• JAMAICA TIMES • ASTORIA TIMES • FOREST HILLS LEDGER • LAURELTON TIMES LARGEST AUDITED • QUEENS VILLAGE TIMES COMMUNITY • RIDGEWOOD LEDGER NEWSPAPER IN QUEENS • HOWARD BEACH TIMES • RICHMOND HILL TIMES Jan. 10-16, 2014 Your Neighborhood - Your News® FREE ALSO COVERING ELMHURST, JACKSON HEIGHTS, LONG ISLAND CITY, MASPETH, MIDDLE VILLAGE, REGO PARK, SUNNYSIDE Irish immigrants no longer Hot events big presence in Woodside this winter Page 5 QGuide Page 33 Boy’s funeral draws crowd Floyd Flake’s of thousands BY BILL PARRY housing unit Thousands of people packed the Blessed Sacrament Church in Jackson Heights Tuesday morn- ing for the funeral of Christopher Miller, the 7-year-old boy who died in a house fire on New Year’s loses city deal Day. The crowd was so large there were people kneeling in the aisles Two Jamaica buildings go to developer during the service. The Rev. Patrick Burns cel- ebrated the emotional mass, call- ing the second-grader at PS 148 “a BY RICH BOCKMANN the gut-rehabilitation agreement special little boy whose death was Allen Affordable made with the tragic.” An arm of the Rev. Floyd city Department of Housing Pres- Many of Christopher’s class- Flake’s Allen AME Church ervation and Development in mates and teachers filled the pews turned over a pair of derelict 2006, property records show. and teammates from the Elmjack apartment buildings to a Brook- A spokesman for the depart- Little League team that he played lyn-based nonprofit developer ment said Allen Affordable’s on wore baseball jerseys with a several months ago project stalled due memorial patch on the left sleeve. after it failed to ren- to capacity issues Christopher was killed when ovate them under a and challenges with he was trapped by the flames of a city-run affordable tenants, and the two fire that gutted the family home, housing program, partners agreed that at 30-38 90th St., in East Elmhurst. TimesLedger News- in the interest of mov- His brother Matthew, 13, survived papers has learned. ing the project for- and is still recovering from burns In June, Flake’s ward a new developer at Weill-Cornell Hospital. Allen Affordable should be brought in. The two brothers were sleep- Housing Develop- Records show ing in a second-floor bedroom ment Fund Corp. the construction when two house guests built a sold two southeast delays caused HPD fire in a first-floor hearth and left Queens buildings to pull the federal it unattended without a screen. ON DASHER, ON EDDIE! that had appeared funding allocated to Sparks from the fire ignited pil- A bulldog named Eddie pulls Milena Swidzinski with Paula Wojtania hold- on the city public ad- REV. FLOYD FLAKE Flake’s group, and lows, blankets and a couch before ing onto her through the snow at Juniper Valley Park. See more photos vocate’s slumlords the Brooklyn-based spreading to Christmas decora- on Page 18. Photo by Christina Santucci list to the Mutual Housing Asso- non-profit is currently working tions, according to the FDNY. ciation of New York, a Brooklyn- on the renovations with most of Continued on Page 46 based developer that took over Continued on Page 46 A CNG Publication Vol. 2 No. 2 52 total pages 2 TL Friend of 50 Cent killed Ridgewood homes COM . planned on toxic lot Cops looking for at least one gunman in Springfi eld Gds. shooting BY SARINA TRANGLE state guidelines, according TIMESLEDGER to paperwork 1614 Madi- BY RICH BOCKMANN A developer has sub- son Partners filed with the mitted plans to construct DEC. Police were looking a seven-story, 90-unit resi- The DEC received a for one or two masked gun- dential building on top of draft investigation work men who killed a southeast . 10-16, 2014 . 10-16, 2014 a brownfield site in Ridge- plan for the site and invited AN Queens hip-hop artist with wood. the public to share feedback , J ties to rapper 50 Cent in Just before the new through Jan. 10 on how the EDGER Springfield Gardens last year, Essex Capital Part- LLC proposes to examine L week. ners Ltd., a Manhattan- the site’s contamination. IMES T Jamal Green, who also based national real estate After adjusting the went by the stage name firm, submitted paperwork investigation plan, if nec- Mazaradi Fox, was killed to demolish a shuttered essary, 1614 Madison Part- early in the evening of post office and two one- ners will use the results Jan. 3 when one or two un- story commercial build- of environmental tests to known gunmen opened fire ings, at 16-14 through 16-32 compile a report and draft on the SUV he and three Madison St., and build a a proposed cleanup plan. others were sitting in at 63,395-square-foot apart- The public may view and the corner of 134th Avenue ment building in their comment on the proposal and Farmers Boulevard in place. The developer plans before the state decides Springfield Gardens, police to include 46 parking spots, whether to sign off on it. said. according to city Depart- Preliminary tests Green, 42, was shot in ment of Building filings. found concentrations of tet- the torso and pronounced Essex Capital did not rachloroethene — common- dead at the scene, while the return a call for comment. ly known as PCE — above other three victims were The company, through Continued on Page 46 taken to area hospitals, po- a limited liability corpora- lice said. tion called 1614 Madison A 21-year-old man Jamal Green, (r.) also known as Mazaradi Fox, used a photo of himself and rapper 50 Cent as his Partners, purchased 16-14 with a gunshot wound to Twitter picture. through 16-32 Madison St. his neck and shoulder was 1/2-year stint for attempted Jackson, who grew up in the rapper tweeted. for $4.7 million in August. taken to Jamaica Hospital assault. South Jamaica. According to several That same month, 1614 in critical condition, police He had been released The megastar signed news reports, Green helped Madison Partners inked a said. from the Queensboro cor- Green to his G-Unit record raise D’aja Robinson, the Brownfield Cleanup Pro- A 22-year-old man who rectional facility in Long label in 2007 and the two 14-year-old girl who was gram agreement with the was shot in the leg and a Island City on parole just worked together on a num- shot dead while riding a state Environmental De- 32-year-old woman who two weeks before he was ber of mix tapes. city bus in South Jamaica partment of Conservation. was grazed on the neck killed and was staying in Green never put out earlier this year. Under the cleanup initia- were taken to different hos- an apartment with his girl- his own album, however, The rapper paid for the tive, the state attempts to pitals in stable condition, friend just down the street and in 2008 his deal with horse and carriage that car- spur owners of contami- police said. from where he was shot, the record label dissolved, ried the slain teen’s casket nated property to redevelop Authorities said they according to the woman’s according to mtv.com. to her memorial services the sites by offering them were looking for one or 20-year-old son, who said he Hours after Green was at the Allen A.M.E. Cathe- tax benefits to remediate two gunmen in masks who did not know much about killed, 50 Cent took to Twit- dral. the pollution. drove away in a black ve- the rapper. ter to mourn his friend’s The developer’s two-lot hicle. “All he did was talk death. Reach reporter Rich purchase once housed the Essex Capital Partners Ltd. Green had served sev- about his music,” Karon “Saddened by the Bockmann by e-mail at Philru Knitting Mill and seeks to build a 90-unit eral years in prison, first on Woods said. news of Mazaradi’s tragic [email protected] contains concentrations of apartment building on two a four-year term on weap- Green was best known passing my thoughts and or by phone at 718-260-4574. a toxic chemical often used Ridgewood lots it has entered ons charges beginning in in the music world for his prayers go out to his fam- to dry clean fabrics and de- into the Brownfield Cleanup 2001 and most recently a 2 ties to 50 Cent, aka Curtis ily and friends #smsaudio,” grease metals that exceed Program. Photo by Sarina Trangle IN THIS ISSUE HOW TO REACH US Police Blotter ........................................................8 Focus on Queens ................................................20 MAIL: 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY 11361 Editorials and Letters ................................. 12-13 Focus on Education ....................................23-24 PHONE: Display Advertising: (718) 260-4521 — Editorial: (718) 260-4545 Political Action ....................................................14 QGuide ............................................................33-37 FAX: Advertising: (718) 224-5821 — Classified: (718) 260-2549 QueensLine ...........................................................14 Dining Out ............................................................34 Editorial (718) 224-2934 I Sit and Look Out ...............................................15 Sports ............................................................43-45 E-MAIL: Editorial: [email protected] Display Advertising: [email protected] New Voices ............................................................15 Classified ........................................................47-51 Classified: [email protected] On Point .................................................................16 TO SUBSCRIBE: Call (718) 260-4521 Copyright©2014 Queens Publishing Corp. TIMESLEDGER is published weekly by News Community Newspaper Holdings Inc., 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY. 11361, (718) 229-0300. The entire contents of this publication are copyright 2014. All rights reserved. The newspaper will not be liable for errors appearing in any advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Periodicals postage paid at Flushing, N.Y.
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