itor production, now showing «t the dents of the school. Osborn showed Mew Garden theater. the effects different noises hsve on STUDENTS AIDED the ribbon of green light. He snapped The story, a kaleidoscope of great his Angers In front of the micro- s a Album dramatic, tragic and the streak of I April First—Here Few Foolish Items For Your Waterbury emotions, frivolous, phone green light —and through it, like a flame, BY NEWMACHINE danced up and down. He hummed, and the sustained sound drew long the '‘Sarah Bernhardt of the sweeps cig-sag waves. FOR TO EXTRA! I/EWIS AMD DREISER RENO PITAS 30-YEAR — VAUJKK. (iRAPKFRnT HERO. CAPONE BCM MAYOR EARLY RISK,* Screen" illuminating with her great Pittsburgh, Language students The new invention will be useful MHS. OF AS A DRY SAYS BEN FRANKLIN WALKER TO WRITE BOOK TOGETHER DIVORCE DAW INTO EFFECT and the effects of 8ATS BOTH MISS AIM IN CHICAGO art the scenes of and with engineers studying in detecting causes of noise and de- * splendor will be noise on a city's populace termining what parts of a particular the magic of her voice echoing the the benefited by a new Invention, machine makes the most Os- I of a .woman’s heart. noise, y*t i depths cathode ray oscilloscope, according born said. A smashing underworld talkie, to O. 8. Osbon. research engineer with a tense love story of unparall- and builder of the instrument. “MIX AND BILL” POWERFUL eled dramatic interest, and a terrific The oscilloscope when attached to most realistic TALKIE AT climax in the prise a microphone picks up sound waves DRAMA LYRIC fight ever staged for motion pictures -and translates them on a ribbon of in James are the strong points green light crossing a glass plate on Wallace Beery, a convict in hlg Cruse’s "The Big Fight,” sensational the Instrument. great hit, “The Big House,” becomes photoplay based on the Beiasco Students soon will be able to con- a good-natured fishing barge cap- stage siftcess. Is the companion fea- quer by means of the oscilloscope, tain in his newest role in "Min and ture, with splendid cast. Guinn the different languages in half the Bill.” Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer*s vivid 1—A strict mue Williams, Lola Lane, Stephen Fet- time it took them formerly. Profes- waterfront drama at the Lyric thea- NKA Horvlce Chicago, April 1—Adopting the New X—"I never ex- New York, April 1—Sinclair Lewis Reno, Nev, April York, April chit and Ralph Inre. The short sub- sor H. S. Scrlber, head of the Greek ter, Marie Dressier plays the other New 1—Rudy Vallee, slogan "Dry Up Chicago,” A1 (Corn- Ameri- law regime went Into effect through- SHjr Tork, April pect to enter another night club,” and Theodore Dreiser, rising jects are “The Naggers Go South department at the University of Pitts- principal role, and Dorothy Jordan, out the with passage of who Jumped Into national promin- pone) Capone prominent proprietor Mayor Jimmie Walker wired from can novelists, and frequent contri- state today ’With Mr and Mrs Jack Norworth burgh, said. Marjorie Rambeau and others of the new divorce laws which require note are in the ence for of a leading Ice cream emporium California. “I Intend to work 18 butors to Zlz Whang, discovered and Sporting Bays. In a demonstration before stu- cast. recently by plnch-hltting to the on an "hearts” in the privacy of 20 years' residence prior appli- Amos, of the famous Amos 'n' Andy here, entered the Windy City’s fight hours a da? to put city playing ballroom here cation for divorce. Reno business that he efficient basis. It’s the hay for me Hotel Hlltmore today, combination, divulged today for mayor here today with rare good that a year at 9 from now on, pro- revealed that they were about to men agreed $5,000,000 had dedicated a new composition to every night Given to Ironic speech, the office collaborate on a work tenta- was nothing as compared to a peace- the Harvard student who wan dis- spirts. provided I get home from the Joint hours never titled “A Bird In Hand Is ful and quiet atmosphere. Aspiring missed for heaving grapefruit at him. new candidate Is said to be planning by that time. Late get tively Worth Two in the Smush.” "Ted Is divorcees will Just have to wait until “After all,” said the sloe-eyed enter- to take his opponents for a ride you anywhere, and besides, night collect the said Lewis, his 1981, that's all. should have an when the campaign opens. "You clubs are immoral anyway.” to data,” tainer, "college men from the effects of Peggy Hopkins Joyce! not to be heart aches for boys have only to consider my record,” It is understood that Mayor Wal- cheeks smarting aim In life. My in confused "With Baby Peggy, of cine- he told his followers In a stadium ker has discarded all his fancy suits a sunburn recently acquired who miss the higher, the nobler the Reno fitness for the and will march in the Kaster parade Sweden, "as I think he Is best at ma fame, hotly protested things.” The new composition Is rally, "to Judge my that sort of thing.” decision. entitled "Alma Martyr.” chair, er—the mayor's chair.” in a 99.98 one. dismisses them, conspicuous roles, Mr Horton Is seen gether in a series of situations tnat beats up his pals, as a divorce lawyer who works hard keep the audience on the qul vive of captures the girl, rides with her to SAY but when excitement until tho climax Is STARTING TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) WHAT THE PRESS AGENTS by day In his profession, a justice of the peace and marries to reached both husbands become the clock strikes eight, he begins and It Is what ‘You men have a code of morals for yourselves! but I’m going his desire reconciled to their wives. her against her protests. in which 55 of "bloom." That Is to say, lonely to the too!” A who believed In the vows latst Day of W Ilrondol anil Fill edy Hollywood's makes one of play game wife marriage for the comradeship of women other It will be shown to-night, to- follows, however, that In "Mr Lemon of Orange” greatest stars participate. It Is to filmed. gets a rude awakening In this fascinating story of modern mar- D'Orsay than his obsesses him at morrow and Friday at 2:20, 4:45, the most dazzling dramas yet Palace Theater be presented as the main event of a wife, night, riage! And when she tries a man's code of morals, you'll At t'oi-Puli Is 7:00 and 9:30 with a bril- Others id the cast are Kenneth show at theaters especially when his wife out of together drama and of an big Master 2,500 Olive Tell, J. Farrell experience thrills, entertainment un- Players' and Patrons' town for an Indefinite stay. liant surrounding program. Thompson, usual sort! The biggest laughing hit of the celebrating AJacDonald, Tom Dugan and Blanche Jubilee. It happens that Mrs Smith, wife In "Mr Lemon of “WOMAN HUNGRY” AND Frederic!. A Picture with year Waterbury, Never before has such a gal- of the lawyer, splendidly portrayed Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer “SWANEE RIVER” TWO HITS The companion feature la "Swanee Orange,” a Fox Movietone picture of stars been assembled for by Miss Kalston, is absent when Telia Norman axy ON STRAND DOUBLE BILL River" based on the famous old song Adolphe Mary come from Smith "blooms.” He is unaware starring HI Brendel In a sensational one picture. They name. It is a saga of Two screen hits "Woman of the same MENJOU HYAMS FOSTER DUNCAN will all the producing companies; they that she Is returning that evening talking double role, and Kifl D’Orsay, to the Mississippi river country and dis- of when wife of the Great Hungry" and "Swanee River” are — — times to- represent every type actor Wane, Zero, a love romance as See It at 1:49 4:29 7:09 and 9:49 be unreeled for the last the dual feature closes as beautiful from dramatic to slap-stick; a famous impersonator in vaudeville, be found on pro- Kxtra Added Feature on the Same Bill day on the Fox-Poll theater screen you have ever witnessed. The prin- barrier has been let down calls on him to have him arrange gramme the Strand offers its pa- "ATLANTIC” at 3:09 — 5:49 and 8:29 starting at 1. 3:12: 5:34 and #:48 every cipal players are Grant Withers and to make this the funniest, the for a divorce. He blooms ardently trons for three days, starting to-day. Fox Movietone News "It speaks for Itself” m. of Is the Thelma Todd, the latter making her p. "Mr Lemon Orange” after she has told him the of “Woman Hungry” is without a salesman most hilarious production ever story front talkies romance of a Swedish toy one the most Vit- first departure comedy EAST times to-day on a screen. her marital unhappiness, and he In- doubt of exquisite l am Orange, N. J.. who is mistaken projected its and proving her capable of the finer In The list of alone is duces her to meet him at a night aphone pictures ever filmed with El Brcndcl and Flfl D’Orsay for a notorious players art of dramatic acting. It is a pic- by a rival gang club in the Zero ar- beautiful scenic backgrounds and enough to make motion picture later evening.
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