UNION REAPER CONFERENCES CENTRAL STATES, COLORADO, KANSAS. MISSOURI. NEBRASKA AND WYOMING VOLUME XXXIII COLLEGE VIEW, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SEPT. 8, 1964 NUMBER 35 division fields you would give sacrificially MOVING FORWARD on September 12 to see these new hori- zons reached. W. A. HowE, Associate Secretary Gener al Conference Department of Education One day's income is suggested as a One of the factors contributing to the the offerings taken on this day will be possible contribution. You may feel fin- thrust of the Advent Movement originates appropriated. The realization of such pressed to give much more. It is to be in a holy dissatisfaction with the status projects will be dependent upon your hoped that you will make this a matter quo. The impelling force of reaching out generosity. A new hospital is the project of earnest prayer that God will direct in farther and farther with the third angel's for one area, an enlarged publishing the size of your offering for these des- message makes the lighting of all the house in another, and a new secondary perately needed "extras." earth with His glory our goal. With a school to be located in another division. Every one of the letters regarding vision for doing more and still more for One of our foreign colleges will devote these projects included both an urgent God in terms of reaching men every- its share to a new library, while another appeal for help and a thank you in ad- where, the entire membership of the division will erect some much-needed vance. We join in thanking you in ad- church thrills at each new report of ad- church buildings. If each of you could vance for your help in this Missions vancing work throughout the world field. check the projects planned by the various Extension Offering. One provision for involvement in this thrilling extension of denominational ef- CONGRESS HIGH LIGHTS fort is the annual Missions Extension Of- L. G. BARKER, Public Relations Secretary fering that will be taken throughout our History was made in the Central Union, The keynote speaker was Elder J. E. organization on September 12 for the August 11-15, 1964, when for the first Edwards, home missionary secretary of specific extension of publishing, educa- time in the history of the denomination the General Conference. Other outstand- tional, and medical work in the mission the home missionary and the missionary ing leaders who gave instructional help fields. This is to provide for certain cru- volunteer departments joined in a United in workshops were A. A. Esteb, L. M. cial needs in these fields that simply can't Evangelism Congress. About 1,000 dele- Nelson, T. E. Lucas, Maybelle Vander- be covered in the regular budgets. gates and friends assembled at the Mu- mark, C. E. Guenther, John Hancock, Projects have been voted in the various nicipal Auditorium in Kansas City for the W. S. Jesske, E. N. Wendth, E. E. Cleve- foreign divisions to which their share of opening night. land, D. A. Delafield, and H. E. Clasing. Partial view of delegation in attendance on Sabbath. Approximately 3,500 were there. OQ ZI NOICUIEZVI 2tArd ITKOXVI AU 2AV t►u.R..I.Llca On') 2 CENTRAL UNION REAPER CENTRAL UNION REAPER • Official Organ of the Central Union Conference An Invitation To Attend of Seventh-day Adventists Clara Anderson . Editor B. L. Schlotthauer . Managing Editor MI Convention- Subscription price $1.00 o year. All checks and money orders should be made Sept. 30-Oct. 3 payable to the CENTRAL UNION REAPER. Both old and new addresses should be given Registration: 3 p.m.-5 p.m., Sept. 30 when a change Is requested. Zip numbers should be included. Published weekly (fifty issues a year) by the First Meeting: 7:30 p.m., Sept. 30 Central Union Conference at College View Place: Denver Central Church, Station, Lincoln, Nebraska 68506. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, Ne- 895 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado braska. Program will consist of: Panels, Accepted for mailing at special rate on A( *? October 8, 1917, authorized August 20, 1929. Vr% CONVENTION Symposiums, Workshops Office at 4547 Calvert, Lincoln, Nebraska Guest Speakers: A. L. White, Mailing address: P. 0. B o x 6127. 68506. Sec. E. G. White Pub., Telephone 488-2313. I Theodore Carcich, Vice-president Union Conference Directory Gen. Conf., Office address, 4547 Calvert St., Wesley Amundsen, ASI Secretary, Mailing address, P. 0. Box 61,27 and others President R. H. Nightingale Sec.-Treas B. L. Schlqtthauer Auditor R. E. Spangle HOPE TO SEE YOU IN DENVER! ASI Sec. ....... B L. Schlotthauer Education L. G. Barker - F - HHES Mgr. W. J. Griffin Ind. Rel. R H Nightingale They were assisted by union and local On Wednesday evening a pageant, "Tools Missionary Volunteer P. M. De Booy NatJ. Ser,'ce Org. P. M. De Booy conference secretaries. For the Task," demonstrated in a dra- Publishing Dept. Sec. J. F. Kent Radio-TV E. E. Hagen Spearheading the entire program and matic way the means that are provided Religious Liberty Sec. R. H. Nightingale guiding it from its inception to a dra- to the laymen and youth of our organi- Temperance P. M. De Booy Transportation B. L. Schlotthauer matic climax were Elders E. E. Hagen, zation for soul winning. On Thursday Local Conference Directory home missionary secretary, and Paul M. evening nearly 100 people participated De Booy, missionary volunteer secretary in a pageant titled, "A Torch Held High" CENTRAL STATES W. W. Fordham, President of the Central Union Conference. depicting the growth of the Seventh-day J. E. Merideth, Secretary-Treasurer It would be difficult to select the high Adventist denomination in the Central Telephone Wabach 1-9980 2528 Benton Blvd. Kansas City 27, Mo. lights of the program because of the im- Union territory. The pageant began in portance of every activity that went on the mid-1800's and climaxed in current COLORADO H. V. Reed, President and the inspiration they brought. How- soul-winning activities in 1963. H. L. Haas, Secretary-Treasurer Telephone PEarl 3-3771 ever, one of the outstanding features was One of the featured speakers at the 2520 South Downing Denver, Colo 80210 the congress music under the direction congress was E. B. Knechtle of New KANSAS of Sunny Liu and Lyle Jewell. Two of York who told his life story of how Jesus H. C. Klement, President the musical organizations which con- S. E. White, Secretary-Treasurer led him. Taking the 11 o'clock hour on P. 0. Box 1557 Telephone CEntral 3-9639 tributed much to the success of the pro- Sabbath was our dean of preachers, Elder 1275 Topeka Blvd. Topeka, Kansas gram were the Trumpettes of Union H. M. S. Richards, who spoke on the MISSOURI College and the Gospel Choirmen from topic, "The Finished Mystery." James E. Chase, President E. L. Moore, Secretary-Treasurer Boulder, Colorado. Adding color to the The grand climax of the entire pro- Telephone FLeming 3-7113 8440 Blue Ridge Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64138 ceremony on Friday evening and at the gram followed a stirring appeal by Elder trophy hour on Sabbath afternoon were R. H. Nightingale and a commitment by Nebraska F. 0. Sanders, President a color guard and drum and bugle corps conference presidents and delegates. The L. F. Webb, Secretary-Treasurer from the Pathfinder Club in Boulder, youth carried streamers from the torch P. 0. Box 6037 488-2323 4745 Prescott Lincoln, Nebr. 68506 Colorado, directed by Richard Affolter. to their delegations indicating their con- WYOMING Lee Carter, President Leon F. Sanders, Secretary-Treasurer P. O. Box 599 237-2312 604 So. Wolcott St Casper, Wyoming Sunset Calendar Sept. 11 Sept. 18 Denver, Colorado 6:16 6:04 Grand Junction, Colo. 6:29 6:18 Topeka, Kansas 6:27 6:38 Kangas City, Missouri 6:33 6:22 St Louis, Missouri 6:16 6:05 Lincoln, Nebraska 6:43 6:32 Casper, Wyoming 6:25 6:12 Elder H.M.S. Richards' Sabbath morning service stirred the congregation. CENTRAL UNION REAPER Notice The Atchisons, with 22 years of sere. REMEMBER! To Students of Nursing In ice in the old Sanitarium (and now Me- Non-Seventh-day Adventist morial hospital), said that they, "saw REMEMBER—the Special Train- Schools of Nursing the need and wanted to see this project ing School for new literature evan- Students who are registered in non- completed before they were out of the gelists convenes at the Sheraton- Seventh-day Adventist Schools of nursing, picture." Mrs. Atchison was a graduate of the Nebraska Sanitarium and Hospital Fontenelle Hotel, Omaha, Nebras- please send your name and address to the General Conference Medical Depart- nurses course, College View, Nebraska, ka, September 14-16. For details ment. Please also give the name of the in 1910. Brother Atchison took the hydro. contact your publishing secretary institution where you are registered and therapy course at Boulder Sanitarium immediately. when you expect to receive your degree and Hospital in 1913-1914. For 22 years or diploma. We wish to send you a he and his wife were employed in the little bulletin that we send to students sanitarium health food store in Denver, tact in holding high the torch. The con- of nursing who are registered in our de- in addition to work in the nursing service ference presidents lighted their candles nominational schools of nursing. and physical therapy departments. At from the union torch and a lay delegate MAZIE A. HEBIN, R.N., present, Mr. Atchison does part-time re- from each conference carried the light Associate Secretary lief work in the physical therapy depart- to his section.
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