the entire work and made some significant corrections. My sincere thanks go also to Professor Dr. Arputhem Lourdusamy, Chairman – Postgraduate Department of English, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, India, and to Mrs. Nancy da Costa, for making the necessary grammatical changes. I am also indebted to Rev. Fr. Michael Gallegher and his parish team who took the trouble to review the work. Finally, my sincere thanks to Ms. Jane Abaya, Mr. Efren Abaya and Ms. Jacinta Fennessy for editing the final draft. iii Accessing reference material for this work was one of my greatest concerns, but this was made manageable by some of the libraries that I was allowed to visit. Besides the library of the University of Vienna, I also had the opportunity and permission to visit the library of the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium (which I visited twice), the Jesuit library at Pune (JDV), India and the library of the International Theological Institute, Trumau, Austria (which I visited often). In all of these, I was able to consult valuable books and several articles necessary for my research. Also a special thanks to Br. Johannes Maria, OCD, who helped me in designing the layout of this work. The Carmelite Fathers of the Austrian Province deserve a very special word of gratitude and appreciation for sponsoring my stay as well as my studies. Rev. Fr. Roberto Maria Pirastu, OCD, the then-Provincial, favourably granted my request to join his community in Vienna and pursue my doctoral studies at the University of Vienna. My stay in Austria and the wonderful, unique experiences that I have had will always be cherished, as they have left an indelible mark in my life. I also express my gratitude to all my confreres, both in India and here in Austria, for their generosity, cooperation, and contributions through their suggestions, guidance, and advice. Besides, there are many friends, colleagues, companions, relatives, and well-wishers, with whom I often interacted and discussed the contents of my dissertation. The suggestions and guidance they offered were very helpful and I am grateful to them all. Finally, to you my readers, I want to express my gratitude for choosing this book and for your desire to read this work. I do hope that it will inform and inspire you. I take this opportunity to wish you all the very best. Happy reading! Rathan Nicholas Almeida, OCD iv ABBREVIATIONS AG Ad Gentes divinitus Cath Catholica CDF Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith CONC Concilium DH Dignitatis Humanae DI Dominus Iesus DV Dei Verbum EA Ecclesia in Asia EAPR East Asian Pastoral Review ET English Translation FABC Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences GS Gaudium et Spes IkaZ Internationale katholische Zeitschrift ISPCK Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ITA Indian Theological Association ITC International Theological Commission KuD Kerygma und Dogma LG Lumen Gentium NA Nostra Aetate NTS New Testament Studies OT Optatam Totius OTC Office of Theological Commission QD Quaestiones Disputatae RH Redemptor Hominis RM Redemptoris Missio SC Sacrosanctum Concilium SCM Student Christian Movement v SPCK Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge StdZ Stimmen der Zeit ThG Theologie der Gegenwart ThPQ Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift ThQ Theologische Quartalschrift TS Theological Studies UR Unitatis Redintegration VJTR Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection ZEE Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik ZThK Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements ........................................................................................ iii Abbreviations ................................................................................................. v Table of Contents .......................................................................................... vii Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 1 CHRISTOLOGY TODAY: A CONTEMPORARY VIEW PRELIMINARY REMARKS, ISSUES AND CHALLENGES Introduction ....................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Christology: A New Style with a New Epoch ............................................... 8 1.1.1 The Christology of Second Vatican Council ................................................. 14 1.1.2 Theology and Christology Today: Its Further Growth ................................... 19 1.2 Walter Kasper and His Contemporaries .................................................... 27 1.2.1 Edward Schillebeeckx ..................................................................................... 27 1.2.2 Hans Küng ...................................................................................................... 31 1.2.3 Kasper’s Christology: A Synthesis ................................................................. 36 Significant Ingredients of Kasper’s Christology ............................................. 37 The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith ................................................... 39 Walter Kasper’s Spirit Christology ................................................................. 42 1.3 Problems in Christology Today ................................................................... 46 1.3.1 The Historical Jesus: A Thorough (Re) Search .............................................. 48 The First (Old) Quest for the Historical Jesus in Two Phases ........................ 49 The Collapse of the First Quest: The No-Quest Period .................................. 52 The New Quest ............................................................................................... 53 The Third Quest: Accent on the History of Jesus ........................................... 54 Theological Relevance of the Historical Quest .............................................. 56 1.3.2 Dominus Iesus: A Monograph on Christ’s Uniqueness .................................. 59 Dominus Iesus: Reception, Reactions, and Responses ................................... 60 Dominus Iesus: The Task of Asian Theologians ............................................ 61 Dominus Iesus: CDF’s Anxiety about the Asian Churches ............................ 62 1.3.3 Some Other Contemporary Christological Issues ........................................... 64 The Religious Quest for Jesus Christ and Challenges .................................... 65 Demythologisation and Anthropological Emphasis of Christology ............... 66 Jesus Christ
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