CIVIL SERVANT NUMBER LUCKY DRAGON CASINO- FACEBOOK UNDER DEBATE HOTEL OPENS IN VEGAS Several lawmakers claimed that An Asian-themed casino-hotel DEVELOPING there is an excessive number of catering to Chinese gamblers CENSORSHIP civil servants during the policy is the first to open in nearly six TOOL TO address presentation years along the Las Vegas Strip ENTER CHINA P2 POLICY ADDRESS P3 P11 THU.24 Nov 2016 T. 12º/ 15º C H. 70/ 95% facebook.com/mdtimes + 11,000 MOP 7.50 2691 N.º HKD 9.50 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho www.macaudailytimes.com.mo “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” WORLD BRIEFS AP PHOTO Macau-Zhongshan US The Dow Jones yachting scheme opens industrial average surpassed 19,000 for P7 the first time Tuesday as a post-election rally drove indexes further into record territory. Discount store chains made large gains, but health care companies tumbled. JEREMY JAUNCEY CHINA The U.N.’s Q&A GLOBETROTTING INSTAGRAMMER intellectual property agency says China continued to set the pace worldwide for patent applications last year, ‘There’s so much filing a record 1 million that nearly all focused on its giant home market. more to Macau than AP PHOTO everyone thinks’ P4 PHILIPPINES Armed forces chief says five military exercises with the United States, including at least two major naval drills, will be scrapped next year at the direction of President Rodrigo Duterte. More on p13 THAILAND The head of a powerful Buddhist sect in Thailand will be indicted next week on charges of money laundering and related crimes involving millions of embezzled funds that allegedly reached the temple’s coffers, prosecutors said yesterday. AP PHOTO JAPAN-SOUTH KOREA An intelligence-sharing agreement between South Korea and Japan took effect yesterday after the countries signed the pact to better monitor North Korea, Seoul officials said. More on backpage 24.11.2016 thu th Anniversary 2 MACAU 澳聞 WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO POLICY ADDRESS | SONIA CHAN Simplify procedures to cut number of civil servants, say lawmakers Renato Marques to civil servants was the lawmaker and vice president HE idea to rationali- of the AL, Lam Heong Sang, ze the number of civil who called for a change to servants in order to MARQUES RENATO the recruitment system that save on government he says is “cumbersome.” The Tresources was one of the hi- consequence of this, accor- ghlights of the second day of ding to Lam, is that staff need presentation by the Secretary to work long hours and “wait for Administration and Justi- for a long time until [the de- ce, Sonia Chan, regarding the partment] has the vacancies policy address for 2017. occupied.” Lam added “there The Q&A session held yester- are also problems for staff [in day afternoon at the Legislati- applying] to other positions ve Assembly (AL) was a con- even within the same service.” tinuation on the session held On the topic, Chan ack- the previous day, where many nowledged that currently the questions were presented to number of “career staff” is Chan. almost the same as the num- The first to address the pro- ber staff working on short- blem of the “high number” of term contracts. “We are going civil servants was lawmaker to study a way of integrating Chui Sai Peng, who suggested the workers that are already that the government simpli- working with the SAFP into fies bureaucratic procedures the career [path], starting in order to “reduce the need” with those who have been for these workers. performing [their] duties for a According to Chui, “the core long time,” she said. of the rationalization resides neighboring region of Hong fferent reference,” noting that Adding to the reply was the While Lam remarked on the in the simplification,” calling Kong to argue that there are the situation of Hong Kong is director of the Public Admi- difficulties in hiring new civil on the government to “de-bu- too many civil servants in the different. Instead she reaffir- nistration and Civil Service servants, it was Fong Chi Keong reaucratize” and ease admi- MSAR. med that “the current number Bureau (SAFP), Eddie Kou. who contrarily pointed out that nistrative procedures. Replying to the lawmaker, of civil servants is [what is] He said that, regarding the is “even harder to fire them.” The lawmaker used a compa- Secretary Chan reaffirmed, necessary to fulfill the needs simplification of procedures, “We have a lot that aren’t rison between Macau and the “we cannot compare with a di- [of Macau].” said “we have already done working […] while the others several assessments and crea- have to work a lot more [to com- ted several interdepartmental pensate] for them,” said Lam. communication circuits,” ad- According to the lawmaker, Lawmakers call for Land Law review ding that “in 2016/2017 there such an attitude “affects the will be 47 items [that will be morale of other workers and shared] and about 200 circui- produces negative influences, AWMAKERS Zheng Anting, Si Ka Lon gress of Macau.” ts [of communication] that are affecting also the work of the and Leonel Alves called for a review for the “The land law affects all our population and L related to the presentation of administrative mechanism.” land law yesterday in order to “correct mis- all economy,” continued Alves. “It should also documents.” Fong suggested that, simi- takes” made in the past with the approval in be in the group of laws [that the office of Secre- Kou also highlighted the fo- larly to what happens in Hong 2013 of the current law, which presents “im- tary Chan plans] to disclose.” cus of efforts to “reduce in- Kong, the government in Ma- portant loopholes.” Secretary Chan replied: “Regarding the conveniences” in terms of the cau should implement a regi- Referring to the particular case of the Pearl law revision, there isn’t yet a consensus in waiting times at self-service me of a one-time compensa- Horizon development, lawmakers Zheng An- society. Without consensus we won’t do kiosks. tion for an early retirement ting and Leonel Alves referred to examples of any law review.” Meanwhile, regarding the Another of the lawmakers in order to “clean” cases like foreign investors who have been defrauded by resort to the courts, “it was not the gover- raising problems relating these out of the system. the outcome. nment that took the cases to the judiciary Zheng noted that the government “ac- institutions, this was done by the interested cepted and received the payment of spe- [parties] in the defense of their rights and cial stamp duty for the acquisition of uni- interests.” 200 INTERPRETERS AND TRANSLATORS NEEDED ts [in June 2015] without any problems,” Another of the laws that Alves said needed to adding that “buyers fulfill all their res- be urgently addressed was that of the cases of TWO HUNDRED is the number tion raised by lawmaker Angela ponsibilities but now they are defrauded.” top officials who, “due to a technical reason, of new interpreters and translators Leong the previous day. Kou said “I agree with what the president of TUI [Final have no right to appeal since they are judged required in the near future in the that “more courses [are needed] in Appeal Court] said [… which was] to go to the by the TUI.” region. The figure was advanced order to attract more talent to that courts as the last resort; a solution that invol- According to the lawmaker, the problem cou- yesterday by the director of the field,” adding that the future needs ves many costs and a long period of time to a ld be easily solved if the TUI had more than the Public Administration and Civil in the finance and juridical fields resolve,” said Zheng. current three judges. He added that the impos- Service Bureau (SAFP), Eddie are still unknown, but the govern- Alves then concluded that it is a “serious pro- sibility of an appeal “is an injustice to people Kou, speaking at the Legislative ment has already created a “task Assembly (AL) in a reply to a ques- force to monitor those needs.” blem that we hope can be solved for the pro- involved and also to the society.” RM www.macaudailytimes.com.mo DIRECTOR AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION MANAGING EDITOR_Paulo Barbosa [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER + 4 Million page views Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] DESIGN EDITOR_João Jorge Magalhães [email protected] | NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_ SECRETARY Denise Lo [email protected] PER MONTH Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Daniel Beitler, Emilie Tran, Grace Yu, Ivo Carneiro de Sousa, Jacky I.F. 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JML Property, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars, Ruan Du Toit Bester | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd +11,000 like us on facebook.com/mdtimes Finantial Times, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua | SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] SEND NEWSWORTHY INFORMATION AND PRESS RELEASES TO: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO thu 24.11.2016 th Anniversary MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER 澳聞 MACAU 3 ADVERTORIAL Lucky Dragon casino-hotel opens just off Las Vegas Strip of a dragon, and the food court was built to resemble Asian ni- ght markets with multiple res- taurants and street food ven- dors.
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