HS [v H *3: q*4 Z F Z U: (,L! o UJ I a A selection of cutters available for % the router for edge jointing Fwm gives ffiwrc us another ne of the most common masterclass with the router cabinet and furniture making operations is the joining of a number of boards to make up panels, tabletops, carcass members, etc. These days, it is a job usually done with a biscuit jointer, but it can be Wffiffiwffi Wffiwffi done very efficiently with a table- mounted router and one of a number of different cutters. The easiest way, especially if you do not already possess a biscuit jointer, is to install a ffiffiffiffiww ffire%ffiw 4mm slotting cutter and biscuit-joint the boards with the router, but a number of additional cutters are avallable for edge jointing (see photo 1,). The main feature of these ffiww ffiffiffiffi additional cutters is that they provide a tremendously strong joint by virtue of their long glue line, but some are quite expensive and most require a bit more care in setting up and using. A fine adjuster on the router or table ffiwwwffiffiffiffi insert plate is a virtual necessity. 28 WooDWoRK|NG PLANS & PRoIECTS ISSUE 32 www.woodwo rke rsi n stitute.co m I #J ftl t: ;t: ffi tr;:g 't:f3 !!{? $& -n U 6) Trl a Z ---l Z 6) S Sel.ection of slotting cutters suitabte for biscuiting re tt; '' ,.,fJ.,,,r. Boards being marked for biscuiting ffi$ffiffiffiffiw $ffiffiffiwffi ffi Simple edge-to-edge biscuit joints can be made quickly, easily and accurarely on the router table. This is not just a cheap, inferior substitute for a dedicated biscuit jointer - slotring rhe boards on the table reduces the possibility of misalignment of the slots. Ifith a biscuit iointer and its small fence there is always the possibility of tilting the jointer and slanting the slots. With a 4mm slotting cutter in the table , the boards can be pressed firmly to the tabletop ancl .. #F unless they are cupped or twisted, the t.r: slots will be horizontal. Moreover, there is no need for a large table and a healy-duty router since the biscuit cut is a light one and the cutters are available on lin and Smm shanks as well as %in (see photo 2). *e A bearing on the Trend biscuit cutter being tined up with the table fence Biscuits do have other advantages "t* for edge jointing, the chief among . lf the panel eclges are moulded, the end biscuits should be them being: subsequently mouldecl, the biscuit - set far enough in so as . Set-up is easy and not critical. The with its plain butt joint - gives a not to be revealed in subsequent aim is to centre the biscuit slot in the cleaner moulding. Some of the fancy machining operations. thickness of the board, but it does not cdge-iointing curtcrs havc t zigzag The 4mm slotter is assemblcd on have to be in the exact centre bccause glue line that, with some timbers, can the arbor. Make sure that you havc it you will be working from the face look intrusive on a moulcled eclge . the right way up, othern'ise the blades edge of each board and the slots will n'ill be back to front and you'll therefore line up. 9*;x9,*ng x*.t* wonder why it pl'opedy. !m*m,c. won't cut The joint is a strong one since the Mark the boards in pairs fbr the If your table fence has adjustable biscuits. which are made of positions of the biscuits, allowing cheeks, close them down to within compressed beech or pl1'wood, swell about 200mm (Sin) between centres. 1-2mm of the cutter blades. by up to 2O% ts they absorb thc Since the slotting cutter will be of The depth of the slot now needs ro moisture in PVA glue and expand to smaller diameter than the length of be set. \fith a router table there is no give a mechanical, as well as an the biscuit, an actual biscuit is used need to buy a bearing-guided biscuit adhesive, grip. for marking out with an extra 2 or set, since the table fence . is used to set The fuIl width of the boards is 3mm (%<-%in) allowed at each end depth ofcut, but ifyou have such a preserved. This is not always the case (see photo 3). set then use the bearings. Install the \rVith with the specialised jointing cutters, short boards, at least two biscuits appropriate bearing ancl align its front some of which take off a little of the should be used. Remember that if the cdge with the tablc fencc. using a edge ofeach board. panel is to be trimmed and/or straight edge (sec photo 4). www.wo o dwo rke rs i n stitute.co m rssuE 32 W00DWoRK|NG PLANS & PRofECTS 29 et3 kd *J w .iL C,J @ &€% (.,z F Z ffi A homemade gauge being used to set the table fence on a The cutter being set to the middte of the board - # non-bearing slotter ffi (,!-.1 o :F,#ffiil" , ; ' ,, i,: l r" Lll - s &5#'t: -: '- :i....., ",.:. 1 ;,," lF#$ffi: r'' .r '\irir"; ; m @€ :, Hla;i4*r:r:raa #S#il.ij,i.f" #i jJ#il ' , t "' t ' ': ' j'i i* i {: n i: i i.. i.} ; {: { a,':..':j r-j {,'i.iiT i;::::'t"! :.:: !-j,.r.:: if i*S {Sji*i J:::l 1i-;47i ta-i€i:r:.: ii:v *:*flg{ ni,:': +-:c:'iiiq ii ,:;s;:;S ***" i:"-.i:: *ki:;*.: ii:* s,;,";fur* *f ilE ri:*;1c" A non-bearing 4mm slotter is equally easy to use; set the depth of cut for the given biscuit size, with the aid of a simple homemade gauge, Pivoting the board into the cutter. Note pencil marks on fence. The guard is raised consisting a piece of 4mm (%zin) 5F of d- here for photographic cl.arity MDF with three lines drawn on it, one for each biscuit size (see photo 5). The position of these lines can be WffiWffiWffi ffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiWffi $ffiKffiWffi quickly found by trial and error. 'Ihe Tongue and groove joints are well The tongue cut is then set by aligning height of the cut is set using a fine known as a method for laying the two cutters with a groovcd board height adiustel il you have one. aiming floorboards and making up long (see photo 8). Note - you can get to centre the slot (see photo 6). panels such as wainscoting. They away with the groove being off-ccntre The table fence is then marked to can also be used in making the frames providing you set the tongue cut to set the limits of the cut. The right- for panels. Their particular value for exactly match the groove. hand end of the workpiece - the flooring and large panels is that they The fit of the joint can be adjusted downside of the cut - is then braced can be clamped tightly together by varying the distance between against the fence and the workpiece without using glue, allowinp; a degree thc two tongue cutters by means of pivoted into the cutter until it is tight of shrinking across the width of the shim washers. against the fence (see photo 7). It is boards without creating gaps. Smaller then move{ to the left i.e. against the panels are usually glued together. rotation of the cutter, using the pencil The cutters are sold in sets, or as mark as a guide to the limit of the cut. two cutters on an arbor, with both Keep tight hold of the board, and used to cut the tongue and one clo not cut with the rotation of the (reconfigured on the arbor) to cut the cutter i.e. from left to right. If the slot groove. Most sets come on %in is too short, reposition it on the right- shanks, requiring a %in router with hand mark and try again. variable speed, but a few are available If you are making a largish panel on Smm shanks. Sets are made for involvinfl a number of boards, and specific groove thicknesses, e.g. 6mm. working alone, join them initially in Depth of cut for both tongue and nvos or threes, and join the sub groove is controlled by a bearing on panels when the initial joints are dry. the shank. With this joint, the groove Ifyou have an assistant you can glue is cut first and must be dead centre to gp Cutting the groove with the cut and butt all the boards in one go. avoid steps beNveen mating boards. G centred in the board thickness 30 WooDW0RK|NG PLANS & PRoIECTS ISSUE 32 www.woodworkersi nstitute.com *4 -L a* ffi 7T7 *q *@ m U C) trr C Z --l Z C) a reverse gtue joint. A completed joint can be seen joint -ffi |.tttj"S in € p fn" Wealden finger cutter, assembted to edge-joint F the foreground *e* e# 20mm thick boards (see photo L0). ffiffiwffiffiffiffi ffituffiffi trffiffiffiffiffi #ffiffiffiw This is a versatile jointing curret Reverse glue joint cutters enable very Finger joint usually describes box suitable not only for edge joints, but strong joints to be made. The strength comb joints, but here, it is used to also for corner and end-to-end joints. of the joint comes from the long glue describe a type of cutter consisting of It is one, however, where the fingers line.
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