GIPE-228057-Contents.Pdf (545.3Kb)

GIPE-228057-Contents.Pdf (545.3Kb)

INDEX. A. plongh and OD unmell81Jred plots styled m"ud. krt. an4 tthU or th,lds (ISIR), 20.~ au.} note 3, r.ll ~ l,hU"a King'S' d)llasty of (&.D. 100), 183, 5BO, ,n In;!ha, W() and note 1 ; Marioth ...y~t.em, 2()!), 210 ; fixed bi crop and Il'lt by ''!I'''', 210 uoto ;]; A' hona. SUM'ey Ilettlement mtroJnoed (ISC!), Burve! mtrodltcod and (;ovelument d.,ruau,l t".. .;",,1·257; 6~6. dnced (1840.1847),2)); Dntahay.tem and Nt"" \e:'ount Books: liS. (1818.1826), 211· 213, SpecIM" ater I'llteabohs!J,· .~c,ua fort, 4U, «1,447. ed and garden aDd dry·crop rates r llac~d AcqUll!itlon. (1818.1878), 205. (1833.1837),213; rate!! too high ~nJ survey OOl>"ll All fort, 441, 417. (1838), 214 ; sun-ey rates wtr",ll\ced III (''h~uclcr A.lministratIon see I,and A,iminlbtratloD. (1840·1842), 219. 2"..o,mUindon (I S 12-43),221. 22~. A ,lDUllatratlve HlSto1'1 : ae(l n .... tory. In 8lDnat (1843.1845),223, UI Nasa (ISH· iJ), sag~, Agutya 181. 225·226, in Patoda (1846.47), 2.29.230, In h,n or A"o!, o(PeopI.· 35. ddngvu)ages(}840.1860I, 230.245,iu Pemt ,l&t>!"), ~ 1"' icllltural Popnlation : 00. 245 • 2i8, In U,Uegaoa, Raglan, JAykheda, an<i· Holk;i.r qlteen (1765.179.3), aooount Abhona (1.:168.69), 248·257; reVISion IIUn(1V \ d 'illslk butlollDgl of, 613 IUld Dote 1. in plain or tkllA villages (1871·1876), 257.2'1'1, l.!\; 3S. r Br8.lunul and in hill or ci4ng vtllagG'8 (1875 1880),2dO.2".l. ~tlrgaon: placeol inter6lt, 4J.&. Aundha : stronghold, 424·425, 441, 447.' Al ,ant PaM, 130; fort, 415, 441, «7. All Mllkua : ptlrtlon of the ch",,!4, '207. B. U ..baroll . perhaps Silrat, 63i. B4bhulna ., 127. .~.;J 1f • fort, 441, 447, 449. Ba.gllin: tract. 4, 184, 18S, 189, survey 8<'ttllm"l1~ .. It ock : Mr J. B., 19 Dote 1. inHodueed (1868), 250.2.')3; sub.dr.IBiunaJ dc­ ,.. nil. Palka.: lulls, 420 and Dote 2. t.>tl., area, aspect, chmate, water, Illl!tory, }"ud ' , :l.l1egaon. tempi.. , 416. re.'Bllue, 8tOok, hold,uglI, crops, poopl", 3ml.407, " A~ 11011 Ambai traok, l!l(). Ba.harji . tltiO of B.\gllln chlefB, 184 and note So ~.n·.DdveU , vIllage, 9, 193, 416, 536. Ba.hirngad . fort, 443 note 1. ~ u. llrabhrityl\lJ. <:arly Deccan mien (0 o.!!OO. Babmani. rulc18, 187, 535. • 11. :lOO),181, 183,611·614,6"..'0·624. Babula fort,.us, 441, 443 note 1 • ·,u ilVlida XingS: U;; and note 3. Bain81 Mr. J. A., I, 24 note I, 2t1 noto I, 416 ~ :ld:ews , Major, 19t\ 197. note 5,432 Doto 2, 444 Dote I, 447 Dota 2, 44~ " 'F nen: BAnge, 6, ISS; hill, fort, buagalow. Dote 1, 449 note I, 450 note I, 4Si! note IJ, &48 ~.;, talna, 416·419, 441. 4.17_ Dote 1. )':J It"li Tukai l pass, 131, 196, fort, Iustory, Baira.gis : beggars, 73. "" \ ... 419 424, 430, 441, 444, 4t7. BaJir40 : Peshwa, 4i) note 4. A y. \ -int : OT Konkan, I!1S ..n4. not.> 2, 631. B!UiJi: N8.slk temple, 501·009. A r ..t : 26 J moue) lenders, 11141 Dlercell&nos, 197. Sheet· 321, 325. 1 .s. 314, 4JO.451, 456 note L Banga,on : old templf>, 425, Ar .tIe loud, w. BAnganga. nver, 8. "'r~ J\: flv"r,IO­ :Bankers: 115. t\.It.tratlon: COlin, 312. B'rl' pass. 131. ! •. ~ ~t. 2·5. Ba.rkhandia : pass, 129. ~fl eo.sment. 8innar villAges meASured (1771) IUId Belgaon-tnrhe . railway atation, t38, 425, l\k ~ {17B3}, 20S AlI4 uoie Ij I IIi3('Wlllcnt 1m ~Alt1&,.. atnnAloft1!l.tU'!ftil ~ INDEX. Belt-metal: 153. 44!! note 6, 445; SiU.'a, 515; InkahmM'a, S:,:: • Beils' Portuguese, 519 aIut note 1. PAndu Lena'Buudhiat. 541·6:19, 644, btl!. Berads : labourers; 67. Census Detaili! : 33 36. ' Bstel-Ieaf: culbva.tlon of, 104, 105. Cessel : 212 and not88 2 ana 3; 213. Bhadraluili . NAslk te~ple, 520· 521. ChllJuky8.8: (A ».000), J84. Bhagoji N3.i.k: a rebel, 199, 202,204 a.nd note 1. !I Chambhars . tanners, 68, 71- BhagvWaUlndraji : Pandl~ 641 note 1. Chambhar Lena: J&IR caves, 426.428, 537. Bhamtas : a. wandermg class, 66, 67. Champiner : 145 note 4. Bhandardara : forest reserve, 424- Chandor: pl\.illl 130; Buffered greatly un,1',r M. Bhangis: scavengers, 72. tha rule, 211; lurvey (1840·1842), ZI8.2~1J. Bhanvad . pus, 128. reVIsion survey (1871·1874), 257,264, BlIb-di" Bhara.dls: beggars, 73. sionaI detatls, area, llliped, climate, water, hIBt", • Bhaskargatl : fort, 425, 441. land revenue, Btock, boldmgB, erol'B, penp1 .., ~. , Bhat: pass, 130. 413; town, mint, population, fort, lustory, 4!.I· Bhats, bards, 55. 431, 441. • 13Mvar: P&ss, 130. Chlindor YUa.VS: (A.D, 850-1060), )85,430. Bhils : early tribe, 26, 61 ; ma8sacre of, I_M; di.. Chandr8.di.tya.pur : old town, 185 and JlQW 4, 4:;U. turbances of, 202 - 204; Wlage watchmen (1882), Chandrya. : pass, 129. 209; cnmm¥ classes, 314. - Chapman: Mr• .F S., 200, 660. Bhilkhand : pass, 130. Charles: Mr. F. L., 26 note I. 13hogte . fah-, 426. Chaahtana. : founder of the KatbiB.w~r..KMb;'tra, 00 Bhois . fishers, ,57. _ (lI.o.10· A.D 5),616,6]7,6111,620•• Bhojapur . place of interest, 426. Chatarsingh : see Saptaehnng. Bhorgad : see Chamer: fort, 431, 441, 443, '". llh uJ !iris' grain-parcllf"rs, 60. ChausllJa t timber mart. 431. Bigha : 208 and note 4, 209 and note I, 212 and Cha.uth: Maratha claIm \0 one-fQUrth, 1111,207-; note 4- Chikalvohol : temp'4l, 431 • . Birds 23·M. Chilliell; lOS. Ihrths : 343. Chinch: pass, 130. Bitangad: fort, 441,447. Chip :, 128. Blankets: weaving of, 176, 177. Chirai : pass, 128. Blights: 105. • Chitpavan Brahtnanl ; 40. Bohoras : Muaalm4n traders, 7'1. I Chivtia. : pass, 129. Bor or Pimpri : pass, 129. , Cholera.: 296.301,831.338 J ntes lOI'&bawme~ v , Borrowers, 117. ~ 520·521; temple of, 522. < " Boundaries: 1. I Christia.ns: 85·81. Bowel Complaints: 337. I Civil Jnstice : (1760.1818),304 and DWls 1 aad !!. Brahlllakshatria I wntem, 43. Civil Suits' 309·311. Brahmans' 36·43, 475; rebels, 2m, 660. Climate: 13·15,'337, 466, 650. Brass ana. dopperWorkers: easte, condttion,and Coins. 183 and notll5, li35 note 3, 61G·618, 611t, wa.ges of craftsmen, metal used, tools, articles 624- made, 145.]53, 486·487. CODlJD.unicationa : see RoaM. Bndges : 133. , CODlJD.unity : 33. Bntish: administratioQ, (1818· 18S1), 195· 204, Condition of the clistrich IS8. 189, 198, ~t'l, 211·214. • 208,210, 2ll, 213.2U, 294,!.!M. ,_ Brokers' 115- Cooke I Mr. H. R.. 15 notes 2 and 3, 26 not.. 1, 'Jf! :Buddhism: 181, 184 and IlOte 1, 607, 628. note 1, 6!O note 1, 649 noie,2, 663 DOte 1. Buruds : bamboo'sphtters, 59. Cotton s raw, 101,137,498; goods, 161-168. .0. Courts; NA8tk; 308. ' , - .., .. ,. ,_ Callco-prblting : 175- Craftsmen! 120, 143,484.488. .' Capitalists: 114, 141. Crimes and Convictions ~ :U9. 320. , • '. Carpet·malting . 169. Criminal Cla.sses : 313·317. .' , • Criminal Justice. (1760-1818), 304 and wk. t Cattle Dliease .342. r 'Caves t 417 note 1; Ankat.Tankai Br:!.hm~; and. 2. .305. 306. ,421; 422·424; Ch4wU'ArJalD,426-4£S;' Crop Area ; Ill• CuUiva.tora: 120. 452. Ea.rthen Mounds: Faq, hvab., 5111 ,.:M .. lhac, 531; Cunene1,116. GovardhaJI.Gangapur, 339·540. D. Education. Bee InstructIon. E1eacm pa!I8, 129. Daily LiCe: 32.33, 47~ Excise Revenue: 321· 324- DlUhi. tillage. 07. Expenses 81, 32. Damangang4: nVllF.7. • Exports (A.D, 247} 136; modern, 138. UO. Danga : trlWt, 3 ; the. or lull v,UagtllI. survey &ettle­ mcntandrel")rts (I84{)· 1860). 205 Dote 1.214.217, , 2:10· 245. reVI."'D survey (1875 1880). 2RO·291. Darna: nvcr, S, 9 Fairs. 14.1, 415, 430, 460. 517. 541.IiG7, ~39, 615, Daiapura' perhaps Dasora In Mtl[wa, 571. 005, 6.1}. 61tl. Fallows. 97. Davidson' Lioutenant, "rtcrwal.U Captain, 214- Famine•. lI396·1407; 1791·92; 180Z-1SQ.!; 1S21{ Davies : LI~utOIlAll', 1\16, 197. 1833; 18-1.5; 1860·1863; 18711·77), }0il·1l3; Death•• 343. (1804), 195; (1629.1630), 189; (17<171. HI:!. D6btare : 118, 119, ItO. Famine Prices: 193, Desh . bact, :,I. Fazl Lutfulia.h : Mr., 75 Dote 1. Deshmulth """ Herewt&ry omeo'•• Ferries. 8, 134. Deshpande . 8ee HoretLtary Offiwts. Fevers: 337. Dllv atrcaru, 8. Field Tools. 92. Devloili . statiGn barracks, 132. 431. lH2. Finch. Enghsh travelle(16101, 4ii(l. Devlane' temple, 431 ·432. Fish: 24 25. Devrukha Brahmans' 40. Floods. 133.519, 646, Dhair: fort, 441, 447.641.642- Forests. 16· 19. Dhangar•. her.lsmen, .1t>, Forts; soe HIU·forts. Dhar!llkot town, 182. Dhodambe : temple, 432. G. l)hoaap lull· fort, 210 note 3; approaohes, VIllage, Gag: pass, 130. ASoont, fort detaIl., h.8tGry, 432.436,441,444,447. G8.lkwar . 48 Dote J. Dhar. : leather·workers, 72. Galna' fort, descrIptIon, view. hll.tOll. 436 Dmdori om \'~l.{1tl42 (3).2:!0 222; roVI.IOD 8Ur­ 441, «4. vey (1874) _uO.26', (IS75) 2S1·~B4, (l8S0) Ganga: eee God .. ""... 2b!l.291; 8uh-dIYl810na\ detall., area, ..pect, Gatkol . H.n<\a held ill tbeah8.ence of ike cltmat.e, water, lustory, land N.VellUe. stl)cl;., holder, 209 and note 4. holJlOgS. crol'8. pooplo, 388·31» ; town, 4311. Gaundl. •. masoll8y 52. Disease: 331. Gautamiputra: A.ndhr:.bhritYIiI ",161' (li. 0 [,), DIspel1Sarles I 341.

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