Eatebllshcd 1M4 rurfittBir- IMMACULATE CONCEPÌ IU.N 1 fniwllsville, Pa. HOLY TRINI! V. ST. KITA, { ST. JOHN TRE EVANGEI.ISÌ | SPORT GOSSIP HEROES OF SPORT WHO THE BUTTER STORE THE NATIONAL OPEN GOLF TOURNEY Guaran- "A Ne» iMarfcct That'« Different—Hutter, Eggs, Ckmr, Tea and Coffee teed DM H the Crowd« That Lead to Thla Store, and You. loo. Will BEAT THE BREAKS Il Rifa" f SHARE THE PROFITS The annual American Open Golf tournament was held last week over the course of the Interlachen Golf Club of Minneapolis. All the By VINCENT DaP. FITZt»ATRICK star players of this country were entered, while thousands of people CHICAGO DAIRY COMPANY of Minneapolis, St. Paul and surrounding territory laid off work long CONNELLSVILLE. PA. enough to go out to the country club and pay $2 or $3 to watch the f Si".ri» runt the Cuba mads. They needed I Wears Longer—Look» Better—Fite Right matches. It seems passing strange, to say the least, that in a country is l., tell only three. Chicago played error-1 like ours, with conditions being what they are nowadays, that you HI III« nn til«* I ltd of leas ball behind Pfeister and Three-! could get several hundred husky men to take time off from their lirais (I K ill nnd Fingered Brown. They wen, 4 to 2,1 work and go out and bat a little white ball around a big open field, per«. « III follow. took the train to Detroit and pro- SECOND NATIONAL BANK with thousands of others paying for the privilege of watching them. ceeded to capture the World Sesiea. What is our country coming to, anyhow? BON KHK AI» 'MERKLE Th* Oldmtt Bank in For two weeks the cry "Bonehaad" j LIBERTY TIRE & RUBBER CO. In an Open tournament, the pLayers start out on Thursday morn- They call him "Bonehaad" Merkle. Merkle had been growing in volume; CONNELLSVILLE, PA. ing and play IH "holes'; this is repeated on Friday, but on Saturday Millions of American baseball »K»in*t the Giant vhose lapse had , ¡ they play IX "holes" in both the morning and afternoon. The one fans have referred to him bv that j I«»' the pennant. Many a player who scores the fewest number of "stroke» ' for the total of 72 "hole-." name, more or less thoughtlessly,! before him had donetheiWIM thing \ is thereupon declared the winner on Saturday afternoon. In this, golf in the last 22 an" nobody had paid the leaat at-1 is different from baseball, for instance. In baseball, teams that score years, and tens t«ntion to the fact. No gam« had] the fewest number of "runs" are never declared to be the winner, of thousands of been lost that way, but then no pen- UNIONTOWN; PA. although the Pittsburgh Pirates have been playing this year as fans have hurled nant had been at stake and no TrôTro- though they thought baseball was golf. Dayton ffioEpPt Tires that name at his jan Johnnie Ever« had been on hand The recent Open tournament at Interlachen was won by a young courageous head with his keen eyes and quick think- CARTER ICE CREAM attorney from Atlanta, Ga., named Jones. We do not like to piss Judg- whenever he has ing to aee that all the baseball regu- ment on any young man just starting out on a professional career, hut appeared u~p o n i,ationI h»d been obeerved. -A QUALITY TIRE AT REASONABLE PRICES" it appears to us as though this young Attorney Jones is a much UNIONTOWN, PA. the ball field. Not Whipped by Jeera Ala* Dial rib«ter of Ceatary High Speed Tire» •A FOOD*—NOT A FAD' better golf player than he is a barrister. Journalists of the sporting B n 4TM-SI Liberty Avenue M Ay lower M5t-MM pages tell us that he has won 12 golf championships in the past seven , And J' ,°. '* The cries of anger and of con- head Merkle is ,| , aj „ Merkle arose 8. C DI BELLA. PraaMeat years, winning titles in both Great Britain and America. When he gets emnBtion againsK n tt the hero _ of this. higher and higher. They turned to time to nractire before the bar is a mystery to us, and we wouldn't article irert, if|j , and boos, and a few of them be at all surprised If his father soon set his foot down on this golf e rs you do not hap-, at Wllt mn heard todayt Wilbur Rhoades Hardware foolishness and ordered his son to quit playing and go to work at his pen to know it, is Many a man of lest grit, leta MAHIIICft »BKin-UtMIIKK lOUIJ-HOtlLTMt WKTTin«*—FAIWTS profession. Attorney Jones, we are also informed, has a wife and two his first name. GARVIN'S LUNCH ROOMS AND RESTAURANTS f'tivr < I K»\KH«—I.4W N NOWKIIH children dependent upon him for support; one would think that the courage, less determination than The story goes Fred Merkle would have wilted aa •Ival aad »•:. 4 barrb «1 T«k»lm 17» natural instincts of a good husband and father would prompt him to back to the after- • KIUMTOWN, l'A. go to work and support his family, although we are not sayirg that the tornado of abuse and jeers de- HOME COOKING noon_ o, f _Septem - .- i seended upon him. Merkle wa» no Mrs. Jones and the little Joneses are in want or poverty. ber 23, 1908, at the ...~ , un." ! bonehead, and never haa been. He •M I.IBEKTY AVRKCB MT LIBKKTT AVfKlB • • • • in New York City. It is the ninth was, and is, a lion-hearted man. S»! BMITMFIICLU ITHKKT inning, the last half. The Chicago Bl'T. ON THE OTHER HAND— McGraw, real sportsman that he Cubs are playing the Giants and the JOSEPH HAKY & SON is, forgave Merkle. Fred played score is 1 to 1. many, many games for New York FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS The scene is the Atlanta, Ga., home of Robert Tyre Jones, Jr. The It is a great hall game, for the time, last Monday evening, rignt after Robert Tyre himself returned after that. He remained in Gotham two teams are playing desperately for years, after which he went to Branch Office. New Salem, l'a. liell Phone 17 from 11 three months' journey to the golfing wars in Great Britain and C. M. MUSSELMAN to win the pennant as the season Boston and then to Chicago. Sea- Minneapolis, with more cups, medals and honors than any golfer ever near« its end (¡rent as the game ••II Phone 213 119 W. FAYETTE ST. UNIONTOWN. PA. won before. Mrs. Robert Tyre Jones II enters the parlor to greet her son after season he hit above the Funeral Director and Eaibilur is, not one of the thousands of root- . 300 mark. He knew how to ham- husband: ers there realizes that within a mer the ball and was ever a moat Dealer ia Fiae Furniture aad Carpata "Robert!" minute the contest is destined to dangerous man in a pinch He drove At a great movement to follow I "Well, Sam," asked the aviator, LEM0YNE. PENNA. "Yes, Clara, dear." I take its place among the most meni- the ball hard and far. He never Both Phones Ihairman L«gire'» advice riot to "how would you like « trip up I "What's all that Junk on tlie parlor table there?" ornhle in the annals of baseball, I {,K,k hj„ Uf„ a, the st«l1ar «rat lant so much, why shouldn't the anion»; the cloud»?" "No, sahr" ex-| "Why, dearest, those art' cups 1 won " j that it will be thejheme of nujiions baseman of the league, but he al- arm em agree not to set up in the | claimed Sam fervently, "I stays on "Didn't I tell you when you left here jn April to go to all f conversations. The echoes of this ways was a gootl one. Above ail, I lorning until seven o'clock instead | terra rtrma, and de more ftrma <!«• | those tournaments that when you came home you should come in the ! game w ill resound down the ages. he had the fighting spirit. He nev- E. M. FRYE. Prea-Mgr. W. R. STEPHENS, 8ee'y-TreM. f four. St. Louis (ilolw Democrat, lea« terrah."—Northern Goat. hack door and leave all your new cups and medals on the back porch"" The I'nfortunate I apse er quit. "Hut, sweetheart, I " The Giant fans are in nn uproar Also, Merl.le has always been a MONESSEN REAL ESTATE CO., Inc. DUQUESNE - HOMESTEAD - BRADDOCK j "No 'but»' about it. Here I am, staying home with the children ¡of hilarity and happy expectation gentleman. I have seen him walk j while you're out running all over two continents playing golf just to | at the moment of whic h we write, on the field with never the slighteat j First National Bank and Truat Co. Building clutter up our house with a bunch of cups and medals. Look at that I Moose McCormick is on third, Mer expression on his face indicating! mantlepiece! Not a thing on it but your golfing cups and medals; kle on first and Bridwell at bat. Sud that he felt the boos and jeera that I Corner 5th St. and Donner Ave., Moneaaca, Pa. PWao l#4t look at the front room, bookcases, tables, chairs, walls, all cluttered up denly there Is the crack of bat meet greeted his appearance, the ava- with your old golf cup* and medals.
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