Today's Wieather: Part- ly cloudy and mild. Low .!2-:u ti-gre ps; high 51-5!! THE WESTFIELD LEADER degrees. The Leading and Mott Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County Published Second Class Postage PoM WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY. TIU'KSDAY. JANUARY SI, l'.)7 I Every Thursday 2); Pages—15 Cents KIGHTY-FOUKTH YEAR—No, 25 at Westfield. N. J. 150 Protest $11M Budget Draws Drive-in Bank Few Protestors Voters will be asked Feb. claimed insufficient funds An appeal of (he Firsl properties immediately up of flesh and blood people. 13 to approve a $9,409,144 were budgeted. Bank of Colonia to build a adjacent to the bank's "People who care about amount to be raised by local "The VVEA has main- drive-in branch office at B21 proposed location at Hort the dangers to their taxes following the Board of tained for years," she said, South Avc. at tht1 in- Street and South Avenue. children. Education's unanimous "that the Hoard of tersection of llorl St. will go "Our neighborhood does "People who care about approval Tuesday night of Education has not budgeted into its third round at It p.m. not enjoy the impressive the erosion of life in- an $11.6 million school sufficient funds to meet the Feb. 25. assets of the First Bank of vestments they have budget for 1974-75. needs of the school system. That the fight will be ('olonia. Hut a bank is, af- struggled to accumulate. On a separate item on the This year the proposed continued was assured ter all, only an abstraction. "People who will fight to ballot residents also will be budget reflects an increase today by a statement from "A neighborhood is made (Continued on Paga 18] asked to approve the ex- of 11.(14 percent at a time George |{. Fritz, spokesman penditure of a $787 for the when the regional cost ol lor a Concerned Citizens of purchase of two portable living is up i).l percent. This Westfield organization classrooms whose five-year is simply the culmination of opposing the Colonia Bank. Sex Education lease expires next year. many years of under- Fritz told the Leader: The board approval funding. Surrounding "We are outraged at the followed a public hearing on communities have at least the budget at Westfield High reflected cost of living in- First Bank of Colonia's Suit is Dropped Station design for Westfield, shown above, is expected to have 52-foot-long high level platform with a canopied proposal to inject a com- School attended by about 50 creases in their past budgets mercial operation into a The le^al ae'Wn by parties agreed upon certain people, few of whom which prepared them for the residenHally zoned area. Wesll'ield residents against clarification of terms used questioned budget ap- economic conditions that the Westfield Board of in the curriculum. Essen- propriations. Most exist today. Unfortunately. Hearing Tonight On PATH Project The proposed bank would Westfield has not done this. create new, unnecessary Kducution with respect to tially the editing of the vehement of the protests A public hearing on the tonight in the council the family living program curriculum has emphasi/.ed came from Barbara Woerz. and consequently, is being proposed I'ATH I'lainfield hazards for our children, hit hard by the economic chambers of the Municipal destroy the quality of life in instituted in the elementary the practice and policy that secretary of the Weslfield Corridor Service Project Building. our neighborhood, disrupt grades of the Westfield the program be (aught on an Education Association, who SContinUHd on Pagi; 18! will be held at 7:30 p.m. The construction (he serenity of our streets, Public School System was impersonal basis with no program, expected to gel and establish ;i beachhead finally terminated last invasion of the privacy of underway later this year if for additional commercial Wednesday by order of the individual students or Teachers Kev to Education-Hecknian federal funding is approved, invasions. Acting Commissioner of their families. has a target date of 11178. "The fallout of noise, Education Kdward W. The editorial revisions in "Key to good education is gained Iron) being a teacher said. "II on the other hand Included would be the pollution, traffic, and im- Kitpatrick. Both the the curriculum emphasized i.:ood teachers" is the theme HI both large and small the teacher does not take the building of a new slat ion pact on the economic and petitioners. Mr. and Mrs. the directive c.' the Hoard of ol the campaign on which schools and on a tutorinu interest tn create an at- facility in Westfield. and social well-being of the uren iiichard Preston and Mr, Kclueation and confirmed Ruth llcckman WCO en- basis, gives her insight into mosphere conducive to good plans have been discussed and Mrs. William lledden by dorsed candidate, is run- what he or she is capable ol extends far beyond the (Continued on Page 18) education, no amount of locally to renovate (he 10- their attorney, Theodore ning. Mrs. iieckmari ac- achieving." special aids, regardless of aeres of (own-owned Taxes Due Suger Meth, bad requested cording to tiv W'CO ''conies "Good teachers can in cost, will make up the clif- property adjacent lo the the commissionoi 's office to Board Meets well qualified to take m the spire a child to want !o learn lerence. but rather raise the railroad tracks and station. Tomorrow dismiss their petition, and responsibilities oi 'i school and if the child has the budget; end result inflated The PATH Plainficld the Board of Kdueation has Tuesday board member, having desire to learn he will cost, deflated education. School Hours Same First quarter ri'al estate Corridor Service Project is also moved for the The regular February taught school for most of her achieve to his fullest "Dedication is 'where its a major public trans- taxes arc due tomorrow, dismissal. adult life. The experience potential, Mrs. Ileekman Despite Time Change Feb. I. The tax collector's public meeting of the (Continued on Paita 181 portation improvement office in th<> municipal During the course of Westfield Board ol which will retain am! School hours for A change in the school building will be open Friday preparation for the hearing Kducation will be held at ii Drury Lists Proposals upgrade rail service on the lield's public school schedules would have evening from 7 to !t p.m. in of I ho petition through pre- p.m. on Tuesday in the Central Railroad of New students will remain the created more problems than henring discovery and study auditorium of Itoosevelt Jersey Mainline and also addition to tin- regular office Jack Drury, candidate for during our commitment to "I will work to create same during Daylight solutions. hours. of the curriculum, the Junior High School. provide rail access to Saving Time. In recommending (hat the Board of Education Daylight Savings Time. citizens' committees which Newark International today listed 14 specific "1 will research the most will keep the board aware of Elementary school schedules not be changed Airport. The CN.I service, students attend school from this year, Mr. Tomlinson proposals to improve the outstanding school systems the community's feelings now threatened with quality of •••'ucation and in the country for successful and needs. !) a.m. lo :t p.m. Kinder- noted that the school system abandonment, would be garten sessions are held has a cooperative plan with in the programs ;>nd ideas which "I will study the school replaced by an extension of Westfield schools. could maximize the calendar to insure no from !) to 11:30 a.m. and the Union County Vocational I'ATH rail rapid transit from 12:.15 to ,'i: 15 p.m. School in Scotch Plains and "I will study the potential oi every student in changes are made after the service from Perm Station- leasibllity of starting the Weslfield beginning of each school Junior High School Cooperative Industrial Newark to Plainfield. via students are in school from Kducation <CIE) students school day at a later hour "I will encourage more year. Kliwi belli. r because of my concern for ?i:2. i a.m. to 2:45 p.m. have jobs with local administrative observations "I will keep informed of A new rail line will be the safety of our children and evaluations of teachers. Westfield High School is in businesses parl of each (Continued on Pa9» 18) constructed for PATH session from 7:liO a.m. to school day. Furthermore, alongside the Pcnn Central 2:45 p.m. About one third of bus lines which transport Sheehan Cites Educational Concepts tracks between Petm the students attend school high school students have Station-Newark and from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. contracts to transport Holy At a recent meeting, Cliff product, not only of en- to read, to use language for (Continued on PagH 18) while the remaining two Trinity students later in the Sheehan, W.C.O. candidate thusiastic teachers who pass effective communication, thirds are in school from morning. for the Board of Education, their altitudes on to the just as all babies must learn II: 17 a.m. to 2:-)7> p.m. (Continued on Page 18) stated: child, but also of talents, of to speak and walk. Beyond Kalbacher The Board of Education "Looking forward to the aptitudes which reside in the this, aptitude configurations has accepted a recom- "Schools Close long range goals of child - aptitudes which are are highly individual - and mendation from Acting education, it is vital that nourished and brought to the attention paid to this fact Endorses Superintendent of Schools Early Tuesday educators realize that the fruition in a rich environ- of life at present time is Howard Tomlinson that most efficient learning ment.
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