ANNUAL REPORT 2013 MONTRÉAL TAKES TOP HONOURS TASTE MTL was ranked IN one of North America’s 20 TOP 15 food festivals 13 Fodor’s Travel © Tourisme Montréal, Mathieu Dupuis Montréal, © Tourisme Montréal won first place among major American cities for the best foreign direct investment fDi Magazine’s American Cities of the Future 2013/14 ranking Montréal is one of the 14 BEST DESTINATIONS Montréal is one of the to visit in the fall TOP 10 summer food Fodor’s Travel destinations CNN Travel Montréal’s Notre-Dame Basilica is one of the top 10 most romantic places to propose Destinations Travel Magazine Montréal is the top spot in North America for hosting international conventions, according to the UIA’s official ranking Union of International Associations (UIA) Montréal is listed as one of the best Montréal is listed among the top FAMILY 10 CITIES VACATION to visit in 2013 destinations for 2013 Lonely Planet Family Vacation Critic website Saint-Laurent Boulevard in Montréal’s Mile End is one of nine must-visit international food streets Zagat Montréal was crowned North America’s most bike-friendly city The Copenhagenize Index 2013 Montréal’s Place des Festivals is one of the top 10 ultimate contemporary urban plazas Landscape Architects Network ubin A OF rédérique Ménard- rédérique F © TABLE CONTENTS 03/ MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD 04/ MESSAGE FROM THE CEO 05/ AdmINISTRATORS 06/ 2013 ToURISM INDUSTRY PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMIC IMPActS 10/ BUSINESS SALES AND CONVENTION SERVICES 10/ Business Sales ubin 15/ Convention Services A 17/ 2014 Priorities 18/ COmmUNICATIONS, MARKETING, MEDIA AND LEISURE MARKET rédérique Ménard- rédérique 18/ Communications and Marketing F 27/ Media and Leisure Market © 29/ Member Services and Partnerships 31/ 2014 Priorities 32/ PUBLIC RELATIONS, RESEARCH AND PRODUct DEVELOPMENT 35/ 2014 Priorities 36/ FINANCE, AdmINISTRATION, HUMAN RESOURCES AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 38/ 2014 Priorities 40/ TOURISME MONTRÉAL PARTNERS Cover photos credits: Quartier des spectacles - © Stéphane Poulin, Aires libres - © Marc Cramer, Bocata - © Bocata MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD As Acting Chairman of Tourisme Montréal’s Board of Thanks to the combined efforts of Tourisme Directors, I have the opportunity to share my thoughts Montréal, the Palais des congrès de Montréal and with you in this brief introductory message. our business partners, the business market had a successful year, with several conferences being First and foremost, the Board of Directors wishes to held in the city. Also, a record number of room acknowledge Yves Lalumière’s appointment last nights were sold in the last year. August to the position of President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Lalumière brings new energy and a new Finally, 2013 was the year when Tourisme Montréal management style to Tourisme Montréal that inspired took stock of the strategic directions it had adopted the team to stay the course. His focus on destination for the 2010-2013 period and decided which of them marketing is key to improving Montréal’s overall it will implement for 2014-2018. performance. The ultimate goal of this approach is to increase the The report of the Auditor General of Québec (AGQ), number of tourists by 5% annually, for a total of 5 mil- tabled on November 27, 2013, covered Tourisme lion room nights sold within 5 years. The strategy will Québec and regional tourism associations. It identified focus on five key areas: product development, a re- certain management shortcomings and governance juvenated organization, business tourism, marketing challenges for Tourisme Montréal and made a number Montréal through priority niches and, finally, of recommendations. hospitality. The Board of Directors took note of the report’s rec- With the unfailing support of our partners, for which ommendations and has implemented a series of de- we are grateful, Tourisme Montréal can look to the cisions involving a variety of governance and control future with optimism. Thanks to the passion and measures, procedural audits and human resource dedication of our team, backed by the Board of management best practices. Also, the Board is now Directors whom I commend for their devotion and dealing with new suppliers for financial statement support, we are more determined than ever to create auditing, legal counsel and communications strategy. wealth for an industry that is key to Montréal’s The Board also took note of its president’s resignation economy: tourism. in November 2013. As part of its core mission, our organization has stepped up its efforts to attract tourists, now an in- creasingly sought-after group. We have launched a Michel Archambault number of activities and campaigns to enhance the Acting Chairman, on behalf of the members destination’s visibility in the most promising markets, of Tourisme Montréal’s Board of Directors such as the United States, Ontario, France and the United Kingdom. Tourisme Montréal’s marketing strat- egy has continued to evolve, reflecting new consumer habits and the ubiquity of social networks, while still basing its approach on niche markets. 03 MESSAGE FROM THE CEO From many perspectives, 2013 was an important year In reading this report, you will realize that 2013 was a for Tourisme Montréal. Over the past twelve months, successful year for Tourisme Montréal and its industry our organization has changed in many ways. partners. A prime example of this is the #MTLMOMENTS campaign, which drew Montrealers and tourists to- New senior management, a significant shift in our gether as they shared authentic moments and unique communication strategy and a revised and amended experiences. Another fine example is the second edition governance—all these factors point to a healthy and of our Restaurant Week, TASTE MTL, which was once positive change for Tourisme Montréal. again a resounding success. In total, 129 restaurants and some 100,000 foodies participated in a 10-day During this pivotal year, the tourism sector regained long city-wide culinary frenzy. momentum and tourists flocked to the city in even greater numbers. In 2013, Montréal welcomed some With all of these promising initiatives, I am already 8.4 million tourists, who spent close to 2.5 billion impatiently looking ahead to 2014, when we will start dollars. The hotel occupancy rate increased by 2.15 implementing the four-year plan our management percentage points over the previous year, to reach team spent months developing. This ambitious plan, 68.25%. that will guide Tourisme Montréal through to 2018, will cover 2017: an important year for Montréal, when the In terms of business travel, a record number of close city will celebrate its 375th anniversary. to 334,000 hotel nights were sold; Tourisme Montréal is getting increasingly involved in the prom- As the main gateway to Québec, Montréal must fully ising sports tourism sector; and the cruise industry assume its leadership role. That is, in fact, one of the has the wind in its sails, thanks to the efforts of main goals of the strategic plan, which places Tourisme Montréal’s Cruise Committee to make the city a Montréal at the centre of an interconnected circle of more popular port of call. partners and collaborators, all of whom are essential to our city’s success. These successes prove that our strategies with respect to business and leisure markets are truly relevant. Isn’t it exciting to look ahead and realize that the best Rest assured that we will continue to work hard to is yet to come for our city? Right now we have a wide improve our business efficiency and ensure our actions range of promising projects on the drawing board, and have an even more positive impact. a lot of creative and passionate people eager to bring them to fruition. The positive economic outlook and When the Québec Auditor General’s report was expansion of the tourism sector point to prosperous tabled last fall, two points in particular stood out times for Montréal tourism, which alone accounts for for me. One of them was the unflagging support of over 36,000 jobs. Tourisme Montréal’s partners and members, whose efforts are crucial to improving our city’s interna- As you read this report, I hope you will take the time tional standing. The other point I was happy to note to look at Tourisme Montréal’s achievements in 2013, was that, during the crisis, our organization’s effec- which are indicative of the change our organization tiveness was never questioned. experienced. This year was a springboard for us, en- abling us to go even further in 2014. Tourisme Montréal needed to strengthen its gover- nance and management, and that is what we have I invite everyone who loves Montréal to become in- done. The industry support we have received shows volved in our city’s expanding development and just how relevant our campaigns and activities are, influence! how they generate wealth for Montréal and business opportunities for our approximately 800 members. Yves Lalumière President and Chief Executive Officer Tourisme Montréal 04 ADmINISTRATORS TOURISME MONTRÉAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS (AS OF MARCh 27, 2014) ACTING CHAIRMAN Mr. Raymond Larivée Mr. Michel Archambault President and CEO Associate Professor and Chairman, Palais des congrès de Montréal Board of Governors Transat Chair in Tourism Mrs. Deborah Legroulx Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG UQÀM) Regional General Manager, Passengers – Québec VICE PRESIDENT Air Canada Mr. Michel G. Giguère General Manager Mrs. Eve Paré Centre Sheraton Montréal President and CEO Hotel Association of Greater Montréal (AHGM) SECRETARY Mrs. Danielle Sauvage Mr. Richard Payette Cultural Manager General Manager Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth Mrs. Stéphanie Allard Mr. Claude Poisson Vice President, International Organizations President of Operations Montréal International Société des casinos du Québec Mr. Dimitri Antonopoulos Mr. André Saucier, CPA, CGA Vice President, Marketing and Development Executive Director – Finance, Operations Hotels and Restaurants, Groupe Antonopoulos Palais des congrès de Montréal Mrs.
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