VOLUME 3 NUMBER 4 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS FEBRUARY, 1951 EMMANUEL BASI(ETEERS SHINE Meet Some Emmanuel Seniors Sodality Plans Sports Interest Grows at Emmanuel The following students have been chosen to represent One of the many activities introduced this year at Em­ their particular fields for their outstanding academic s uc­ Lent manuel College is intercollegiate basketball. The efforts and cess. Sodality plans for Lent at Em- skill of player-coach Polly Neelon, Senior, have resulted in a NORMA HALLIDAY - English manuel, center about active par- s mooth-working team which has competed with some of the A wedding in June will initiate Norma's ticipation by the entire student best collegiate teams in New England. The managerial duties life after graduation. She doesn't plan on body in the work of the Con- have been assumed and capably handled by Rosemary Sei- leaving her English major behind, however, fraternity of Christian Doctrine_ for she hopes to find time for creative writing In this regard Reverend Albert __________bert, Sophomore._ Emmanuel has showed herself as well as book reviews for the town paper. W. Low was present at the stu­ to be a growing threat in com· Her hobbies during her four years of college dent assembly and later in the Notre Dame petition with Baroness Possa have very conveniently centered around cook- chapel on Monday, F ebruary 12 School of Physical Education, ing. She is marrying Charles Frippc and to tell students about the activi­ Novices Boston University, Boston Col· they will live in Winthrop. ties of the Confraternity and to lege School of Nursing, Rivier enroll t~1techists who will teach On February second, the College (Nashua, New Hamp­ in the Mission Church parish. feast of the Purification, MARGARET HINCHEY - Biology shire), and Boston Teachers Col· As Catholic college students we three members of the Em­ lege. The game on February 13th, There are two widely divergent fields of have an obligation to impart our manuel Class of 1950, receiv­ with Rivier College was one of activity open to Margie after June. Which knowledge to others less well ed the white veil of a NoviCe the most exciting that the girls she will choose no one knows. As a matter informed. The purpose of the of Notre Dame. They were have played to date. With Polly of fact, no one except Margie knows exactly Confraternity is the spread of l'Teelon leading the scoring, Em· what these fields are. All that we can be the kingdom of Christ on earth Marion Rielly, Louise Clasby, manuel went into the last min· sure of is that she has eight complete place and we, as Catholic college stu- and Barbara Eaton. In reli­ utes of the game with a one settings. If she chooses a career, she says dents are "sowers of the seed." gion Miss Rielly will be point lead, and lost a heart· Lenten practices recommended known as Sister Thomas Julie, that it will be in her major fi eld. ureaker in the last few seconds by the Sodality are: attendance Miss Clasby as Sister Marie by a score of 29-31. The Em­ at daily Mass, Stations of the St. John, and Miss Eaton as ELEANOR HIGGINS - Education manuel team hopes to redeem Cross and Rosaries for world Sister Marie St. Laurence. this loss at their next meeting Although majoring in Engli sh and minol'- peace. Lenten suggestions are Th h - ese tree, if you remember, with the Rivier team in New ing in his tory, Ellie started to ta\,E' education p8sted on the Sodality bulletin Hampshire later this month. It courses when she was a S op h omore. She wi! I boar'd in addition to charts which were on the Student Council is hoped that interest and en­ put these courses to wori{ when she starts sl.udents are asl-{ed to sign pledg­ for the school year 1949-50. thusiasm wllI grow at Emmanuel teaching in the Fall. Her free time is bal- ing Olal recitation of the Rosary. M1SS Rielly served as Sodality as the team continues to improve. anced between indulging in each of the cur- Continuing the plan of first se- Prefect, Miss Clasby as N.F.­ rent season's sports and entertaining a visitor 111 este1' each class has a day des­ C.C.::3. Delegate and Miss Eat­ from New Jersey. ignated on which class members on was t he N.S.A. Delegate. Glee Club Strikes are asked to take over the reci­ Emmanuel wishes all bless­ RITA COLANTUONO - Sociology tation of the Hosary. Wew Note ings to these new laborers in The Glee Club has wheels! Horseback-riding is one of Rita's favorite Father John Kenney. O.P .. ad­ dressed assembly on Thursday, the Vineyard of the Lord. Sunday, February 18, it left t1:1e hobbies. She is probably one of the few February 15, on the subject of May their Harvest be golden College for its first concert away equestriennes who can truthfully claim that Our Lady of Fatima. All stu­ from Boston in Providence, R. I., when she falls off a horse the horse falls too. Lents are urged to jOin in First and their reward everlasting! where the members were the Rita hopes to start her career in social ser­ Saturday devotion. guests of the Musical Clubs Q£ vice work particularly in the Child Placement April Assembly Providence College. After a briel field during the summer. She will probably Summer Job Idea: On Tuesday, April 3, at the rehearsal of the combined selec· go on working in Jamestown, New York after noonday assembly, Emmanuel tions, the concert began in the she marries Paul Gaudin which she plans on Clamp Counselor will welcome the Vienna Choir ballroom of the Hotel Sheraton­ doing soon. She's the lively companion-ad­ Biltmore. The selections included viser to a group of young camp­ Boys. It is indeed a privilege ers. She helps with at least one to have such world-famous Serenade from "The Student RENA THEMISTOCLES - History camp activity; dancing, nature­ 1:l ingers visit us and deepen Prince," "On the Road to Manda­ Whether to teach or go into rescarch study, music, handicrafts, swim­ lay," selections from "The Re­ our appreciation of the work is Rita's main problem at the moment. ming or l'iding. She should have demption," and a Bach chorale. She would prefer to teach history but r e­ a deep interest in child welfare world's best music. and character building work, a The girls were feted later at search work on a magazine seems to interest liking for outdoor life, ability to Providence College with a buffet her very much. Since her home is in South­ get along with young people. She Sophs Sponsor supper before they boarded the bridge, too far for commuting, she has becn must be 18 years or over with at buses to return to Boston. living quite contentedly with Mrs. Carroll at. least one semester of college, and t.he River-way. Rita likes to knit as can be group work experience (can be Easter Highlight volunteer work). Salaries: $75 to pl'Oved by the one pair of sox she has been $200 for eight week season, plus During Easter Week we Second Council \"\ orking on for the past two months. If they maintenanc ~ ~n d round trip will have the traditional Soph­ transportation expenses. For de­ lYleeting of N.F .C.C.S. were her own s ize they wouldn't have taken omore Bridge, Tea, and Fash­ The second council meeting of so long. tails see the ApPointment Bu­ --------- reau. ion Show. The Committee, the New England Region, N.F.C. Announcing A Short Story Contest under Chairman Joan Mc- C.S. was held at Mt. Saint Mary A National Short Story Con­ ella Gable, O.S.B., Richard SUl­ In Memolliam Nary, inc Iud e s Rosemary College, in Hooksett, N. H., the test is now under way, spon­ livan and Joseph Dever, all no­ Barry, Jane Berestecki, Ann weekend of February 10 and 11. wred by the Liturgy commis­ The members of the student ted Catholic authors. Three cash body wish to extend their sincere Carrigan, Dorothy Cernigli- Twenty-two colleges in New Eng­ sion to the N.F.C.C.S. aro, Elaine Corcoran, Elaine land were represented. Emman­ The only condition or require­ awards are offered, and the first sympathy to the following memo bel'S of the faculty and student uel was better represented than ment for entry is that the story prize story will be published in Fogel, Elaine Geddes, Nancy should have as an underlying the June issue of The Catholic body upon their recent bereave­ any other with Helen Morrissey, ments: Hug h e s, Patricfa Linehan, theme, the reflection of Catholic World. Stories should be from Anna Lopez, Margaret Mc­ Mary Harnedy! Nancy Hughes, 1200-2000 words, and will be ELIZABETH V. MAHONEY Social Living. The subject mat- Carthy, Ruth McGinn, Patri­ Joan Adams, Maria Mahon.ey, 1e r and method of treatment is judged on originality and sub­ FATHER FRANCIS C. FRECH· Lorraine Curley, Carol Doane, left to your originality. The tlety of treatment. Entries ETTE, S.M. cia McGonagle, Marie Mc­ Aileen Coughlin, Marie Connors, s tudents from every Catholic should be mailed before March MARIANNE O'ROURKE, '54 Grath, Mary McMahon, Mary Rosemary Barry, Mary McMa· college in this country will be 25 to National Short Story Con­ ELLEN DEVEREUX, '52 Mahoney, Mary Provost, J ose­ hon, Elaine Corcoran, Joan Mul­ entering this contest.
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