The OREGON POLITICAL FIELD GUIDE 2014 Randy Stapilus !annah !"##$an RIDENBAUGH PRESS Carlton, Oregon Introduction The Oregon Blue Book is an on%oin% &lassi&' F"( de&ade it ha been one "# the #inest state (e#e(en&e any*he(e in the &ounty+ "ne "# the $ost in#"($ation­pa&-ed a *ell a sli&-ly­p("duced' It. on $y )""-shel# /a&tually+ $ost "# the edition #("$ the last #e* de&ade &("*d $y )""-shel0e 1+ and it /they1 %et (e%ula(ly used' 2ut n" )""- &an "( should t(y t" be all thin% ' As a state publication /and despite it sour&e in the Se&(eta(y "# State. "##ice1+ it %oe a little light on ele&tion (esult + p(obably an app(op(iate de&ision' Any"ne *h" *ant the detail + espe&ially a they $"0e t"*a(d the $ic(" &"pi&+ ha t" l""- else*he(e' And that $ay $ean l""-in% in a bun&h "# pla&e and (e"(%anizin% a lot "# data+ not t" $ention puttin% it int" "$e &"nte4t /de#initely an a(ea *he(e a public publication ought not t" %"1' The O(e%on !ist"(ical S"&iety did+ in 1567+ publish a n"* ha(d­t",#ind )""- /"ne I.$ #"(tunate t" ha0e #ound #"( $y &olle&tion1 &alled Oregon Votes: 1858­1972+ )y 2urton 8' Onstine /*ith 9(ista Ad-in + Robe(t D(a-e+ :a(0in P(ice and Ric- Paulson+ #"(e*"(d )y ;ohn Swa(thout1' It. a *onde(#ul &"$pendium "# (esult t" the &ounty le0el #"( $a<"( "##ice (a&e /p(esident+ %"0e(n"(+ $e$be( "# Con%(e 1 th(ough those yea( ' I.0e #ound n" update sin&e, thou%h+ and apa(t #("$ a sh"(t int(oduct"(y se&tion+ the $ate(ial is st(ictly statistical = n" &onte4t' And n" u),$a<"( "##i&e &onte4t' In 15>5 t*" &l" e obse(0e( "# O(e%on politic + Da0id 2uchanan and Pa$ Fe((a(a+ p("duced The Almanac of Oregon Politics: The histor of state legislati!e elections 1972­88 /published independently at C"(0allis; Elaine Cull *a noted a edit"(1' As the title indi&ate + the )""- #"&used tightly on le%islati0e ele&tion + not "$ethin% any )""- / " #a( a I &an tell1 had done be#"(e+ and p("0idin% "$e &onte4tual analysis a well a statistical )a&-%(ound' A se&ond edition "# the )""- &a$e out in 1554+ but none sin&e' /2oth edition + a *ith Oregon Votes+ *e(e highly use#ul in puttin% t"%ethe( this ne* 0olu$e+ and $y than- %" t" all the people in0ol0ed *ith the$1' This )""-+ a you &an tell #("$ @uic-ly lea#in% th(ough the pa%e + is hea0ily numbe( ,d(iven' I don.t la&- #"( opinion on politic + policy and politician + and I *(ite about the$ in 0a(ious othe( pla&e + but this )""- is about *in + losse and numbe( + and dire&t e4t(apolation #("$ those' A #e* %ene(al &on&lusion + "$e a##e&tin% the st(uctu(e and &ontent "# the )""-+ a(e *"(th notin% up #(ont' Pa(ty $e$be( hip is &(itical+ and pa(ty identification ha be&"$e e0e( $"(e imp"(tant' The numbe( bea( this out' This isn.t a &on&lusion that *ould ha0e been espe&ially ")0ious, "( $aybe e0en (easonable+ a %ene(ation a%"' One othe( political )""- on $y shel# is &alled The Ticket "#litter: A $e% &orce in American Politics+ a 1562 )""- )y 8alte( De A(ie and Lan&e Ta((an&e+ *h" a(%ued = with st(on% (easonin% = that pa(tie *e(e )e&"$in% le imp"(tant+ and 0"ter in&(easin%ly *e(e splittin% their tic-et + e0e( le loyal t" pa(tie ' That wa then' In the 60 and >0 + pa(ty adhe(en&e /by (e%ist(ation1 in O(e%on "#ten (an a#oul "# h"* 0ote( a&tually &"st their ballot ' In the last &"uple "# de&ade + the $at&hup 1 In the last Con%(e + 8yden t""- the &hair "# the C"$$ittee "n Ene(%y and Natural Re "ur&e + be&"$in% the #irst O(e%on &hair "# a #ull Senate &"$$ittee sin&e :a(- !at#ield at App(op(iation in 155B' In that (ole+ in N"0e$be( 2017+ he (eleased a ne* l"%%in% plan #"( public land in O(e%on+ *hich is a p(etty )ig depa(tu(e #("$ *hat ha been d"ne be#"(e' !at#ieldC lon%­(unnin% Senate &ollea%ue+ R"be(t Pa&-*""d+ &haired Finan&e #("$ 15>D­>D and a%ain in 155D be#"(e (e ignin% #("$ the Senate' In late 2017+ Finan&e Chair :a4 2aucus aid that he planned t" (esign #("$ the Senate ea(ly in 2014' That open the &hair "# the )(oadly p"*e(#ul &"$$ittee+ "ne "# the $ost in#luential in the &ha$be(+ t" 8yden' In his #irst (un #"( the Senate+ 8yden p("$ised that if he *on he *ould hold t"*n hall $eetin% annually in e0e(y &ounty in the state' As "# the end "# end "# 2017+ he had held B67 "# the$' 8yden is up #"( (e,ele&tion in 201B' Counties' Alth"u%h 8yden ha *"n his %ene(al ele&tion /aside #("$ the #irst a%ainst S$ith1 *ith la(%e $a(%in + he ha not been able t" &(a&- "$e "# the $" t Republican &ountie in the state+ though he ha *on $a<"(itie e0en in "$e "# th"se' In 2010+ Republi&an !uf#$an *"n in 2a-e(+ C(""-+ Cur(y+ De &hute /0e(y na(("*ly1+ Dougla + G(ant+ !a(ney+ ;e##e(son+ ;osephine+ 9la$ath+ La-e+ Linn+ :alheu(+ :"(("*+ She($an+ U$atilla+ Union+ 8all"*a and 8heele( = <ust "0e( hal# "# O(e%on. &ountie ' That *a a &onside(able imp("0e$ent #"( Republican "0e( 2004+ *hen 8yden lost "nly G(ant+ !a(ney and :alheur' O( 155>+ *hen 8yden lost only :alheur = the only &ounty he ha ne0e( *on in a %ene(al ele&tion' Apa(t #("$ his 15>0 &ontest *ith Dun&an+ 8yden ha had only one se(ious p(ima(y &"ntest+ in 155D #a&in% /$ostly1 DeFa3io. 8yden. "0e(all $a(%in *a not la(%e but he *on 26 "# O(e%on. 7B &"untie ? DeFa3io t""- 2enton+ C"" + Cur(y+ De &hute + Dougla /"0e(*hel$in%ly1+ ;a&-son+ ;osephine+ Lane and Linn = $ost "# the$ &ente(ed a("und his 4th !ouse dist(ict' Pa&-*""d had held the seat sin&e 15B>+ *hen he beat De$"&(at /#"($e(ly independent+ and be#"(e that Republican1 8ayne :"(se+ the lon%­ time in&umbent' /:"(se had %otten the(e )y de#eatin% anothe( Republican+ Rufus !ol$an+ in the p(ima(y'1 2e#"(e :"(se+ the seat had alte(nated bet*een the pa(tie + though not in e0en balan&e' Republi&an had held the seat #"( about B0 yea( + De$"&(at #"( about 26' Sen Democrat Republican 2010 Ron Wyden 825,507 57.22% Jim Huffman 566,199 39.24% 2004 Ron Wyden 1,128,728 63.45% Al King 565,254 31.77% 1998 Ron Wyden 682,425 61.13% John Lim 377,739 33.84% 1996 Ron Wyden 571,739 48.38% Gordon Smith 553,519 46.84% 1992 Les Aucoin 639,851 46.49% Robert Packwood 717,455 52.13% 1986 Rick Bauman 375,735 36.40% Robert Packwood 656,317 33.65% 1980 Ted Kulongoski 501,963 45.79% Robert Packwood 594,290 54.21% 1974 BettyRoberts 338,591 44.58% Robert Packwood 420,984 55.42% 7 In his late( te($ 8u be&a$e $"(e &ont("0e(sial+ n"t "0e( policy /*he(e he see$ed %ene(ally t" be in line *ith both his &aucus and &on%(essional dist(ict1 but on a pe(sonal le0el' In 2010+ the Oregonian and 'illamette 'eek (ep"(ted that he had sh"*n a patte(n "# e((atic beha0ior and $any "# his -ey sta##e( had a)(uptly @uit+ and in 2011 he *a a&&used "# an un*anted se4ual en&ounte(' !e (esigned on August 7 that yea(' That t(ig%e(ed a spe&ial ele&tion+ "( (athe( t*" = p(ima(y ele&tion on the n"($al ea(ly N"0e$be( date+ and a %ene(al &"n&ludin% "n ;anua(y 71' :ost "# the p(ima(y attention *ent t" the De$"&(at + *here th(ee p("$inent "##i&eh"lde( #iledE State La)"( C"$$issione( /and #"($e( 8ashin%ton County le%islat"(1 2(ad A0a-ian+ Senat"( Suzanne 2ona$ici and Rep(esentati0e 2(ad 8itt' 2ona$ici *a the ea y *inne(+ ta-in% 45+621 0ote /BD'D>F in a #ield "# eight &andidate 1' The Republi&an /*innin% in a #ield "# #ive1 *a R") C"(nille + *h" had lost t" 8u the yea( be#"(e' The %ene(al ele&tion that yea( *a (elati0ely @uiet+ pittin% 2ona$ici a%ainst Delinda :"(%an+ one "# the unsuc&e #ul &andidate #"( the Republican n"$ination in the spe&ial ele&tion' 2ona$ici *"n easily' 2ona$ici’ #irst yea( in C"n%(e ha0e been (elatively @uiet+ although she did 0oice "$e &"n&e(n about the imple$entation "# the A##"(dable Ca(e A&t+ and she ha )een a st(on% supp"(te( "# STE: / &ien&e+ te&hnol"%y+ en%inee(in% and $ath1 edu&ation' She $ade headline in N"0e$be( 2017 #"( de#endin% the !ouse S&ien&e C"$$itteeC plan t" hold a hea(in% discussin% e4t(ate((est(ial life+ though ayin%+ GI# $e$ber "# Con%(e *e(e "&&upyin% #l""( ti$e *ith discussion "# e4t(ate((est(ial life+ that *ould be a p(oble$'H PARTY REGISTRATION Noted in N"0e$be( "# ea&h yea(' Dem % Rep % N/A % Total 2012 173,447 39.94% 130,328 30.01% 103,052 23.73% 434,234 2010 179,281 42.56% 127,713 30.31% 92,166 21.88% 421,287 2006 150,417 38.50% 135,700 34.74% 92,715 23.73% 390,646 2002 136,738 37.98% 132,683 36.86% 80,311 22.31% 359,980 GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS Democrat Republican 2012** Suzanne Bonamici 197,845 59.69% Delinda Morgan 109,699 33.10% 2012* Suzanne Bonamici 89,896 54.36% Rob Cornilles 64,725 39.14% 2010 David Wu 160,357 54.82% Rob Cornilles 122,858 42.00% 2008 David Wu 237,567 72.40% - 0 0.00% 2006 David Wu 169,409 62.94% Derrick Kitts 90,904 33.77% 2004 David Wu 203,771 57.76% Ameri Goli 135,164 38.31% 2002 David Wu 149,215 62.76% Jim Greenfield 80,917 34.03% *special election, January 2012 **general election, November 2012 15 in 2000 /he *ould late( (un t*ice #"( %"0e(n"(1+ *hen he *a (epla&ed )y anothe( De$"&(atic le%islat"(+ Randall Ed*a(d ' !e t"" se(0ed t*" te($ until te($­limited+ in 200>' !is (epla&e$ent wa anothe( De$"&(atic le%islat"(+ but othe(*ise one "# the $ost distin&ti0e O(e%on political #igure in (e&ent yea( ' 2en 8estlund+ a (an&he( and busine $an #("$ the 2end a(ea+ had se(0ed in the !ouse and Senate a a Republican' !e be&a$e le &"$#"(table "0e( time *ith the Republican Pa(ty+ h"*e0e(+ in 200D (e,(e%iste(in% a an independent+ and (an #"( %"0e(n"( in 200B unde( that label' /!e then d(opped out and end"(sed De$"&(at Ted 9ulon%" -i'1 8estlund #inished his t(ansition in late 200B+ be&"$in% a De$"&(at+ and #iled #"( t(easure( in 200>' !e had n" p(ima(y &onte t but *a held t" a $odest *in by Republican Allen Alley+ *h" *ould (un #"( %"0e(n"( t*" yea( late(' 8estlund *a al(eady a &an&e( ur0iv"( by that point+ but in ea(ly 2010 he had an a%%(essi0e (e&ur(en&e+ and died on :a(&h 6 that yea(' 9ulon%" -i appointed a his (epla&e$ent Ted 8heele(+ a #inan&e indust(y e4e&utive *h" #our yea( be#"(e had been ele&ted &hair "# the :ultn"$ah County C"$$ission' 8heele( st""d #"( ele&tion late( that yea( /t" #ill the (est "# the four­yea( te($1+ and de#eated Republican State Senat"( Ch(is Tel#e(+ *h" (ep(esented 8estlund.

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