In this issue: Children go free seaside coach trip Free Christmas Pantomime Langley Mill Infant School Langley Mill United Cricket Club Pentrich Rising walk Staying safe online Wheels of Time . and much more! ALDERCARALDERCAR && LANGLEYLANGLEY MIMILLLL PARISHPARISH COUNCILCOUNCIL 20172017 CALENDARCALENDAR OFOF MEETINGSMEETINGS AllAll ParishParish CouncilCouncil meetingsmeetings willwill bebe heldheld at:at: LANGLEYLANGLEY MILLMILL BUSINESSBUSINESS CENTRE,CENTRE, AMBERAMBER DRIVE,DRIVE, LANGLEYLANGLEY MILLMILL CommencingCommencing atat 6.30pm6.30pm th 2828th SeptemberSeptember 20172017 th 2626th OctoberOctober 20172017 rd 2323rd NovemberNovember 20172017 TheThe ParishParish CouncilCouncil doesdoes notnot usuallyusually meetmeet inin DecemberDecember meetingsmeetings ALDERCAR & LANGLEY MI LL PARISH COUNCIL 2017TheThe CALENDAR ParishParish CouncilCouncil officesoffices OF areareMEETINGS locatedlocated at:at: LangleyLangley MillMill BusinessBusiness Centre,Centre, All Parish CouncilAmberAmber meetings Drive,Drive, will be held at: LANGLEY MILL BUSINESS CENTRE,LangleyLangley Mill, Mill,AMBER DRIVE, LANGLEY MILL CommencingDerbyshireDerbyshire at 6.30pm NG16NG16 4BE4BE 28th September 2017 th TheThe officeoffice isis open26open October toto thethe publicpublic 2017 forfor businessbusiness rd betweenbetween 9.00am9.00am23 andand November 1.00pm,1.00pm, TuesdayTuesday 2017 toto ThursdayThursday The Parish Council does not usually meet in December Meeting Details Meeting Details Meeting Details Telephone:Telephone: 0177301773 717119717119 www.almpc.co.ukwww.almpc.co.uk meetings e-mail:e-mail: [email protected]@almpc.co.uk TheThe opinionsopinions expressedexpressed inin articlesarticles withinwithin thisthis magazinemagazine areare thethe opinionsopinions ofof thethe authorsauthors andand maymay notnot necessarilynecessarily reflectreflect thethe opinionopinion ofof thethe ParishParish CouncilCouncil The Parish Council offices are located at: Langley Mill Business Centre, Amber Drive, Langley Mill, Cover picture: The remnants of the railway level crossing that used to cross Cover picture: The remnants of the railwayDerbyshire level crossing that used to cross Mansfield Road near the Trent bus garage. Mansfield Road near the Trent bus garage.NG16 4BE Photograph:Photograph: CourtesyCourtesy HeanorHeanor && DistrictDistrict LocalLocal HistoryHistory SocietySociety The office is open to the public for business between 9.00am and 1.00pm, Tuesday to Thursday 22Meeting Details Telephone: 01773 717119 www.almpc.co.uk e-mail: [email protected] The opinions expressed in articles within this magazine are the opinions of the authors and may not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Parish Council Cover picture: The remnants of the railway level crossing that used to cross Mansfield Road near the Trent bus garage. Photograph: Courtesy Heanor & District Local History Society 2 ContentsContents Chairman’sChairman’s Report Report ……………….……...…………………………………………... ……………….……...…………………………………………... 44 ChristmasChristmas Pantomime Pantomime ……...……………………………………………………………… ……...………………………………………………………………6/76/7 Contents Contents Contents Contents Contents CiLCACiLCA Award Award for for Clerk Clerk ………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………. 55 CouncilCouncil Accounts Accounts ………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………... 55 CouncilCouncil Grants Grants …………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………..1313 HelpHelp us us and and Earn Earn ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 1818 LangleyLangley Mill Mill Baptist Baptist Church Church Summer Summer Fete Fete ………………….……………………………. ………………….…………………………….1212 LangleyLangley Mill Mill Infant Infant School SchoolSchool ………………………….……………………………………. ………………………….…………………………………….………………………….…………………………………….16/1716/17 LangleyLangley Mill Mill United United Cr Cricketicketicket Club ClubClub ……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………….……………………………………………………. 99 MablethorpeMablethorpe Co Coachach Trip Trip ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… 19 19 PentrichPentrich Rising Rising Walk Walk …………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………….10/11 10/11 StayingStaying Safe Safe Online Online ………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………14/1514/15 WheelsWheels of of Time Time II II ………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………. 88 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS DEADLINEDEADLINE FORFOR SUBMISSIONSSUBMISSIONS Thank Thank you you to to everyone everyone that that contacted contacted us us with with comments comments or or who who submitted submitted content content forfor for this thisthis issue issue issue of ofof the thethe Parish ParishParish Magazine. Magazine.Magazine. WeWe We are areare always alwaysalways pleased pleasedpleased to toto hear hearhear from fromfrom readers readersreaders and to receive items for possible inclusion. andand to to receive receive items items for for possible possible inclusion. inclusion. Councillor Vacancy Councillor Vacancy Councillor Vacancy ndnd TheThe deadline deadline for for items items for for the the next next issue issue is is Monday Monday 2 2 October OctoberOctober 2017 20172017 (items(items received received after after this this date date will will not not be be considered). considered). REPRESENTATIONREPRESENTATION OFOF THETHE PEOPLEPEOPLE ACTACT 19851985 (21(1)(a))(21(1)(a)) PARISHPARISH OFOF ALDERCARALDERCAR && LANGLEY LANGLEY MILLMILL –– COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR VACANCYVACANCY NOTICENOTICE ISIS HEREBYHEREBY GIVENGIVEN thatthat aa vacavacancyncy hashas occurredoccurred inin thethe OfficeOffice ofof CouncillorCouncillor forfor thethe ParishParish ofof AldercarAldercar && LangLangleyleyley Mill.Mill.Mill. TheTheThe positionpositionposition willwillwill bebebe filledfilledfilled byby aa coco-option-option mademade byby thethe ParishParish Council.Council. IfIfIf you youyou wish wishwish to toto apply applyapply,,, or oror require requirerequire further furtherfurther information, information,information, please pleaseplease write writewrite or oror e- e-e-mailmail to to the the addressaddress below:below: ClerkClerk toto thethe Council,Council, AldercarAldercar && LangleyLangley MillMill ParishParish CouncilCouncil LangleyLangley MillMill BusinessBusiness CentreCentre AmberAmber Drive,Drive, LangleyLangley Mill,Mill, DerbyshireDerbyshire NG16NG16 4BE4BE Telephone:01773-717119Telephone:01773-717119 E-mail:E-mail: [email protected]@almpc.co.uk DeadlineDeadline forfor applicationsapplications isis 3131stst AugustAugustAugust 201720172017 33 CHAIRMAN’SCHAIRMAN’SCHAIRMAN’S REPORT REPORTREPORT - - - August AugustAugust 2017 20172017 WelcomeWelcomeWelcome to toto the thethe August AugustAugust 2017 20172017 edition editionedition of ofof the thethe parish parishparish magazine. magazine.magazine. I II hopehopehope you youyou will willwill enjoy enjoyenjoy reading readingreading it itit and andand that thatthat it itit keeps keepskeeps you youyou informed informedinformed of ofof thethethe work workwork of ofof the thethe Parish ParishParish Council CouncilCouncil and andand events eventsevents taking takingtaking place placeplace in inin our ourour community.community.community. II I must mustmust at atat this thisthis point pointpoint thank thankthank my mymy fellow fellowfellow Councillors CouncillorsCouncillors for forfor re-electing re-electingre-electing mememe to toto serve serveserve as asas the thethe Parish ParishParish Council CouncilCouncil Chairman ChairmanChairman during duringduring 2017/18. 2017/18.2017/18. It ItIt isisis a aa pleasure pleasurepleasure and andand a aa great greatgreat honour honourhonour to toto perform performperform the thethe role. role.role. However, However,However, II I couldn’t couldn’tcouldn’t undertake undertakeundertake the thethe role rolerole without withoutwithout the thethe support supportsupport of ofof my mymy Vice ViceVice Chairman,Chairman,Chairman, Clive CliveClive Booth, Booth,Booth, and andand all allall of ofof the thethe other otherother Councillors. Councillors.Councillors. I II hope hopehope thatthatthat we wewe can cancan continue continuecontinue to toto provide provideprovide as asas many manymany quality qualityquality services servicesservices for forfor residentsresidentsresidents as asas possible. possible.possible. TheTheThe new newnew Car CarCar Park ParkPark provided providedprovided on onon Cromford CromfordCromford Road RoadRoad is isis very veryvery well wellwell used usedused and andand the thethe feedback feedbackfeedback from fromfrom shoppersshoppersshoppers and andand businesses businessesbusinesses has hashas been beenbeen extremely extremelyextremely positive. positive.positive. The TheThe car carcar park parkpark is isis open openopen 9am 9am9am to toto 6pm6pm6pm on onon Mondays MondaysMondays to toto Saturdays SaturdaysSaturdays and andand has hashas the thethe added addedadded security securitysecurity of ofof CCTV CCTVCCTV monitoring. monitoring.monitoring. ShoppersShoppersShoppers and andand residents residentsresidents may maymay park parkpark free freefree for forfor three threethree hours. hours.hours. SummerSummerSummer is isis now nownow upon uponupon us usus so soso I II am amam looking lookinglooking forward forwardforward to toto meeting meetingmeeting some somesome of ofof you youyou on onon the thethe family familyfamily coachcoachcoach trip triptrip to toto Mablethorpe MablethorpeMablethorpe this thisthis month. month.month. I I I am amam also alsoalso pleased pleasedpleased to toto announce announceannounce that
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