Men's Lineups

Men's Lineups

2018 ITA Kick-Off Weekend Submitted Master Line-Ups (Men) School Baylor Florida State Purdue UNLV Head Coach Matt Knoll Dwayne Hultquist Pawel Gajdzik Owen Hambrook Host Site Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Singles Singles Singles Singles #1 Johannes Schretter Aziz Dougaz Gergely Madarasz Alexandr Cozbinov 2017-18 Overall Record 13-6 8-0 4-1 (0-1 , 4-0) 2-4 2018 Dual Match Record no. 1: 1-0, No.2: 1-0 5-0 at No. 1, 3-0 at No. 2 No. 1: 3-0, No. 2: 1-0 0-0 #2 Bjoern Petersen Guy Iradukunda Mateo Julio Ruben Alberts 2017-18 Overall Record 4-2 14-4 0-0 3-4 2018 Dual Match Record No. 1: 1-0 No. 1: 3-0, No. 2: 1-0, No. 3: 3-0 0-0 0-0 #3 Sven Lah Lucas Poullain Stephan Koenigsfest Courtney Lock 2017-18 Overall Record 2-5 11-3 8-3 (6 -2 , 2-1) 4-2 2018 Dual Match Record No. 2: 1-0 3-0 at No. 2, 3-0 at No. 3 No. 1: 1-0, No. 3: 1-1 0-0 #4 Matias Soto Jose Gracia Javier Rodriguez Eric Samuelsson 2017-18 Overall Record 4-1 8-6 1-3 (0-0, 1-3) 4-2 2018 Dual Match Record No. 3: 2-0 2-1 at No. 4, 1-0 at No. 5 No. 2: 0-2, No. 3: 0-1, No. 4: 1-0 0-0 #5 Jimmy Bendeck Alex Knaff Maksymilian Raupuk Richard Solberg 2017-18 Overall Record 10-7 7-5 7-4 (5-3, 2-1) 4-4 2018 Dual Match Record No. 4: 1-0 No dual matches played No. 4: 1-0, No. 5: 1-0, No. 6: 0-1 0-0 #6 Will Little Chase Wood Athell Bennett Jordan Sauer 2017-18 Overall Record 8-4 11-4 2-2 (0-0, 2-2) 0-0 2018 Dual Match Record No. 4:1-0 1-0 at No. 4, 3-0 at No. 5 No. 3: 1-0, No. 4: 0-2, No. 5: 1-0 0-0 #7 Roy Smith Rana-Roop Singh Bhullar Ali Mooraj Clayton Alenik 2017-18 Overall Record 8-2 8-4 8-3 (6-3, 2-0) 2-2 2018 Dual Match Record No. 5: 1-0, No. 6 1-0 3-0 at No. 6 No. 6: 2-0 0-0 #8 Constantin Frantzen Terrell Whitehurst Renan Hanayama Kevin Chau 2017-18 Overall Record 10-6 8-4 1-6 (1-5, 0-1) 1-2 2018 Dual Match Record No.5 1-0, No.6: 1-0 1-0 at No. 5, 1-0 at No. 6 No. 5: 0-1 0-0 #9 Terrance Whitehurst Dominik Sochurek 2017-18 Overall Record 3-4 0-1 ( 0-0, 0-1) 2018 Dual Match Record No Dual matches completed No. 6: 0-1 #10 Sebastian Arcila 2017-18 Overall Record 1-0 2018 Dual Match Record 1-0 at No. 6 Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles #1 Schretter/Little Dougaz/Iradukunda Madarasz / Bennett Cozbinov/Lock 2017-18 Overall Record 5-3 6-0 4-0 (0-0, 4-0) 0-0 2018 Dual Match Record No.1:0-1 3-0 at No. 1, 3-0 at No. 2 No. 1: 4-0 0-0 #2 Soto/Bendeck Gracia/Poullain Koenigsfest / Rodriguez Alberts/Sauer 2017-18 Overall Record 1-0 7-4 4-0 (0-0, 4-0) 0-0 2018 Dual Match Record No.1:1-0 2-1 at No. 1, 1-1 at No. 2 No. 2: 4-0 0-0 #3 Lah/Smith Whitehurst/Whitehurst Hanayama / Julio Samuelsson/Alenik 2017-18 Overall Record 3-1 9-4 0-0 0-0 2018 Dual Match Record No.2:1-0 6-1 at No. 3 0-0 0-0 #4 Petersen/Frantzen Arcila/Knaff Raupuk / Sochurek Chau/Solberg 2017-18 Overall Record 3-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 2018 Dual Match Record No.3:1-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 #5 Wood/Bhullar Mooraj 2017-18 Overall Record 0-1 2018 Dual Match Record 0-0 #6 2017-18 Overall Record 2018 Dual Match Record 2018 ITA Kick-Off Weekend Submitted Master Line-Ups (Men) School California Stanford Tulane Oregon Head Coach Peter Wright Paul Goldstein Mark Booras Nils Schyllander Host Site California California California California Singles Singles Singles Singles #1 Billy Griffith Tom Fawcett Constantin Schmitz Thomas Laurent 2017-18 Overall RecorD 7-6 9-1 11-4 10-2 2018 Dual Match RecorD 0-1 N/A 1-0 2-0 #1 #2 JT Nishimura Axel Geller Ewan Moore Simon Stevens 2017-18 Overall RecorD 6-3 3-1 7-6 12-2 2018 Dual Match RecorD 1-1 No. 1: 1-0 1-0 3-0 , 1-0#1 2-0#2 #3 Jack Molloy Sameer Kumar Hamish Stewart Akihiro Tanaka 2017-18 Overall RecorD 10-6 8-7 4-2 9-2 2018 Dual Match RecorD 2-0 N/A 1-0 1-0 #2, 2-0 #3 #4 Paul Barretto DaviD Wilczynski Luis Erlenbusch Riki Oshima 2017-18 Overall RecorD 15-5 9-5 7-4 2-0 2018 Dual Match RecorD 2-0 No. 2: 1-0 0-1 1-0 #4 1-0 #6 #5 Jacob Brumm Michael GenenDer Tyler Schick Cormac ClissolD 2017-18 Overall RecorD 11-4 1-3 11-3 8-2 2018 Dual Match RecorD 0-0 N/A 1-0 1-0#3 1-0 #4 #6 Ben Draper Eric Fomba Tim Ruetzel Ty Gentry 2017-18 Overall RecorD 1-1 4-1 8-6 11-2 2018 Dual Match RecorD 1-1 No. 3: 1-0 1-0 2-0 #5 #7 Nic Barretto William Genesen Eric Wagner Ethan Young Smith 2017-18 Overall RecorD 13-4 9-6 7-6 9-3 2018 Dual Match RecorD 2-0 N/A 0-0 1-0 #6 #8 Bjorn Hoffmann Jack Barber Charles Roberts 2017-18 Overall RecorD 6-5 3-3 0-0 2018 Dual Match RecorD 0-0 No. 4: 1-0 0-0 #9 Can Kaya Timothy Sah ArmanDo Soemarno 2017-18 Overall RecorD 7-4 N/A 0-4 2018 Dual Match RecorD 0-0 N/A 0-0 #10 Jackson Suh Sam Turchetta 2017-18 Overall RecorD 5-4 3-1 2018 Dual Match RecorD 0-0 No. 5: 1-0 Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles #1 Billy Griffith/JT Nishimura Kumar/GenenDer Schmitz/Moore Laurent/ClissolD 2017-18 Overall RecorD 12-5 6-3 5-3 9-3 2018 Dual Match RecorD 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-1#1 1-0#2 #2 Ben Draper/Jack Molloy Geller/Fawcett Schick/Erlenbusch Soemarno/Roberts 2017-18 Overall RecorD 2-0 N/A 8-3 3-0 2018 Dual Match RecorD 2-0 N/A 0-0 2-0#1 1-0#2 #3 Nic Barretto/Paul Barretto Fomba/Wilczynski Stewart/Ruetzel Gentry/Stevens 2017-18 Overall RecorD 7-6 N/A 6-1 10-1 2018 Dual Match RecorD 2-0 N/A 1-0 2-0#3 #4 Jacob Brumm/Can Kaya Sah/Barber Tanaka/Oshima 2017-18 Overall RecorD 0-0 N/A 1-0 2018 Dual Match RecorD 0-0 N/A 1-0#2 #5 Jackson Suh/Bjorn Hoffmann Turchetta/Genesen 2017-18 Overall RecorD 2-2 N/A 2018 Dual Match RecorD 0-0 N/A #6 2017-18 Overall RecorD 2018 Dual Match RecorD 2018 ITA Kick-Off Weekend Submitted Master Line-Ups (Men) School Florida Pepperdine South Alabama University of South Florida Head Coach Bryan Shelton Marcelo Ferreira Nick Brochu Ashley Fisher Host Site Florida Florida Florida Florida Singles Singles Singles Singles #1 Alfredo Perez Dennis Uspensky Clement Marzol Grayson Goldin 2017-18 Overall Record 8-3 5-3 5-2 7-4 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 1: 0-1 0-0 0-2 position 1 #2 Johannes Ingildsen Brian Berdusco Sacha Modica Alberto Barroso-Campos 2017-18 Overall Record 14-3 8-4 0-0 4-3 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 2: 0-1 0-0 1-1 postition 2 #3 Oliver Crawford Yusuf Khamis Loic Cloes Peter Bertran 2017-18 Overall Record 2-1 0-0 8-3 4-4 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 3: 0-0 no.1: 1-0 1-1 at postion 3 #4 Duarte Vale Dane Esses Olivier Gingras Sean Burnette 2017-18 Overall Record 9-2 6-7 8-3 3-6 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 3: 0-1 no.2: 1-0 0-2 at postion 4 #5 Andy Andrade Max Mendelsohn Lucas Gonzalez Jakub Wojcik 2017-18 Overall Record 14-3 9-7 7-5 3-6 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 4: 0-1 0-0 0-1 at postion 5 #6 McClain Kessler Lautaro Pane Maxime Lapraille Pierre Luquette 2017-18 Overall Record 3-4 3-5 1-0 3-8 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 6: 0-0 no.3 1-0 0-1 at #6, 0-1 at #5 #7 Chase Perez-Blanco Nicholas Baez Santiago di Loreto Jourdan Kast 2017-18 Overall Record 4-4 6-7 6-5 0-1 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 5: 0-1 no.4: 1-0 0-1 at postion 6 #8 Jordan Belga Scotland Garapedian Collin Scheufler 2017-18 Overall Record 6-6 0-6 0-1 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 6: 0-1 no.5: 0-1 #9 Stephen Madonia Nathan Fruh 2017-18 Overall Record 8-6 0-10 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 0-0 #10 N/A 2017-18 Overall Record N/A 2018 Dual Match Record N/A Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles #1 Perez/Ingildsen Uspensky /Baez Cloes / Marzol Goldin/Barroso-Campos 2017-18 Overall Record 7-1 2-2 5-2 2-0 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 1: 0-1 0-0 2-0 at position 1 #2 Vale/Kessler Esses/Berdusco Gingras / Modica Burnette/Luquette 2017-18 Overall Record 8-2 0-1 0-0 0-1 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 2: 0-1 0-0 0-1 at position 2 #3 Crawford/Perez-Blanco Pane/Mendelsohn Lapraille / Gonzalez Bertran/Wojcik 2017-18 Overall Record 7-2 0-0 0-0 1-0 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 3: 0-0 0-0 1-0 at position 3 #4 Belga/Andrade Garapedian/Khamis Di Loreto / Scheufler 2017-18 Overall Record 2-1 0-0 0-0 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 0-0 0-0 #5 Fruh 2017-18 Overall Record 0-0 2018 Dual Match Record 0-0 #6 N/A 2017-18 Overall Record N/A 2018 Dual Match Record N/A 2018 ITA Kick-Off Weekend Submitted Master Line-Ups (Men) School Arkansas Memphis University of Georgia University of Iowa Head Coach Andy Jackson Paul Goebel Manuel Diaz Ross Wilson Host Site Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Singles Singles Singles Singles #1 Jose Salazar Andrew Watson Wayne Montgomery Josh Silverstein 2017-18 Overall Record 2-0 1-0 17-6 3-5 2018 Dual Match Record 2-0 No.

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